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I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - daygamebrah - 08-29-2013

I was just banned from the red pill and red pill women. Why?

A guy posted a story about a woman he knows. She dated a scumbag who beat her, knocked her up, and left her with a kid. When he came back she accepted him with open arms. After some more abuse he left her again.

I commented that this story is really enlightening. It shows how feminist chicks are really messed up in the head. It's what the red pill movement should be all about, and people should post more stories like that so people can understand how insane women are.

I made it perfectly clear that I was not actually advocating violence, just that more people should come understand how women respond to it. I said it wasn't a good thing, but unpleasant truths are still true. That woman will always love that guy, and will forever have him in her heart. It's fucked up, but people need to understand that.

And that's why I was banned from the "red" pill.

Roosh was absolutely right. White knights, manginas, and blue pillers have diluted everything. You can't even acknowledge truths we all know without being censored. Instead they're going for a socially acceptable "mainstream" angle in an attempt to gain a wider audience. The focus is working out, making money, wearing cool clothes, staying positive, raising your SMV etc. but not on understanding women on a real level.

It's time to take out the trash and stick to what you know to be reliable sources of information/credible communities. Things like Roosh, Return of Kings, NO MAAM, Cheateau Heartise, therationalmale, Krauser, etc. Top shelf only.

EDIT: When I said he was right, I was referring to this, in case anyone was unaware:

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - Basil Ransom - 08-29-2013

Post links and screenshots to prove your assertions.

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - daygamebrah - 08-29-2013

It pretty much all deleted + banned now.

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - Roosh - 08-29-2013

Well considering that you've already been banned here a couple times, I'm not surprised that you wouldn't be welcome in another forum either.

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - daygamebrah - 08-29-2013

Have I? Are you confusing me with someone else? I just recently joined (was lurking for a while though).

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - daygamebrah - 08-29-2013

Roosh I don't know what you're talking about but I will become very depressed with the world if I need to go my own way from a movement themed around men going their own way. I've been reading your articles for years.

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - Veloce - 08-29-2013

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - iknowexactly - 08-30-2013

A lot of debates like that you have to frame how you say something carefully or it sounds like you're blaming the victim.

Especially the way you're using the word "truth" as if you are quite sure you know exactly what's what, and anyone who disagrees is simply wrong.

For instance, in this case, maybe she wised up and thinks the batterer is a dick-- then if you come in saying she'll always love him and women are (implicitly) idiots. You might not realize how you're coming off trying to fit someone's real life situation into a "red pill" ( oversimplified) propaganda framework.

I think as far as outright murder, men are doing it to chicks about six times as much as women do to men. (I don't mean striking someone, I mean KILLING them. )

What's the "red pill" position on THAT?

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - BortimusPrime - 08-30-2013

Quote: (08-30-2013 01:28 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

I think as far as outright murder, men are doing it to chicks about six times as much as women do to men. (I don't mean striking someone, I mean KILLING them. )

What's the "red pill" position on THAT?

Women suck at murdering.

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - Handsome Creepy Eel - 08-30-2013


I think as far as outright murder, men are doing it to chicks about six times as much as women do to men. (I don't mean striking someone, I mean KILLING them. )

What's the "red pill" position on THAT?

Men killing women, like any murder, is certainly wrong and needs to be prevented and prosecuted. Existing assault and murder laws already cover this, so what's left is mostly prevention of abuse and at-risk situations in several ways:

a) institute heavy shaming for women who willingly stay or return to abusive men who are likely to kill them in the end. Women on average have far more choice in partner selection and are responsible for using that power wisely. Women can do a lot to prevent this problem by stopping the romanticizing of an emotional thrill that being with a "bad boy" provides and shaming their friends who date such men.

b) increase sentences for all murders so that murderers have less possibility of repeating the deed later in life.

Also, while we need to prevent and prosecute murders like any other, we need to make sure that our efforts don't cause more harm than good. This can be done in two ways:

a) viciously prosecute women who produce false charges, whether out of plain malice, whim, or for personal gain such as during divorce. The real victims need to make false accusers among them to understand that they are poisoning the well for everyone, making the system not believe anyone.

b) repeal and don't create laws that trample on individual defendant rights. Domestic violence accusation should not suspend one's right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. As in any other crime, it would be plain immoral to have innocent people end up jailed along with real abusers.

There. I've just politely repealed VAWA. Of course, feminists would jump all over this and call me "misogynyst", but it would be them who would look like idiots because my argument is reasonable, practical and doesn't blame anyone. It acknowledges the problem and goes for the working solutions.

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - daygamebrah - 08-31-2013

Alright then buddy I'll go back to lurking. No more forum contributions from me. Oh and I'll pirate your books now instead of buying them. Just because you're an asshole.

I was just banned from The Red Pill subreddit (Roosh was right) - MHaes - 08-31-2013

Oh, someone is reallll butt hurt!