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Outsourcing your online dating - Hotwheels - 01-18-2014

Was just looking through odesk for some data entry minions and came across this;


Job Description

I am a busy man so I need a hard working individual to do the following:

Browse through specified online dating websites and provide a list of suitable female matches for me in url form. Speed is the key. Expected frequency is at least 2 profiles a minute.

I will send specifications to the person who gets hired for the job.

The applicant must be of East Asian (oriental) descent.

This makes me think this might be a good, extra cost, option to add to a dating site as most guys probably wouldn't think to outsource it like this.

Have a virtual assistant through the site that goes off your specific likes, contacts the broads, gives you the best matches and sets up the dates....

Obviously an option for high rollers.

Would you go for something like this?

It would definitely convey wealth if a guys assistant contacts the broad to set up the date.


Outsourcing your online dating - commiejoe - 01-18-2014

I could afford it, but I can't afford to become lazy.

Outsourcing your online dating - Tuthmosis - 01-18-2014

This seems to come up every few months. I can't see a random guy being as good at messaging bitches (online and by text) as me, unless that's one of maybe 10 or 12 guys who are members of this forum. Something's bound to go wrong otherwise.

The bitches you tend to get online are simply not worth that cost or effort.

Outsourcing your online dating - Hotwheels - 01-18-2014

Well, this isn't for a site like POF, rather a high end site populated with guys with money and likely busy lives. Think more along the lines of SA vs. OKC.

And of course you have the guys that are NOT good with broads. Especially online. Could be marketed as a "dating assistant". There are actually businesses that do that but I haven't seen one on an actual dating site.

Just spitballing here and looking for opinions, so don't so much look at it as something you would use, rather something your beta chode cousin with the Lambo might.

Outsourcing your online dating - commiejoe - 01-18-2014

You mean like hiring yourself out?

Outsourcing your online dating - Hotwheels - 01-18-2014

Not myself, but as an upgrade on the site I am putting together.

Platinum level comes with "concierge service", finds your broad, sets the date, gets reservations, lines up the car to pick her up...... Might work.

Need to stand out and offer more than the competition as I am charging more.

Outsourcing your online dating - Bacchus - 01-18-2014

This is a great idea for comedic value, not efficacy. An IRT born and raised in the US outsources his online search for blonde girls to the Indian subcontinent. Hilarity ensues.

Outsourcing your online dating - teh_skeeze - 01-18-2014

I'm confused. Is this guy expecting you to look at 2 profiles a minute, or is he asking you to find 2 suitable women a minute? If it's the latter the task is impossible. Unless he's into fatties.

Outsourcing your online dating - Hotwheels - 01-18-2014

I'm looking at this as something guys would pay for just because they can. Gina tingles included no extra charge.

I'm thinking a grand a month...

Outsourcing your online dating - Dr. Howard - 01-19-2014

Quote: (01-18-2014 11:28 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

I'm looking at this as something guys would pay for just because they can. Gina tingles included no extra charge.

I'm thinking a grand a month...

oh fuck, you can hire someone from Odesk for less than 1 grand a month. $500 gets you an almost full time assistant.

I think chicks would gush over this if done well. Its like a twist on the fantasy where a waiter or a bartender comes up to a girl and says "this drink is from the man over at the bar"

Instead, 'this wink and introduction is from my employer, Mr. Hotwheels. He is a busy man but still would like a woman to spend time with so he has asked me, his personal secretary, to find some women that might be compatible...blah blah blah.'

The 'personal secretary' attaches her, or a fake picture of a hot young filipino (boom, preselection) to legitimize her message to the chick.

Her gold digger genes fire up and you're already almost the Dos Equis guy.

Outsourcing your online dating - eradicator - 01-19-2014

I see a few problems with this: if someone has weak game and wants dates, he could hire someone(cheap outsourced labor from india?) to write the girls and set up dates.

The cheap labor doing the messaging might not have good game and blow a lot of opportunities.

The other problem is that there could be some incongruity when the guy meets some of the women and he doesnt match the personality of the guy writing the messages. I guess if the guy sending the messages kept them really short and based on logistics, then maybe it could work.

When i first rejoined okc a couple weeks ago, I messed up and had a 5 star match with a girl and was also a quickmatch with her I think. I got 2 notifications from the system and ended up messaging her twice(I had too many matches to keep track of, and remember thinking I could really use a secretary to manage all of this) but ultimately, I am better off just doing my own work.

Outsourcing your online dating - Brodiaga - 01-19-2014

Messages on dating sites are very culture specific. The things I write in English I would not write in Russian. The material I use in the US I would not, for the most part, use in Asia or Latin America. I am not good at it, but I don't think an assistant based somewhere India can do better than me even if his English is better.

Instead of outsourcing, I am playing around with the idea of automation. The easiest way of doing it is to keep clicking "Yes" on OkCupid, Tinder and the like and cull the "prospects" later, but on some web sites it is also possible to use macros to get the computer to do it for you. In theory, one can root an Android phone and use an app to record a macro that clicks "Yes" on Tinder, etc. When I have more time I'll try in on my old Android phone.

Outsourcing your online dating - Dr. Howard - 01-19-2014

Quote: (01-19-2014 04:30 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

I see a few problems with this: if someone has weak game and wants dates, he could hire someone(cheap outsourced labor from india?) to write the girls and set up dates.

The cheap labor doing the messaging might not have good game and blow a lot of opportunities.

The other problem is that there could be some incongruity when the guy meets some of the women and he doesnt match the personality of the guy writing the messages. I guess if the guy sending the messages kept them really short and based on logistics, then maybe it could work.

When i first rejoined okc a couple weeks ago, I messed up and had a 5 star match with a girl and was also a quickmatch with her I think. I got 2 notifications from the system and ended up messaging her twice(I had too many matches to keep track of, and remember thinking I could really use a secretary to manage all of this) but ultimately, I am better off just doing my own work.

Yeah I don't think you could get them to run the whole routine, they are just there to put in a gimmicky hook and turn the tables and have them run on your timetable or 'appointment' as to when you can get back to them.

The whole routine would be suicide. Having a indian resident running game on your behalf with white

Outsourcing your online dating - Hotwheels - 01-19-2014

Very little game is required to get these girls to meet so the initial contact could easily be scripted. Once she is interested it is essentially setting up logistics.

In person it is obviously all on the guy.