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Actors stage fake rape scenario - VincentVinturi - 11-16-2013

Here's the accompanying article:


Judging from what you've read in the media lately, you'd think there's a direct correlation between a woman's drunk slutty drinking and her propensity to get sexually assaulted, but as it turns out there are more ways of preventing rape that don't include making half the population stay indoors past midnight and holding them responsible for the illegal actions of others!

What if ... men ... (stay with me) ... didn't ... (stay with me) ... rape? Moreover, what if people ... (stay with me) ... stopped ... men from raping? I know it sounds bonkers to put the burden of responsibility on anyone but the victim in the case of sexual assault, but ABC wanted to see what happened when we do. As it turns out, it can be pretty effective.

In a popular ABC segment called "What Would You Do?", two actors stage a scene that should send massive alarm bells in the head of any human-being: a woman who is visibly intoxicated, being dragged away by a man who's clearly intending to rape her in his hotel room. Yes, I said rape, not sex. Look it up. If we want to stop minimizing rape, we need to stop calling it sex. I'm talking to you, Kansas City Star.

The first half of the video is pretty faith-restoring, because it shows women and men standing up against a perpetrator who appears to be intentionally taking a victim away so that he can rape her, although no one mentions the word rape, only that he's "taking advantage of her." The video takes a petrifying turn at 6:40 when two married men come in. The fact that they encourage the man to rape the woman is bad, but the fact that we later learn (at the 8:00 minute mark) that one of them is an off-duty cop is horrifying. Take a look.

The rapist in this video is not only allowed to rape, he's encouraged to do it. This is what happens when police officers, the media, or female journalists tell women to stop getting drunk/dressing like sluts to prevent sexual assault. It would be sensible advice if it didn't reinforce the very structures that make sexual assault not only possible, but probable.

One in five women will be a victim of rape at some point in her life. Women who are between the ages of 16-24, are four times for likely to get raped than any other population group. It doesn't keep happening because alcohol exists, it keeps happening because men who rape get to joke about it with off-duty cops. If the people who are supposed to be protecting women, buy into rape culture, it's not surprising that rape remains the most unreported crime.

Even if alcohol was prohibited for every woman tomorrow, rape would still happen. Booze and short skirts don't cause rape; rapists do. The more we focus on the victims, the less we focus on the rapists. Until perpetrators are held accountable, they will have no reason to change. Let's make it harder to rape, not easier to blame the victim.


Actors stage fake rape scenario - Mage - 11-16-2013

So strangers are expected do be vigilant and take legal and physical risks by interventing, but nobody mentions that maybe girls just shouldn't get so drunk especially while alone in public.

Actors stage fake rape scenario - Veloce - 11-16-2013

Some healthy commenting going on.

Actors stage fake rape scenario - Hades - 11-16-2013

So cockblockers should be considered good samaritans? Great thinking there, planks.
Quote:the website's tagline Wrote:

Elizabeth Plank
Viral Content & Social Justice Editor at PolicyMic. Masters degree from the London School of Economics. Behavioral science consultant by training and feminist crusader by passion.
Not surprised she doesn't work a real job. What the hell is a social justice editor.

Actors stage fake rape scenario - Peregrine - 11-16-2013

Quote:Hades Wrote:

Not surprised she doesn't work a real job. What the hell is a social justice editor.

The real social injustice is that she's able to make a living wage.

Actors stage fake rape scenario - Tytalus - 11-16-2013

Wasn't the follow up posted here a few weeks earlier, how nobody helped the man being drugged by the chic?

Actors stage fake rape scenario - AntiTrace - 11-16-2013

"Why are you touching my hair, I dont know you"

"I cant go with you, I dont know you"

In the court of law thats called leading the witness. What do you expect people to do?

Actors stage fake rape scenario - The Lizard of Oz - 11-16-2013

This is an outrage. Things are really starting to get out of hand.

The level of mendacity and sleaze of these staged morality plays is really breathtaking. They remind me of certain pieces of communist theater, like the nightmarish plays the Vietcong would regularly stage right in the tunnels of Cu Chi to keep the guerrillas entertained and on point.

The exaggerated and ludicrous drunkenness of the bitch in the first two scenes, her repeated slurring of the feminist "I don't know you" safe-word script and the way-over-the-top imbecilic smarminess of the fake "bro" are repulsive beyond description.

The idea that we are supposed to believe that there is a resemblance between these demented fairy tales and any kind of reality makes my blood boil.

Are there men who prey upon vulnerable women in order to rape them and worse? Yes, very few, but they do exist. They would never behave in the way shown here. No one would even notice what happened. Indeed it would be more like in the camera footage shown in the segment where the man just calmly carries the girl out of the club as if he was doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing.

This describes a vanishingly small number of cases. The other 99.9%+ which we are supposed to pretend never happen is when the drunken slut willingly chooses the dude she wants, who more often than not is equally drunk.

Instead we are treated to this shameless spectacle of unreality designed to provoke the stock characters assembled in the bar to assume their appointed roles, like the willing audience in the communist play when it's time for it to storm the stage and free the oppressed peasant from his piggish master.

They exploit the stupidity and suggestibility of these simple people just as they are willing to exploit the grief and sorrow of the mother who lost her daughter to one of the real monsters. All so that the sleazy party hack of an anchor can let the "expert" hag make her ex cathedra misandrist pronouncements on what it all means.


Actors stage fake rape scenario - The Lizard of Oz - 11-16-2013

One more thing.

People were talking about "backlash" on the knockout game thread, and I don't disagree. It would be good to see some of those knockout punks given a real beating and taught a lesson. Sure.

But you know who I want to see serious backlash against? The people who are behind making Vietcong level misandrist puppet shows like this one.

They are evil, dangerous and influential far beyond those punks. They deserve some hard core backlash.

Real talk.

Actors stage fake rape scenario - Collide - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 06:14 PM)Tytalus Wrote:  

Wasn't the follow up posted here a few weeks earlier, how nobody helped the man being drugged by the chic?

Actors stage fake rape scenario - Lyokoz - 11-16-2013

Actors stage fake rape scenario - kosko - 11-17-2013

Femenist Women can only go off folly media pranks to display "rape" because it happens so few times. London England is one the worlds largest cities and has more cameras per Capita then any place else. Where are the swaths of edited rape videos to be used as educational and scare tools against female rape?? They dont show up because they don't exist. Rape is a folly and is wanted from the female. Legit near death rape is so rare and random it's not even noted

I'll take a woman's money before I ever rape her... I remember seeing some blonde chic passed out in a ally. I tried to help her get a cab and she told me to fuck off and not to hurt her...."don't touch me..don't rape me" I wasn't even touching her. It's almost like she was asking for it in a perverse way, egging some dude on with a nuclear perverted shit-test.

I just kept saying she's not wise for laying down here and should get home, and I would get her a cab if needed. She kept telling me to fuck off. I seen her purse and 60$ bucks sticking out of the ground and took that shit. LoL. Ungrateful bitch.

That article was strait up junk. How can that shit be called writing. It's pure Garbo, with Garbo stats. To a women anything said or printed is truth. They will take in anything that is spoken or writing as gospel, no critical assessment of reading between the lines. That article strait up makes no sense but somebody green lighted it a a piece of worthy material to be included on the record of internet archives for the rest of time.