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The urge of pissing people off. - Printable Version

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The urge of pissing people off. - Chaos - 03-01-2014

Every now and then I feel an huge urge of provoking people and participate in debates only to provoke and piss people off without any benefits.
Mostly about "blue pill" things and with " blue pill" people.

Today has been a day like that. It's not just like another " bad day".
I mean I'm pissing people off to the left and to the right.
Anybody who can explain why some days is like this when I'm usually calm as a bomb?

I have no idea what the root of this behaviour is but I'd like to to know.
Anyone else who's having the same urge?

The urge of pissing people off. - Bobco - 03-01-2014


That aspect of my personality has not served me well. When I was younger I would do that quite a bit. As I have gotten older and hopefully more wise I just don't give a damn and refrain from conversing with those people as its a waste of my time. I think the root of this is found in the idea that you can change others reality were in fact the only reality we can change is ours.

The urge of pissing people off. - Vaun - 03-01-2014

I got like this yesterday with a someone who acts cocky and unappreciative. When I let it get out of hand and I feel it coming on I have to retreat or I will lose any and all tact, and end up making things worse for myself. Its been a struggle for most of my life, but I found the best thing to always do is only focus on yourself, go do something, clean something, workout, walk, drive, build, just get your mind off other people, especially if its your living at stake.

The urge of pissing people off. - The Beast1 - 03-01-2014

When it comes to arguing with idiots, you have everything to lose and nothing to gain.

Although, sometimes the best line to use when someone says something blue pill is:

"And that's why you're XYZ". Insert: single, overweight, unemployed, broke, etc

Otherwise, It's best to live by example than to walk down the path of arrogance.

The urge of pissing people off. - Tuthmosis - 03-01-2014

Quote: (03-01-2014 09:51 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Every now and then I feel an huge urge of provoking people and participate in debates only to provoke and piss people off without any benefits.

It's called trolling.

The urge of pissing people off. - Duke Castile - 03-01-2014

Quote: (03-01-2014 12:03 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (03-01-2014 09:51 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Every now and then I feel an huge urge of provoking people and participate in debates only to provoke and piss people off without any benefits.

It's called trolling.

Oh shit, now theres a Dossier with Chaos name on it.

The urge of pissing people off. - Thomas the Rhymer - 03-01-2014

Quote: (03-01-2014 09:51 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Anybody who can explain why some days is like this when I'm usually calm as a bomb?

It must be that time of the month again...

The urge of pissing people off. - Barron - 03-01-2014

This happens everyday in my world literature courses. Right now our focus is Marxism and Feminism, every chick in there is fat and/or ugly and/or bull-dyke, its patriarchy this patriarchy that. I've already trolled the class by randomly laughing aloud at some responses and questions to the professor, all I got were dirty looks. The other day I got so annoyed I thought a good idea would be to start prefacing my answers to the professor with troll bait

For example:
Professor asks: "Can you tell me why women could not write without a masculine voice intruding in their literature?"
Me: "Competitive female sports are a joke, but women did not have the right to even publish their own work during this time let alone develop their own literary voice."


Professor asks: "How did women overcome not having the right to publish their own work?"
Me: "Women aren't funny, but often times they would publish with male names instead of their own."

I should probably get someone to film it if I do it though

The urge of pissing people off. - Chaos - 03-01-2014

Point taken. I was thinking about situations in real life and not online.
Over and out.

The urge of pissing people off. - Tuthmosis - 03-01-2014

Quote: (03-01-2014 12:59 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

Point taken. I was thinking about situations in real life and not online.
Over and out.

For clarification's sake, I wasn't saying you were trolling us. I'm calling what you're trying to do IRL trolling, which is what it is.

The urge of pissing people off. - samsamsam - 03-01-2014

Respectfully, it could be you just have not spent enough time looking inside yourself. Introspection is a powerful tool.

There is an expression that comes to mind, "What are you pretending not to know."

I often think we as people have a great deal of knowledge about ourselves but choose not to use that information. Mainly because we think the costs (pain) are too high to deal with what we know about ourselves that is not serving us.

You receive an emotional pay off for trolling others. You get an emotional hit.

Not trying to pile on you, I do it also. There have been plenty of posts which I gratefully never post. A few do get away from me (the "delete" posts.)

I acknowledge you for recognizing this behavior. If you want to change it bad enough, you will find a way.

The urge of pissing people off. - nek - 03-01-2014

Quote: (03-01-2014 10:02 AM)Bobco Wrote:  


That aspect of my personality has not served me well. When I was younger I would do that quite a bit. As I have gotten older and hopefully more wise I just don't give a damn and refrain from conversing with those people as its a waste of my time. I think the root of this is found in the idea that you can change others reality were in fact the only reality we can change is ours.
Bingo. When you argue with a fool there's now two fools arguing. If your focused on other's reality a lot it probably means to some degree you're not content with your current station in life. Work on that, ignore/block out these people, and you should be good. These people can be toxic, so don't engage at all. You're trying to win at a rigged game.

The urge of pissing people off. - AnonymousBosch - 03-01-2014

Quote: (03-01-2014 09:51 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Today has been a day like that. It's not just like another " bad day".
I mean I'm pissing people off to the left and to the right.
Anybody who can explain why some days is like this when I'm usually calm as a bomb?

If you're a masculine, aggressive man, then it can be very hard to bite your tongue when confronted with stupidity. Do you think Sean Connery suffers fools?

That being said, given the modern workplace, you're just going to have to deal with fragile idiots to succeed in life, and the tactic I've found that works best is being likeable: be a successful, fit, interesting man who radiates confidence and obviously has his shit together, and people will naturally want to hang around you. Hell, even being muscular is usually enough in most social situations.

Game works for more than picking up chicks. You can game everyone you meet by being charming, easy-going and fun to be around.

When I get annoyed with stupid ideas, I don't challenge their beliefs head-on, but break the issue down and lead the listener through a series of smaller, less confrontational ideas that result in them coming to my conclusion of what seems to be their own accord. You want them to connect the dots themselves so they think it's their idea. It works even better when disguised as humour. Not goofy humour or snark - non-reactive, patient-with-kids, dry humour: what I think of as 'Dad' humour.

Yeah, it's manipulative, but, from my experience, people largely seem to lack any true conviction in their ideas, and just go with the herd. They think you have some kind of 'secret' to success, and are extremely malleable because of it. Particularly women, but men respond too.

I have a lot of people of my Facebook feed due to my band and stage acting - natural beta homes - whose presence I have to politely-tolerate, and they've gradually annoyed me enough with their constant political-correctness that I've started reprogramming then, in subtle ways.

One friend has a fat, cat-lovin', pixie-cutted orbiter who always snarks up and is offended over anything involving weight. Even another girl harmlessly-discussing Audrey Hepburn led her into to a rant about anorexia. I later led her through a discussion about male fitness, pointing out some of her favourites like Hugh Jackman and that big dude from True Blood, making sure I posted side on pictures that highlighted their tiny waists. After multiple statements from her discussing how 'fit' they were, and lots of self-deprecation from me about my 'roid gut', I then simply joked that shouldn't a healthy, active women 33 kilos lighter and 8 inches shorter than Jackman have a smaller waist than him? She said "I guess you're right", which is then when I posted Audrey Hepburn's picture, captioned "They thought I was anorexic but it turns out that I was just a short dancer."

Two weeks later she's 'liking' my post about the colloquial expression 'As full as a fat girl's undies.' How did I disarm her first? I said "Here's one my friend's mother says all the time."

I've trained a 'male feminist' friend out of constantly posting Jezebel articles, and have turned him to the extent that I've just Amazoned him McQueen's book. I get 'oh you...' playful slaps from the gays if I say anything critical of gay preciousness, but then steer them with humour into agreeing with me anyway. I'm sort of wondering what I actually have to do to piss them off.

Basically, game everyone. Create that vibe.

The urge of pissing people off. - Veloce - 03-01-2014

Quote: (03-01-2014 09:51 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Every now and then I feel an huge urge of provoking people and participate in debates only to provoke and piss people off without any benefits.
Mostly about "blue pill" things and with " blue pill" people.

Today has been a day like that. It's not just like another " bad day".
I mean I'm pissing people off to the left and to the right.
Anybody who can explain why some days is like this when I'm usually calm as a bomb?

I have no idea what the root of this behaviour is but I'd like to to know.
Anyone else who's having the same urge?

I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day about what it means to be an asshole.

For many guys, we start out nice. If you were raised by a single mom like I was, you were taught that being nice would get you places.

Then you get into your 20s and see with your own eyes that that's all a bunch of bullshit. So you take the red pill and start speaking your mind and being selfish and strange and wonderful things start to happen.

Well, every month and every year that passes you filter yourself less and less, pushing the boundaries of what you once thought was socially acceptable. You're officially an "asshole" or a "dick" and yet life has never been better.

You should never go out of your way to piss off other people, but there are certainly days when people push your buttons. For me it could be one person honking their horn and I'll brake check their ass and get ready to pull over. I realize this isn't smart, especially in L.A., but I don't necessarily believe that being safe 100% of the time leads to a very fulfilling or exciting life. The past year alone I've heard shit fly out of my mouth that I previously would have thought impossible.

In rereading your original post it seems like maybe you're eavesdropping in other people's conversations and butting in with some red pill wisdom. I do this and the reaction is always amusing. Some combination of shock and silence. The funny thing is people never attempt to argue your points with facts; they argue by pointing out how offensive your views are.