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Openly slutty girls - Parlay44 - 01-03-2014

I gotta tell ya ...times are changing. Gone are the days of "nice girls". Women are no longer a "lady in the street and freak in the sheets".

I'm friends with one girl on Facebook and recently she's openly talking about how she booty called one of her guys and he flaked on her.

She also complained that it was wrong for a guy to booty call her. She said she'll be the one doing the booty calling.

She also complained to her girlfriend about not going to the gym with her and wasting her time when she could be getting fucked by one of her guys.

Now at the very least I'd like the illusion of a girl being wholesome and all that bullshit even if she sucked 37 dicks on the way from the parking lot. But I guess that's too much to ask for.

It's gotten to the point now where women are openly whores and proud of it like it's some accomplishment or badge of honor.

Not to bash on gays or anything but I think all this gay rights and openly gay shit has carried over into the straight world and infected women. I think all shame and decency has been purged from our society. This is a new breed of woman we have to deal with.

The question is bang or not to bang? How does it affect your image or reputation as a man to fuck a girl like this? Because obviously your business will be out there for the world to see.

Openly slutty girls - WestIndianArchie - 01-03-2014

Banging a known slut is worse for your internal than your external.

Openly slutty girls - WestCoast - 01-03-2014

^ in a rare rare rare case I disagree with WIA.

Just treat them for what they are. 1) don't let them take photos of you, 2) don't ever catch feelings.

It's 3am. Club is dead. The girl has every slut tell in the world (maybe even a clit piercing). I say you just bang her out and move on. assuming she is bangable.

Better than dick in hand.

If you catch feelings for a slut though... Blame yourself.

Doesn't hurt my inner game at all I just laugh about it the next day. I have a time clock every night I go out if I got nothing and it's closing time well it's CLOSING TIME! Try to bang the easiest option when you're running against time.

Openly slutty girls - WestIndianArchie - 01-03-2014

@West coast, tell me about that morning after? Maybe I could learn some good coping mechanisms, lol

Openly slutty girls - Parlay44 - 01-03-2014

Ain't nobody talking about catching feelings. [Image: lol.gif]
I'm talking about smashing and handling damage control on your rep after.

Openly slutty girls - WestCoast - 01-03-2014

@wia pretty simple. I bang her again. Then I tell her to have a great night. If I'm in a good mood I even give her a cab ride home.

I am not gonna feel bad about myself in the morning.

If a 6-7 is down to fuck. I just went 0-40 up in da club... Well I gotta say I lost out on the night.

I'd rather bang then go home solo. It's not like she's gonna be the mother of my children or anything.

I think I remember you posted something about taking a mental note when a barely bangable said "I was the queen of bjs" or whatever. Same concept.

If you have nothing left, sluts are basically a constellation prize. Again only if bangable.

Openly slutty girls - WestIndianArchie - 01-03-2014

The handful of times I've Fucked known sluts, they've.also been below my beauty standards, so that morning after feeling of disgust hits me like wave. Hour of pleasure, not worth it.

Openly slutty girls - WestCoast - 01-03-2014

^ then I would call those girls not bangable!

Raise your slut standard up 1/2 a point and you're good to go WIA.

@parlay I have no "rep" issues. If the chick is bangable (would be seen in public) and people find out I just shrug and say "would bang, would not date". Gets a good laugh. You're basically not apologizing for being a hound.

Openly slutty girls - WestIndianArchie - 01-03-2014


Openly slutty girls - AntiTrace - 01-03-2014

On being openly slutty:

First off: they are nowhere as slutty as they project. They do it for attention.

Example: this hit my FB feed recently. Chick was a former fatty who lost enough to actually become bangable.
"Grandpa: When are you going to give me some grandkids?
Me: Trust me, I've been practicing"

40 likes. bunch of thirsty dudes wanting to "practice" with her commented. She "liked" their comments back, I'm sure this gave beta-boy an insta-boner.
I commented "I'm sure your grandpa would be proud to see how you broadcast your classiness to everyone on facebook"
Within an hour the status was deleted.

She got what she wanted. She got the social validation of her inner tribe and she got the assurance of available sex from all the thirsty dudes. That's why they post shit like that.

Only when someone (me) finally called her out and gave her disapproval did she question herself and remove the status.

I've known this girl for years. She isn't a huge slut. It was the holidays and she was single, she need the attention and validation.

On banging sluts:

I'm a big believer that having a player reputation is a good thing. Girls you haven't banged are more likely to find you attractive and wonder what the fuss is about. Girls you have banged are easy to manipulate because they always assume your banging someone and will try to compete for your attention. It amazes me how many times I will tell a chick I'm busy, and she automatically assumes I'm banging someone.

A player reputation is good. A beta reputation is bad. A player wont chase a known slut. A beta will not only chase her, but he will be happy in locking down a known slut, as his male hamster makes him believe he was the best of the previous 50 cocks she has seen.

So dont chase sluts, but bang away if the opportunity presents itself.

Openly slutty girls - WestCoast - 01-03-2014

^ yep! Agree. You just take ownership for banging the sluts. They key is bangable I me bangable is would be seen in public with and not care.

You're not always gonna get the top tier but if they are bangable who cares! People will laugh that you're banging a goodie two shoes type, a educated type, a club slut type and a hipster slut type all at the same time and will wonder wtf your deal is which will lead to.. More bangs haha.

Openly slutty girls - Beyond Borders - 01-03-2014

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:10 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

Example: this hit my FB feed recently. Chick was a former fatty who lost enough to actually become bangable.
"Grandpa: When are you going to give me some grandkids?
Me: Trust me, I've been practicing"

40 likes. bunch of thirsty dudes wanting to "practice" with her commented. She "liked" their comments back, I'm sure this gave beta-boy an insta-boner.
I commented "I'm sure your grandpa would be proud to see how you broadcast your classiness to everyone on facebook"
Within an hour the status was deleted.

[Image: highfive.gif]

Openly slutty girls - MrXY - 01-03-2014

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:10 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

I'm a big believer that having a player reputation is a good thing. Girls you haven't banged are more likely to find you attractive and wonder what the fuss is about. Girls you have banged are easy to manipulate because they always assume your banging someone and will try to compete for your attention. It amazes me how many times I will tell a chick I'm busy, and she automatically assumes I'm banging someone.

I wish more guys would cotton on to this. I've come around to the view that, after fame, preselection is probably the most powerful trait a man can have to attract women. I've banged girls who wouldn't go out with me until they saw me out with another attractive girl. Then they wanted me. Delicious Tacos said something like " The only thing pussy cares about is do you get other pussy" and that is the truth. And the hotter girl you're seen with, the more girls will be attracted and the more intensely they will be attracted

For every girl who is turned off by your player rep, several others will be intrigued and attracted by it.

Openly slutty girls - deathtofatties - 01-05-2014

Usually only the ugliest, fattest (feminist) women are open about their slutiness... Why? Because they want everyone to know they get some too, that they can get some dick, and also they are probably more desperate. Higher testosterone in women also increases sex drive (manjaws don't flirt, they pounce).

Exceptions prove the rule.

Openly slutty girls - deathtofatties - 01-05-2014

Quote: (01-03-2014 01:10 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

A player reputation is good. A beta reputation is bad. A player wont chase a known slut. A beta will not only chase her, but he will be happy in locking down a known slut, as his male hamster makes him believe he was the best of the previous 50 cocks she has seen.

So dont chase sluts, but bang away if the opportunity presents itself.

The best of 50, wow.

[Image: malehamster.gif]

Openly slutty girls - Handsome Creepy Eel - 01-06-2014

Women love to threaten men with punishment for being promiscuous or fucking (but not dating) promiscuous girls, but their thoughts on the matter are usually hopelessly confused. As long as a man is unapologetic enough or blue-pill-spreading-in-a-red-pill-way, it quickly gets waived away.

For example, if asked about sleeping with a girl known for taking over 100 cocks, just shrug and say "I don't judge people". You obviously do, otherwise you wouldn't have stayed with that slut, but the sentiment is just the right kind of positive and hamsterrific.

Openly slutty girls - Capitán Peligroso - 01-06-2014


For every girl who is turned off by your player rep, several others will be intrigued and attracted by it.

The latter group is going to be much more sexual in general, down to fuck, and more fun about it.

Openly slutty girls - MY DETROIT PLAYAS - 01-06-2014

...The thing about Sluts is that they have a "notch count" like guys do. They collect trophies like we do, with even MORE pride. I have a cousin who in our younger years, was a certified hoe. She would bang my friends and shrug it off with a laugh.

Full disclosure---I used to fuck a lot of her friends too. Yet and still, it makes a guy uncomfortable when your little cousin can sit around with you and your boys relating stories of conquests and not only does she not cringe, but she is knee deep in the conversation with just as many tales of dick chasing.

That alone was enough to make me steer clear of KNOWN hoes thereafter, first it takes away the mystery b/c in all likelyhood it will be a mailed in performance on her part, and secondly, I LIKE exercising my Game.

Openly slutty girls - Parlay44 - 01-06-2014

Quote: (01-06-2014 10:22 AM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

...The thing about Sluts is that they have a "notch count" like guys do. They collect trophies like we do, with even MORE pride. I have a cousin who in our younger years, was a certified hoe. She would bang my friends and shrug it off with a laugh.

Full disclosure---I used to fuck a lot of her friends too. Yet and still, it makes a guy uncomfortable when your little cousin can sit around with you and your boys relating stories of conquests and not only does she not cringe, but she is knee deep in the conversation with just as many tales of dick chasing.

That alone was enough to make me steer clear of KNOWN hoes thereafter, first it takes away the mystery b/c in all likelyhood it will be a mailed in performance on her part, and secondly, I LIKE exercising my Game.

That's what happens when a girl is "one of the guys" or a "tomboy". The tend to pick up on male behaviors like counting bangs as trophies.

Like Bill Burr says. It's easy to be a slut but its hard to be a stud. There are fat ugly sluts. But there are no fat ugly studs.