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Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Tuthmosis - 03-09-2014

Setting aside the embedded racism in making the "Marisol" character a complete imbecile, note all of the feminist talking points. Pay special attention @2:40. SNL stopped being funny years ago, but this is a new facepalm-worthy level.

[Image: attachment.jpg17516]   

Clip won't embed, but here's the link:,p1

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Roosh - 03-09-2014

Men's rights activism making it big in pop culture... I'm kind of jealous.

[Image: clap2.gif]

The skit itself was cringeworthy. It fails both on a comedy level and as an honest critique. The MRM guys are not happy:

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - The Lizard of Oz - 03-09-2014

Damn. This "skit" is almost surreal.

I don't see even an attempt at any conventional comedy. All it is is white women, led by that Lena creature, lecturing and hectoring the ignorant but educable non-white female and the white "MRA" dude whose loserdom is taken for granted.

In an actual comedy, the guy, even if he is ultimately being poked fun at, would have some charm and some presence; and the comedy would be distributed amongst the different characters including the white women. Even if they are in the right as far as the comedy is concerned, they would contribute some funny or absurd moments.

But there is none of that. The white women are played completely straight -- I guess their message is just too sacred. They gang up on the loser white dude and essentially banish him from their presence. And that's all that happens. The only part that is even remotely comedic in intended effect is in the Latin woman's caricatured incomprehension of English, and of reality at large -- a reality that the white women are understood to be in complete mastery of.

I think there were Communist "skits" performed by the Viet Cong in the tunnels of Cu Chi that had more real comedy than this SNL piece. It is so claustrophobic in the totality of its ideological commitment and humorlessness that it leaves you dazed.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Teedub - 03-09-2014

Wow...just wow.

Bloody hell, this is just a dreadful sketch. I hope the laughter from the audience was uncomfortable.

Note that they made the MRA a loser. Wouldn't work quite as well if it was Idris Elba playing him, the same Idris Elba than Lena Dunham was creaming over on a British chat show.

I could dissect this clip at length but you already all know exactly what I'd say.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-09-2014

Few people outside of the manosphere will get what they were attempting to satirize.

What they did see is a bunch of unattractive women busting on a man. This is what the public will remember.

Years ago, "SNL" had women who were both really funny and cute, and didn't need to mention nudity or sex to get forced laughs. Now they have none of the above. Gilda Radner is probably rolling over in her grave.

Also, my feeling is that as soon as that huge, fat woman appears on the screen, most people tune out. If you're paying for cable, you're essentially paying to watch a fat-ass. Who is the joke on then?

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - soup - 03-09-2014


Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Wadsworth - 03-09-2014

Subtle ideological creep at work. The feminists falsely characterize the MRM as being a movement directed against planned parenthood, and the guys on r/mensrights respond by declaring their support for planned parenthood, instead of saying the MRM has nothing specifically to do with state-funded planned parenthood programs.

I wouldn't be surprised to see them start policing themselves now to avoid being dismissed as anti PP. All this because of what amounts to a feminist lie.

Personally, I don't particularly like state funding for planned parenthood. I think it's hypocritical to expect big daddy government to pay for your every need while claiming to be after equality.

More hypocritical still is the fact that feminists are the ones that are fundamentally against planned parenthood, they merely want women to be able to plan parenthood, they're certainly against PP for men.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Mekorig - 03-09-2014

Can not see the video. [Image: sad.gif]

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - soup - 03-09-2014

It's not just that Lena Dunham is physically unattractive.. She's probably the least charismatic actor working now, and probably the most overrated we've ever had.

Really- why does this person get to have her own TV show? I know that her parents hooked it up for her.

She is not even the best representative of the current cultural zeitgeist.

Her popularity Is like a cinematic fart in a car whose windows can't be opened. Annoying but harmless and lingering.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - runsonmagic - 03-09-2014

Flip the script. Imagine a skit where European man brings an overweight feminist to his weekly poker night. "Usually, I date twenty something models," he says. "But she was so persistent." The men grill her about her support of Planned Parenthood and killing babies. She admits she hasn't attracted men in a long time and agrees to go back home to her cats. The men celebrate and agree it's time for new pussy.

Still funny, or just obvious wish fulfillment?

What's funny is everything he mentioned isn't an MRA issue. If he'd been in a bitter divorce, maybe, but this is the political equivalent of black face. He's just a parody of what those women think MRA's are like. Also picking up foreign women is our gig. If he'd be a real MRA, he'd have stuck it out and not apologized for who he was. Most of those guys are argumentative to the point it's off putting.

Speaking of black face - do we even need to mention the racist caricature white feminists have of ethnic women?

The sketch is odd on so many levels. Good thing SNL isn't relevant anymore.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - runsonmagic - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 11:21 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Note that they made the MRA a loser. Wouldn't work quite as well if it was Idris Elba playing him, the same Idris Elba than Lena Dunham was creaming over on a British chat show.

Which if funny because Idris Elba was cuckolded and fooled into paying for a kid who wasn't his, so he's got a legit reason to go full MRA.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - kerouac - 03-09-2014

Women don't belong in comedy. They just aren't funny.

They ought to make a WNBA for women comedians, so we can ignore it.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Dusty - 03-09-2014

Notice at the end the land whales were making fun of Bruce for not being attractive and not having a good body. Imagine the rolls reversed where these fat broads were the butt of jokes about their bad looks and unattractive bodies.

If the same style of jokes were made about this:


There would be a call for "national dialogue" on hate and candle light vigils.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Goldmund - 03-09-2014

Notice at 3:25...Lena stumbles hard when she is supposed to explain what Planned Parenthood is.

She completely stops, has to improvise a line to catch herself "I am so upset right now" and has to STARE at the cue cards to read the lines directly.

Dumb cunt.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - soup - 03-09-2014

At least they are being honest about saying they want the alpha male instead if the usual social response: "just be yourself" "be nice to girls" etc.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - JohnKreese - 03-09-2014

[Image: swing-miss.jpg]

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - soup - 03-09-2014

Also the guy who was in the skit is a bitch.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - deathtofatties - 03-09-2014

The scene is set during a jewelry party, should have been a cat party. Ugly old cunts.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - redbeard - 03-09-2014

I don't think they realize they present liberal voting tactics on a smaller level here.

Liberal: "Hey, minorities! Isn't free stuff awesome?"
Hispanic: "Ohhh jesss I lubb free stuff for women! We need more!"
Libtard: "We should shame the men who care more about fixing our financial crisis than freebies!"

That's all it is, just blatant regard to how money works.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Rotisserie - 03-09-2014

I saw funnier commercials during the run up to the presidential election.

Those had less propaganda too.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - YossariansRight - 03-09-2014

It's another sign of where this country and it's culture is when a completely talentless and fugly landwhale like "Lena Dunham" is famous for anything more then, say, kidnapping cats and eating them while still alive.

She's a complete waste of carbon molecules and pollutes the planet with her very being.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Veloce - 03-09-2014

Verrrry interesting.

By making this skit they attempt to reinforce MRAs as some sort of fringe group that's small enough to openly mock like this. What the producers should realize is that it's a movement that's growing every year and if anything, SNL just alienated themselves further from a large male viewership.

I haven't watched SNL since the glory days (early 90s with Phil Hartman, Chris Farley, Chris Rock) but it seems like the only people who would watch this shit anyway are pudgy urbanite women and emasculated, thoroughly dickless men.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - The Lizard of Oz - 03-09-2014

The most revealing moment in the skit is when the white beta sheepishly confesses that the Latin female is "out of his league" before slinking off for good tail between his legs.

This in a nutshell is the whole purpose of contemporary feminism. It is an enforcement mechanism to ensure that no beta male ever, under any circumstances, scores above what women consider his pay grade.

Hence their peculiar hatred for yellow fever, sex tourism of any kind, "age-inappropriate relationships", whoring, and PUAs. The main thing is to ensure that by no device, whether it's wealth, travel, or trickery, should a beta male ever be able to escape his fate as a lifelong provider slave for a strictly age appropriate hag (who is always free to feel bored with him and use his money to fuck badboys on the side).

The edict does not extend to alphas and naturals -- indeed, after the beta is duly and cruelly banished without even token sympathy, the whales gleefully contemplate getting a "big muscular guy" for the now enlightened ethnic female who had committed the sin of giving unwarranted access to the geeky "MRA" beta.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - Dusty - 03-09-2014

The skit is getting a lot of attention on the interwebs.

Saturday Night Live and Lena Dunham Lampoon "Men's Rights Activists" - runsonmagic - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 01:16 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

The skit is getting a lot of attention on the interwebs.

Hmm... I think we've been trolled. If Dunham's intention was just trolling, I'd go from hating this sketch to loling.