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The lesson of Marc Rudov - Printable Version

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The lesson of Marc Rudov - SheriffBart - 03-04-2014

Many of you know who Marc Rudov is. For a while, he was a Fox news talking head who was as about as Red Pill as you could be and get on TV. He was brought on as the heel in Fox's eyes. He tried to make money doing writing and speaking as the No Nonsense man. Some of his videos are still around.

What you may not know is that he gave up that gig because he found out the red pill doesn't sell well enough. Not only that, but he aggressively tries to remove content of his old persona so that it doesn't interfere with his new more mainstream gig.

The conclusions I draw from this are:

1. You can't sell women and betas on ideas that don't reflect their realities. The circumstances behind behind gender relations need to be different in order to sell them ideology.

2. Logically, it follows that there won't ever be some red pill revolution until the crash.

The reason I made this post is because I continually see forum members hoping/speculating that exposure to red pill ideology is going to wake people up who weren't already inclined that way. It's a delusion that you should shed so you can concentrate on things that matter. I realized today, that at the age of 35, I will never live any of the prime of my life in anything but the bizarre postmodern land of delusions we share. Stop caring about the direction of things and start exploiting it for all its worth. Marc Rudov tried to be a crusader and it only served to ruin his rep. Ride the wave gentlemen. You can't stop it.