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A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Sourcecode - 12-06-2013


OK, all together now: Let's tune in when women are being respected and tune out when they're not. Our actions will demonstrate that anything other than equality is unacceptable.

I loled

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-06-2013

That was a great video by the Catholic League of America circa 1953, explaining how sexualizing women is a sin.

Oh wait, this was put out by "progressives" this year? Well, at least I got to see the hot chick in the Carl's Jr. ad. So there's that.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Flavius Aetius - 12-06-2013

The problem is that most men laugh, but feminism is winning. Every year they get more and more powerful (politically, academically, economically, culturally). Most men in the US (and western Europe) now accept basic feminist principles as gospel. Women are equal to men, should be treated equal in society, affirmative action for women in college/work, etc.

Sweden is the ultimate endgame for feminism. Feminism has been adopted as official state policy. Once they take control of the government they can use state authorized force to enforce their insane edicts. It is no longer funny when men in black uniforms with guns come to arrest you for violating feminist imposed doctrine.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Rotisserie - 12-06-2013

Just go on CNN right now, find the story about the guy who was wrongfully convicted of killing his wife and spent 20+ years in prison (essentially losing his son in the process), and see how the system can treat men.

Gotta give em props for complaining so effectively, though.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Shotgun Styles - 12-06-2013

Beauty itself is now considered a sexist concept. As is feminine behavior, traits, clothing or speech. The modern feminist perspective is fairly simple as it relates to sex:

Anything men like is, by definition, sexist.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Collide - 12-06-2013

Quote:Flavius Aetius Wrote:

Sweden is the ultimate endgame for feminism. Feminism has been adopted as official state policy. Once they take control of the government they can use state authorized force to enforce their insane edicts. It is no longer funny when men in black uniforms with guns come to arrest you for violating feminist imposed doctrine.

Sweden also has an extremely large rate of Thai brides flowing into the country.

Don't worry, men have a plan.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 05:15 PM)Flavius Aetius Wrote:  

The problem is that most men laugh, but feminism is winning. Every year they get more and more powerful (politically, academically, economically, culturally). Most men in the US (and western Europe) now accept basic feminist principles as gospel. Women are equal to men, should be treated equal in society, affirmative action for women in college/work, etc.

Sweden is the ultimate endgame for feminism. Feminism has been adopted as official state policy. Once they take control of the government they can use state authorized force to enforce their insane edicts. It is no longer funny when men in black uniforms with guns come to arrest you for violating feminist imposed doctrine.

I don't agree fully with this. The US has a different culture than Sweden (more macho) and the Internet has been a game-changer here and will continue to be.

Feminism had 40 years to become influential, so Web sites like Jezebel and Feministing already had a built-in agenda and audience.

In six years, the manosphere and other similar spaces have had a hell of a lot of influence and will continue to. This is where the pushback will come from.

When I was growing up and had casual thoughts that feminism was hypocritical BS, I had no place to confirm that. All a teenage boy has to do now is a quick Google search and he'll find countless anti-feminist sites.

And while the institutions continue to preach the gospel according to feminism, well, who really thinks schools, the gov't and the media know what they're talking about besides conformist drones?

I may have to rescind all of the above, though, if one thing comes to pass in a few years. Hillary. Don't let it happen, people.

ADDENDUM: We should think about doing a week directed at Teenage Guys on ROK. Something along the lines of "everything you're taught is wrong." If feminists can recruit young girls through Goldiblocks, we should be able to do the same. Such a service would have helped me personally because someone, somewhere would have confirmed my instincts. As it stood, there was only Tom Leykis back then. "The dad you never had."

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Handsome Creepy Eel - 12-06-2013

That video is incredibly shameless. No matter how much you give feminism, it's never had enough.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - The Lizard of Oz - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 05:38 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I may have to rescind all of the above, though, if one thing comes to pass in a few years. Hillary. Don't let it happen, people.

Dude, I'm afraid you've just set yourself up for a lot of rescinding, maybe more than you bargained for.

The Hagsreich will probably come. We'll just have to deal with it. It won't be pretty, that's for sure. But it's not a good idea to stake too much on the outcomes of specific elections and let them demoralize you excessively.

Quote: (12-06-2013 05:38 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

And while the institutions continue to preach the gospel according to feminism, well, who really thinks schools, the gov't and the media know what they're talking about besides conformist drones?

How about, almost everyone -- unless "besides conformist drones" is a qualifier meant to exclude more than 90% of the population?

Don't be fooled. The manosphere is a tiny but growing minority. Feel free to emphasize the "growing" but do not forget about the "tiny".

I believe that feminism will eventually fall because it is built on lies and contradicts reality, and there is a steep price to pay for living a lie. But it is not losing right now, and it probably hasn't peaked just yet.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 05:53 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2013 05:38 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I may have to rescind all of the above, though, if one thing comes to pass in a few years. Hillary. Don't let it happen, people.

Dude, I'm afraid you've just set yourself up for a lot of rescinding, maybe more than you bargained for.

The Hagsreich will probably come. We'll just have to deal with it. It won't be pretty, that's for sure. But it's not a good idea to stake too much on the outcomes of specific elections and let them demoralize you excessively.

Quote: (12-06-2013 05:38 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

And while the institutions continue to preach the gospel according to feminism, well, who really thinks schools, the gov't and the media know what they're talking about besides conformist drones?

How about, almost everyone -- unless "besides conformist drones" is a qualifier meant to exclude more than 90% of the population?

Don't be fooled. The manosphere is a tiny but growing minority. Feel free to emphasize the "growing" but do not forget about the "tiny".

I believe that feminism will eventually fall because it is built on lies and contradicts reality, and there is a steep price to pay for living a lie. But it is not losing right now, and it probably hasn't peaked just yet.


A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Handsome Creepy Eel - 12-06-2013

Actually, I find it hardly possible that Hillary will be more feminist than Obama. Like someone said earlier (Teedub?), it is converts to the cause that are usually the biggest zealots - people converted to Islam make the most fanatic terrorists, and men converted to feminism make the most fanatic white knights. Same like it is with male politicians in UK and Canada pushing for some of the most ridiculous feminist laws on the planet, while I haven't seen the same happen in Germany, which is ruled by Angela Merkel.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - Veloce - 12-06-2013

I thought this was a noteworthy reply:


Spencer Anderson1 hour ago

That's all fine and dandy, but when you've got children (even toddlers) watching TV, that shapes how they are in the future, believe it or not. I study the media and this is my degree. Sexual advertising to children is no joke and many parents don't want this "forced" upon their young virgin eyes.

Then you have the parents who just sit their child in front of the television and use it as a baby sitter, exposing their children to cartoons and advertisements alike - true story: children cannot distinguish between when a cartoon has ended and a commercial has begun, hence the FCC passing some regulation forcing advertisers to put a buffer in between the segments to give the notion that there might be something else showing on television rather than a continuation of a cartoon they had been previously watching.

You hear that guys? This is his DEGREE. God knows if I dropped tens of thousands of dollars on a "Media Studies" degree I'd feel the need to justify my existence too.

It's somewhat infuriating that this prevalence of puritanical ideology still persists in America. Parents that don't want their children exposed to sexual imagery, and yet have no problem exposing them to gross displays of violence.

These same parents that restrict sex from their children are the same ones that raise daughters and send them off to college to get gangbanged in drunken orgies.

If you raise kids thinking that sex is another normal function like eating or taking a shit, they're not going to develop any maladapted views towards sex. If you treat sexual imagery as some sort of "forbidden fruit", I'd theorize that you create a lot more rapists and sluts. Deny men sex, and they'll take it with violence. Deny women sex, and they'll take it by overcompensating.

The feminist agenda of censorship could lead to very ugly consequences if it gains too much traction.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year - JohnKreese - 12-06-2013

Men are being ravaged in the media worse!