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Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Printable Version

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Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Sonsowey - 12-17-2013

I have a couple of friends who are like brothers to me, who I have been friends with for years, share innumerable experiences with, are always there for me through everything, and for whom I'm always there for too.

But sometimes, I swear I wanna punch one of them.

Brothers often fight, it's only natural, but usually it's as children.

But have you ever brawled with your friends as adults, especially in a non-drunk context? I really feel like sometimes it's needed...

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - dads - 12-17-2013

I got into this big dramatic brawl with a three of my friends last year. It was the build up of a lot of shit, but that fight literally killed all the tension between us and it was pretty therapeutic. I think amongst men who have been friends for a long time (I've been friends with these guys since 4th grade, and I was 18 at the time) it's sometimes necessary.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - estraudi - 12-17-2013

Yes. My brother is one of my best friends,same size as me(6'2" 210lbs)and we usually will roughhouse which will turn into a bit of a fight just like when we were kids and as dads has mentioned it can be quite therapeutic especially when the punches come harder and harder. As for fighting close friends I have found that alot of these guys would rather not take a shot at me for fear of having one returned just as hard if not harder than the one they dealt me. I could use a good fight as of late to toughen up the jaw and fists again...alot of softies rolling around and my bro lives in another state.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Cr33pin - 12-17-2013

No came close a few times in highschool. I did however have my best friend at the time (highschool) Slap me in the face for cheating on my girlfriend. I was to in shock to do anything about it.... shit really I wouldnt have anyway he was a beast, the enforcer of our click. He was white knighting for her, she was in the car they came to where I was he asked me to step outside then he smacked me like I owed him money. I didnt know why then he rambled off about it and left.

He didnt get to hit it.... the girl... He hit me like Rick James hit Charlie Murphy

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Christian McQueen - 12-17-2013


Tossed one of my long time friends across the hood of his car. Don't even remember what it was about, years ago and who hasn't gotten into some fights in college?

At my age now though, I wouldn't.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - dog24 - 12-17-2013

Quote: (12-17-2013 12:03 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

But have you ever brawled with your friends as adults, especially in a non-drunk context? I really feel like sometimes it's needed...
No, if i have to fight someone we are no longer friends. Even if we apologize to each other afterwards.

Looking back at the times some of my friends said they wanted to beat me up, those were times when i was acting too immature or both of us. Also when i wanted to beat up one of my friends it was because they werent behaving in a way i thought friends should act.

Its funny you say as adults because many guys still do stupid teenager shit in their 30`s. Instead of beating them out ask yourself why am i friends with him in the first place? Do i enjoy his company? Is this happening on a regular basis? Cant i just meet new people?

I have cut out a lot of guys because of this, and i dont regret cutting out anyone of them, i think that says something.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 12-17-2013

Threw a friend to the ground when we were fighting about something stupid when we were 10 or so. After that, never. My relationship with friends is always peaceful and we never taunt each other to that point.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - soup - 12-17-2013

I'm a lover not a fighter.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Dr. Howard - 12-17-2013

Brothers all of the time, as kids and adults. Close friends 3 times. The 1st was a bonding experience, he had no brothers and so a brotherly beat down was about the best gift from a male best friend you can get. The other two, not friends anymore shortly thereafter.

#2 was sort of something that was growing over time and wasn't exactly a fight bout could have been...and would have been one I lost badly. He was the alpha in the group and I was coming into my own in terms of success so there was conflict there but he still had me in strength, by alot. He was hammered one night and we were horsing around and he picked me up by my jacket and said "I could punch you out right now" and not in a 'haha' joking way. I didn't flinch and said "you could, but you would start something that would never end. I would get my revenge, and my brothers would get their revenge and i would shit on your life every chance I got for years". He put me down and just walked away in silence. As time went on he started to white knight for women that I treated as they deserved and that was officially the end.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - birdrussell - 12-17-2013

Shit I've been in a mexican stand off with my best friend, but we've both gotten each other in to and out of so many jams it's more of a charming anticdote.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - HonantheBarbarian - 12-19-2013

Before I stopped keeping friends, in my old group, we would test each other at times by going "bodies".

"Bodies" meaning anywhere below the face was fair game until someone says enough.

It was a good way to see where you're at without generating hard feelings or resentment, and also kept us sharp in case someone from the outside wanted to fuck with us. There would be times I couldn't take a deep breath for several weeks afterwards.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Egnyte - 02-24-2014

I had two of my best friends over this past weekend and one of them absolutely looses his shit for no reason after we had been drinking for a couple hours. I mean, it was like a light switch got flipped 'cause one minute we were chillin' and enjoying conversation and the next he starts yelling, pushing people, almost breaks my TV, etc.

It was kind of a tough situation since I couldn't tell him to leave and have him drive home drunk. That would be fucked up on my part but we did have to basically choke him out and he's at least 300+ lbs. Kid almost gets me thrown out of my apartment and we still can't figure out what his deal is. He's been getting worse in the 'blackout angry drunk' category and he's almost 31.

Known him for over 15 years and he's gotten me out of some tough spots but at what point do I say enough is enough...pretty close to that at this stage.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Scesci - 02-24-2014

Men bond through violence and cooperative effort

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - worldwidetraveler - 02-24-2014

Quote: (12-17-2013 05:48 AM)soup Wrote:  

I'm a lover not a fighter.

Does that mean you make love to your friends?

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Kickb - 02-24-2014

It was basically tradition for me and my friend when we hungout to drunkenly go to the basketball court of my apartment complex and spar with my gloves at night.

And when I was younger my best friend stole my shoe on the playground and I bit his leg.

No real fights though

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - Hencredible Casanova - 02-24-2014

Nah. But I've offered to spar with many friends but never got any takers.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - el mechanico - 02-24-2014

I used to in my teens almost daily especially when drinking also daily. Pond hockey started a lot of fights.

Once I was in my friends boat in the LI sound and he was wasted on Southern Comfort hitting waves to hard and the passenger seat came off with someone in it and landed on my lap with the rusty screws going right through my legs. So I reached up and grabbed his shoulder and told him to slow down...He turns around and punches me right in the face..

Alright MFer... So we get back to the truck and he's driving and I jumped in the bed. The truck had a sliding rear window open and I reached in and tapped him on the shoulder when he turned I punched him so fucking hard his head bounced off the steering wheel...

He hits the brakes and jumps out.. I threw him over the barrier onto the metro north train tracks and did a superfly knee job on his head.. Helped him back up and we went to buy some more booze..

An average day.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - LeightonBlackstock - 02-24-2014

Weirdly, yes. When I was 20.

Was downing a pint and my best friend slapped me in the face for a laugh. He got me pretty heavily in my left eye. I took it in good humor but needed a few seconds to recover. Wanted to keep on with the light-hearted atmosphere and was laughing, but he slapped me again whilst I was recovering which was a bit of a low blow. Then I got angry and punched him in the side of his head. He started crying.

Some blonde girl we were with started shouting at me "What the hell Leighton! What. The. HELL?" "What the HELLLLLL Leighton?!" "WHAT THE HELL?!". I very vividly remember walking off and out the exit of the club. I remember seeing the other members of our group pulling an "OMFG this is awkward s fuck, face"

They were all pissed off with me but the next morning I walked into his room and said I wanted to to talk about it. It was sorted out within thirty seconds. He said "I hit you first so fair enough" and he told all our other friends to calm down, despite them unanimously taking his side. He could have milked that but he didn't, so fair enough.

And there you have the gayest, most hipster-ish fight ever recorded on RooshVForum!

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - RouteBackwards - 02-24-2014

One of my friends flipped my table in my house out of anger. I pushed him and was on the verge of punching him, as was he. As it goes though, when a kinship is formed with your closest friends, we got over our emotional anger towards eachother, talked it out like men, and resumed being friends as if that never happened.

Us being on the verge of physically harming eachother was enough for him to never disrespect my home like that again.

Have you ever fought your closest friends? - TheBulldozer - 02-24-2014

I fought two of my best friends when I was in high school. Who knows what the fuck it was over. We're still best friends to this day.

Myself and a couple of my roommates bought sparring gear, watched youtube videos to learn technique and would spar for exercise a couple of years ago. Two of my other best friends to this day.

We're just animals. Sometimes beating the fuck out of another animal is satisfying. More importantly, getting your ass handed to you every now and then reminds you of your standing in the universe.