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mall Day game - lombo - 11-13-2010

Hey This is my first post,
I would like you guys to analyze this situation.

I was roaming around in a mall, when i saw this 7 walk in.
I walked up to her and here is what happened :-

Me :- "Hey how are you? Got a second? My sister has the same kind of shirt, I spilled juice all over it, she was damn pissed at me. Where did you get it from?"
Girl :- "(points to a store) I got it from there... But I got it more that 8 months a go. So I am not sure if you will still fine it."
Me :- "Me thats true! How about you help me find it."
Girl :- (looks confused)
Me :- "Unless you have to be somewhere to be"
Girl :- "Yea actually my friends are waiting for me."
Me :- "Thats ok, thanks for you time anyways. See ya"

I am looking at possible tips on improving my game, and also for variations which might come in handy.

mall Day game - Sonsowey - 11-14-2010

Whatever your opener, you need to transition into actually talking to the girl VERY quickly. Otherwise you're just asking her a random question about a shirt, and why would she come with you?

Usually you'll want to talk to a girl for at LEAST 5-10 minutes before bouncing her to an instadate. You have to show her you're an interesting guy for her to want to spend any time with you.

I would check out some videos here, dude is pretty solid at day game cold approaches, though he usually approaches foreigners (you would too in the UK...)

mall Day game - MiXX - 11-14-2010

Sonsowey is right. I actually think your opener was fantastic A+, I like it. You disarmed her, but then you immediately cornered her again (not good)...remember how a girls mind works; if you ask her to do something, her mind will go into a 1,000 reasons as to why she should respond with "no", even if she wants to say yes! Think about how girls resist sex even with her panties halfway down, and she is completely wet.

With mall game, time is limited and the way you look and the vibe you ooze is HUGE, but the mall is target rich, so do not hesitate to move on to the next girl, and spit the same "my sisters shirt" opener.

So, next time, use the same opener, but then start building a little comfort with some minor humor to ease the tension - chances are every girl will tell you she has friends waiting for her, in case you are some "creep" (I hate how they use that word) at the mall ready to stalk her, its her personal defense mechanism kicking in.

So, a transition would have been like this:

Me :- "Hey how are you? Got a second? My sister has the same kind of shirt, I spilled juice all over it, she was damn pissed at me. Where did you get it from?"
Girl :- "(points to a store) I got it from there... But I got it more that 8 months a go. So I am not sure if you will still fine it."
Transition - get some IOI's

Mixx - "girl, you're a lifesaver, I'm gonna run over to that store in a few to see if It's my lucky day, I owe you it means I get to carry all your bags today, LUCKY YOU!"
---- she'll probably looked confused now, but smile/giggle most likely. Get a good read on her body language, a woman's body language NEVER lies - is she turning away from you? Is she directly facing you? Is she smiling or giving you a bitchy, I just got my monthly period look? Is she turning away as you talk to her? Or is she moving closer and smiling?

-- Regardless, get her opinion on a some colognes/shirts/bracelets you just purchased to invest some comfort/trust bldg time. You should always have at least some cologne samples in your pocket at the mall.

-- After 5 minutes---

MIxx - "Hey look, I'm gonna be upfront with you, I have my sister and 2 girlfriends waiting for me at Starbucks in about 15 minutes, as I'm sure you have some friends waiting for you as well, be a cool girl scout today, and come help me pick out an alternate shirt /* (start turning away slightly as if to walk towards your destination, and notice I did not ask) */ , you and my sis seem to have the same taste...I'll buy you an ice cream cone if you do a good job".

This is the exact moment where your target will now get a good look at you to see if she likes what she sees. If you're dressed well, and look good with a confident smile, then you have a good shot at a SNL. At this point, if the girl is interested in you in any way, you've built enough trust for her to at least go with you to the store, and then you can pretty much control the outcome within 45 minutes of comfort/trust building.......if she still resists and makes excuses, I'd say she is just not interested, and you should choose a new target. Forget asking for the number from your current target, she'll flake because not enough time was invested in her part towards you.

TIP: try doing this with incredibly beautiful girls 9+ - trust me, very rare do they have guys approach them with these "save me" openers, unlike the average girls who "seem" easier targets, they are approached a lot more, and actually have even bigger bitch shields.

So, try this 10x at your next mall day game adventure, I am sure 2 of those 10 girls will say "Yes", so do not be discouraged from a few no answers. It's the the numbers, then go try another 10x at another mall [Image: smile.gif]


mall Day game - Kickb - 11-15-2010

I have been wanting to do some approaches at the mall (or anywhere for that matter)but for some reason i just can not get myself to the mall(or other locations) to do this. 10 times seems like a lot for a beginner. I know that after i do it a few times and find some success it will be a lot easier but its just really hard at this point. i figure in time i will gain the confidence to do this. I wish i could just throw the AFC/beta inner voice that i have out of my head.

mall Day game - MiXX - 11-15-2010

Quote: (11-15-2010 12:32 AM)kickboxer Wrote:  

10 times seems like a lot for a beginner.

This is the exact reason why you MUST approach 10x - because you are a beginner! If you were a seasoned vet, you would get results faster, but don't be afraid of approaching in numbers - you learn with every approach, and the only bad approach, is the one you did not make.


mall Day game - Kickb - 11-15-2010

I guess i need to just accept that i will not win every single approach and that i will mess up a many times. The sooner i can come to terms with this the sooner ill be in a pool of 'gina

Your signature is great by the way

mall Day game - Tony Ryan - 11-15-2010

Quote: (11-15-2010 12:32 AM)kickboxer Wrote:  

I have been wanting to do some approaches at the mall (or anywhere for that matter)but for some reason i just can not get myself to the mall(or other locations) to do this. 10 times seems like a lot for a beginner. I know that after i do it a few times and find some success it will be a lot easier but its just really hard at this point. i figure in time i will gain the confidence to do this. I wish i could just throw the AFC/beta inner voice that i have out of my head.

Hey man, I was definitely there at one point. I remember being in the mall practically shitting my pants trying to get myself to talk to a random, especially since I was only used to do this at night.

Here's a tip:

Ease your fear out of your fear by going up to people and asking where if there is a nearby starbucks. They don't even have to be girls at first, but just random people. Just go up to them, spit it out, then you can walk away. You'll get more and more comfortable talking with randoms after doing this 5x. Then when you feel a bit more confident, do the starbucks or the shirt thing in this example, but then try continuing the interaction - Mixx gave some great advice on how to do that in this instance.

mall Day game - lombo - 11-16-2010

thanks MiXX and Sonsowey...

good info and handy tips.

There is also that i came across. Thanks to Sonsowey

mall Day game - lombo - 11-20-2010

Ok so today was a fail....

I wanted to try the "my sisters shirt" opener, on this 8 in front of the mall...

Me :- "Hey how are you? Got a second? My sister has the same kind of shirt, I spilled juice all over it, she was damn pissed at me. Where did you get it from?"

She :- "Well... actually this is my brother's shirt."
Me thinking (?!?!?!?!)
I took the info of where her bro, got it from... And couldnt think of what to say next.

And basically after delivering the opener, I froze.

All I was able to get out of her was that, she came there to buy movie tickets...

[Things I noticed... Its tough to find girls who are alone, in a mall. Mostly its a social business.]

[P.S. :- I was waiting to buy the outof stock Bang book. But I think I'll just buy the e-book, wanna really improve my game.]

mall Day game - Sonsowey - 11-20-2010


Kudos for putting in the effort, the more you try the more success you will have.

With the opener you're using, you might try changing it up a little bit to get a bit more mileage out of it.

''Hey, that shirt really caught my attention, so I decided to come over and say hi"
''Yeah, my sister actually had one just like it *touch the shirt for just a second*, and I spilt juice all over it, man was she pissed!''

There you already introduced yourself, so that little mini-story can be used to get an initial little giggle and to start kino. Then from there you have some familiarity already and can just start chatting about whatever.

mall Day game - lombo - 11-20-2010

Thanks for the tip Sonsowey, day game is harder than it seems in those videos on youtube [Image: tongue.gif]

Also i think Mixx is right about vibe and clothes+looks playing a big part in day game.

mall Day game - Sonsowey - 11-20-2010

The dudes don't put vids up on youtube until they've done hundreds, if not more than a thousand, approaches.

mall Day game - Parlay44 - 02-25-2012

Malls are the best place to find FOB's. All the girls working the hand cream kiosks are foreign. I just talked to 3 girls from Eithiopia, Israel and Denmark. Made plans to meet for a drink with the Danish girl after the mall closes tonight. HOOOOLLLLAAA!!!!

mall Day game - Kish - 02-25-2012

Pick a mall that doesn't have fast food in its food court. No fast food=Less fatties=More targets.

Quote: (11-14-2010 07:26 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

-- After 5 minutes---

MIxx - "Hey look, I'm gonna be upfront with you, I have my sister and 2 girlfriends waiting for me at Starbucks in about 15 minutes, as I'm sure you have some friends waiting for you as well, be a cool girl scout today, and come help me pick out an alternate shirt /* (start turning away slightly as if to walk towards your destination, and notice I did not ask) */ , you and my sis seem to have the same taste...I'll buy you an ice cream cone if you do a good job".

This is the exact moment where your target will now get a good look at you to see if she likes what she sees. If you're dressed well, and look good with a confident smile, then you have a good shot at a SNL. At this point, if the girl is interested in you in any way, you've built enough trust for her to at least go with you to the store, and then you can pretty much control the outcome within 45 minutes of comfort/trust building.......if she still resists and makes excuses, I'd say she is just not interested, and you should choose a new target. Forget asking for the number from your current target, she'll flake because not enough time was invested in her part towards you.


mall Day game - Screwston - 02-26-2012

I'm pretty sure every mall has some fast food in the food court. But yeah, malls and colleges are pretty much all you need if you're a young or young looking guy. I used to get so much ass from bullshitting at the mall when I was 18 and 19.

mall Day game - Screwston - 02-27-2012

Quote: (02-26-2012 01:13 AM)houston Wrote:  

I'm pretty sure every mall has some fast food in the food court. But yeah, malls and colleges are pretty much all you need if you're a young or young looking guy. I used to get so much ass from bullshitting at the mall when I was 18 and 19.
I'm going to quote this because I dont think anyone heard me.

mall Day game - Greek kamaki - 02-27-2012

First in places like malls etc check out the cameras and hit women outside the camera view.You should not be viewed in the same camera doing the same thing because guards will pay attention.

For the same reason you should not stay more than one-two hours in the same mall or you should get outside every now and then.It is much better to hit on women waiting in bus stations outside the mall than on women inside the mall.

One of the reasons is that women gather to mall for shopping so it is very easy to hit on them there and women hate easy pick up.They want difficult and complicated things like hitting on the street where you have only one minute time.So they will put bitch shields while at the mall.Moreover her friends are going to cockblock you in any case.Also in mall it is good to carry some bags to show that you already bought sth there you are not a stranger who came to pick up.

A good place to pick up is the entrance of the mall and the staircases.Just take position in front or behind in staircase of a hot girl and approach her from there.The problem with shops is that women do not frequent men's shops and men have no reason to visit or stay outside women's shops.Also with quantities of women passing by your position can become uncomfortable.The excuse I search for present for my girlfriend,cousin does not work.

So it is better to stay outside men's shops get in from now and then to distract guards' attention check from far the women's shops and when you see a beauty standing by walk fast and talk to her ASAP.In this way the attention you draw is minimal.

Good places are also restaurants and fast food inside malls because you have reason to be there and women go the same places(there is no female food).However when you see a beautiful girl waiting in line in fast food shop try to get in line just after her and after some minutes talk to her by stepping a little front.Or wait till she sits down and then sit next to her but not too close then gradually change sit and move closer.Chcek always the environment other guys around ready to intervene possible husband on the way and engage her in conversation before she starts talking on the phone because if she is alone in mall it is certain she will start talking on the phone after a while.Also get her phone number before her phone rings because her phone will ring and after one minute she will have forgotten you,walked away or you will have again to build the same level of comfort.