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Violence against Women Week at High School - Buddy Orion - 12-05-2013

My little bro is in high school up here in Canada, and I've trained him to be very aware of the hypocrisy of women in North America so far. Here's what's been going on in the morning announcements at his school:
-a sobbing story from a teacher about how her mother was brutally raped by her father. She actually teared up and it went on for supposedly around 10 minutes. Great start to the day!
-many many references to the Montreal Massacre (a man killed 14 women in 1989 because he said feminists ruined his life...1989!!!)
-most curiously: a math teacher (one of the most Alpha men I've ever know, I had him myself) saying that if you do not support women, you are against them, you are a misogynist. This one made me think a little bit.

My rebuttals:
-First of all, STOP MAKING EVERYONE FEEL GUILTY. they're in high school, even the girls are feeling weirded out by this crap.
-Secondly, brutal rape, massacres, this calls for HUMAN RIGHTS. How many little boys are brutally raped in domestic situations as well? It would arguably hurt more too.
-Thirdly, if women don't support men, are they androgynists? I don't here any talk these days about supporting men, why are non-feminists the enemy?

In the case of my old Alpha math teacher, I believe that many of the older generations progressives stood for a type of feminism that had a good reason behind it. A certain part of the population should not be discriminated against at all, in my opinion (blacks, females, who cares). Equal work for equal pay, otherwise we're just wasting valuable talent in our society. What these older people don't realize is that feminism is now a POLITICAL ideology. Everyone has equal human rights, females most likely have more. When the school plasters feminism posters all over the halls, and when pink shirts are sold saying "This is what a feminist looks like" you might as well be saying "This is what a liberal looks like." The pay gap is a myth. Brutality against women is no different than brutality against anyone else. When you brainwash a school to be "feminists" you are not teaching "open minds" or "progressive thinking." Fucking bullshit.

Any other thoughts? This shit makes me angry...

Violence against Women Week at High School - Walderschmidt - 12-05-2013

Of course it's bullshit - they do stuff like this university too.

I'd suggest he play angry birds with the volume low to pass the time during such meetings.


Violence against Women Week at High School - Flavius Aetius - 12-05-2013

The worst is like Walderschmidt said when you get to college. All males are forced to be publicly humiliated--like some sort of anti-male shaming. They make all freshman attend a rape seminar where all the girls are told to look around--and see that every college male around them has or will rape them at some point during their college experience.

Every male friend--Rapist. Every male teacher--Rapist. Every male who looks as you walk by--rapist. Every male who tries to talk to you--rapist.

That cute guy who you talked to last night at the party, found attractive, had sex with--he coerced you. Not physically, but mentally because he made himself sexually desirable to you, showed sexual interest in you--rapist--if you did not like the sex--double rapist.

This garbage does not fly now that I am older---but it can be pretty devastating to kids and young men.

Violence against Women Week at High School - Shotgun Styles - 12-05-2013

I recently had this discussion with my father. The stereotypical image of the woman with a black eye huddled in the corner of the kitchen, clinging to her children while the man attacks her for preparing a cold dinner is almost entirely mythological in modern America. Any honest cop will tell you that abusive relationships are overwhelmingly MUTUAL. More importantly, the WOMAN typically throws the first blows because the women of The View and Hollywood films have told them that violence against men is not only acceptable, but admirable.

Violence against men is rampant in this country. The images of violence against men in TV and film VASTLY outnumber those of violence against women.

Violence against Women Week at High School - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-06-2013

The real way to protest Violence Against Women week is to have every guy provoke fights with every guy in striking range all the time.

When they ask what's up, simply say the school condones this. Since there's a Violence Against Women Week, but no Violence Against Men Week, that means that by omission administrators are saying bashing the guys is A-OK!

Tell them they've successfully convinced you boys lives are worthless and you want to bash heads and take down names.

And you should also say you're really gonna double down on the aggression when it comes to young kids you see on the way home from school, since there is no Violence Against Children Week. Apparently, kids are more equipped to handle the rigors of everyday life than the sacrosanct women of your school district.

Violence against Women Week at High School - Veloce - 12-06-2013

in my fucked up brain I read "Violence against Women Week at High School"
and I thought, "Aint that some shit. High school out there promoting violence against women."

Violence against Women Week at High School - eradicator - 12-06-2013

Quote: (12-06-2013 02:05 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

in my fucked up brain I read "Violence against Women Week at High School"
and I thought, "Aint that some shit. High school out there promoting violence against women."

I read it the same way and figured, 'eh probably texas or florida'