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We need more satire blogs that shame (fat) feminists + how to destroy the hamster - Printable Version

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We need more satire blogs that shame (fat) feminists + how to destroy the hamster - deathtofatties - 01-03-2014

So far, the Manosphere has been mostly very honest, logical, and forthright in its distribution of Red Pill wisdom and its criticism of feminism, especially through blogs like Return Of Kings. However, it seems our message is largely only getting across to other truth seeking men that are already receptive. We are changing the minds of men for the better, and hopefully the result will be a future with even fewer white knights and manginas to defend these fat sluts. But is the red pill only for men to swallow?

Most of the women that read anything from the Manosphere are psychologically/emotionally pushing away, thanks to their rationalization hamsters. Even as they share articles they deem offensive on Tumblr and Twitter, rarely does it ever inspire them to lose weight or become more feminine and attractive; because logic and truth do not speak their language, but feelings do.

Recently Matt Forney released a book satirizing Fat Acceptance, and even though he beat Nigel to it, I was so happy to see someone else doing the same thing. Props to Matt.

When fat women search for Fat Acceptance, we need to give them real Fat Acceptance. We need them to find things like Matt's Forney's Book or Nigel's Big Game Blog. When women search for Feminism, we need to show them just that, and hold up a mirror to their hamster. It is only when the hamster sees itself in the mirror, running in it's wheel, that it starts to lose steam.

To make an analogy, it's like children not wanting to take their medicine. They don't understand that it is good for them and everyone else in society if they are healthy. If we can disguise the Red Pill as a Twinkie, the hamster swallows its hamster poison.

We need to pollute the blogosphere and all e-book stores with satire. It's the only way. Anytime someone searches the internet for anything on Fat Acceptance, Feminism, Game Denialism, or anything else that's beta or leftist, white knight, whatever, we have an opportunity to give them (their hamster) the Red Pill disguised as a Blue Pill.

[Image: 0r8j.jpg]

TL;DR: Agree and Amplify through satire, then reality sinks in.

We need more satire blogs that shame (fat) feminists + how to destroy the hamster - Aziz Nuts - 01-06-2014

What was that Imageshack link? It's removed now. Try hosting with Imgur.

We need more satire blogs that shame (fat) feminists + how to destroy the hamster - deathtofatties - 01-06-2014

Quote: (01-06-2014 12:21 AM)Aziz Nuts Wrote:  

What was that Imageshack link? It's removed now. Try hosting with Imgur.

This image?

Fat Acceptance in one picture

We need more satire blogs that shame (fat) feminists + how to destroy the hamster - Aziz Nuts - 01-06-2014

Haha that's fucking gross

We need more satire blogs that shame (fat) feminists + how to destroy the hamster - Daddy - 01-13-2014

That's a great idea and observation. I think satire is a great tool to lure those people into reading the articles. They will tend to not read articles that shakes their core believes, so if you're too forthcoming they won't see it. Disguise the message at first.

A great example of this is Roosh's official answer to the Tuthmosis eating disorder drama. It started out and read as an apology, then when you dig further into it, it's a big fuck you response. It was hilarious to me because at first I was disappointed and thought Roosh was actually about to apologize :

"I want to make it clear that we at ROK are not promoting eating disorders. These are devastating illnesses on those whom they afflict, and we wish sufferers are able to receive the treatment they need. It is unfortunate that sufferers continue to be stigmatized by society, so it surprises me that Tuthmosis’ article has been angrily received when it attempts to reduce stigma by encouraging our male readership to give women with anorexia and bulimia an opportunity for real intimacy. "