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Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Parlay44 - 10-31-2013

So teens are driving less these days. What does this mean with respect to the sexual marketplace? If teens are less motivated to work and drive does this mean less hot younger girls in the bars and clubs? Or could it mean older broads will retain some of their value because of the lack of competition?

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why?

[Image: BN-AC797_sax_G_20131023162708.jpg]

Are teens really done caring about cars and driving, or is data showing fewer teens applying for drivers’ licenses more a reflection of the lousy current job market than a long term cultural trend?

If you’re a car maker – or an advocate for reducing the amount of public money spent on highways versus mass transit – this is a crucial question. Now comes a new study that concludes that the drop in teen driving may be mostly due to the job market.

The Highway Loss Data Institute, a non-profit research organization funded by the auto insurance industry, looked at insurance data for the number of covered drivers age 14 to 19. From 2006 to 2012, the number of covered drivers in that age group fell by 12%, the HLDI says in a study released on Thursday. During that same period, the population of teenagers in that age bracket declined by 3%.

Those findings mirror work done by the Centers for Disease Control, which found that the proportion of high school seniors with a driver’s license fell to 73% in 2012 from 85% in 1996.

Then, HLDI looked at unemployment rates for teens compared to adults in the 35-54 year old bracket. Teen unemployment rose by 11 percentage points during the 2006-2012 period – coinciding with the financial crisis and the Great Recession. For adults, unemployment rose 5 percentage points.

“Looked at together, there was an inverse relationship between the growing unemployment spread and the falling ratio of teen drivers to prime-age drivers,” the HLDI researchers conclude. The HLDI concludes that 79% of the drop in the ratio of teenagers with driver’s licenses to 35-54 year old adults with licenses is related to unemployment.

“It looks like teens just can’t afford to drive,” HLDI vice president Matt Moore says in a statement, putting the issue in terms non-statisticians can grasp. The HLDI study includes a chart that makes the point even more succinctly:

[Image: BN-AC855_Driver_G_20131023185446.jpg]

This study isn’t likely to settle the argument over what the drop in teen driving means. A recent study by Michael Sivak of the University of Michigan correlated the shift to rising internet usage.

Perhaps there will be a long-term shift away from car ownership, toward a society where people interact via smartphones, ride one-speed bikes to work and occasionally borrow an electric car from a car-sharing service. This is the auto industry’s nightmare. However, it may not be more comforting for auto executives to know that chronic unemployment is as likely to be the culprit.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Veloce - 10-31-2013

Teenagers on the road are a liability, and an expensive one at that. It wouldn't surprise me if one of the side-effects of a dwindling middle class is we see more and more families that don't want to put themselves at the risk of having a teenager behind the wheel.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Christian McQueen - 10-31-2013


That's great news to me. All the damn illegals are enough of a bitch to deal with on the road here in LA as it is.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Blackhawk - 10-31-2013

The insurance is the killer cost. Auto insurance costs is what I see causing teens to delay getting a license.

We're also seeing in the US a shift away from car ownership by students to domestic rental alternatives like Zipcar. But again, no insurance, no drive.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - kbell - 10-31-2013

They also can't STOP texting and driving. When I was in high school and learning to drive they were bad with the cellphones, but nowhere near as bad as a texting is. At least with a cellphone your eyes are on the road most the time. With texting they are looking at the steering wheel.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Parlay44 - 10-31-2013

Quote: (10-31-2013 09:05 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Teenagers on the road are a liability, and an expensive one at that. It wouldn't surprise me if one of the side-effects of a dwindling middle class is we see more and more families that don't want to put themselves at the risk of having a teenager behind the wheel.

Kids today are the Fuck it generation. They get their high from social media. Face to face socializing comes second.

You know it's really hard to do anything in the suburbs without a car. You can't work, shop, drive to see your girl. It sucks.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Veloce - 10-31-2013

^^^ I don't get that at all. If that's truly the case then I have no sympathy for whatever comes their way.

I started driving at 15 and instantly took to it. My dad taught me on manual. I'd sneak out and go drive twice the speed limit on some backroads until 3AM. Even still I get a high from pushing whatever car I'm in to the limit and blasting some metal. I thought that was just part of being a guy. I totalled my first 4 cars but I paid for all of them except the first, an 85 Saab 900. After that it was an 86 Mitsubishi Gallant. Got I loved destroying that fucking thing. Me and my friends would load up shopping carts with anything flammable we could find, usually whole stacks of newspapers pulled out of their dispensers. We'd stuff them into the shopping carts, light it on fire, and I'd push the shopping cart with the Mitsubishi and see how fast I could get it going. Sometimes I'd get up to 45-50 MPH in a parking lot until the shopping cart caught on something and went flying, sending burning debris everywhere. My mom would see the car the next morning with dents and burn marks on the front bumper and hood and freak out. I'd just stand there and shrug.

Derail here but what's the fastest you've ever taken a car on public roads? I got my '98 Avalon up to 122MPH out in Malibu once while I was drunk off my ass. I've never owned a muscle car though and always wanted to take something with 350hp+ out on PCH and push it to the limits.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - beta_plus - 10-31-2013

Because they can't afford to. Higher Insurance + Higher Gas + Higher Parking + Decreased Wages for Unskilled labor.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Therapsid - 10-31-2013

Quote: (10-31-2013 09:17 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2013 09:05 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Teenagers on the road are a liability, and an expensive one at that. It wouldn't surprise me if one of the side-effects of a dwindling middle class is we see more and more families that don't want to put themselves at the risk of having a teenager behind the wheel.

Kids today are the Fuck it generation. They get their high from social media. Face to face socializing comes second.

You know it's really hard to do anything in the suburbs without a car. You can't work, shop, drive to see your girl. It sucks.


This isn't like mature guys on here, who've dropped the car habit after moving to cities with public transport and tons of bars and restaurants within walking distance.

These are kids who are not even bothering to take their driver's test who live out in the burbs. Where there's almost zero public transportation and bumfuck within walking distance.

These kids are relying upon ma and pa to shuttle them around.

But they don't need to go too far, because they're content fucking around, gaze downwards, on their iphones.

It isn't just a problem of over-protective parents today.

Teenagers are consciously choosing to take fewer risks and to not be rebellious. They're content with their social media and smart phones - nevermind the whole sex, drugs, and rock n' roll stuff. That's passe.

Edit: I will say, this opens doors for older guys. Younger girls, 18, 19, 20 year olds, have been deprived of the type of adventure and rebellion kids experienced in the past. You can open that door for them. Exploit that fact, pump, and dump.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Christian McQueen - 10-31-2013

"Derail here but what's the fastest you've ever taken a car on public roads?"

Around 170MPH in a 2005 Chrysler Crossfire SRT6. That car was bad as fuck, wish I would have kept it now. I think there was only 3,000 made and had 200 on the dash.

0-60 in about 5 sec. Great car and you can swoop one up for around $15k here in SoCal.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - polar - 10-31-2013

Quote: (10-31-2013 10:46 PM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Because they can't afford to. Higher Insurance + Higher Gas + Higher Parking + Decreased Wages for Unskilled labor.

That, plus another factor that hasn't been mentioned here: the strength of the USD. Compare that to minimum wage.

Ten years ago or so, gas was $1.50 and oil was $30 a gallon. Minimum wage was $6 or so - you could get four gallons of gas for an hour of work before tax. Unskilled unemployment was much lower.

Now, minimum wage is 7.50, gas is $3.50 (a bit over 2 gallons per hour), living costs have risen...and unemployment for unskilled labor is through the roof.

Fuel efficiency (at least for the beater cars teenagers typically drive) have barely budged.

Finally, teen driver insurance isn't cheap.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Cattle Rustler - 10-31-2013

My text is more important than a stranger's life. I don't even know the stranger.

On a more serious note, it's due to regulation.

Studies are studies, I speak from experience of my own and my friends.

Want to drive?
Need to fill all this shit out (application, state verification, proof of attendance);
First you get a permit, then license;
Take a bunch of expensive classes after school (no more driver ed's class in high school);
You can't drive with other teenagers in your car;
Can't drive after 9pm on weekdays or midnight on weekends;
Everything needs to be renewed every year;

Does any of the above sound rational?

I just said "fuck it" and so did my friends. It's just too complicated to get all of that in order, it'll cost at least $600 in Texas. Better to risk it and get a ticket that deal with all that BS. You can get a license without all the BS when you're 18, even then drivers 18-24 need to take a 6 hour course in Texas. I'm 21 and just learned to drive a few months ago since it's necessary where I live....otherwise I wouldn't deal with the DPS (DMV).

Oh, did your grades drop below a 70? Need to get it above a 70 to get your DL.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Blackhawk - 10-31-2013

Quote: (10-31-2013 11:37 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

You can't drive with other teenagers in your car;

Huh? Then how do you pick up girls for a date?

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Cattle Rustler - 10-31-2013

Quote: (10-31-2013 11:43 PM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2013 11:37 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

You can't drive with other teenagers in your car;

Huh? Then how do you pick up girls for a date?

You can have some passangers, but it's only 1 or 2 people under the age of 18.



Seriously, it's ridiculous.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - The Great Basilisk - 11-01-2013

Same trend is in Finland. Nothing to do with insurance costs here, but rather the fact that young adults don't want to live in the suburbs anymore where car is a necessity. I think red pill people are not the only ones who can appreciate good logistics...

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - cardguy - 11-01-2013

I fucking hate driving. It is expensive and annoying.

I am still learning to drive - have had about 60 lessons spread over 5 years. Still treading water. I just want to get my license so I never have to drive again. Since I am spending more time driving with instructors than I ever will need to when I have passed.

Yeah - I could quit learning to drive. Buy my parents are on my back - and it would be nice to get it out of the way, since I will need a license one day.

I seem to be poor at learning skills when I have no interest in it.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - The Beast1 - 11-01-2013

SCORE! Less people driving! More fuel for me!

I love driving. To me, a car represents freedom and the ability to pick up and leave immediately where ever I am on a moments notice. Fuck the environment and fuck public transit. I can get to work in 20 minutes by car, it takes me an hour by public transit. This isn't 1905, this is 2013. We should be getting smaller cars running off of natural gas.

I work hard for the privilege of owning a car. I do all of my own car repair and in the winter, I have a friend who is willing enough (with enough booze) to let me to day jobs in it. At best, it costs me very little money to maintain the car. After seeing the half assed work most car mechanics do when I took on my first car project, I will never take my vehicle to a shop again. I've invested probably $1500 in tools and inherited another $4,000 from my grandfather. The amount of money I've saved in labor is excellent.

PS guys, logistics are killer. Walking distance from the bars is great, but a car is a status symbol. The right car especially will make you look even more awesome.

I know girls who are older than me, live with room mates, and have no car. Picking them up in a car on the way to someplace makes for quite the, "You have a car?!" conversation. In a big blue city where most people "bike" or public transit, a car is the ultimate DHV.

I'm saving up right now for an old school Benz. Mid 80s diesel. Love those cars. They're crazy easy to work on, get great fuel economy, and make you look like a BOSS.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - artur jedi - 11-01-2013

Curious where is that place where 80's diesel Mercedes makes you look like a boss?

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - DjembaDjemba - 11-01-2013

Suburban living is losing its appeal. Young people are now preferring to live downtown or in centrally located locations, usually within walking distance of amenities and nightlife.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - The Beast1 - 11-01-2013

Quote: (11-01-2013 11:31 AM)artur jedi Wrote:  

Curious where is that place where 80's diesel Mercedes makes you look like a boss?

All over, it's a cool car especially when driven by a young guy. If you're older then the benefit is lost. But among my demographic (early twenties) the car commands respect from pretty much anyone.

They're classic cars. Same effect given if you drive a Caddy, Lincoln, or even an old school VW. If you're young, get an older car. It can definitely add to your game if you have a hobby like maintaining an old car. Not to mention the added score of being able to save thousands on auto bills.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Parlay44 - 11-01-2013

Quote: (11-01-2013 11:31 AM)artur jedi Wrote:  

Curious where is that place where 80's diesel Mercedes makes you look like a boss?

That's some hipster shit right there [Image: tard.gif]

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Veloce - 11-01-2013

Friend has an 80's diesel Merc.

It's hipster, but it's fucking stylish. Anytime we go out together I insist he drive.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Donnington93 - 11-01-2013

Quote: (11-01-2013 11:31 AM)artur jedi Wrote:  

Curious where is that place where 80's diesel Mercedes makes you look like a boss?

If it's good enough for Idi Amin, it's good enough for you and I.

I work in the auto industry. We look at this problem all the time.

TL[Image: biggrin.gif]R kids can't afford a car/insurance/gas nowadays and that leads to apathy.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - Goldin Boy - 11-01-2013


Derail here but what's the fastest you've ever taken a car on public roads? I got my '98 Avalon up to 122MPH out in Malibu once while I was drunk off my ass.

Damn you beat me: 111 on the LIE way out east of NYC. I had to know how fast I could go before I lost control.

Driving faster has helped my reaction time and I've avoid tons of accidents b/c of it.

Speed limits are BS, they're made for slowest ppl on the road. I'd abolish them all and accident would decrease b/c ppl who aren't used to driving fast bitch-up and not do it.

Teenagers Are Driving Less, But Why? - artur jedi - 11-01-2013

In my late 20's.
Now, don't get me wrong, I totally love older cars. But for me they must have proper engines! (driving '97 volvo 170 hp 2,5 liters gasoline at the moment which looks worn out but is total pleasure to drive).
Diesel sounds pure tractor, and performance is alike. Especially true for the 80's Merc.
Don't you have solution (I assume you live in US) for lowering the costs of using gasoline (if thats an issue)? Almost whole Europe has LPG/CNG (natural gas, half the cost of normal).

Ah, I guess the thread was about teens driving. Costs must be the key.
Age below 25 automatically adds up 10- 20% to the insurance. Also here we have epidemic of police cameras, and in addition to every fine there is are points you get. If you are fresh driver (aka 1st year of having it) the amount of points limit when the license is taken away from you is much lower than for "seasoned" driver.