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Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

Feminist Delia Fandom makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis in front of over 1000 people following her...

[Image: BZjjXAuCAAAQh2Z.jpg]

This is a criminal offense that is punishable with many years
in a very cold and ugly place, in any jurisdiction in the world,
especially in United States [Image: exclamation.gif]

Tuthmosis, do not let her get away with this,
she can easily spend her next 3 to 10 years there,
you simply have to write (LawDogger can help)
a written complaint to any station near you:

Delia Fandom : " i will chop u up sprinkle u in acid and feed u to my dog "

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

The United States laws do not distinguish between threats issued vocally and those in writing.

Electronic communication makes no difference either, with an email having the same significance as a letter. The law does not take context into consideration, either.

The fact that the death threat was made publicly, it makes its legal gravity much higher

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - Parlay44 - 11-21-2013

Wouldn't he have to reveal his identity? Don't people have the right to face their accuser?

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

By the criminal law existing in United States, the one who reports a crime of this level of seriousness,
always has full protection and privacy of course.

Not reporting it would be like "I was subject to a tentative to be killed (very serious crime), but I will not report it
because I hurted the feelings of someone online (something that everybody does
hundreds of times every week and it is of course never a crime), and I am very afraid because of that... "

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-21-2013

Don't worry. Her disturbing facial features are already the greatest punishment that she could possibly receive.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - user10726 - 11-21-2013

0.1/10 WNB

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - Parlay44 - 11-21-2013

I say take her down Tuth. Take her down to Chinatown. Make an example for the world to see. Then write an ROK article about it. Game recognized.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - j r - 11-21-2013

Appealing to the authority of the law to fight your battles is a feminist tactic. Don't fall to their level. There are sutuations where you do want to involve the law, but an unpleasant Tweet isn't one of them.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - WanderingSoul - 11-21-2013

Don't do it. It's beneath you. Don't turn snitch over some dumb little cunt.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

Hundreds of thousands of men are rotting now in jails for emails or messages for tinier threats than this... they
were published and viewed everywhere as criminals, humiliated in the massmedia and
made to look as monsters, for private messages that were nowhere the violence and power of
the death threats that Delia Fandom made against Tuthmosis

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - Celtic - 11-21-2013

His problem is that making the report would likely require him to put his name out there, which feminists would use as a way of going after his job/family as is their MO.

That, and because she is a woman they will probably give her a pass.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

a report would Never make his name public at all. the report stays only in the station where it was made,
and it is investigated everything about the feminist by the official investigators.

98% of inmate population is male not because men are all criminals, but because the crimes done by women
are not reported, because of similar to chicken attitudes... [Image: sad.gif]

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

A man who did similar threats on Twitter against a woman, got a sentence of 5 Years...

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

the difference is that the man did not make the threats in a public way, but privately.

Delia Fandom feminist made the death and mutilation threats in front of over 1,000 people followers,
which makes it by law a far more bigger crime

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - j r - 11-21-2013

It's tempting to think that you can defeat this sort of thing by turning the tables on the feminists and using the law against them. That strategy, however, will never work. All you would accomplish is to give credence to the very apparatus that feminists use to assert their agenda. You are essentially making their points for them, "See. Men need feminism/anti-bullying laws/revenge porn laws/hate speech laws too!"

You can't out-victim the professional victims. Better to not play their game at all.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - Soma - 11-21-2013

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

Hopefully for everyone, Tuthmosis will do the right thing and report her to the nearest station.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - DaveR - 11-21-2013

Maybe a third-party could make the complaint? Does the victim have to been identified if the threat was made publicly?

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - w00t - 11-21-2013

Well shes a woman, technically at least. So she would get off with a slap on the wrist anyway.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - j r - 11-21-2013

Quote: (11-21-2013 07:54 AM)socialp Wrote:  

Hopefully for everyone, Tuthmosis will do the right thing and report her to the nearest station.

Do you really not see how illogical and self-defeating this sort of thing would be? The phrase that comes to mind is "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - socialp - 11-21-2013

Not she will not get away with this very lightly.

Millions of men are serving time because they let the laws used only against them,
almost never in favor of them. That is why we have over 98% inmate population men

The women are doing almost as many crimes as men, the problem is that they are not reported...

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - WanderingSoul - 11-21-2013

Cops are a necessary evil to protect women, children and cowards.

If you're contemplating calling the police over something like this, you have to ask yourself which category you fit into.

Sometime a man may have to call the police. This is not one of those times.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - AntiTrace - 11-21-2013

This is a move right out the feminists playbook.

"He said something mean about me, I'm going to find every little detail about him and attempt to ruin his personal and professional life"

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - worldwidetraveler - 11-21-2013

Quote: (11-21-2013 08:20 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Cops are a necessary evil to protect women, children and cowards.

If you're contemplating calling the police over something like this, you have to ask yourself which category you fit into.

Sometime a man may have to call the police. This is not one of those times.

I would call the animal police. She obviously didn't think it through very well wanting to feed her dog acid.

Feminist makes public death and mutilation threats to Tuthmosis... Criminal offenses - Screwston - 11-21-2013

Claims to be strong and independent...has a nervous breakdown and wants you to die a slow death because you have different opinions.