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Feminists easily trolled online - scorpion - 01-06-2014

This is a long read but it's a good peek into the internet feminist mindset. A few thoughts:

To begin with, it's insane to realize how incredibly thin skinned these women are. They are being trolled in literally the most obvious and unsophisticated fashion: "I'm going to rape and kill you!" Then, due to either innate female cowardice or stupidity, instead of dismissing the troll and robbing it of its power, they take it to heart and develop a persecution complex around it. Most hilarious of all, the first reaction of these strong feminists, when faced with internet trolls, is to call the police and summon a man for help. (The confusion of the police in the story is also amusing. The typical reaction, "Uhh, so someone said bad things to you on the internet? Ooookkk. Well we'll file a report...") You can just imagine the frustration of these women, who have no understanding of criminal law or the internet: "Wait, you mean you can't track them down and arrest them right now????" [Image: lol.gif]

The depth of their insanity and cowardice is revealed by their proposal to expand federal civil rights laws to protect women on the internet. You think I'm joking. Nope:


IN A 2009 PAPER in the Boston University Law Review, Citron proposed a new way of framing the legal problem of harassment on the Internet: She argued that online abuse constitutes “discrimination in women’s employment opportunities” that ought to be better addressed by the U.S. government itself. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, or gender, was swiftly applied to members of the Ku Klux Klan, who hid behind hoods to harass and intimidate black Louisianans from voting and pursuing work. Anonymous online harassment, Citron argued, similarly discourages women from “writing and earning a living online” on the basis of their gender. “It interferes with their professional lives. It raises their vulnerability to offline sexual violence. It brands them as incompetent workers and inferior sexual objects. The harassment causes considerable emotional distress.”

Yes, you read that correctly: internet feminists equate being trolled on the internet to blacks being lynched by the Ku Klux Klan. A nice 1-2 combination of female hysteria and solipsism right there.

These women want all the privileges and advantages of being public figures, but absolutely none of the drawbacks. They don't really want to use the internet, they want to use a female-friendly internet where people only say nice things to you, and if someone is mean, you can have them arrested and thrown into jail the same day (by a man).

The reality is that the utter cowardice and emotional weakness these women display in reaction to these random internet trolls completely undermines not only their feminist message, but their entire ability to be taken seriously as public figures in the first place. If all it takes to turn you into an emotional wreck is a few anonymous tweets, you have no business being involved in the public discourse. Look at how the author reacted to a troll:


It’s been four years, but I still carry the case files with me. I record every tweet he sends me in a Word document, forward his emails to a dedicated account, then print them out to ensure I’ll have them ready for police in analog form if he ever threatens me again (or worse). Whenever I have business travel to the city where he lives, I cart my old protection order along, even though the words are beginning to blur after a dozen photocopies. The stacks of paper are filed neatly in my apartment. My anxieties are harder to organize.

She's more traumatized by receiving troll threats on Twitter than most combat veterans are by their service. And apparently it's not just her. RVF favorite Jessica Valenti is similarly emotionally fragile:


The personal and professional costs of that discrimination manifest themselves in very real ways. Jessica Valenti says she has stopped promoting her speaking events publicly, enlisted security for her public appearances, signed up for a service to periodically scrub the Web of her private information, invested in a post-office box, and begun periodically culling her Facebook friend list in an attempt to filter out readers with ulterior motives. Those efforts require a clear investment of money and time, but the emotional fallout is less directly quantifiable. “When people say you should be raped and killed for years on end, it takes a toll on your soul,” she says. Whenever a male stranger approaches her at a public event, “the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.”

Ultimately, this article is demonstrative of the fact that these women are not actually serious about what they're doing, and are essentially just play-acting the role of feminist writer/journalist. You can practically derail their entire personal and professional life with a few anonymous tweets. These emotionally fragile children try to pass themselves off as foot soldiers in the feminist army, but run at the first sound of gunfire. To be honest, it's embarrassing that these people are our opposition. We are diminished by considering them remotely as equals. It's really no wonder the manosphere has been making such strides over the past year or two: these are the type of people mainly opposing us, and they're about as hard and resilient as wet toilet paper.

Feminists easily trolled online - 2Wycked - 01-06-2014

Did anybody else notice the ridiculous stat she invented about feminine Twitter profiles?

She dumped sexually charged comments in with violent ones. Yes, if you call her hot its the same as telling her to get raped.

That's the mindset right there.

Feminists easily trolled online - DetlefMourning - 01-06-2014

I would never tweet death/rape "threats" at any of these feminist writers I despise...but how dense do you have to be to not be able to differentiate between an actual case of stalking/harassment to some dude just making an empty gesture online?

Such strong, independent, fearless women...until their feelings get hurt.

Feminists easily trolled online - HeyPete - 01-06-2014

She complains most cops are male and most internet inventors and contributors are male.

Easy solution. Invent your own shit. Sign up to be a cop -- they will lower the standards for you.

If I was a cop and one of thesse fembeasts read off a tweet, a fucking tweet, that offended her I would seriously have a difficult time trying not to laugh.

I would never waste my time sending shit like that, hell I don't have twitter and actually despise it, but I would bet a lot of these threats are from other women. Men typically invest as little time as possible in ugly bitches, but a jealous bitch will hound another bitch forever.

Feminists easily trolled online - Private Man - 01-06-2014

The need for safety and security is a hard-wired, DNA-based characteristic in women. No matter how "strong and independent" they claim to be, deep down they are terrified and completely spooked by the merest whisper of a threat to their safety (unless drunk, I suspect). Guys, this is a feature and not a bug.

This is why it's so easy to troll feminists. They are still dames, no matter how they act on the outside.

Feminists easily trolled online - Truth Teller - 01-06-2014

It's hilarious. People get trolled all the time online, and people threaten each other all the time both on the Internet and in real life. Maybe 1 in every 10,000 threats you'll get is credible, and that's probably an underestimation.

Feminists easily trolled online - Suits - 01-06-2014


The personal and professional costs of that discrimination manifest themselves in very real ways. Jessica Valenti says she has stopped promoting her speaking events publicly, enlisted security for her public appearances, signed up for a service to periodically scrub the Web of her private information, invested in a post-office box, and begun periodically culling her Facebook friend list in an attempt to filter out readers with ulterior motives. Those efforts require a clear investment of money and time, but the emotional fallout is less directly quantifiable. “When people say you should be raped and killed for years on end, it takes a toll on your soul,” she says. Whenever a male stranger approaches her at a public event, “the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.”

The feminist solution: (Step 1) Claim that women are equal to men in every and any way. (Step 2) Clearly demonstrate that women are far too delicate to every be involved in public activities of any kind.

Feminists easily trolled online - The Lizard of Oz - 01-06-2014

literally nothing could break me -- Batoul Jaber.

Feminists easily trolled online - Daddy - 01-06-2014

The arrogance of these women. How can they be so spoiled and not realize that men get those messages everyday yet we don't complain about it. I've been told probably a millions times " I will kill you " or "die mother fucker" .

Feminists easily trolled online - commiejoe - 01-06-2014

LOL, I was thinking about all the death threats and shit that Tuth got on his twitter.
Of course, it's ok that he got them because he is a man. We need a hypocrisy emoticon.

Feminists easily trolled online - Private Man - 01-06-2014

Quote: (01-06-2014 08:37 PM)commiejoe Wrote:  

LOL, I was thinking about all the death threats and shit that Tuth got on his twitter.
Of course, it's ok that he got them because he is a man. We need a hypocrisy emoticon.

Also consider Matt Forney. The hate and violence threats that he re-tweeted were hilarious!