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How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - BIGBOY - 10-15-2013

For the last few months I've been going out with a girl who is pretty attractive. Any time I go to parties with her, and leave her alone to go talk with other friends or go to the bathroom, I find some guy trying to hit on her when I return. She is a bit naive and nice, so she usually talks with the guys, but never is very flirty even if the other guy is trying to be. I'm not afraid of her cheating, but I don't know the best way to react to guys trying to hit on her. As long as she doesn't look distressed or uncomfortable, I just let it be and ignore it, but I also don't want to stand back while another guy just blatantly tries to pick her up.

If I can tell she is uncomfortable, I usually just come up and put my arm around her, introduce myself, and kind of pull her away. But I'm not sure what the best way to go about it in the other situations where guys are hitting on her in a more subtle way and she doesn't look to be uncomfortable at all. I feel totally ignoring it is too passive, but at the same time I don't want to come off appearing insecure or overly aggressive every time she is talking to another guy.

How do you guys go about handling these situations?

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - LEMONed IScream - 10-15-2013

Go there , pull her swiftly and gently without making a fuss.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Walderschmidt - 10-15-2013

If she is comfortable with PDA, why not make out obnoxiously with her in front of the guys every once in a while?


How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Statsi - 10-15-2013

Occasionally spank her infront of other dudes.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Rutting Elephant - 10-15-2013

I like to join the convo as if I'm a random dude, then gradually increase physical contact with gf until the situation becomes clear to the intruder.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Jaylow - 10-15-2013

If you touch her in any way when a guy is talking to your girl its just showing weakness and/or insecurity on your part.

Best thing to do is politely add yourself into the conversation and be your regular charming self. You and your girl are there to have a good time and socialize anyway, right?

Now if a dude was touching or using kino on my girl and she was allowing it then thats a pretty strong sign that she has far looser morals than I thought and I deserve better then how she is treating me. If shes going to allow herself to be touched in public in front of you and others than think about what shes doing when no one else is around. I never blame the guy unless its not wanted on her part and he won't leave her alone.

I remember Ashton Kutcher in an interview telling a story about being at a party with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston and Ashton is trying to game her. Brad walks up and shakes his hand and introduces himself. Ashton goes "Hey Brad, I was just trying to get a date with your girlfriend. Do you mind?" and Brad literally just says "good luck" and walks away.


Any time I go to parties with her, and leave her alone to go talk with other friends or go to the bathroom, I find some guy trying to hit on her when I return.

I plant this seed once and I never go back to it. Before going out tell your girl something along the lines of how creepy and/or pussy it is for a guy to wait until a girl is away from her boyfriend to go and talk to her and how you notice this happening a lot. Mention that it shows he is scared of the dude and it also shows that he is basically spying on her. Word this in a way that is not related to you. "I notice whenever Ben leaves Sara there is some random dude that always appears once he leaves to go talk to her. Isn't that kind of creepy?".

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Rutting Elephant - 10-15-2013

That "planting the seed" about creepers bit seems a lot weaker and less confident than physically signaling "this is mine."
It broadcasts to the girl that you're worried about guys she hasn't even met yet.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Virtus - 10-15-2013

Oh fuck please take her

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - MikeCF - 10-15-2013

Walk up by or beside her. Grab her by the waist, pick her up, and spin her 180 degrees away from the guy so that now your back is to the guy and she is on the other side of you.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - MrXY - 10-15-2013

Flirt aggressively with other girls where she can see you

She will ditch the guys and come hang on you

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - iknowexactly - 10-15-2013

Assault him and go to jail. Someone will get her to write you. Just kidding.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Sourcecode - 10-15-2013

I keep all my girls in check.

I tell them..if a guy hits on you and its obvious he's a herb. tell him you're gonna need two drinks.
A drink for her and a drink for me.

Ive had females friends come out with me and when guys buy them drinks..I roll through and say thank you.
Thats the utmost disrespect/cockblock for a dude to hit on your her a drink..and then have the alpha male that runs her come by and take his drink/resources

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Sourcecode - 10-15-2013

Same thing with dinner.
My girlfriend and FWB are in check.

I want them to go out to dinner with other guys.
I tell my main girl..if a dude ask you to better order something expensive cause you wont get it from me. And you better bring the leftovers back [Image: tongue.gif] cause I dont want you getting fat.

Same with the ass slapping.. If some random dude slaps your ass..dont look at not gonna fight him.
That dude has excellent taste in women....but he doesnt own your pussy like I do,does he?

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Wahawahwah - 10-15-2013

Dress up like Gollum and whisper "My preciousssssssssssssss" in your GF's ear every time a guy walks up to her.

Works like a charm.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Blaze Frazier - 10-15-2013

Buy the dudes a beer after they run a train on her, like that other guy.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Bushido - 10-16-2013

You sound like you are pretty young. Why the need to take your girlfriend to parties? Invite her to hang out with you and your guys where she enters your frame. Don't take her to parties with randomers who will hit on her. Problem solved.

Edit: When I go to parties I want to be hitting on girls, not worrying about my girlfriend. Think about it.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - WanderingSoul - 10-16-2013

There's only one way to handle this situation, bottle over the head.

She won't ever talk to another guy again once she gets those stitches out.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - soup - 10-16-2013

If you have to "handle" guys hitting on "your" chick then you are playing a version of game from fifty years ago.

If you have a hot girl that you are banging these days, she's going to be getting hit on all the time.

Her getting attention from other guys shouldn't factor in to your hapenus.

Hapenus is my feminist wording of happiness and penus.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Duke Castile - 10-16-2013

The ole slap on the shoulder and;

"What's up man?"


"hey babe, would you grab me a beer?"

"So What's up man I'm BigBoy"

Guy "Oh hey, I'm Keven"

Proceed to talk about guy shit.

Girl comes back with beer "Thanks doll".

"Honey this is Steven"

Keven, "Uh actually it's Keven".

"Oh right, Keven, Sorry bro"

Another smack on the shoulder.

"Steven was just telling me what a little bitch he is and how he doesn't have the balls to talk to you when I'm around"

Keven "huh, what? No, I was, wait what??"

"Just kidding. But seriously, Steven, get the fuck out of here"

*Disclaimer* This advice is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered real advice as you will look like a total asshole.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Felix88 - 10-16-2013

I'd befriend the guy, he may be a cool guy to hang around when I got bored for all I know, that's just because never believe in exclusive relationship and boy/girlfriend label in the first place though.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - gandt - 10-16-2013

I'm surprised this hasn't been said yet but...

Go and hit on other girls at the party. It's acceptable for you to be flirty and touchy with other girls. Not her. She will get jealous, leave the guy she is talking to, and cling to your arm.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Vicious - 10-16-2013

I don't think you can address this situation in a vacuum. She's your GF and you have done your job in selecting her, telling her what you are about and how she's expected to behave.

Thus I say that you shouldn't "handle it". If you have done everything right up to now then she's merely being entertained by some dude that won't get anywhere.

These are the kind of interactions that will let you know if she truly is GF material or just some random slut that you've kept around longer than usual.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Sargon of Akkad - 10-16-2013

I'd check out their interaction. If she blows him off or simply doesn't reciprocate, she's a keeper, and you know you've picked wisely. If she reciprocates, or, much worse, if she allows him to touch her and touches back, you'll know she's not one you want to Keep around. How much she reciprocates will tell you how soon you should drop her. If she starts flirting or grinding against him at a party, I'd drop her right then and there. The only time I would really step in is if they were touching/hitting on her after she'd told them repeatedly to fuck off.

If you've picked wisely, you shouldn't have to 'handle' other guys hitting on your GF.

Ceterum censeo Ōsakam esse delendam

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - Beyond Borders - 10-16-2013

Just walk up and say hey to the guy and introduce yourself. No reason to overthink it. If she's hot, you can't blame him for wanting to talk to her - it will happen to her on a regular basis for at least another decade. But you're there together, so it's not rude for you to interrupt either.

For instance, consider how you would deal with a cool guy conversating with your buddy when you got back from the bathroom. That's exactly how you should deal with it. Be warm, welcoming, and lightearted. The vast majority of the time he will temper his game down when you return out of respect.

If he doesn't, then you can start tripping. But if she's the right type of girl, she'll be giving you signs by this time that she wants to move to another section of the bar.

Also, I must admit that I like to leave women to their own devices sometimes. If I don't want to walk in and save her from some guy, I'll wander over to the bar or something and start talking to other people. Eventually she'll start looking for you. lol

It takes some confidence to leave her with some guy who is trying to get in her pants, but believe me, she hasn't forgotten you're there. Eventually, she'll realize you are taking a long time coming back and will start wondering where you are and how you're interpreting her conversation. Makes them antsy. Then their mind starts doing loops at the self-assurdness it took to leave her with another guy without batting an eyelid.

It's a sensitive dynamic though - you don't want to come across like you're doing it because you're bitter or something. She'll likely come up to join you saying something like, "Hey, why are you standing over here?" with a self-conscious tone in her voice. Just laugh it off and tell her you figured she was a big girl and could handle herself or that you thought they made a cute couple. Or just brush it off and say you needed a drink. Even better if you're yucking it up with a group of girls by the time she finds you.

Have fun with it - don't take things too seriously or you'll lose the girl fast.

How To Handle Guys Hitting On Your GF - mental - 10-16-2013

The less you care about her, the smaller the chance they will steal her, especially if she's a part of your rotation. A GF flirting with a guy in front of you is just doing it to make you jealous, if she wanted to cheat she'd do it when you're not around, and doing the same to her does wonders...