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Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - vinman - 07-02-2013

A whole lot of cellulite

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Ziltoid - 07-02-2013

This is a good case study of what results excessive low-fat dieting and cardio has on the female form; skinnyfat, boyish, hag-like...

Call girls lifting weights a masculine aberration if you must, all I know is I'd rather take THIS to bed...

[Image: female-fitness-model.jpg]

Than THIS...


Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - MikeCF - 07-02-2013

Any girl over 26 is going to have cellulite. Collagen breaks down and there's nothing to do about it.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Gmac - 07-02-2013

Hey guys guess what? People get old!

[Image: mindblown.gif]

You guys obsess over the proverbial "wall", but what you fail to realize is none of us are getting any younger and even your own bodies are deteriorating.

Photoshop has ruined men for the worse.

In other news, the worst does tend to happen to women who are "diet" skinny rather than "in-shape" skinny.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Therapsid - 07-02-2013

Is that Tara Reid? The woman's 37 years old.

In fact practically all the celebs in the link are older.

But fair enough, for chicks past their prime there comes a point where their only hope is to workout like mad and do lots of resistance exercises like weight training. But its a losing battle.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Ziltoid - 07-02-2013

Of course age makes you more prone to cellulite and generally saggyness, but there's no excuse for that level of flab besides massive oxidative stress stemming from shitty diet, too much cardio, and a lack of muscle tone.
If she and the other over the hill women in that article burned off some of their subcutaneous fat and packed on a little muscular definition, they would look considerably more bangable.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Matt3B - 07-02-2013

The picture of Mila Kunis without make up that was going around a couple of months ago is a much better example:

[Image: y6y6D.jpg]

Compared to:

[Image: Mila%20Kunis-1759456.jpg]

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Kabal - 07-02-2013

Quote: (07-02-2013 08:02 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Is that Tara Reid? The woman's 37 years old.

In fact practically all the celebs in the link are older.

I like how Blue Pill people would take the slideshow in the OP's link as proof of the impossible, unattainable beauty standards ("all female celebrities are photoshopped!") that sexist, patriarchal heteronormative Euro-centric Western culture has for women, but it's inadvertently a better demonstration of the perishability of women.

Tara Reid, young:
[Image: tara-reid-wallpaper-4.jpg]

Tara Reid, modern day:
[Image: fotogramagen.jpg]

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - MikeCF - 07-02-2013

These threads make me wonder how many girls some have slept with.

How many girls have you guys who are talking about this photoshopped stuff slept with?

You've never been with a girl who looks amazing one day but is a little bloated/fat faced the next?

It's just basic water retention.

I hate to bring the bearer of bad news...But did you know that women - even hot ones - sometimes have a breakout of acne?

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - little wing - 07-02-2013

Quote: (07-02-2013 08:33 PM)MattC Wrote:  

The picture of Mila Kunis without make up that was going around a couple of months ago is a much better example:

[Image: y6y6D.jpg]

Compared to:

[Image: Mila%20Kunis-1759456.jpg]

Damn talk about going from a 4 to a 9!

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - PrimeTime32 - 07-02-2013

Anyone notice how most of them are white? Case in point white women usually age terribly. I agree with the poster above that I would rather have an athletic chick who lifts than a skinny-fat chick.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - kosko - 07-02-2013

That site is trolling since it focuses to much on cellulite, that shit is like grey hair to men for females its nearly impossible to stop.. you can limit it.. but its impossible to stop.

Its the busted up faces and shit for some celebs that creeps me out i.e. Mila Kunis, and Ke$ha, the girl whom looks looks like she ate a fridge.. literally... and it made her body into a square. She is beyond fucked up and ugly even when she is done up and photoshoped she looks "off", I regret the fact she gave me a boner once when I seen her at a good angle in a video [Image: confused.gif].

All in all the list is shit. Scar-Jo, Lauren Conrad and Kim K are the best ones in there and even without all the glam and photoshop would still probably make cars crash and shit on the street.

I've seen Misha Barton in person and She is tall, lanky, boyish.. not my type at all but my friend was sweating her, to each their own.

Most celebs without their tools and resources are like 7's and 8's, there are many 9's of course but you may or may not hear about them. Sometimes you do need some marginal talent in something to make it, or you fuck the right people either or sometimes looks aren't 100% of it for celebs.

If we are going to be honest then there are better train-wreaks to laugh at and mourn:
[Image: christina-aguilera-sexy.jpg]
[Image: christinaaguilera-450x600.jpg]

^ Shit like this makes me scowl...How you going to to that to yourself? what a waste of skin:

[Image: kobejaw.gif]

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - thegmanifesto - 07-03-2013

Quote: (07-02-2013 08:49 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

These threads make me wonder how many girls some have slept with.

How many girls have you guys who are talking about this photoshopped stuff slept with?

You've never been with a girl who looks amazing one day but is a little bloated/fat faced the next?

It's just basic water retention.

I hate to bring the bearer of bad news...But did you know that women - even hot ones - sometimes have a breakout of acne?

Yeah, every girl on earth.

Hell, I am I am Young, I’m Handsome, I’m Fast, I’m Pretty and Can’t possibly be beat, but in the morning after 20 cocktails and zero sleep, I don't even look so perfect.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Roosh - 07-03-2013


You've never been with a girl who looks amazing one day but is a little bloated/fat faced the next?!


Peoples' faces get bloated one day to the next? I haven't seen this in humans.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Acute Angle - 07-03-2013

Quote: (07-02-2013 07:47 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Any girl over 26 is going to have cellulite. Collagen breaks down and there's nothing to do about it.

Not strictly true - I think genes have a lot to do with it. My ex had no cellulite at all at 45 and she didn't work out. And I've seen (overweight) teenagers with it. Liz McColgan was an elite Marathon runner and said she still had cellulite even when running 120 miles per week. Genes.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - ImmoralPsychology - 07-03-2013

Too bad. That page had an opportunity to say something but passed on it.

They could have been making a comment on how the media use tricks and techniques (lights, angles, photoshop) to essentially lie to us and make celebrities look flawless. (We already know that, but many don't realize to what degree.)

Or they could have made a comment about how age destroys us all, even the most beautiful people in the country.

But they couldn't have said either of those things because they're using photos taken years (and babies) apart IN ADDITION to comparing photoshopped pics with real life pics taken at the most inopportune time possible where they look at their absolute worst.

I've seen women that look stunning in real life and can't take a decent picture (I'm not a professional. I'm sure a pro could have set up a studio to do so.) And I've seen girls that are just average but know how to put makeup on and use angles and lighting to take great pictures. That page really shows very little.

And to make things even funnier, one member uses a shopped up studio-quality photo and compares it to one of these got-older-and-stopped-taking-care-of-herself-and-got-caught-at-a-terrible-time actresses as proof that working out is better than dieting. LOL

Here's a newsflash fellas. These women never looked as good as the shopped photos do. They also never really looked as bad as the caught-on-camera photos make them look either.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - kosko - 07-03-2013

Tara Ried should of did porn -- She always had more of a pornstar "look" than a Hollywood "look".

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - ImmoralPsychology - 07-03-2013

When I was young, my 16-yr-old girlfriend, who had as close to a perfect body as I've ever seen, seriously like a 9 body, especially by today's standards, had a bit of cellulite. It's something that very few white women escape (don't know about blacks) and you do not have to be fat for it at all. Of course, it shows on fat chicks when they're just standing there while on thin girls (yes, even the ones who work out), you have to squeeze the skin to see it.

Japan may not be all it's cracked up to be, but it's one thing I don't miss from back home. Girls here don't have it. Maybe the genes? Maybe something else. I don't know. But the number of times I've seen cellulite on J girls has been so few I actually don't remember a particular instance. And even then, it was so minor compared to even thin hot girls back home that it's barely worth considering at all.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Soma - 07-03-2013

Quote: (07-03-2013 12:25 PM)ImmoralPsychology Wrote:  

Japan may not be all it's cracked up to be, but it's one thing I don't miss from back home. Girls here don't have it. Maybe the genes? Maybe something else. I don't know. But the number of times I've seen cellulite on J girls has been so few I actually don't remember a particular instance. And even then, it was so minor compared to even thin hot girls back home that it's barely worth considering at all.

[Image: asian_timeline-1024x307.jpg]

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Vronsky - 07-03-2013

Girls bloat up periodically. Emphasis on period. I am surprised that some of you are surprised by that.
Give me a couple of nights of beer, nachos and pizza and I bloat up too.
I also think photoshop has distorted people's perceptions and standards of looks.

Would take current day Christina Aguilera over current day Tara Reid.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - The Fantasist - 07-03-2013

It is ridiculous to compare a celebrity who has been photographed in a studio and a snap of her going about her daily business.

The studio shot or red carpet shot etc. will have been taken after the celebrity has had her hair made up professionally, spray tanned, make up perfectly done, lighting often perfect, clothes that are sewn on to fit like a glove, often the celebrity has been on a health diet prior to the photo shoot so as to look their best and then on top of all of that the image will be photo-shopped. That is not a realistic portrayal of the person. Don't fall into believing that they look like that in real life and then when you see a picture of Mila Kunis photographed without make up, in sloppy clothes, hair not made up, possibly after a very heavy night or with an acne breakout you won't be disappointed. You'll remember that Kunis, Upton etc. are not perfect. They have celulite, saggy boobs, hairy legs if they don't shave them, bad skin on occasion.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - ImmoralPsychology - 07-03-2013

There's a lesson to be learned here though.

You don't need knock yourself out trying to fuck the 9. Send your 6.5 or 7 girl to a professional make-up and fashion school and then presto, you're banging a 9. Of course, she'll probably dump your ass when she notices she can't walk 10 feet without getting hit on by guys better than you though. Gotta make sure you stomp all over her self-confidence to keep her in check. LOL

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Kingsley Davis - 07-03-2013

I soothe the hamster by assuring it that she could/would also look like a red carpet strumpet if her job entailed 8 hours of gym time with an agency provided personal trainer and chef at her disposal instead of the empowering paper shuffling.[Image: dodgy.gif]

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - Timoteo - 07-03-2013

Tara Reid suffers from hard living, and botched cosmetic procedures on her body that she had to go back under the knife for to fix. Then she probably fucked with one too many ridiculous fad diets, that left her looking like a water balloon without enough water in it. She's aged much worse than the average Hollywood chick because of that. What you see in that backshot of her in a bikini doesn't happen to the average woman of her age, Hollywood or anywhere else.

Celebrities Look Much Different In Real Life Than In The Magazines - MikeCF - 07-03-2013

Quote: (07-03-2013 05:59 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


You've never been with a girl who looks amazing one day but is a little bloated/fat faced the next?!


Peoples' faces get bloated one day to the next? I haven't seen this in humans.

You trolling me bro?

Basic water retention/electrolyte balance. Too much sodium one day without enough water, and there's bloat.

Eat a can of soup, don't drink enough water to "flush" out the sodium, and watch what happens to your cheeks.

Go on a low-carb diet (which depletes the body of water, as each gram of glycogen stores 3 or so grams of water) and watch your face sink from dehydration.

Powerlifters take this to the extreme, and bloat before meets to improve leverages:

Everyone has a fat face but no one has gained fat. It's all water retention/bloat.