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"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - chickenchaser - 12-09-2013

I found this woman's blog and thought it quite interesting.

It's very long but I'll highlight one point I think is relevant:


But enough ranting — you want to know what it feels like when you meet another girl who just wants to be your friend because they think you have an awesome personality? <snip, too long> or a guy who is honest: yep my penis is feeling you – but I’m at least going to treat you like an actual person with feelings — IT FEELS LIKE FUCKING MAGIC UNICORNS ON ECSTACY PILLS.

And that's what red pill is all about, being honest with our sexuality, rather than hiding it in the guise of free drinks, compliments and friendship.

Am I right?

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - scorpion - 12-09-2013

It's true. Most men can't appreciate the difficulty of going through life as a pretty girl, a solid 9 let's say.

As a thought experiment, let's make a list of the traits that would enable a man to experience the same difficulty in life as a pretty girl (a 9). With all or most of those traits, a man might be able to get close to the social lifestyle enjoyed by the average female 9. And then of course he would know how painfully difficult life is for hot girls. Ah, yes, a moment of silence for the 9s and 10s. It's a truly rough life being so ridiculously advantaged, but I guess somebody has to do it.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - iknowexactly - 12-09-2013

He would have to be mid-level famous as well to simulate the baseless adoration the 9 gets.

I had a co-worker who was a 9 just strting to fade, and I actually did sort of feel sorry for her. She just expected everything to go exactly as she wanted it, she couldn't see how the skids were greased for her in every area of her life by her looks.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - All or Nothing - 12-09-2013

Quote: (12-09-2013 02:23 AM)chickenchaser Wrote:  

Am I right?

1. Based on her syntax and word choice, the blog post is pseudo-intellectual nonsense.
2. The real purpose of the post is to boast about how attractive she is under the guise of "woe is me".
3. Don't take life advice from women.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - AnonymousBosch - 12-09-2013

[Image: worlds-smallest-violin.jpg]

In a few more years, she'll be writing "Where have all the good men gone?"

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - iknowexactly - 12-09-2013

The fading 9 I know nailed down a hubbie at 32, although she complained to me about how he was shorter than her ( She's 5'11") and about 8 years older. She squeezed out one baby in an agonizing late pregnancy and says she's only having one. But this one was first generation, they're different than 3-4th generation Americunts. First generation white girls are entitled, but generally not yet vicious and bitchy.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - El_Superbeasto - 12-09-2013

"It's so hard being pretty," is a typical female humblebrag. Similar to the "OMG some guy just approached me on the street, how terrible," humblebrag. After she hits the wall she'll be wishing she could go back to her previous "life of hardship".

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Que enspastic - 12-09-2013

There's no way she would opt to downgrade her looks in exchange for greater recognition of her personally

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - phoenix101 - 12-09-2013

Sounds like a work of fiction by a SIF...and the unicorns quote sounds like something a geeky SIF or just plain geek would say.
Likely just a huge coincidence, but Googling the quote only comes up with one result...a girl in a field surrounded by guys.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - chickenchaser - 12-09-2013

Thanks for kicking some sense back into me.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Parlay44 - 12-09-2013

I've tried treating pretty women as human beings. It doesn't work. They still won't date you. They'll fuck you if you're funny and your game is tight but an LTR is out of the question. A pretty girl has her choice of any man that she wants. If she has 10 handsome charming men to choose from the only limiting factor is money. A pretty girl will always LTR a wealthy guy because he offers the most security and access to resources that she wants and needs. Love is a lie. Love is in the moment. Women can choose to love whoever they want. That's what makes them women. It's men that are slaves to their emotions. In fact you're not a man until you master your emotions.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Sumanguru - 12-09-2013


Yes, I’ve got tons of free sandwiches, shots, tickets, lifts, dinners — I can, and have literally gone around a bar taking drinks from guys: paying with nothing but an enchanting smile — because I can. I once drunkenly stole a hot dog, stopped a random guy in the street and battering my long lashes asked him to pay. He dove into his pocket and handed over a note before I could finish my sentence. Yesterday alone: I got a free bus ride, three free pints, some popcorn, some tequila shots – but this article is not to boast about getting free things. It is to point out how society is so very rewarding, for something that was not earned…because it’s just ancient tradition. Again, I’m not unusual – every female I know has similar stories to this.

And for all you penis owners that haven’t had the delight of being cougared or objectified into that mythical entity of the ‘pretty boy’ yet, I only recently found out you might not know what it is like to be offered a free drink! So, just imagine a talking rottweiler, a giant gnome, personified electrical appliance (whatever doesn’t do it for you baby). Imagine them looking at your crotch. They look you up and down, they might touch your shoulder or wrist or waist lightly as you walk past, they might wink at you. They then put a drink in your hand. What…did you ask my name? I still have my debit card in my palm…how did this happen? This is what it is like to be bought a drink/ticket/meal the vast majority of the time. And of course, from birth misogynists have made you believe: if you accept it, you’re leading them on and you’re a bitch. Or if you politely refuse (while writing this article, thanks to the ‘friend’ who actually gave me these EXACT words) you’re a nasty rude bitch. So you might as well get a free drink out of being a complete bitch — whether you accept it or not — that rottweiler is still picturing you naked.

Right, because men's objectification of you [second paragraph] is what made you use random thirsty strangers for free food [first paragraph]. Got it.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - soup - 12-09-2013

What's funny about this is here she is complaining about all the attention she gets, then she goes and writes a massive attention whoring piece for the internet.

When will her need for attention be satiated? When is enough enough? Stop the madness..

Probably is a fat girl who wrote that shit.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - The Beast1 - 12-09-2013

The universe has a cruel irony for women.

I've told women this. The universe gave them all of their value right up front from puberty. They get looks, male attention, care, etc.

Not everything comes with a price however. As we have learned, the wall is cruel. Where women's immediate value plummets and disappears after 10-15 years, men continually get better with age.

So while guys who were picked apart at a young age for having a horribly low SMV realize later on that they're a hot gold nugget for virtue of being straight, employed, and having money.

/my life story. I seem to be getting better with age. I have no sympathy for women's plight with the wall. I do feel bad for women who weren't gifted with looks right off the bat. The over weight ones ironically tend to be the ones who stay prettier longer (if they work on it).

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Parlay44 - 12-09-2013

It's not that women lose all their value when they hit the wall. It's more like they're given a credit card
at puberty and hitting the wall is like maxing out the limit. So at that point they need to either get a job and start
paying off their debt or find some poor sucker to pay it off for them marriage.

That's why I like the concept of a dowry. Marrying a virgin is like having a girl with good credit and a dowry
is like getting a free down payment on your house or car [Image: lol.gif]

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Quintus Curtius - 12-09-2013

The only thing I will say in their favor is that the life of a hot chick can eventually mess up their thinking.

The minute they take one step outside the door, every day, they are showered with attention.
They are hit on or flirted with by nearly every dude.
They are never disciplined.
They are never told that they have to abide by rules and standards.
They are given a pass for everything.

So, after a few years of this, you can imagine what this will do to your head. Think Caligula, or Kim Jong Un.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Soma - 12-09-2013

5-10 years should fix all of her problems.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Wahawahwah - 12-09-2013

I hate it that I have a 14 inch penis.

I hate it when girls talk to my penis...I mean, hello? My eyes are up here.

I walk into any bar or swingers party and I literally have boobs, ass and vagina thrown at me. All I have to do is twirl my penis seductively and once literally, a random girl on campus just gave me a blowjob. It wasn't even fully erect.

But this rant is not about that. I mean, you talk to any guy with a 14 inch schlong and he'll have had similar experiences.

I just wish someone would love me for my heart and modest one-room apartment in the Bronx.

I hate hate hate hate being objectified by these shallow, sex crazed whores.
I've been raped twice. Once in my sleep. But the sex was ohmigaaawd.

I think we should all stand up to this.
I'm filing a petition on and facebook. 10000000000 likes and I'll put up a picture of my smiling dick next to a hungry feminist.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - redpillrage33 - 12-09-2013

Started reading and couldn't get past this line in the first post of the blog: "because so much of female self worth is taught to be parallel with being deemed pretty/beautiful/attractive by everyone else around you".

Taught hey? No evidence of evolution favoring sexual selection in regards to beauty, right? No reason why better loooking people might be nautrally favoured even in the absence of our evil patriachal culture, right?

Another professional female victim who uses her blog not for the supposed social change she claims to desire, but to disingenuously attention whore.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Suits - 12-09-2013

I love how women demand be respected for accomplishments, like a master's degree, an important job title, achievements, high salary, etc.

The irony is that men don't get respect for these achievements. Men get respect for having game. While this can be confusing, because its easy to pretend that a man with game is successful because he has money, we've also seen dudes who have cash and still don't get laid.

It's something of a logic leap. Women expect that if some women get attention for being beautiful, they also deserve attention because of their important job title. But the truth is, ugly men don't get attention for these things. They get what they get, because they have game.

It's like women want more attention than a man would get for achieving the same thing.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - AnonymousBosch - 12-09-2013

Quote: (12-09-2013 02:20 PM)Suits Wrote:  

It's like women want more attention than a man would get for achieving the same thing.

Fixed. Sometimes I think it's their only motivation. It's insatiable, and supplying it only creates greater demand.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Rotisserie - 12-09-2013

The easiest way to correct this behavior is having a father who can set her straight. The next best thing is game. Unfortunately, I don't think she's had the privilege of a good father, or met a guy with solid game.

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - Shotgun Styles - 12-09-2013

She could just eat her way out of this problem...

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - cardguy - 12-09-2013

"I Hate Being A Pretty Girl" - samsamsam - 12-09-2013

Do we have a pic? She might not even be that pretty. Which is one of the worse kind of chicks.