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Are women just crazy? - Every10GivesMeA10 - 03-08-2014

I am beginning to realize all women have something wrong in their head. Not saying men are all clear headed but I am beginning to see a pattern; women are either unstable, on meds, depressed and emotional. And they display psychotic behavior.

Are women just crazy? - T and A Man - 03-08-2014

No, they are children.

Listen to children talk, "When I grow up I want to be a fire truck"... then listen to women talk. There isn't a great degree of separation.

Why? I would suspect testosterone. Men have two times where testosterone goes crazy, 2nd trimester in utero, and it determines gender and I believe the prevailing theory is it flushes out a lot of the areas where the two hemispheres of the brain connect, and has the brain adapt to isolate activity in the same hemisphere, as shown in this thread

then at the commencement of puberty, I'm sure testosterone reinforces those links.

Suspecting about excess testosterone in utero, too much would blow away too many of those connections, the ability to empathise with other people communicating, or to communicate effectively. That may manifest itself as autism and it may explain the higher propensity of autism in males.

Aspergers perhaps being autism-lite, and is just a gradient of testosterone exposure in utero, or its impacts on the brain in utero.

Without any testosterone, those cross hemisphere channels stay as strong as ever, and emotion tends to override logic. It is clear in feminist rantings, or even the more 'feminine' women I know. Emotions sway irregularly, unpredictably and of greater magnitude.

Psychotic episodes amplify when you structure a society that fails to assert that women are essentially children. All the upside with the downside ignored or spread onto others is an asymmetrical risk/reward matrix.

Their confidence gets built up they can do anything, but reality points to something different.

Are women just crazy? - Uzisuicide - 03-08-2014

I honestly think it's estrogen that causes these types of problems in women. I've taken a substance structurally similar to estrogen that binds to the estrogen receptor after a long steroid cycle and it turned me into a complete emotional mess. Similar complaints about it from most guys that use it. Using hormones has given me new insights to their effects on mood and behavior.

Are women just crazy? - iknowexactly - 03-08-2014

T and a man articulated a good point ( if I understand him) that the achievements of outlier women become the assumed level of functioningr of ALL women.

So women get an inflated idea of their ability relative to men. I've tried questioning women to try to screen for really poor intellectual ability and what is really interesting is they often completely fail to even understand the question I'm asking them. They just talk about how they feel in response to the question.

But however I still gain interesting information from that, because you can gauge their level of anger at men when asked about general societal questions, and my favorite question how do you like to cook, which screens for patience, nurturing, whether or not they have inflated intellectual pretensions ("too busy to cook"), and willingness to be out of the spotlight.

When screening for mental ability in women, you really have to accept that there seem to be different parameters. There is emotional intelligence, then there is intellectual ability, which consists more off Acute memory than exceptional creativity. General agreeableness seems to vary more and is more important than in men, but a very dull woman can and will be toxic because she will be agreeable to moronic influences from dull and negative men.

Are women just crazy? - Jeimuzu - 03-08-2014


Are women just crazy? - Wahawahwah - 03-08-2014


Are women just crazy? - vinman - 03-08-2014

Yes. It's just a matter of to what degree.

Are women just crazy? - DonRoberto - 03-08-2014

Quote: (03-08-2014 09:47 AM)vinman Wrote:  

Yes. It's just a matter of to what degree.

Exactly. Yet to meet one I would declare fully normally functioning, own family included.

Are women just crazy? - Private Man - 03-08-2014

They are not crazy. Rather, their emotions control their decisions, especially in regards to attraction and dating. It's a feature, not a bug. Men and women are different, that's all.

Here's a huge secret for men on how to deal with women: Change her emotional state, change her mind.

Are women just crazy? - Dusty - 03-08-2014


[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Are women just crazy? - soup - 03-08-2014

How are you defining crazy?

Are women just crazy? - Dusty - 03-08-2014

A lot of it can be blamed on beta fathers who spoil their daughters rotten. Especially in modern times. From a very very young age, girls have their fathers wrapped around their finger. Fathers no longer act like fathers, laying down boundaries and exacting discipline. Instead they are made to dance to the tune the daughter chooses on a whim. How is this healthy? Just watch tv shows and commercials to see how fathers are disrespected by their daughters. It's glorified in our culture. The fathers allow it, so it's their fault.

The beta dads show love for their daughters by showering them with over the top attention and excusing bad behavior. Have you ever seen a little girl's birthday celebration these days? These girls get so much attention and gifts, it's nauseating. Of course it's all filmed and put on social media. The room is filled with expensively decorated cakes, over the top decorated rooms, piles of gifts, references to royalty (princess tiaras, etc). Jesus Christ, she just turned 9, it's not the queens jubilee!

This is where the "princess" or "queen" complex comes from. This is where the narcissism is coming from. And when the reality of life crashes with their unrealistic perceptions of themselves (and mix in over emotionalism) and you end up with crazy or insufferable adult broads.

I went out with this broad a month or two ago who I met from day gaming. She told me she was a "queen." I asked her why she thinks of herself as a "queen" and how is that different from me I thinking I am "Napoleon?" She was serious that she was a queen, because her father always told her that and to this day likes to lavish her with gifts. I said to myself "fuck that, there is nothing special about this broad, she's delusional." Good work dad.

Are women just crazy? - Uzisuicide - 03-08-2014

^^^ Yes... As Roosh pointed out once, they have enablers.

Are women just crazy? - Stun - 03-08-2014

I agree with T+A Man somewhat. It's testosterone, or the lack.

10 years of body building on-and-off have shown me that a person without testosterone is ill-prepared to face the modern world. Especially in a big city. I think this is why a lot of city women are becoming masculinized.

Are women just crazy? - Suits - 03-08-2014

I think nature is a big part of this problem, but even if you had a complete normal dude and spent the first 22 years of his life showering him with attention, telling him that he was OK no matter what he did, that he wasn't responsible for his actions and that he deserved to find love without making an effort and then consistently failed to make him responsible for his self-destructive actions, he'd probably start displaying some "crazy" behaviour as well.

(See: Justin Beiber).

Are women just crazy? - babelfish669 - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-08-2014 12:25 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

A lot of it can be blamed on beta fathers who spoil their daughters rotten.

It wasn't as obvious when I was younger, but as I approach 30 I see a direct correlation between a girls acceptance of responsibility and her emotional maturity.

Are women just crazy? - Kabal - 03-09-2014

While I believe that there is a qualitative difference between the cognitive processes of men and women (with men having more reason, accountability, and worldliness), my general feel is that the cognitive diversity of men is under-appreciated on this forum.

Most men are short-sighted, id-driven morons as well.

As a man who actively ventures out to meet (and bang) new and novel girls, your (I mean this in the generic 'your') mental image of girls is drawn from all across the bell-curve--to the sorority bimbos you knew in college, to the cocktail waitress you banged in Jakarta last winter, to the Dominican chicks you've been pipe-lining--with a sprinkling of Jezebel-like crazies that are obnoxious on the internet.

Hell, the girls you meet are probably even self-selected for craziness.

Whereas your mental image of a man is more restrictive--namely a weighted average of yourself, your friends, and other acquaintances--who are more likely than not self-selected for intelligence.

Are women just crazy? - PeterAndrewNolan - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-08-2014 04:44 AM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

I am beginning to realize all women have something wrong in their head. Not saying men are all clear headed but I am beginning to see a pattern; women are either unstable, on meds, depressed and emotional. And they display psychotic behavior.

Yep..they are pretty crazy. I was really disappointed to realise just how crazy they are. I was very blue pill until my divorce at 44. I started dating another woman who was perfect in every way. She was prospective wife 2.0. As soon as I said "committed" she started dissing me and acting like she owned me. So that soon ended.

I was very shocked and could not figure out what the hell was going on. It was at that time I started getting friendly with the woman who would go on to become my fav#1.

I have had 6 favs over the last 6 years and two of them were just wonderful experiences. I am very glad I had those experiences. I was saying to my fav#1 recently that if she had not come along in March 2008 I might very well have been a much more "bitter" man about women. But she was such a treasure. How could I be "bitter" at all women when she helped me save my life when I was suicidal, right?

But as much as I think she is wonderful and we have known each other for 6 years and we are great friends still? I would be the first to say she is a little "crazy". She would likely agree with me.

She is Ukrainian by the way....I talk about her in my latest book address to women on how to be a good wife. I talk about her in can see it on the link below.

But yes...compared to us men? Women are very unstable people. They are "crazy" by our standards. It was very disappointing to have to find this out the hard way rather than it simply be explained to me as a young boy so I was not "sold the dummy".

But really. If little boys were told what women were REALLY like when they were little? There would be many fewer men willing to marry and support us men had to be lied to about women all our lives to get us to voluntarily enslave ourselves to women and children.

This is why I think Roosh and the guys are doing such a great job on RoK. They are telling the young men what women are really like and letting the young men make up their own minds. Great work. Important work.

PS. One more thing. I think it is very important that the writers on RoK are presenting the message in a way that young men "get". Us older guys like Bill Greathouse and I presented similar messages from our vast life experiences. But young men didn't seem to "get it" or appreciate what we were communicating. I think young men are missing out on a trick not listening harder to the very few older men who have their best interests at heart. But at least RoK writers are getting a good portion of the message across.

Are women just crazy? - kdolo - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 04:36 PM)PeterAndrewNolan Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2014 04:44 AM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

I am beginning to realize all women have something wrong in their head. Not saying men are all clear headed but I am beginning to see a pattern; women are either unstable, on meds, depressed and emotional. And they display psychotic behavior.

Yep..they are pretty crazy. I was really disappointed to realise just how crazy they are. I was very blue pill until my divorce at 44. I started dating another woman who was perfect in every way. She was prospective wife 2.0. As soon as I said "committed" she started dissing me and acting like she owned me. So that soon ended.

I was very shocked and could not figure out what the hell was going on. It was at that time I started getting friendly with the woman who would go on to become my fav#1.

I have had 6 favs over the last 6 years and two of them were just wonderful experiences. I am very glad I had those experiences. I was saying to my fav#1 recently that if she had not come along in March 2008 I might very well have been a much more "bitter" man about women. But she was such a treasure. How could I be "bitter" at all women when she helped me save my life when I was suicidal, right?

But as much as I think she is wonderful and we have known each other for 6 years and we are great friends still? I would be the first to say she is a little "crazy". She would likely agree with me.

She is Ukrainian by the way....I talk about her in my latest book address to women on how to be a good wife. I talk about her in can see it on the link below.

But yes...compared to us men? Women are very unstable people. They are "crazy" by our standards. It was very disappointing to have to find this out the hard way rather than it simply be explained to me as a young boy so I was not "sold the dummy".

But really. If little boys were told what women were REALLY like when they were little? There would be many fewer men willing to marry and support us men had to be lied to about women all our lives to get us to voluntarily enslave ourselves to women and children.

This is why I think Roosh and the guys are doing such a great job on RoK. They are telling the young men what women are really like and letting the young men make up their own minds. Great work. Important work.
on the money - especiilly this part :

But really. If little boys were told what women were REALLY like when they were little? There would be many fewer men willing to marry and support us men had to be lied to about women all our lives to get us to voluntarily enslave ourselves to women and children"

Are women just crazy? - JJ Roberts - 03-09-2014

It's tempting to label anything you don't understand as 'crazy'. Women are not really that hard to understand.

Are women just crazy? - Ingocnito - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-08-2014 06:51 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

T and a man articulated a good point ( if I understand him) that the achievements of outlier women become the assumed level of functioningr of ALL women.....

There is emotional intelligence, then there is intellectual ability, which consists more off Acute memory than exceptional creativity. General agreeableness seems to vary more and is more important than in men, but a very dull woman can and will be toxic because she will be agreeable to moronic influences from dull and negative men.

I relate most closely to this response. The "outlier" model in a probability scenario gives answer to a gender with all the societal restraints removed as it is in the west - and spreading.

Secondly, contrasting and comparing EQ vs. IQ in women, with the instability of their EQ effecting their IQ considerably gives place to how and why the mass of women would actually believe they deserve or actually "are" existentially every value of the few outliers and more.

I find it comical that women dominate studies like Communications in college when they're clearly taught communications consists of two basic components; informational communication and emotional communication. Naturally they can and are used individually or together to express one's self for either gender. Where 99% of women fall flat are trying to use emotion to communicate information or information to communicate emotion. Bass akwards in every regard, and to be expected from them every single time.

What is frustrating - once again implied - is that people with specialized degrees in this field have bestowed upon society that this is the new accepted way to achieve fulfillment of the ego, of the masses, and should be accepted as such by both genders.

My conclusion, shut the fuck up and show women and other men with actions how the world fucking operates.

Are women just crazy? - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 04:50 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

It's tempting to label anything you don't understand as 'crazy'. Women are not really that hard to understand.

I would beg to differ. I've now had several years to mull over some of the decisions my ex-wife made that led to the end of my marriage. They make less sense now. My mind is more boggled.

In fact, I'd say we need a thread specifically showing guys how to react to insanity from women. It's easy to act, knowing how to react isn't so simple.

Example: Your woman is in chronic pain for three years and you find a doc who can give her a shot to help or cure it. He says the odds of something going wrong are 100,000 to one. "You have a better chance of getting in a car accident on the way home than having a side effect."

Still, she refuses the shot because she is worried about side effects and "doesn't feel comfortable." This leads to disaster too involved to get into. What's a logical way to deal with that? I don't mean "walking out" or "forcing her." How do you reason with someone driven by feelings alone? This is also a woman with a sky-high IQ that ran an IT department. Another reason smart women do not = smart women when all is said and done.

Are women just crazy? - JJ Roberts - 03-09-2014

Quote: (03-09-2014 05:38 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

How do you reason with someone driven by feelings alone?

You don't.

Are women just crazy? - Captain Gh - 03-09-2014

A fact that his well known in the medical field but that I never heard anywhere in public is that the emotional part of the female brain is 8x bigger than in the male brain. So when they feel an emotion, they cannot not choose to feel it Because of that fact, some of their decisions are really bad one that doesn't make sense.

Are women just crazy? - Parlay44 - 03-09-2014

If you go through some traumatic event your mind locks you in at that mental age until you work through it. For women I think the event would be puberty. Bleeding profusely 25% of the time must be pretty traumatic.