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White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - Printable Version

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White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - kerouac - 03-04-2014


According to deputies with the Harris County Sheriff's Office, Thompson lives at a home with his girlfriend and said Saturday night they got into an argument. That's when his girlfriend called her estranged husband, who stopped by the house around 10 p.m.

"It's late, I get up and look and he is here, and I am like go away, you don't live here anymore," said Thompson.

Thompson's girlfriend let the man inside. Thompson said he ran to the back bedroom and told the man to leave the house, but he refused and started charging at him. That's when Thompson says he grabbed his replica master sword from 'The Legend of Zelda.'

"I heard him heading to the bedroom where I was, so I jumped in the closet and I grabbed one of my replica swords, and I pulled it out and stood at the doorway, and he was coming down the hallway at me while I was yelling, 'Go away, you don't live here' and he just walked right into the point of the sword, I don't know if he thought it was a toy," said Thompson.

Thompson told Local 2 he managed to get the man out of the house and locked the door. But he said the man wouldn't give up and broke through the front door and ran back into the house.

Deputies said the two men fought over the sword and in the scuffle, the estranged husband was stabbed -- once in the chest and once in the leg. Thompson said the man grabbed a flower pot from outside and smashed it over his head.

"It dinged me on the head and all of a sudden I had blood pouring down my face," said Thompson.

Deputies arrived and took the estranged husband to Memorial Hermann Hospital in serious condition.

Thompson was transported to another hospital to get the gash in his head stitched up. Thompson said now he's trying to figure out what to do.

"I am just trying to figure out what to do from here. I have to find a new place to live," said Thompson.

Thompson's girlfriend was not injured in the fight.

Onion worthy.

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - Cr33pin - 03-04-2014

Im gonna put this sound clip on my phone and when I see any form of white knighting break it out an play it.

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - Nolecbo - 03-04-2014

I thought this thread was going to be about 'Legend of Neil', the best online series ever:

"The Legend of Neil is a comedy web series distributed by Comedy Central's partner[1] and is a parody of the Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda. Sandeep Parikh of The Guild fame directs the series. Tony Janning writes for the series, and acts as the title character Neil. Felicia Day and Mike Rose, who have worked with Parikh on the set of The Guild, appear as recurring characters.

The series follows Neil, who is sucked into the world of The Legend of Zelda while playing the game. As he travels Hyrule he is mistaken for the hero of the game, Link. The series is "full of self degrading, foul humor",[2] such as when Neil is being sucked into the game he is masturbating and strangled himself with his NES controller."

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - Dr. Howard - 03-04-2014

if you are just reading the comments, go back and watch the video. The guy looks exactly like I would imagine a legend of zelda sword owner to look like. Some classic bitch moves here too...they got into an argument so she called her husband over. My guess is that the 'estranged husband' is also the owner of the motorcycle in the driveway.

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - Suits - 03-04-2014

WB in-field reporter. The studio anchor, however, probably needs a burka.

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - Hotwheels - 03-04-2014

[Image: pulp_fiction3620.jpg]

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - NY Digital - 03-04-2014

People should get a few crossbow and/or pistol crossbow(s) around the house. They aren't as lethal as a gun and they're perfectly legal.

For the most part. It's good to have some kind of protection.

You can get them on eBay and/or Amazon. Same goes with machetes. Perfectly legal.

You can get one of those sabre machetes for fighting.

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - spook - 03-04-2014

I wonder how many rupees popped out after he smashed the flower pot.

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - kbell - 03-04-2014

I love news stories like this. Weird its not in Florida though.

This comment is great.

the Great Cornholio • 2 days ago
Thompson told Local 2 he managed to get the man out of the house and
locked the door. But he said the man wouldn't give up and broke through
the front door and ran back into the house.

· dude was charging up for a spin attack , and the intruder ran into his sword, he knew the spin attack would have delivered more damage
· dude should have returned the other black smith so he could get it forged, he would have done twice the damage on the intruder.
· dude should have drank lon lon milk to fill his hearts, then he could have shot power at the intruder from a safe distance.

Did the intruder use the pegasus boots or bombs to break through the door?
The boyfriend then uses a flower pot to deliver the final blow, this guy knows his LoZ facts, true LoZ fanatics know that pots do more damage than most items will. always go for pots if the bow, boomerang or sword is not getting the job done.

we should all salute this hero, Eugene Thompson. for keeping it real, and applying all the skills learned from LoZ to protect himself.

White Knight fights Legend Of Zelda over Helpless Princess - Matt3B - 03-05-2014

I'll just stick this here.