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Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Printable Version

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Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Clyde - 08-29-2013

[Image: 130322-robin-thicke-blurred-lines-7_0.png]

Seriously, only morons listen to garbage like this. Really.

In any case, this gives you an idea of the full scene: A 36 year old married man and father, grinding against an intoxicated 20 year old while singing about how she’s an “animal” and the “hottest bitch in this place.” And what happens the next day? We’re all boycotting the 20 year old. The grown man gets a pass.

Now I’m beginning to understand why that judge in Montana gave a teacher a 30 day jail sentence after he was convicted of raping a 14 year old girl, who later killed herself because of the psychological trauma caused by being sexually victimized by a 50 year old man. The esteemed judge actually justified giving a child rapist a punishment usually handed down to serial parking ticket violators, by saying the young child was “older than her chronological age,” and it wasn’t so bad because it wasn’t “forcible beat-up rape.”

This guy must be a Robin Thicke fan.

I’m no feminist. Miley Cyrus is an adult and should be held responsible for her actions. But where are the men in all of this? Have we so completely given up on chivalry that we don’t even see what’s troubling about a GROWN ASS MARRIED DUDE singing a song about sexual domination while dry humping a young woman on national TV? Men in this culture need to stand up and be leaders. I don’t want to talk about the Miley Cyruses of the world. Enough is said about them. I want to talk about the legions of cowardly, amoral adult men who graduate college and still carry on like frat boys well into their 60′s. The girls that behave like Miley Cyrus do so because they want to attract men. And it works.

It shouldn’t.

A few days ago a mom blogger wrote a letter to her daughter entitled “Dear daughter, let Miley Cyrus be a lesson to you.” Well, I have a daughter, and I echo this woman’s sentiments. But I also have a son, and I don’t want the boys to get off the hook here. My little man isn’t old enough to read yet, but one day he will be, and one day I’ll give him this letter. I don’t know if he’ll get the Robin Thicke reference at that point, but the message, I suspect, will still be urgent and relevant:

Dear son,

Don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you.

Don’t let any of these pigs and perverts you see on TV be a lesson to you. They treat women like garbage; they possess no chivalry, no self control; they are disloyal and dishonest; they spend all day pursuing pleasure at the expense of others, and they encourage you to do the same. You might be tempted to follow suit. In fact, you WILL be tempted. These male pop stars and celebrities, look at them, you’ll think. They take advantage of emotionally broken, self loathing, confused young women, and they are rewarded handsomely for it. Look at their nice clothes and their nice cars. Look how they are admired and loved. Look, they treat women like trash and other women fawn all over them because of it. This must be how real men behave, you’ll think.

And you’ll be wrong. You’ll be wrong about a lot of things in life — this is what it means to be human — but never will you be more wrong than when you feel the temptation to buy the lies that pop culture sells about the nature of true masculinity. Son, there is nothing glamorous or fun about being a man of low character and no integrity. What you see on TV is a facade. It’s a sales pitch. It’s poison. You see the bright lights and the sexy women, but you don’t see what happens when the cameras are off and these pop culture gods return to their lives as mere mortals. You don’t see them in their big, empty, lonely houses. You don’t see the emptiness in the pit of their souls. You don’t see all the alcohol and drugs they have to use to dull the pain of living a life devoid of real, committed relationships. You don’t see the hatred they have for themselves and for humanity. You don’t see the jealousy they have towards normal, decent men.

Your dad is no celebrity. He’s just an average, boring guy. But he’s got something that every famous and non-famous womanizer envies: He’s got the love and commitment of ONE beautiful, smart, faithful woman. He’s got your mom, and he’ll only have your mom until the day he dies. He ought to be waking up every day shouting praises to the Lord because of that.

Listen, son, don’t let the world tell you how to be a man. They don’t know anything about the subject.

Men are loyal. Men are honest. Men respect and honor women. A man goes out and finds one woman, and he vows to protect and love her for the rest of his life. A man would never betray that vow. Even the weakest and most cowardly man — if he is a man at all — would die for the woman he loves. Your dad is no hero, but let someone try to hurt your mom and watch him suddenly turn into Superman (or Batman, whichever you prefer).

See, son, you don’t have to be big and strong to be a man, although I think you will be one day. You don’t have to be “cool” or athletic. You don’t have to play guitar or fix cars. These are all fine things, but they don’t define a man. A man is defined by how he treats women, by how he keeps his promises, and by how he protects and serves the ones he loves. That’s what makes a man a man. My dad taught me that, he taught it by example. I pray I can do the same for you.

Oh, and by the way, if I ever catch you disrespecting women, I will sit you down and talk to you about it. But first I’ll kick your butt up and down the street. That’s a promise.


Your old man

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - soup - 08-29-2013

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Duke Castile - 08-29-2013

Omg that poor kid. Being programmed by his own father to pedestalize women who will throw him under the bus.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - soup - 08-29-2013

This is great. It inadvertently lists everything that you should do if you want to get laid. I thought it was a joke a first.

It's the funny that this guy is aware of it all, but he's completely lost on what to with this knowledge.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Hades - 08-29-2013

I thought a woman wrote this and was disgusted to read the signature at the end.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Aliblahba - 08-29-2013

Each generation is getting weaker, and passing it on to their sons. It's appalling. My dad's first advice was, "Do you have any condoms?". And the usual followup question Sunday morning, "Did you get any pussy?".

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - scorpion - 08-29-2013

99% probability of a lifetime notch count under 5.

Also, a huge male hamster.

[Image: malehamster.gif]

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Kickb - 08-29-2013

Haha didn't Cyrus come into him in that performance? thought he was posing/singing, and she walked in front of him and assumed the position

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Sonsowey - 08-29-2013

Quote: (08-29-2013 12:31 PM)Clyde Wrote:  

They take advantage of emotionally broken, self loathing, confused young women, and they are rewarded handsomely for it.[/b] Look at their nice clothes and their nice cars. Look how they are admired and loved. Look, they treat women like trash and other women fawn all over them because of it. This must be how real men behave, you’ll think.

Girls who like rich handsome successful famous men must be damaged.

Real women like average chumps.

BTW real women have curves.

Women who aren't fat are probably anorexic, damaged, and susceptible to these guys who have nothing going for them besides fame fortune good looks and charisma.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Handsome Creepy Eel - 08-29-2013


I’m no feminist.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - King Solomon - 08-29-2013

that guy really piled it on.

That garbage is exactly how I was raised.

I wonder if he'll be singing the same tune *when* he gets cuckolded and meets the mighty divorce grinder.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - FourToTheFloor - 08-29-2013

I wonder if he'll still read this to his kid after the likely divorce happens.

I also find it rather misogynistic to say "Don't act like a badass because it only attracts weak-minded women who can't help themselves."

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - la_mode - 08-29-2013

Willing to guarantee this guy was middle-class who wrote this. Middle-class often try and turn their boys into complete stooges.

Lower-class don't care how the kids turn out, and upper-class from what I remember in high school don't care if the kids have parties and sarge chicks in the basement.

Middle-class kids are simply the most disciplined, overdisciplined if anything.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Hades - 08-29-2013

Quote: (08-29-2013 01:46 PM)King Solomon Wrote:  

that guy really piled it on.

That garbage is exactly how I was raised.

I wonder if he'll be singing the same tune *when* he gets cuckolded and meets the mighty divorce grinder.

99% chance that dummy will blame himself, just like that guy on Crazy Stupid Love. His wife fucks her coworker and he ends up apologizing (to her) for being "boring". The punishment for boring is that your wife gets a free pass to fuck her coworker?! That whole movie drove me nuts.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - kerouac - 08-30-2013

[Image: troll.gif]

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Samseau - 08-30-2013

Probably a republican... just a conservative blowhard who failed with women and is now teaching failure tactics to his son.

His lineage will probably die out.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Hades - 08-30-2013

Quote: (08-29-2013 01:46 PM)King Solomon Wrote:  

that guy really piled it on.

That garbage is exactly how I was raised.

I wonder if he'll be singing the same tune *when* he gets cuckolded and meets the mighty divorce grinder.

99% chance that dummy will blame himself, just like that guy on Crazy Stupid Love. His wife fucks her coworker and he ends up apologizing (to her) for being "boring". The punishment for boring is that your wife gets a free pass to fuck her coworker?! That whole movie drove me nuts.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - BortimusPrime - 08-30-2013

Quote: (08-29-2013 12:31 PM)Clyde Wrote:  

Oh, and by the way, if I ever catch you disrespecting women, I will sit you down and talk to you about it. But first I’ll kick your butt up and down the street. That’s a promise.


Your old man

I've noticed a common theme among these kinds of beta screeds, there's always that empty physical threat. They really love going on about what they'd do in the safely hypothetical "pedophile just diddled my son and is inexplicably standing there twirling his mustache and cackling while I go get my gun" scenario too. It's like they're so ineffectual in real life they need to cling to the fantasy that they'd go Michael Douglas/Falling Down or Rainn Wilson/Super given the right conditions. Missing the common moral of both those movies of course...

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - AnonymousBosch - 08-30-2013

Quote: (08-29-2013 01:06 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Each generation is getting weaker, and passing it on to their sons. It's appalling. My dad's first advice was, "Do you have any condoms?". And the usual followup question Sunday morning, "Did you get any pussy?".

My Dad's advice, on finding out I had two girlfriends at once in the 6th grade:

"The Glad Wrap on your sandwiches? It's the schoolboy's friend."

Took me another few years to finally understand it.

BTW, this isn't peacocking. One of them was a hambeast I felt sorry for when the prettier blonde asked me at the same time. I was 12 years old and hadn't had any male teachers.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Ocelot - 08-30-2013

"You don’t see the jealousy they have towards normal, decent men."

[Image: laugh4.gif]

You're right, I don't.

"The girls that behave like Miley Cyrus do so because they want to attract men. And it works."

Where on earth did he get the idea that young girls need to do anything to attract men. If they make displays of themselves, it's purely for attention.

"Oh, and by the way, if I ever catch you disrespecting women, I will sit you down and talk to you about it. But first I’ll kick your butt up and down the street. That’s a promise."

[Image: ohshit.gif]

What are the odds that the kid he's teaching to be a little bitch isn't even his own?

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Celtic - 08-30-2013

What are the odds that the kid he's teaching to be a little bitch isn't even his own?

Let's hope this is the case. That way he isn't passing on his bitch genes.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Excelsior - 08-30-2013

Wow this is just priceless.

Quote: (08-29-2013 12:31 PM)Clyde Wrote:  

Seriously, only morons listen to garbage like this. Really.

In any case, this gives you an idea of the full scene: A 36 year old married man and father, grinding against an intoxicated 20 year old while singing about how she’s an “animal” and the “hottest bitch in this place.” And what happens the next day? We’re all boycotting the 20 year old. The grown man gets a pass.

[Image: ZUMbGll.gif]


Now I’m beginning to understand why that judge in Montana gave a teacher a 30 day jail sentence after he was convicted of raping a 14 year old girl, who later killed herself because of the psychological trauma caused by being sexually victimized by a 50 year old man. The esteemed judge actually justified giving a child rapist a punishment usually handed down to serial parking ticket violators, by saying the young child was “older than her chronological age,” and it wasn’t so bad because it wasn’t “forcible beat-up rape.”

This guy must be a Robin Thicke fan.

Robin Thicke singing about sexy girls and grinding on a totally legal 20 year old at the VMAs = rape.

Good to know!


I’m no feminist.

[Image: dy2Y9j2.gif]


Miley Cyrus is an adult and should be held responsible for her actions.

Not by you, though. No, as far as you're concerned the problem lies with the men and the men alone, as we'll soon see...


But where are the men in all of this? Have we so completely given up on chivalry that we don’t even see what’s troubling about a GROWN ASS MARRIED DUDE singing a song about sexual domination while dry humping a young woman on national TV?

1. Chivalry is dead, bro, and women had as much to do with that as men.

2. I see the subtle age-gap-shaming implied here. Robin Thicke is a "GROWN ASS" dude, but Miley Cyrus is, at 20, a "GROWN ASS WOMAN". She is an adult. There is nothing wrong with two adults doing what they please sexually/romantically, so long as it is consensual. The age gap is irrelevant.

3. What dry humping? I saw the performance, I didn't see much in the way of active humping/grinding from his end. I saw her bend over and try to twerk on him.

Why are you making things up? Is it too hard to white knight without fudging the facts?


Men in this culture need to stand up and be leaders.

I agree.

The problem is that doing so would probably require their totally ignoring your advice, which is more accurately tailored to puritan doormats than it is to actual leaders.


I don’t want to talk about the Miley Cyruses of the world. Enough is said about them.

You do not want to talk about them because you have nothing to say about them. All of your blame goes to men, as we'll soon see...


I want to talk about the legions of cowardly, amoral adult men who graduate college and still carry on like frat boys well into their 60′s.

Translation: MAN UP!!!


The girls that behave like Miley Cyrus do so because they want to attract men. And it works.

What? No it doesn't. Men don't find Miley Cyrus' behavior attractive. They don't generally prefer short hair like hers, don't generally favor her tongue's perpetual presence outside of her mouth and don't really get much from her total lack of rhythm. Men like fit girls who can twerk and dance, but Miley can't actually do these things.

Miley Cyrus is doing what she's doing not for men, but for herself. Less famous women who make the kind of decisions she makes (lopping off her hair, adopting trashy dress and behavior, going out of their way to be "edgy" and adopting behavior traits from different cultures) are not doing it for dudes, they're doing it for their own reasons (boredom, rebellion, desire for change, etc, etc).

These are the realities that make this dude's bid to saddle men with every ounce of blame and responsibility he can muster so totally and utterly absurd. He says he's not a feminist, but shames men with the best of them. He totally denies the agency of ADULT women in making their own decisions for their own reasons and places all of the onus on men.

Men do not have that kind of control over young women like Miley Cyrus. If they did have such control over the behavioral and sexual decisions such young women made, I guarantee that there would be no manosphere, no PUAs, no legions of "nice guys" complaining about girls loving "assholes" and no girls pulling a Miley Cyrus and lopping their hair off.

All of these very real things are the product of one inescapable fact of life: men, more often than not, do not understand women particularly well and are not usually successful in getting them to behave in ways that work for them. They have, in reality, no more control over women than women have over them.


It shouldn’t.



A few days ago a mom blogger wrote a letter to her daughter entitled “Dear daughter, let Miley Cyrus be a lesson to you.” Well, I have a daughter, and I echo this woman’s sentiments. But I also have a son, and I don’t want the boys to get off the hook here. My little man isn’t old enough to read yet, but one day he will be, and one day I’ll give him this letter.

[Image: aPRDr6P.gif]

God help this kid.


Dear son,

Don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you.

Don’t let any of these pigs and perverts you see on TV be a lesson to you. They treat women like garbage;

They treat women only as well as women allow.


they possess no chivalry,

They're better off without it. This isn't medieval Europe, we are not knights and they are not ladies.


no self control;

What evidence is there of Thicke's lack of self control?


they are disloyal and dishonest;

Again, where's the evidence?


they spend all day pursuing pleasure at the expense of others,

At the expense of who? Who has Robin Thicke exploited for his pleasure?


and they encourage you to do the same. You might be tempted to follow suit. In fact, you WILL be tempted. These male pop stars and celebrities, look at them, you’ll think. They take advantage of emotionally broken, self loathing, confused young women, and they are rewarded handsomely for it.

Yep, totally exploitative dudes to blame here. Women don't have their own minds, they live at the mercy of men. None of this has anything to do with women and what they want.



Look at their nice clothes and their nice cars. Look how they are admired and loved. Look, they treat women like trash and other women fawn all over them because of it. This must be how real men behave, you’ll think.

And you’ll be wrong. You’ll be wrong about a lot of things in life — this is what it means to be human — but never will you be more wrong than when you feel the temptation to buy the lies that pop culture sells about the nature of true masculinity. Son, there is nothing glamorous or fun about being a man of low character and no integrity.

Wait, when did Thicke's integrity come into question? All he did was put on a musical performance with a pop star. Where did he cheat or lie?


What you see on TV is a facade. It’s a sales pitch. It’s poison. You see the bright lights and the sexy women, but you don’t see what happens when the cameras are off and these pop culture gods return to their lives as mere mortals. You don’t see them in their big, empty, lonely houses. You don’t see the emptiness in the pit of their souls. You don’t see all the alcohol and drugs they have to use to dull the pain of living a life devoid of real, committed relationships. You don’t see the hatred they have for themselves and for humanity. You don’t see the jealousy they have towards normal, decent men.

I'm not sure I even need to illustrate just how self-serving this entire paragraph is.

We don't see most of the things he mentions because, frankly, they often are non-existent. The bulk of the world's wealthy and powerful are very comfortable in their homes, love what they do, are perfectly fulfilled as far as their "souls" go, and are not addicts. They don't hate humanity, they don't hate themselves, and (most of all) THEY HAVE NO DESIRE TO BE AN AVERAGE JOE LIKE YOU.

Again, this guy says he's not a feminist but the kind of rationalization I'm reading here reads like something right off of Jezebel. Healthy relationships, fulfilling lifestyles, a lack of drug addiction and comfortable homes are not the sole property of "normal decent men" lacking in money and fame.

Matt, bro, I'm gonna be real here: You are not a special snowflake. You sound like just another average joe who isn't too pleased about that and responds by trying to tear down those above him. Robin Thicke is WAY better off than you are, and you attempt to rationalize this away by saying "oh, its ok. Deep down he's just a broken, lonely drug addict!". This is BS, bro. We can all see right through it.

If you can't take pride in what you are without tearing others down, you've got a serious problem and a serious weakness. It is irresponsible of you to not only fail to correct that, but to attempt to pass it on to a child.


Your dad is no celebrity. He’s just an average, boring guy.

Yes, and painfully so.


But he’s got something that every famous and non-famous womanizer envies: He’s got the love and commitment of ONE beautiful, smart, faithful woman. He’s got your mom, and he’ll only have your mom until the day he dies. He ought to be waking up every day shouting praises to the Lord because of that.

Can you build a bigger pedestal than this for a woman? I'm not sure I've seen such a gargantuan illustration of oneitis in my life.

Look, Matt, you're in love. I get that, that's cool and I'm glad it works for you, but don't assume that it makes you special. Plenty of men are not monogamous and/or in lifelong marriages, and plenty of those men are quite alright with that. They don't want the commitment of your woman. Some don't want or need the commitment of ANY woman. Some wouldn't mind having the commitment of one woman one day, but are just fine for now without it until they find a girl that's right at a time that's right. And still other rare men are able to get the commitment of MULTIPLE women at the same time or throughout the course of their lives at different periods of time.

All of these examples are real and all of them are ok. Each guy decides for himself where he stands. What is objectively clear, however, is this: the fact that you are in a long term relationship with one woman does not make you special. The fact that you got one woman to marry you is not special. Your particular woman is, in all likelihood, not all that special. YOU, in all certainty, are not all that special. Nobody envies you.

Know your role and quit acting as though you're more than you are.


Listen, son, don’t let the world tell you how to be a man. They don’t know anything about the subject.

As if you do?

[Image: bFTWQRO.gif]


Men are loyal. Men are honest. Men respect and honor women. A man goes out and finds one woman, and he vows to protect and love her for the rest of his life. A man would never betray that vow.

So, in short, Matt seeks to teach his son to adhere to a very narrow view of masculinity (even as he spends time attacking the media for putting forward what he claims is a "limited" view on manhood) that originated and really only holds strongly among North Western Europeans (and these days mainly just the most religious ones)?

The world your son will inherit is a very diverse one, Matt. The majority of the people in it right now don't have a great track record of adhering to the kind of social model you're promoting here.

Given this reality, I think you're doing your kid a disservice by teaching him to adopt such an intolerant point of view.


Even the weakest and most cowardly man — if he is a man at all — would die for the woman he loves. Your dad is no hero, but let someone try to hurt your mom and watch him suddenly turn into Superman (or Batman, whichever you prefer).

[Image: JlnTV8C.gif]

You are not a hero, and you won't become one (or even remotely resemble one) under any circumstances. You're an arrogant, condescending white knight, and that's nothing to be proud of.


See, son, you don’t have to be big and strong to be a man, although I think you will be one day. You don’t have to be “cool” or athletic. You don’t have to play guitar or fix cars. These are all fine things, but they don’t define a man. A man is defined by how he treats women,

[Image: l1bntDz.gif]

A man who is defined by women is not a man, he is a mangina.

Men must define themselves, and they do that in part through their treatment of EVERYONE, not just women.


Oh, and by the way, if I ever catch you disrespecting women, I will sit you down and talk to you about it. But first I’ll kick your butt up and down the street. That’s a promise.


Your old man

You know, I've never seen my father. I used to think that the absence of a man in the house automatically placed me at a romantic disadvantage when compared to the kids who had dads.

Matt Walsh has convinced me of how wrong I was. With advice like this, I'd be an even bigger pussy than I was before I discovered the manosphere.

I am thankful to have avoided this.

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - Wadsworth - 08-30-2013

What if men want to continue being "frat boys" into their 60s? Wouldn't it be hypocritical to condemn that while holding up any female lifestyle choice, however dysfunctional, as liberation?

Dear son, don’t let Robin Thicke be a lesson to you - renotime - 08-30-2013

Did this ever consider turning off the TV and banging the misses instead?

Or was she too busy reading 50 Shades of Grey?