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West's hamster on crack - Wadsworth - 07-31-2013

Let's delve into the madness that is the mind of Lindy West. She just published her latest opus, and apparently she's done being Ms. Nice Feminist, there will be no more playing nice with all the angry misogynists.

Normally I wouldn't waste anyone's time with the semi-coherent rambling that typifies West's unzip-my-head approach to writing, but this article sums up the problems I have with feminism with as much (unintentional) elegance as any I've previously seen.

That problem being pure, crystalline, gynocentric solipsism.

West's work can essentially be broken down into three parts, each being a key point of feminism, and a demonstration of pure female self interest. I'll touch on them point by point.

1) Identifies a problem, denies any involvement in or responsibility for said problem.

West begins by identifying the problem as, you guessed it, pervasive misogyny online, and describes how she's a victim of it. Interesting, she's done this a number of times before as well.

Recall that this is the woman who previously wrote a piece directed at men complaining about injustice, explaining to them that the pervasive hatred of men doesn't even exist, and that men should just become feminists.

Recall that this was the women who lauded efforts to troll a masculism twitter feed with accusations of privilege/misogyny/sexual inadequacy etc.

Recall that this was the woman who accused men of being privileged even after two men were fired for a dongle joke.

These things of course, were perfectly acceptable to West, and shouldn't have upset anyone. She hypocritically writes her piece from a position of implied innocence despite her previous morally indefensible convictions. Because she doesn't even believe that misandry exists, she's blind to how unbelievably common it is.

West continues,


This is about how people—particularly women—are treated on the internet when we challenge entrenched power structures. We are treated like subhuman garbage,



It is not, typically, what happens to men on the internet. It is gendered. It is the consequence for women if we complain about shit that is shitty for women.

Notice how neither of these portrayals are framed in a way that might consider how these women are complaining, whether or not their complaints are reasonable, or whether they involve accusations. It's a total denial of any responsibility or ownership for said complaints.

Also, recall how West writes about men who "challenge entrenched power structures," or complain about "shit that is shitty" for men. They're met with accusations of misogyny, rape apology, sexual inadequacy, etc.

West, like most feminists, will not take ownership for any of this, and as a result her analysis is extremely biased. Feminists can do no wrong, they're completely innocent, and any negative backlash against them is inherently unjust. This insane, childish solipsism leads her to foolishly identify the trolling and backlash under examination as having a political agenda consistent with a "male supremacist power structure."

Of course the sensible explanation for it is considerably more simple, it's that most men are tired of being treated like second-class citizens, but West's solipsism prevents her from considering the male experience whatsoever. This woman doesn't care about the male experience, she's previously told men that misandry doesn't exist and that they're even privileged when they're wrongfully fired. She has no capacity to understand or feel a male's pain or frustrations, and as a result she invokes some insidious male political conspiracy to keep women subservient. This is a level of indifference that's difficult for me to wrap my mind around.

What is ironic is that this total inability to feel the male perspective is coming from the so-called empathetic sex (which I'm now utterly convinced is a lie).

2) Constructs a victim narrative

To quote West,


I can think of instances of funny, political, retaliatory trolling—like when Twitter feminists co-opted the #INeedMasculismBecause hashtag, or when Rick Perry's Facebook page was deluged with questions about menses. But those are not examples of aggression, they are self-defense. They are not analogous to "I will rape you in an alley" or "Don't leave your phone at home, sweetie." They are reactions to misogyny—the same brand of misogyny that fuels internet trolling. They are women speaking to power—the same power structure that empowers and perpetuates anonymous trolls.

Notice how when feminists troll, it's "defensive." It isn't aggression, no it's defense against victimization; it's retaliatory. Nevermind that most of the manosphere is itself reactionary to feminism, none of that matters. Women aren't responsible for any male anger, so if any is expressed, that is the aggression, not the 50 years of feminism that preceded it.

West continues,


Cumulatively, the sheer volume of hate that we're expected to shoulder, in silence, every day, is wearing a lot of people out and shutting down rational discourse. Female bloggers are being hounded off the internet. Teenage girls are being hounded off the earth. There's no good solution, but we have to do what we can to stop these people—unmask them, shame them, mock them, cement their status as social pariahs—for our own sanity and for those whose armor isn't so thick (upgrade yo greaves, son).

West of course, has never shut down rational discourse with puerile accusations of privilege or misogyny, she's completely innocent in all of this. What is particularly amazing about this passage is that the same could be said about men or MRA bloggers (except the part about being hounded off the earth, that's pretty ludicrous), but Lindy just doesn't see both sides to the story. She's enamored with her own vision of female victimization.

3) Falls back on militant approach to solve problem


I know what I'm going to do. Whatever I fucking feel like doing. I'm sick of being told that I'm navigating my own abuse wrong. I am not interested in being anyone's chew toy—you can chew on me, but I am full of poison.

This is basically an example of the you-go-girlism face of feminism. There is no onus to understand or communicate, it is acceptable for a woman to just do whatever she feels like in the name of empowerment.

Unfortunately for West, this is the mindset that will only result in her penning more articles about her unjust victimization at the hands of the patriarchy, and disowning any responsibility she might have in it.

These three points are good examples of why I'm critical of feminists.

West's hamster on crack - A War You Cannot Win - 07-31-2013

A fun experiment would be to pack all these misguided and delusional Internet feminists on a plane and drop them off somewhere that would, truly and invariably treat them like the pieces of meat they falsely believe (and fantasize about) they are to be. Like somewhere in the bushes of Africa or the Middle East. They wouldn't be able to complain due to

A) both their hands being amputated for fun

B) no working Internet connection.

I really can't take these complaints seriously.

- No one is actively trying to kill or maim them, unlike a sizable portion of young men in the west

- If she displayed an iota of discipline she could diet down and use the power of her vagina and finance payments on a new car.

- I'm pretty sure men don't go actively challenging her viewpoints in real life. Instead in order to feel the victimization she needs in order to make her subjective view points valid - she digs in some forsaken part of the hell that is leftist Internet and starts screaming about persecution like the Spanish Inqusition is knocking on her door.

- What do you suppose the greatest hardship she has triumphed over in her life would be? The cookie company marking up Oreos by 50 cents? Oops. Fat shaming. I guess I'm a baby killing rapist mutilator with a devil in my heart. May as well make good on her Internet condemnation of my behavior.

Only the most sheltered, entitled, and spoiled generation can take her unfounded and overly maudlin hyperbole seriously. Anyone, regardless of gender that has the ability to think rationally sees right through her soulless, Oreo crusted veneer.

Long live the patriarchy.

West's hamster on crack - DLZ - 07-31-2013

I think she's just flailing at windmills at this point.


One of her beta orbiters called her out?
Ran out of candy corn oreos?

West's hamster on crack - Kingsley Davis - 07-31-2013

I can never forgive the Manosphere for allowing me to know who the fuck this cow is.

West's hamster on crack - Norset - 07-31-2013

I am not really up to date on this Lindy West saga. But.. Who pays her? Is there money in what she does? Websites pay her to write? So ad revenue? Rich feminist interest groups paying her? How can she do this full time? Does she not have to make money to eat? Welfare?

West's hamster on crack - Matt Forney - 07-31-2013

Attempting to logically deconstruct Lindy West's arguments is like trying to divine someone's diet by counting up the bits of corn floating in their diarrhea: a pointless and disgusting enterprise.

I called it nearly two months ago: Lindy is a fraud and an opportunist. She parrots feminist talking points not out of conviction, but because she wants to advance her career. Just about everyone at Gawker Media is the same way; they write sensationalist left-wing bullshit for money and attention. Since Gawker writers are paid per pageview, every one of them has an incentive to be as stupid and obnoxious as possible.

That debate Lindy had with Jim Norton will be seen as the turning point in her decline, count on it. She was elevated into a position of authority and respect and managed to make a screaming, flailing ass of herself. Just look at that article that you linked on "Hating Men"; she went and conceded manosphere talking points, albeit in her typical snarky fashion. What makes you think she'll hold the line when our ideas become even more widespread?

Nope, Lindy West is W.H. Auden with a brassiere. I guarantee that sometime in the next decade, she's going to stage a big public repentance and suddenly start writing about how great it is to be a submissive housewife and the like... coincidentally around the same time that feminism ceases to be a guaranteed meal ticket.

West's hamster on crack - A War You Cannot Win - 07-31-2013

Quote: (07-31-2013 08:30 PM)Norset Wrote:  

I am not really up to date on this Lindy West saga. But.. Who pays her? Is there money in what she does? Websites pay her to write? So ad revenue? Rich feminist interest groups paying her? How can she do this full time? Does she not have to make money to eat? Welfare?

I think she's the one that still lives with her parents.

West's hamster on crack - Norset - 07-31-2013

Quote: (07-31-2013 08:38 PM)A War You Cannot Win Wrote:  

Quote: (07-31-2013 08:30 PM)Norset Wrote:  

I am not really up to date on this Lindy West saga. But.. Who pays her? Is there money in what she does? Websites pay her to write? So ad revenue? Rich feminist interest groups paying her? How can she do this full time? Does she not have to make money to eat? Welfare?

I think she's the one that still lives with her parents.

..In that case she is doing more damage to feminism than all the red pill blogs combined into a single nuke

West's hamster on crack - Basil Ransom - 07-31-2013

If a mentally retarded man started ranting incoherently, would you stop to record it all? To diligently transcribe it and try and make sense of it all? To arrive at some cosmic wisdom from a crazy man's spittle-flecked diatribes?

Fuck no. How is any feminist any different?

Matt Forney, great perspective and insight on the likes of these characters.

West's hamster on crack - Wadsworth - 07-31-2013

Quote: (07-31-2013 08:57 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

If a mentally retarded man started ranting incoherently, would you stop to record it all? To diligently transcribe it and try and make sense of it all? To arrive at some cosmic wisdom from a crazy man's spittle-flecked diatribes?

Fuck no. How is any feminist any different?

Our entire society listens to them. I suppose you and Matt are correct though, there isn't much point in trying to analyze it.

West's hamster on crack - bacon - 07-31-2013

She really is the perfect embodiment of everything the manosphere stands against.

West's hamster on crack - alphabeta - 07-31-2013

I am so fucking sick of feminists ruining everything they goddamn touch. Men, non-westernized women, the internet, politics, anything you can think of. I'd say the right to vote for women would be exempt from the list, except I see today's generation of women voting in favor of politicians who enforce child support on beta chumps and unlucky players who aren't even the child's father.

They're the natural outcome of a society with 0 game. The embodiment of the reasons why you should never give a woman an inch beyond acceptable boundaries in a stable relationship; absolutely irrefutable proof that game theory hits the mark with near 100% accuracy.

Feminists are so unbelievably infantile, that if you concede she's correct about one thing they'll lord it over you until she is legally correct on completely irrelevant issues with zero regards for reality. Feminists are the female hamster released upon the world in an attempt to rule it.

They are how you see male eugenics and post-birth abortion even getting a voice in the academic world today. Feminists are a plague upon civilization.

West's hamster on crack - 2Wycked - 08-01-2013

The supreme issue with Gawker media, Lindy West and her fellow clowns is that people listen to them.

It is always humorous to hear them talk about Fox News "misrepresentation" of facts, etc. is dangerous because people listen to them and believe them. The same applies to feminists.

Their incredibly heated and hateful rhetoric they use to whip up the masses of disaffected women and men is dangerous precisely they could give two shits about the people they are indoctrinating - they just want to climb the ladder.

Look at some of those comments. Make it a crime for a corporation to employ a person who engages in or has engaged in harassment? If you have that opinion, it is going to a be long, angry and lonely life for you.

They are helping create monsters who are not good people - angry, hateful and spiteful assholes who only think in terms of themselves how other's actions affect them.

It is the heart of narcissism. Thinking of you times 7 billion.


These dumbasses are so narcissistic that they think a massive, sprawling government intervention into suppressing speech, actions and all that will benefit them. Don't page RVF when that approach fucks you in the ass someday. It will. You will trip up and get hung from the rafters by your own moral judgmentalism.

Dipshits. Punishment is rarely an effective behavior modifier. If they truly gave a damn about issue X, Y or Z they would come up with ways that actually work in the real world.

The Lindy's of the world just want to the climb the ladder and her fans want to explain away why the visions of they have of themselves don't match up to their reality.