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What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - 2Wycked - 12-16-2013

Didn't see anybody start a thread like this anywhere else on the forum.

What are your plans this holiday season?

Looks like a typical Christmas Eve for me - church that night, probably drink a good bit with old friends afterwards. Hopefully not get too drunk.

As for NYE, looks like I am heading to Nashville. I did Chicago last year and that was fucking crazy. Hopefully, my friends and I can repeat. I had a friend recently purchase a house down there, so I will see what pans out.

What about you?

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Hades - 12-16-2013

I managed to get my ass un-marooned from Iowa and bought a newer non-shitty car, so Christmas and New Year's looks like drinks with friends and probably learning to play guitar.

Not sure what's going on with the relatives, we have a few gift exchanges and whatnot going on. The food should be excellent this year.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Flavius Aetius - 12-16-2013

Wow--I don't even know what I will be doing next week let alone Christmas or NYE.

Christmas is always reserved for family only--no girls. Fireplace, good home cooked meal prepared by my mother-- chicken breast stuffed with bacon and cheese and wrapped in bacon, eggnog and whiskey, espresso chocolate cake, good conversation, and a special meal of leftovers for my 3 dogs. Best of all--no gifts allowed in my family.

For NYE, I will hopefully be having sex with one of the 3 girls currently in the pipeline. Would like to start the new year off with a bang.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Every10GivesMeA10 - 12-16-2013

Anyone else not planning to see any family?

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - AntiTrace - 12-16-2013

I'm not huge on holidays and neither is my family.

I plan to go to a family xmas get together for a couple hours then head back to my place. Read, work, o rplay guitar probably.

TO me it isn't Christmas, its just another Wednesday.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - soup - 12-16-2013


What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - birdrussell - 12-16-2013

fuckin' work, but I'm taking holiday for carnival.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Roadrunner - 12-16-2013

Play a couple gigs, study for finals, chill with friends, do BJJ and Muay Thai, nothing out of the ordinary.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Teedub - 12-16-2013

Xmas Eve - local pub with the same group of mates that do it every year. At least the past few anyway. Xmas Day with family.
NYE - I don't go out usually, not properly because taxis are ridiculously expensive. So, again, local pub.

Xmas/NY is a family time for me, I actually really like that side of it.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Justice Beaver - 12-16-2013

For Christmas will spend it with the family, for NYE going to a friends gig and party/nightgame like crazy

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Remington - 12-16-2013

Working, then maybe hitting up Arlington or DC to blow off some steam. Either that, or calling up an fb if I'm feeling lazy

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Collide - 12-16-2013

My girl is coming over for Christmas with the family. It's a little awkward because they've never met her before, and she's not really my girlfriend. We just fuck every week and in April she will go back to her country.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - ikkyu - 12-16-2013

Driving up to visit my beloved family for xmas, getting wasted with my cousins in the snow. Then going back to my home city for a week around new years and doing it big with my old crew. Looking forward to a good couple of weeks.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Phoenix - 12-08-2015


What do you guys plan to do this xmas/new year, and how has it changed compared to prior years?

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Foolsgo1d - 12-08-2015

I'm doing nothing. Sick of handing money over to places full of goons who can't handle their alcohol in public on the rare occasion they go out.

Leading up to that I have dates planned.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Architekt - 12-08-2015

Skipping the whole christmas farce, doing my own thing until festival on boxing day, then continuing the party on through until I DJ at a big party early new years morning and the days following.

Here's hoping I survive

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - The Beast1 - 12-08-2015

I didn't want to be in a cold place over the holidays so I'm taken my girl and myself on a trip to Israel!

What better place to spend Christmas right where it started all. It's also one thing i'm crossing off of my "life list" of things to do. I get the impression the state of Israel isn't going to last in its current form for much longer. Get some pictures before the whole place is a nuclear wasteland.

Oh and I won't be doing anything new years eve:
[Image: nye-poster.jpeg]

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - rw95 - 12-08-2015

Church Christmas Eve. Christmas gift exchange (this will probably be my sister's last year believing in Santa Claus, so there's a bit of poignancy there), and then we'll be going to my Uncle's for dinner. Around 8 my mother, sister and I will be at the airport to catch our flight to Trinidad. We'll be there until the 30th, then we'll be home to spend New Year's with my Dad as a family.

Looking forward to Trinidad. Drinking age is 18, so my cousins can hook me up. I hope to bring my saxophone with me, since most of my family play in bands, so that should be fun.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Belgrano - 12-08-2015

Going to spend Christmas eve in my hometown with my family, bringing my girlfriend along. Gonna enjoy my mum´s fantastic cooking, drink beer and watch sports with my dad, visit the cemetery and light some candles on my grandparents´ graves.
Afterwards I´ll be staying a few days in a thermal spa resort with my girl, maybe do a day trip to Slovenia.

We´ll then celebrate NYE either here in Vienna or go to Budapest, haven´t decided yet.
It also happens to be our first anniversary, as she was a second date bang on last year´s NYE.
Finally stuck it in her about an hour before the fireworks started, so it´s easy to remember.
Not surprisingly, I´ll be celebrating the new year in exactly the same way as the old one.
[Image: banana.gif]

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - GoldHawkStar - 12-08-2015

Christmas Eve and Day with my family. Typical traditions; church on eve, gift-opening the next morning, etc. Nothing too crazy.

New Years Eve I'll probably be doing nothing. I wish that it happened during the school year and not over break so that more than half of my college town wasn't in their hometown. Otherwise shit would be goin down that night.

I did get invited to a party back in my hometown that night, but I'll probably pass. I have little interest in seeing most of the people I went to school with.

Last New Years being under 21. Maybe next year I'll go out to the bars.

Maybe something will come up. Anyone in the midwest down to party? [Image: lol.gif]

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - cascadecombo - 12-08-2015

For me, its looking like ill be partying with poledancers. At least that's how it's looking at this point in time.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Tresdus - 12-08-2015

NYE in Moscow... Never been to Russia, see how it goes.

What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - PolymathGuru - 12-08-2015


What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Geomann180 - 12-09-2015

Block leave. See my folks and me Mum if the hospital lets her out.


What Are Your Christmas/NYE Plans? - Khan - 12-09-2015

I'm looking forward to this year's holiday season since I had to work on holidays for the last two years. I'll be spending this Christmas with my family. Traditional stuff. For New Year's Eve I plan on going to a dance party at one of the clubs in my city. Dancing salsa with chicks sounds like a good way to celebrate New Year.