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Is RSDTyler for real? - Every10GivesMeA10 - 07-25-2013

This guy says you need to watch your girl get fucked by another man to let go of jealousy. This cuckold fetish is getting out of hand.

Watch at 14:37

Is RSDTyler for real? - WestIndianArchie - 07-25-2013

Same thing Patrice O'Neal said. A lot of what holds dudes back is ego.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Excelsior - 07-25-2013

I remember watching this vid a while back.

There's some validity to what he says about not letting insecurity over a girl's sexual past get in your head. That kind of behavior is often tied to pedestalization, and we all know how crucial de-pedestalization is to the internalization of the red pill. His description of how such insecurity can hurt your game is also important, an it is also true that such insecurity can be cured by experience.

That being said, there is a pretty fine line between letting go of beta insecurities regarding female sexual histories and just coming full circle into the land of the emasculated cuckold.

There are lots of average frustrated 18-22 year old chumps out there who let the fact that the girl they're into has had 3-5 sexual partners before him throw his game off. It is one thing for that guy to just let go and calm down. Girls will sense this insecurity and they will react negatively to it. The guy who can't even stand the thought of a girl he's into having ever been involved sexually with someone else needs to take her off of the pedestal and fortify himself a bit, because virgins are not terribly common these days.

It is another thing entirely, however, to start getting "amped up" about the idea of your woman getting with other men. Indifference is good, but there is a fine line between a) mature acceptance of the fact that you will often never be any given woman's "one and only" and b) just plain old cuckoldry. When you suggest that men invite other men to fuck women they're seriously interested in as a means to "steel" themselves against jealously later on in the relationship, you're entering cuckoldry land.

No man worth his salt is going to want to intentionally pass a girl that he's even entertaining notions of becoming serious with (someone who he has not yet written off completely as a long term prospect) around among his buddies. That's not jealousy, that's just reasonable.

Training yourself to avoid jealously isn't a bad idea, but you don't need to engage in regular instances of calculated semi-cuckoldry to do it.

Is RSDTyler for real? - assman - 07-25-2013

Didn't watch the video, but I don't see how pedestalization follows from knowing your girl banged other men. Just the opposite, no?

Is RSDTyler for real? - Excelsior - 07-25-2013

Quote: (07-25-2013 05:31 PM)assman Wrote:  

Didn't watch the video, but I don't see how pedestalization follows from knowing your girl banged other men.

Who said that?

Pedestalization follows from insecurity about the fact that your girl has had sex with other men. It isn't about one merely possessing the knowledge of a female's sexual past, it is about how one treats that knowledge.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Duke Castile - 07-25-2013

I'll never take advice from a pussy like that about anything except maybe something computer related.

Is RSDTyler for real? - MikeCF - 07-25-2013

Like I always say, "I wasn't your first and won't be your last. Do what you're gonna do."

Of course when you have that attitude and it's not just a line but is truly your frame, they don't wanna bang other dudes.

I haven't seen the video but do notice a lot of inconsistency among men. If American women really are these worthless sluts, how could you ever feel jealousy for them?

Incidentally, there's a famous article at the women of JFK. (I forget the title, but it was a good read.) He made one of his girlfriends suck his friend's dick while he watched.

Is RSDTyler for real? - MikeCF - 07-25-2013

Quote: (07-25-2013 05:31 PM)assman Wrote:  

Didn't watch the video, but I don't see how pedestalization follows from knowing your girl banged other men. Just the opposite, no?


Pedestalization happens when you've found a "keeper" that you would never want another man to defile.

The issue though is that cuckold is usually associated with emasculation and racial insecurities.

Most cuckold videos involve well hung black men pounding out a white woman. The black man (with his BBC or big black cock) is able to satisfy the sexual desires in ways the white man with his small penis cannot.

There are other men who just aren't into possession and are more into "free love." They have a good time with multiple women and let their girls do the same.

In that case, the man is not a cuckold. He is so in control of the sexual dynamics that jealousy and other insecurities doesn't even enter into his consciousness.

Is RSDTyler for real? - j r - 07-25-2013

I've never cared about a woman's sexual past (although I definitely couldn't be with a woman who got around a lot in circles that I'm familiar with), so I guess that means that I don't have to watch my girl get banged out by another dude.

Close call.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Menace - 07-25-2013

I am just amazed at the amount of video lectures/talks they put up. I mean after a certain point, there isn't much more to say about game.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Duke Castile - 07-25-2013

I firmly believe that you can make any slut loyal to you. The only issue is the length of time you can be away before she bangs another guy. I think even with the most hard core sluts, that can be a week or more. I'm working on a post about it now.

Pussies like that guy in the video would never be able to command loyalty. A girl who's with that guy immediately starts looking for something better. Women want to feel special and feel feminine. A guy with a girls voice and spaghetti string arms can do neither.

Is RSDTyler for real? - thegmanifesto - 07-25-2013

Quote: (07-25-2013 06:27 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

I'll never take advice from a pussy like that about anything except maybe something computer related.

Quote: (07-25-2013 08:09 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Pussies like that guy in the video would never be able to command loyalty. A girl who's with that guy immediately starts looking for something better. Women want to feel special and feel feminine. A guy with a girls voice and spaghetti string arms can do neither.


Fisto is throwing bombs at this guy like Oscar de la Hoya did in the 12th against Ike Quartey.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Veloce - 07-25-2013

Quote: (07-25-2013 08:09 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

I firmly believe that you can make any slut loyal to you. The only issue is the length of time you can be away before she bangs another guy. I think even with the most hard core sluts, that can be a week or more. I'm working on a post about it now.

Pussies like that guy in the video would never be able to command loyalty. A girl who's with that guy immediately starts looking for something better. Women want to feel special and feel feminine. A guy with a girls voice and spaghetti string arms can do neither.

Same. I remember talking about our notion that there's a world out there where a woman is okay with you banging other women yet she remains ultimately faithful to you. Reverse cuckoldry if you will.

I know this world exists. It's the world where Mick Jagger and Jack Nicholson hang out. While I most likely won't make it into their echelon in my lifetime, just knowing that realm exists is what drives me to strive further.

I remember one of the last times I went to Floyd's where I get my hair cut. One of the overweight, tatted up, punk girl hairstylists, a 5 on my scale, was talking about some dude she's seeing and how he wants to be exclusive with her. She then talked openly about several other guys she's banging and "can't do that whole exclusivity thing". I had two thoughts:

1) It's truly a terrible state of affairs if this disgusting beast has a harem, and
2) None of the guys are pushing her buttons correctly. None of them are giving her the rollercoaster or are attractive enough for her.

I believe if you've established proper attraction with her, the prospect of you leaving her is a fate almost as bad as death. Call it egomania on my part, but I've seen this happen with girls. When a girl is properly sprung on a guy, he IS her world and her master. Doesn't matter if a girl is pure and virginal, or a common bar slut like the hairdresser I refer to above. They all have the same output and programming, it's just a matter of finding the right input code.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Duke Castile - 07-25-2013

Gman, That was Awesome ^

Dude, there's an alternative reason why no guy has pushed her buttons, they probably just fuck her as a last resort and aren't attracted to her enough to care one way or the other.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Black Quixote - 07-25-2013

His game is pretty ridiculous, as in pure ability with women and controlling the dynamics in a club etc. etc.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Col. Tigh - 07-25-2013

This may not be a popular point of view, but there can be a special pleasure in this sort of thing—under specific circumstances and with a particular type of woman, relationship, and other man, etc.—and works best when YOU as the man are unquestionably alpha in the relationship. It certainly is an acquired taste, and it goes without saying that it ain't for everyone (I suppose this is true for any non-mainstream sex practice [Image: whip.gif]).

Notwithstanding the above, the guy in that video exhibits traits that undermine any sense of masculinity or dominance: he talks too fast, in too high-pitched of a voice, and makes effeminate air-sucking tsk noises. I wouldn't recommend a guy like that try gf- or wife-sharing because he'd quickly just lose his girl.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Love charm - 07-25-2013


I can see lots of generalisation and judgements going on here..

Now, I have personally met Tyler in clubs, he was one of the most humble and down to earth guy I have met for a long time.

As Black quixote mentioned, those who knows about RSD and actually seen them in real life, they can all vouch, they are red hot..They do things that will simply blow majority of the peoples mind. I used bump in to them all the time in London. So I know about them and ACTUALLY SEEN THEM DOING THINGS IN CLUBS. Not just reading their reports online.

As for Tyler, oh, he is a really smart guy and the things that he comes up with are usually pure genius.

Yes, he is not big or tall or got 17inch arms or something, but the guy got skills and his skills are simply sick.. So credit goes to where its due.

@ Col. tigh, I don't think you know or have heard about Tyler before, thats why you said what you said, like he has no masculinity or dominance etc.. If you knew about him then you probably wouldn't have said that.. Just do a search on him on google, his stuffs are all over the net.

I mean, I can find video of hitler where he wasn't exhibiting alpha or masculine trait, but that doesn't means he is not alpha or masculine, is it?

PS, just seen the video, well, he doesn't talks or acts like that in real life.. So that video was just an one off.. I mean I can act like vin diesel in a video, doesn't means I act or talk like that..

Is RSDTyler for real? - Saladin - 07-25-2013

The hate for Tyler is insane.

I take some issues with his teaching methods but he's legit in terms of skill. He has a ton of infield on Youtube as well as his Hotseat which I've seen.

The best part is if a guy like that can get good at pickup, then most people don't have excuses.

Is RSDTyler for real? - WestIndianArchie - 07-25-2013

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:51 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

The best part is if a guy like that can get good at pickup, then most people don't have excuses.


Is RSDTyler for real? - Duke Castile - 07-25-2013

I don't doubt he get's women off of initial attraction building, but it's obvious why he thinks women cannot be tamed or kept loyal.

He has never done it.

I doubt he is able to keep attraction for any real length of time.

And I do admit, he has the mannerisms, way of speaking, and face that just rub me the wrong way.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Col. Tigh - 07-25-2013

Quote: (07-25-2013 09:41 PM)Love charm Wrote:  

I can see lots of generalisation and judgements going on here..

@ Col. tigh, I don't think you know or have heard about Tyler before, thats why you said what you said, like he has no masculinity or dominance etc.. If you knew about him then you probably wouldn't have said that.. Just do a search on him on google, his stuffs are all over the net.

I mean, I can find video of hitler where he wasn't exhibiting alpha or masculine trait, but that doesn't means he is not alpha or masculine, is it?

PS, just seen the video, well, he doesn't talks or acts like that in real life.. So that video was just an one off.. I mean I can act like vin diesel in a video, doesn't means I act or talk like that..
You're correct that I had never heard of Tyler, nor his reputation or skills, on which I therefore have no opinion. I wrote based only on what I saw in the video posted here--which, of course, is only a narrow window onto a person as a whole. That said, the criticisms of that video are valid. It may well be true that Tyler is very skilled at Game and projects solid, dominant presence in person; but in the 15 minutes of that video, at least, I was struck by the points I wrote about above.

This is not hate, nor intended to insult, rather my observations on what I saw in this specific video, in relation to this particular topic.

Is RSDTyler for real? - dog24 - 07-25-2013

Fisto with all the respect a poster like you deserves, arent you the guy that posted on the goodlooking guy game and complained on how guys can be quick to talk shit just because of how you look? Yeah tyler looks beta even after all this years in the game, and probably will look this way all of his life. The fact that he gets girls even when all the odds are against him makes me think that it wouldnt hurt to listen to what he has to say. By the way he said he had a gf the mother of his kid, but hes still allowed to fuck around

Is RSDTyler for real? - MikeCF - 07-25-2013

Most of those girls are hired help. They'll hire girls from a casting call.

Don't believe everything you see.

Is RSDTyler for real? - Hotwheels - 07-25-2013

Quote: (07-25-2013 10:38 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Most of those girls are hired help. They'll hire girls from a casting call.

Don't believe everything you see.

Just what I was going to say.

I don't find pick up videos to be any more believable than Back to the Future.

Guys need to remember they are PROMOTIONAL videos. ie-commercials

Is Tide going to show a commercial showing it doesn't get all the stains out?

Is RSDTyler for real? - Gmac - 07-25-2013

He actually has some good points throughout the video.