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Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - thegmanifesto - 11-16-2013


I always get super innovative thoughts when I do my sprints in the most beautiful park in the world.

So here is what I was thinking, follow me on this boys.

We all agree on these things:

1. If you swoop a girl that you paid for, it does not count as a "notch".

2. If you swoop a girl that someone else, let's say a friend, paid for, it does not count as a "notch".

3. If your only swoops are girls that were paid for, you are an Omega.

With me so far?

I don't think anyone on here disagrees with the above statements.

So, let's say you swoop a girl for free, but then pay her after the fact, wouldn't that erase the notch?

Furthermore, if you found out everyone that a some player has swooped, and paid them, wouldn't that erase all their notches?

For instance, if someone was an Alpha with a ton of notches, you could find out all the girls he swooped, pay them, knock his notches down to zero and automatically turn him into an Omega.


Please discuss.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Vaun - 11-16-2013

For after the fact you mean pay with drinks, dinners, time, attention, texting & the bullshit we say and do to earn those notches?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - PrimeTime32 - 11-16-2013

I agree with puckman. We pay regardless whether it's with our time or straight cash. If you pay upfront with cash I say that you value your time and want to get straight to the point.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - El_Superbeasto - 11-16-2013

So first off, what qualifies as paying for it? Are we talking straight up cash, taking her on a trip, jewelry, clothes, an expensive dinner, giving her drugs, buying her drinks? Where is the line?

To answer your question, I'd say it depends. For example, a couple of high school buddies played in the NFL and they told me (back when they were in the league) that they preferred hookers and strippers. With those types they knew it was just about the money and everything was up front, as opposed to some gold digger who will try to pull the okie doke by acting like she in love, when she's really just in love with the money. Being pro athletes making 6-7 figures in their early 20's, they still qualified as alpha male type in just about every sense of the word. In this case paying for it didn't make them omega.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Christian McQueen - 11-16-2013

Cock goes in pussy = notch.

(technically, regardless of whether a guy gets it for 'free', or pays, he still had sexual intercourse with the girl. Period)

A Player Notch and how I've always spoken of my notches consists of:

1. I did not pay for the sex.
2. My cock entered her pussy and intercourse ensued for at least 5 minutes.

Thus, all notches are not created equal.

However: if Guy A fucks 100 prostitutes in 2013, and Guy B fucks 100 club rats (but doesn't buy the sex), who had more notches?

Both are equal in the technical sense. They both stuck their cock in 100 pussies, so their notch count is the same.

The only reason Player Notches came around is for 2 reasons:

1. Male Hamsters: it didn't 'count cuz he paid' is the same as a chick who uses this hamster 'logic' to justify her bullshit.

2. Male Ego: at the end of the day NO ONE gies a flying fuck how many girls I've banged; it's an ego trip and one of the few ways that men can remain competitive in a world where masculine hobbies are being condemned.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Kimber - 11-16-2013

omegas and alphas are mindsets, not behaviours.
also, if a girl fucks a guy for free, then later on down the track you pay her for sex, that doesn't retroactively turn that girl into a whore.
why would you want to do this anyway? i feel this is a troll thread.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - soup - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 10:42 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  


I always get super innovative thoughts when I do my sprints in the most beautiful park in the world.

So here is what I was thinking, follow me on this boys.

We all agree on these things:

1. If you swoop a girl that you paid for, it does not count as a "notch".

2. If you swoop a girl that someone else, let's say a friend, paid for, it does not count as a "notch".

3. If your only swoops are girls that were paid for, you are an Omega.

With me so far?

I don't think anyone on here disagrees with the above statements.

So, let's say you swoop a girl for free, but then pay her after the fact, wouldn't that erase the notch?

Furthermore, if you found out everyone that a some player has swooped, and paid them, wouldn't that erase all their notches?

For instance, if someone was an Alpha with a ton of notches, you could find out all the girls he swooped, pay them, knock his notches down to zero and automatically turn him into an Omega.


Please discuss.

I think that if you aren't forking over cash to a whore or her pimp, that can count that as well. If people are giving you pussy, then it doesn't matter where it's coming from. If a guy "gives" you a girl to fuck, be it a friend of his, his girlfriend, his sister, or whatever, I say it counts. I've had guys hand girls over to me.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - soup - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 11:06 AM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

Cock goes in pussy = notch.

(technically, regardless of whether a guy gets it for 'free', or pays, he still had sexual intercourse with the girl. Period)

A Player Notch and how I've always spoken of my notches consists of:

1. I did not pay for the sex.
2. My cock entered her pussy and intercourse ensued for at least 5 minutes.

Thus, all notches are not created equal.

However: if Guy A fucks 100 prostitutes in 2013, and Guy B fucks 100 club rats (but doesn't buy the sex), who had more notches?

Both are equal in the technical sense. They both stuck their cock in 100 pussies, so their notch count is the same.

The only reason Player Notches came around is for 2 reasons:

1. Male Hamsters: it didn't 'count cuz he paid' is the same as a chick who uses this hamster 'logic' to justify her bullshit.

2. Male Ego: at the end of the day NO ONE gies a flying fuck how many girls I've banged; it's an ego trip and one of the few ways that men can remain competitive in a world where masculine hobbies are being condemned.

People knock the whole PUA thing, but let's face, once your game gets to a point where it's not just about keeping your dick fed, it really is about the art. All the grace and ninja moves.. the seemingly magical power of pulling a girl in the middle of the day and fucking in her on the top of some hotel that you aren't even staying at, swiping two girls at the bar while guys jaws are dropping, swooping some hot model out from underneath a famous or rich guys nose, always having new girls show up to your gigs.. eliciting that deer caught in the headlights look from guys AND chicks as you do your thing.. these are important for society because it stretches the imaginations of what is possible and can help break up deleterious complacency.

Stories are written about guys like us. Movies are made. Vaginas are masturbated before the husband comes home (or maybe while he's there) to 50 shades of Grey etc. There's an entire industry built on the allure of the powerful male seducer- the man who seems to walk on water.

Game is power.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - El_Superbeasto - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 11:06 AM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

The only reason Player Notches came around is for 2 reasons:

1. Male Hamsters: it didn't 'count cuz he paid' is the same as a chick who uses this hamster 'logic' to justify her bullshit.

2. Male Ego: at the end of the day NO ONE gies a flying fuck how many girls I've banged; it's an ego trip and one of the few ways that men can remain competitive in a world where masculine hobbies are being condemned.

I don't think the difference is subjective. To me, it's like going hard in the paint and throwing down a dunk in someone's face vs jumping off a trampoline to dunk. There's a big difference in the level of athleticism on display.

Just like there's a big disparity in the level of game of a guy who's paying for all his notches and a guy who has his notches paying him - Rubirosa, Hef (back in the day), or Don Magic Juan.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Courage Reborn - 11-16-2013

Its a question of timing.

Did she fuck you for CASH, or did she fuck you for YOU at the time?

Cash paid later should not retroactively erase the notch if the girl fucked you for you at the time of sex

I would also add; "everybody know it ain't trickin if you got it" - TI

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Hotwheels - 11-16-2013

If I bang out a broad and afterwards she takes care of me, cleans my house, cooks me food, etc, does the notch go away if I let her drive my car?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - soup - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 11:30 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Its a question of timing.

Did she fuck you for CASH, or did she fuck you for YOU at the time?

Cash paid later should not retroactively erase the notch if the girl fucked you for you at the time of sex

I would also add; "everybody know it ain't trickin if you got it" - TI

What does it mean to be fucked "for YOU"?

Almost everything I do when I get a girl is shit I learned here or from other guys. The girl is going for the "me," but having the game of many men enables it. And, the "me" is just an energy that flows through all of nature so everyone owns already anyway.


I'd also argue that nature counts a notch as getting a girl pregnant.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Jaylow - 11-16-2013

Some guys will get more enjoyment out of fucking 5 different girls a year than someone who fucks 300 different girls a year. Why not just live life and enjoy yourself instead of trying to get an arbitrary number to go up?

With that being said, a big part of game is getting laid and using everything you have as a man to get what you want. Paying for sex is taking everything about you out of the equation. Having a sick crib and a flashy car or spending money on drinks, meals or cabs can help you get laid but it still comes down to you as a person and there is no guarantee you will be fucking her. A very specific agreement of money changing hands for sex does not count as a notch.


If people are giving you pussy, then it doesn't matter where it's coming from. If a guy "gives" you a girl to fuck, be it a friend of his, his girlfriend, his sister, or whatever, I say it counts. I've had guys hand girls over to me.

But what lead that guy to give you his girl? Would the same guy go into a dungeons and dragons club and hand his girl over?

It still came down to your game. Your aura, or presence if you will.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Basil Ransom - 11-16-2013

Lol this is a troll post by the G.

That aside, it's very simple if you think of it this way.

A LAY is penis in vagina or ass. A LAY is the same thing as a BANG.

A NOTCH is a penis in vagina or ass where the man didn't give the girl money or gifts.

'Notch' comes from 'notching your bedpost' to indicate an achievement - pay for play isn't a sexual achievement. So it doesn't make sense to call hooker pussy a notch - but you definitely did get laid aka bang.

Lays - Notches = P4P bang count.

Look, if you're an anal retentive asshole with Talmudic powers of reasoning, you can come up with some contrived scenario that falls in a grey area. But for most of your lays, it's going to be pretty clear, at least Stateside.

This may not hold in third world countries, with which I have little experience.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - thegmanifesto - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 11:06 AM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

Cock goes in pussy = notch.

(technically, regardless of whether a guy gets it for 'free', or pays, he still had sexual intercourse with the girl. Period)

A Player Notch and how I've always spoken of my notches consists of:

1. I did not pay for the sex.
2. My cock entered her pussy and intercourse ensued for at least 5 minutes.

Thus, all notches are not created equal.

However: if Guy A fucks 100 prostitutes in 2013, and Guy B fucks 100 club rats (but doesn't buy the sex), who had more notches?

Both are equal in the technical sense. They both stuck their cock in 100 pussies, so their notch count is the same.

The only reason Player Notches came around is for 2 reasons:

1. Male Hamsters: it didn't 'count cuz he paid' is the same as a chick who uses this hamster 'logic' to justify her bullshit.

2. Male Ego: at the end of the day NO ONE gies a flying fuck how many girls I've banged; it's an ego trip and one of the few ways that men can remain competitive in a world where masculine hobbies are being condemned.

^^^^This is basically what I was getting at.

Shattering some long held myths.

Also, my post above should have been funny to the reader.

I still don't even know a "troll post" is.


On another note:

Let's say you are in the entertainment biz and cast a lot of young actresses that you bang.

But we know they are banging you because of work (and money) you can offer them.

They are not banging you for you.

So this guy would obviously have zero notches right?

Furthermore, even though he is f*cking hundreds of beuatiful young actresses a year, he is an Omega because he is using "work and money" to bang these girls, right?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Vicious - 11-16-2013

If I bolted before she got paid. Is it still a notch?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - The Great Basilisk - 11-16-2013

A world class athlete wins an Olympic medal and breaks the previous world record. He has spent all his time on this sport since he was a child and now suddenly he has all these bitches wanting to fuck him.
But they don't want to fuck him because of him, but because he spent so much time on this sport that suddenly he is famous.
So any notches that come after the Olympic medal don't count.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - Ensam - 11-16-2013

I'm worried about how legit my notch count is. Is that beta?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - thegmanifesto - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 03:14 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

If I bolted before she got paid. Is it still a notch?

That is a great question.

How about this one:

You swoop a girl for free, but she steals your Iphone?

I think that would erase the "notch", wouldn't it?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - MikeCF - 11-16-2013

What is a girl is coming to visit you and the only place to park is a nearby garage that costs $20 (a lot to a 19 year old girl):

a. You don't tell her you're going to pay for parking, but do so after the bang. (You even walk her to the garage and slip her a $20.)

b. You tell her to park nearby and that you'll cover parking.

Are the notches erased in both scenarios? One scenario? Neither scenario?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - MikeCF - 11-16-2013

You go into the back room with a stripper.

She fucks you but only charges wholesale (that is, the lap dance rate). Keep in mind that if you're in back with a stripper, the house keeps track and charges her "rent" based on the number of lap dances she gives.

Does that count as a notch?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - MikeCF - 11-16-2013

You go to an escort. You pay her for the bang.

Later she calls you up and says she wants to be fuck buddies.

Do the latter bangs (that you're not paying for) count, even though you paid for the first bang?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - WestCoast - 11-16-2013

You are famous in your city. The girls fucks you because you are famous. She even tells you the only reason she is fucking you is because you are famous.

Is this game? Is this a notch?

You bang a chick and find out she also has a sugar daddy, you still have to pay for cabs for her to come over does this mean it doesn't count? Or does it count because you are paying less than the sugar daddy?

More importantly the cab ride costs $25 but you learn you can bang a "10" in Eastern Europe for $20. Is this an American notch and not counted in Eastern Europe because you paid above market value?

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - MikeCF - 11-16-2013

Quote: (11-16-2013 02:20 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

On another note:

Let's say you are in the entertainment biz and cast a lot of young actresses that you bang.

But we know they are banging you because of work (and money) you can offer them.

They are not banging you for you.

So this guy would obviously have zero notches right?

Furthermore, even though he is f*cking hundreds of beuatiful young actresses a year, he is an Omega because he is using "work and money" to bang these girls, right?

Good one.

How about this one:

A girl sees your AmEx Platinum and stack of hundreds and assumes you have some "walking around" money.

She bangs you, hoping that you'll take her out on dates and pay for drinks.

Since your philosophy is, "I go out to have fun and don't care about spending money," she is in fact right. She finds herself partying on your tab.

The notch doesn't count, right?

And the guy in Zanesville, Ohio who is banging overweight farm girls is more of a true player than the guy hooking up with California hotties and Vegas party sluts.

Innovative Notch Count Question Thread - MikeCF - 11-16-2013

A girl reads your blog and wants to bang. She is broke but hot.

You fly her out to play for the weekend.

Does that notch count™?