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Internal US Federal Checkpoints - Printable Version

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Internal US Federal Checkpoints - Hencredible Casanova - 09-29-2013

Unbelievable but there's apparently federal checkpoints within the USA in areas that are between 25-75 miles from the border with Mexico, yet still fully within US territory.


A man who recently refused to comply with an internal checkpoint in Pine Valley, Calif. filmed border patrol officers smashing their way into his vehicle while he was inside. He was then detained for over nine hours before being released without charge.
When Robert Trudell of Yuma, Ariz. was stopped at the checkpoint miles from the border a few weeks ago, he refused to wind down his window and speak to the Border Patrol officials, or consent to a warrantless search of his car.
Instead he picked up his camera and started photographing the agents that began to surround the vehicle.
Trudell had rigged his car up with several video cameras in anticipation of passing through the checkpoint, having previously driven through it in the preceding days. Trudell is actively opposed to internal checkpoints and makes a habit of protesting them by filming his non compliance and then uploading the footage to his YouTube channel.
After several minutes of refusing to comply and photographing the agents, they brought out a drug sniffing dog, which failed to turn up any narcotics. Agents then consulted the Sheriff before literally smashing through the car window, sending shards of glass towards Trudell’s face and torso.
The agents then ordered Trudell to get out of his car, before putting him in handcuffs.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - Tex Pro - 09-29-2013

There is a checkpoint along I-10 on the way out of El Paso, TX that you have to stop at. I once was told to get out of my car by a border patrol agent and had my car searched with dogs at that checkpoint. They are trying everything to stop the flow of drugs from Mexico, and yet they still fail miserably at it. I think it is time to rethink the Drug War. Possibly even doing something drastic like legalizing the sale and manufacture of most illicit drugs.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - kenny_powers - 09-29-2013

I am impressed with how they take a stand for our rights AND provide us non legal minds a "how to guide" when we encounter these situations. TSA, Homeland Security, in country border checks....our freedoms are circling the drain.

One of the worst and most popular schools of thought in the U.S.A. now is "hey, I've got nothing to hide, go ahead and search me if it helps keep us safe"

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - kenny_powers - 09-29-2013

Quote: (09-29-2013 05:39 PM)The Texas Prophet Wrote:  

There is a checkpoint along I-10 on the way out of El Paso, TX that you have to stop at. I once was told to get out of my car by a border patrol agent and had my car searched with dogs at that checkpoint. They are trying everything to stop the flow of drugs from Mexico, and yet they still fail miserably at it. I think it is time to rethink the Drug War. Possibly even doing something drastic like legalizing the sale and manufacture of most illicit drugs.

Agreed. The biggest road block is the cash cow that is the US Prison System and the Law Enforcement Industry and Unions. Way too many people make way too much money to make narcotic legalization a reality.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - worldwidetraveler - 09-29-2013

This pastor was tased and pulled out of his car.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - kdolo - 09-29-2013

There is a checkpoint along I-10 on the way out of El Paso, TX that you have to stop at. I once was told to get out of my car by a border patrol agent and had my car searched with dogs at that checkpoint. They are trying everything to stop the flow of drugs from Mexico, and yet they still fail miserably at it. I think it is time to rethink the Drug War.......

Silly Rabbits - Tricks are for kids !!!!

this has NOTHING to do with drugs, but something far more sinister.

illegal immigration and drugs are just the cover store for the masses.

The real objective is to keep Americans and their money from leaving when shit hits the fan and Americans try to flee.

Think: East Germany, Soviet Union, etc.....

You will not be allowed to travel out of the country without real good reason - most people will be denied.

We have already been warned through predictive programming in TV - check the show - 'Under the Dome'.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - kdolo - 09-29-2013

There is a checkpoint along I-10 on the way out of El Paso, TX that you have to stop at. I once was told to get out of my car by a border patrol agent and had my car searched with dogs at that checkpoint. They are trying everything to stop the flow of drugs from Mexico, and yet they still fail miserably at it. I think it is time to rethink the Drug War.

There is a checkpoint along I-10 on the way out of El Paso, TX that you have to stop at. I once was told to get out of my car by a border patrol agent and had my car searched with dogs at that checkpoint. They are trying everything to stop the flow of drugs from Mexico, and yet they still fail miserably at it. I think it is time to rethink the Drug War.......

Silly Rabbits - Tricks are for kids !!!!

this has NOTHING to do with drugs, but something far more sinister.

illegal immigration and drugs are just the cover store for the masses.

The real objective is to keep Americans and their money from leaving when shit hits the fan and Americans try to flee.

Think: East Germany, Soviet Union, etc.....

You will not be allowed to travel out of the country without real good reason - most people will be denied.

We have already been warned through predictive programming in TV - check the show - 'Under the Dome'.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - Vice - 09-30-2013

[Image: Image-Map.gif]

Fact Sheet on U.S. "Constitution Free Zone"

-- Normally under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the American people are not generally subject to random and arbitrary stops and searches.

-- The border, however, has always been an exception. There, the longstanding view is that the normal rules do not apply. For example the authorities do not need a warrant or probable cause to conduct a “routine search.”

-- But what is “the border”? According to the government, it is a 100-mile wide strip that wraps around the “external boundary” of the United States.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - kdolo - 09-30-2013

Quote: (09-29-2013 05:39 PM)The Texas Prophet Wrote:  

There is a checkpoint .... Drugs

This has nothing to do with drugs.

what you are witnessing is the full bloom of the police state.

The objective is not to stop illegals and drugs from entering, but

To prevent Americans and their money from leaving when shit hits the fan.

This is like East Germany or the Soviet Union.

You will not be allowed to leave the country unless' extremely wealthy, connected, or a very good reason.

The is especially important for people who like this forum - the best bet.

Get out before the curtain falls.

We have been warned already - the TV show - - UNDER THE DOME.

predictive programming ! - townsfolk trapped by an invisible dome - i.e. DHS, TSA, checkpoints, drones , cameras etc.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - PoosyWrecker - 10-01-2013

Quote: (09-29-2013 07:02 PM)kenny_powers Wrote:  

Agreed. The biggest road block is the cash cow that is the US Prison System and the Law Enforcement Industry and Unions. Way too many people make way too much money to make narcotic legalization a reality.

Don't forget massive drug dealing by the government itself.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-01-2013

I gotta admit that is really scary. I have no problems with police stopping me and asking me something anywhere in my country, but that is because it is based on the concern for public safety. Twisting that into some kind of "border is 50 miles wide" philosophy is really malicious. I can't imagine having a full-time, well-equipped police checkpoint between two cities in the same country.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - Belize King - 10-01-2013

Everytime I go to the valley I have to deal with them. Even the West Coasters making that SD to LA or SD to Vegas trip have to deal with them. If you are black or white you are good for the most part.

I have been detained three times. Damn Feds.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - Therapsid - 10-01-2013

Where was this checkpoint exactly? Pine Valley and where he was dropped at, El Cajon seem to be about as far from the border as San Diego. Does that mean that they could put up these federal checkpoints in San Diego itself if they wanted to?

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - elabayarde - 10-01-2013

O yeah I've run into these checkpoints in AZ. It alarmed me initially, but we had no problem. It look like one of those quarantine stations checkpoint you see in the movies.

Internal US Federal Checkpoints - la_mode - 10-01-2013

So they can search your car, even if you deny that?

Does that apply to all traffic stops in that "constitution free zone", or only those at that specific federal checkpoint?