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Toronto's Feminist Alternative School - Donnington93 - 09-22-2013

After seeing Roosh tweet about the Linden School, Toronto's alternative feminist school, I thought a thread was worthwhile, if only to post my second-hand experience with it.

The Linden School is a tiny joke of a school. Perhaps 120 kids. Around 9th Grade, the school sees a mass exodus of girls who want out, largely because they are sick of going to an all-girls school and want to try the co-ed thing out. Most of them went to my high school.

In my class, only one girl out of 7 or 8 Linden alumni really bought in to feminist dogma. She was tall, thin, attractive, very kind and non confrontational and ended up being a Rohdes Scholar. One girl (who I lost my virginity to) was a bit of a wreck, rather promiscuous, a bit chubby and had an eating disorder.

I ended up dating two girls who went to Linden as well, one was an innocent "first girlfriend going steady" kind of thing (although she still blew me in 9th grade), the other was my first real love.

Both openly mocked the idea of feminism and are about as far from the "tatted and pierced Toronto hipster" look as one can get. I'm not sure why they even attended. One girl's father was Lou Reed's bassist for a time, the other was pretty red pill himself. I suspect they thought that not mixing with boys during their formative years would be healthy.

This is not to shill for the Linden school or anything of that nature, rather one man's experience. For what it's worth, I found college to be the great turning point when this kind of thought infected people's minds. Having cultural marxism infect every discipline, being forced to write essays and exams based around Frankfrut School doctrine and being immersed in an intellectual environment where no other viewpoint is tolerated is far more effective with respect to indoctrinating students. In high school, kids just want to get good enough grades for college and party on weekeneds.

Personally I am far more concerned about the dreck being shoved down the throats of teacher candidates at OISE and other teachers colleges in Canada. OISE, and its parent school, UofT is known as a hotbed of radical leftist activism. What they teach has a far bigger impact on people than a tiny private school.

Toronto's Feminist Alternative School - freewheeler - 09-22-2013

Totally agree with you on feminism not really being taken seriously during high school except for a few nutjobs but then in university where every course with "sociology" in it basically means feminism 101 and every other course you take will still manage to somehow incorporate it into the material, the feminist dogma slowly but surely beings to seep in and infect your mind.

Simply put, if you're not actively trying to expunge and resist the feminist dogma they force upon you then you WILL be converted. It's especially dangerous when you are required to regurgitate whatever the prof wants to hear and need to be able to formulate insightful commentary on shit that you don't give a fuck about just to get your grade, you do begin to internalize some of that absurdity.

Needless to say, I screen out any courses and profs that force feminism upon their students.

Toronto's Feminist Alternative School - Donnington93 - 09-22-2013

I wonder if exposure to it early on made them resist it further. I have fond memories of my long term girlfriend and I howling with laughter over the jargon-laden bullshit she wrote for some feminist lit class exploring the topic of "biomyths". Perhaps the ones who come to it later have the "zeal of a convert", as they say.