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Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - Printable Version

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Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - Matt Forney - 08-02-2013

Someone like 2Wycked could probably do a better job of analyzing this mess, but I just had to throw it out there:


My 10-year-old daughter, Birdy, is not nice, not exactly. She is deeply kind, profoundly compassionate and, probably, the most ethical person I know — but she will not smile at you unless either she is genuinely glad to see you or you’re telling her a joke that has something scatological for a punch line.


But it is not one thing or another, of course. My mostly pleasant way might get me more freelance work. And friendliness tends to put people at ease — loved ones, neighbors, waitresses — which is a good thing. Plus, smiling probably makes me feel happier, according to all those studies about self-fulfilling emotional prophesies. I know that our sweet-hearted son, who is 13, has always had the experience of niceness being its own reward. What can I do to help? he asks. Please, take mine, he insists, and smiles, and everyone says, “Oh, aren’t you nice!” and “What a lovely young man!” (Or sometimes, because he kind of looks like a girl, “What a lovely young lady!”) But, if I can speak frankly here, you really don’t worry about boys being too nice, do you? He still has the power and privilege of masculinity on his side, so, as far as I’m concerned, the nicer the better.

Birdy is polite in a “Can you please help me find my rain boots?” and “Thank you, I’d love another deviled egg” kind of way. But when strangers talk to her, she is like, “Whatever.” She looks away, scowling. She does not smile or encourage.

I bite my tongue so that I won’t hiss at her to be nice. I tell you this confessionally. Because do I think it is a good idea for girls to engage with zealously leering men, like the creepy guy in the hardware store who is telling her how pretty she is? I do not. “Say thank you to the nice man who wolf-whistled!” “Smile at the frat boy who’s date-raping you!” I want my daughter to be tough, to say no, to waste exactly zero of her God-given energy on the sexual, emotional and psychological demands of lame men — of lame anybodies. I don’t want her to accommodate and please. I don’t want her to wear her good nature like a gemstone, her body like an ornament.

This is child abuse, in my opinion.

It's generally accepted that narcissists with children view them not as actual human beings but as mere extensions of themselves, to toy with as they see fit. This is what this woman is doing: she's manipulating her children to fulfill her lunatic ideology. My friend (whom I got the article from) encapsulated exactly why this woman is a complete psycho:


Only an idiot would want someone to not be "nice." How do I know? I'm not "nice." I'm a goddamn raving asshole, and you know what? It doesn't turn off. When no one else is around, the shittiness that I afflict upon the world is turned inward. Only a fucking sick in the head parent would desire to cultivate that in her kids. My parents, god bless 'em, did a heroic job of trying to put blockers on my innate asshole nature, but failed.

This woman has basically robbed her daughter of a childhood and ensured that she'll grow up to be a miserable, misanthropic spinster. Meanwhile, her son is going to become a castrated, mincing gayboy. And to drive the point home, this is what her daughter looks like:

[Image: birdymonchichi.jpg]

And her son:

[Image: tieshirtben.jpg]

Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - A War You Cannot Win - 08-02-2013

I'm wondering how her son has the 'power' and 'privliege' when his mother psychologically castrated him? Contradiction, is it not? Switching your children's gender to fuel your narccisisitic need to mold things (your own children, for fucks sake) to gratify your desires should be considered child abuse.

Throw that girl in charm school and send that boy to the Young Marines, post haste.

Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - DLZ - 08-02-2013

Quote: (08-02-2013 05:35 PM)A War You Cannot Win Wrote:  

I'm wondering how her son has the 'power' and 'privliege' when his mother psychologically castrated him? Contradiction, is it not? Switching your children's gender to fuel your narccisisitic need to mold things (your own children, for fucks sake) to gratify your desires should be considered child abuse.

Throw that girl in charm school and send that boy to the Young Marines, post haste.

What I was thinking. What "power of masculinity" is she referring to? Especially when the kid is going to turn out soft as fuck and/or as neurotic as his mother.

Another example of a woman committing the apex fallacy; she thinks that masculine power is imbued on everyone with an XY chromosome instead of the select few who are born into it or earn it through blood, sweat and toil.

Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - 2Wycked - 08-02-2013

I'm on mobile, but when I get back to the pad late tonight I'll address this.

I tangentially touched on this in my "Forced Transsexuality of David Reimer" on RoK.

This woman is terrified of being anything, so she uses her kids to be the woman she sees herself but can't act out - her daughter is her id.

The ultimate privilege is having a healthy pair of parents. The ultimate disprivilege is having a mother like this.

Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - teh_skeeze - 08-02-2013

We need to seek this young man out and teach him game ASAP. He definitely has a feminine look to him, but that will lessen as his shoulders broaden and jawline sharpens.

Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - lurker - 08-02-2013

The boy looks a lot like Dave Grohl. Maybe there's hope for him yet. Also, she can mold her kids, but she can't stop puberty. Let them both take a mainline dose of sexualized hormones and see what happens.

That said, thanks for posting this - I have a half-baked post stewing on the Femnar Moms trend and need a couple more examples to really hit a conclusion.

Feminist, Narcissist Parenting: "I Do Not Want My Daughter to Be ‘Nice’" - kbell - 08-02-2013

I hope she doesn't try to force early sexuality on them like in the Reemer case. And when she refers to lame men she means betas. Alphas are fine.