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The I didn't Bang Thread - Nomad77 - 05-22-2013

There are a lot of threads on here about our successes/bangs. Naturally everyone likes to talk about something when it succeeds, no one likes to talk about their failures. BUT we don't learn from our successes WE learn from our failures. Our failures forces us to question what we might have done wrong. It forces to evaluate the situation, find what happened and think about how we can correct it the next time. Our biggest source of potential knowledge are our collective failures and what we might have done differently.

Hell, I may not know how to succeed at a lot of things in life but boy do I know how to fail. One might say I am a successful failure, so I would certainly have a lot of contribute in this regard.

I will go first by starting with my failure from this thread:

The I didn't Bang Thread - Nomad77 - 05-22-2013

Two set of tourist: walking along ocean drive with a friend I noticed these women typing away on their iPhones sitting at an outdoor table. My quick analysis confirmed they matched what I was looking for: tourist (check), two women alone (check), European (check), bangable (check). I stopped by the table and opened them with this line: are you two texting each other? They look up and laughed. Continued the conversation, they invited us to join them. After a little while I started kino on the one I was sitting next to. Ok, so here are the mistakes in chronological order:

1. My friend got into a few arguments with the other girl. She called him out on not having facebook and he didn't have a good response. She was talkative and kept telling him he wasn't talking. Basically, it wasn't clicking between the two of them and I realized this.

2. The discussion got to what are we going to do next and I didn't have a plan. I should have been thinking of it but I was too focused on my kino activities.

We eventually went to Clevelanders down the street because it was just nearby but very soon after getting there they dumped us. The bottom line was my friend wasn't getting along with the other girl and this was obvious from the table. I wasn't going to be able to isolate my girl because they were out together. If anything that also messed me up because the other girl was the leader not the one I was with. (Unless the leader of a group of girls is having a good time she will make sure no one else in that group is either. You have to take care of the alpha female of a group or neutralize her.) To get a two set of tourist you need to either have a wing that works with the other girl or hope she finds someone she likes. It's very difficult to isolate one tourist from a two set.

The lessons to learn here: don't get into UNNECESSARY and MEANINGLESS arguments with girls, there is nothing to be gained from this. In a two set (two couples) if one person fails everyone fails. My friend was also tired, low energy level never helps. If you are feeling tired you might as well don't even bother going out. Girls will always view a low energy level as a lack of interest in them. It's important to understand I am not blaming him. With a different set the situation could easily have been reversed where I didn't click with the girl.

I did throw a Hail Mary pass though and got the facebook information of the one I was with. They are going to be coming back to Miami in a few months so I will get another crack at her and this time I already know how to get some alone time with her so I won't need a wing. (She likes going to the beach and her sister doesn't.) If you can catch a tourist at the beginning of her stay it's much easier to arrange something where you are alone with her.

The I didn't Bang Thread - gandt - 05-22-2013

Quote: (05-22-2013 01:55 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

The lessons to learn here: don't get into argument with girls

True true.

I remember one time I was with two buddies and was in the process of inviting these girls to come back to our place for an after party.

Right from the start my buddy (blue pill) decides he'll pull out the cocky funny card but more on the argumentative and confrontational side. It just polarized the interaction.

While I was vibing with my girl who also happened to be the sexiest of the group, he friend was put off and it ruined the whole dynamic.

I would like to revise your lesson to: don't get into UNNECESSARY and MEANINGLESS arguments with girls.

I think arguing can add a fun dynamic to a interaction. Allows you to demonstrate your intellectual superiority, implement fun teasing, etc...

The I didn't Bang Thread - Christian McQueen - 05-22-2013

Once again can be solved by rolling Solo.

I have a buddy who before he got better at game, would go confrontational off the bat polarizing one of a pair multiple times. Not cool.

The I didn't Bang Thread - gandt - 05-22-2013

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:26 AM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

Once again can be solved by rolling Solo.

I have a buddy who before he got better at game, would go confrontational off the bat polarizing one of a pair multiple times. Not cool.

Yeah, it's stupid and fucking annoying. And it comes from a needy mindset of "needing to prove yourself".

FYI, I used your "k. if you want to have fun and things don't work out you got my number [Image: wink.gif]" text. Let's see how it plays out.

The I didn't Bang Thread - Nomad77 - 05-22-2013

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:26 AM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

Once again can be solved by rolling Solo.

I have a buddy who before he got better at game, would go confrontational off the bat polarizing one of a pair multiple times. Not cool.

Yep, but it's difficult to isolate a tourist girl from her friends. My plan to deal with this is to hit the beach earlier in week (M - W) and try to get them at the beginning of the stay. Pull the contact info and try to set something up where it will be easier to isolate or get a one-on-one situation.

I have another friend that is exactly like that. He's get off on insulting the girls. He wins the arguments but loses the pussy.

The I didn't Bang Thread - soup - 05-22-2013

You're are going to say I'm hater, but this thread sounds like some kind of girl friend advice column.

Like the kinds of articles where girls comfort themselves for their failures.

You are focusing a lot on negative.

This is intellectual masturbation. You should start a "no-mental-fapp" thread.

Forget your failures.

Hit reset, and move on to the next thing.

The I didn't Bang Thread - Nomad77 - 05-22-2013

Not at all soup, your constructive criticism is always welcome.

Let me see if I understand you correctly. You are advocating that we simply forget our failures and move on without attempting to learn from them?

The I didn't Bang Thread - soup - 05-22-2013

Quote: (05-22-2013 04:19 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Not at all soup, your constructive criticism is always welcome.

Let me see if I understand you correctly. You are advocating that we simply forget our failures and move on without attempting to learn from them?

Yes. Depending on how/what the failure is.

Most game failures that come up here will be overcome through experience, not intellect. This is why advocate going out and racking up a high notch count or trying everyday to meet models or whatever.

Any major game failure is like a mental problem. This is something that needs discussion for sure.

In general, women are simple creatures. We don't need to analyze the failures with them. Most of them are very much like machines/animals that can be overcome if you have a strong foundation in game and a lot of experience being out there.

A lot of game has nothing to do with the girl. It's all about the way you carry yourself and how well you can to talk to women.

The I didn't Bang Thread - Nomad77 - 05-22-2013

Well, I certainly agree that getting experience is important, the most important thing actually but at the same time if we don't recalibrate what we are doing and just continue making the same mistakes that won't help. And this applies to everything. As a musician you just can't keep practicing without critically evaluating yourself and making a conscious effort to improve.

Take the example at the beginning of this thread. This was repeated a number of times that same night with the same results.

The I didn't Bang Thread - soup - 05-22-2013

Quote: (05-22-2013 04:43 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Well, I certainly agree that getting experience is important, the most important thing actually but at the same time if we don't recalibrate what we are doing and just continue making the same mistakes that won't help. And this applies to everything. As a musician you just can't keep practicing without critically evaluating yourself and making a conscious effort to improve.

Take the example at the beginning of this thread. This was repeated a number of times that same night with the same results.

You will get good at whatever you practice. If you practice good stuff, you will get good at that. If you practice bad stuff, you will good at that.

Do this:

For every failed approach you make, make yourself do five new.

You will be the mack of this forum in no time.

The I didn't Bang Thread - Nomad77 - 05-22-2013

I have to disagree. While practicing is important, practicing without a plan on how to improve yourself is not very useful. A lot of guys go out there and just approach girls, get numbers etc. but they are very weak in mid and end game. Also, you have to ask yourself what is your objective. Are you after a lot of bangs or quality bangs. If you are after quantity then that requires a very different mindset. The mindset that allowed you and Roosh to bang a lot of girls is not going to work to get the higher quality girls as you are both finding out for yourselves.

The I didn't Bang Thread - soup - 05-22-2013

I've already stated that you have to practice with 8-9s if you want to get 8-9s. You are what you do.

I've come to my conclusions based on a lot of practice and trying things out with lot's of different girls.

Also, I have to disagree about going out when you aren't full of energy. I got my last threesome on a night when I forced myself to go out. I had to wake up early the next day, but I ignored that and hit the bar. Two girls came up to me at the bar.

Instead of focusing on failures, I think it would be good to have a general game activity log/thread where people can post about what they did that day as far as wins and failures go.

The I didn't Bang Thread - Nomad77 - 05-22-2013

Another case study...Me and the same friend above:

Saw two tourist at the bar on the beach. Fairly conservative looking American women - a blonde and a brunette. My friend opens the brunette and I move in and start talking to the blonde. Everything is going fine. They were about to leave but decide to stay and have another drink. We are talking, building rapport and everything seems to be going ok. The plan was to try to get them back to their hotel for some late night fun. They are here for a convention. At some point in the night the brunette mentions she would like to learn how to dance salsa. Me just being in a fun mood, decided to give her a little lesson and took her to dance right in front of us. That would have been fine except somehow the dancing got a bit too sexual and the blonde who I was gaming wasn't too happy. Since she was the alpha of the pair, she basically got pissed and killed everything. Maybe she thought I was switching to the other woman. So this time I inadvertently screwed things up by dancing too sexual with the other woman and giving my original target the impression I was dumping her for her sister.

Lesson here: don't pay too much attention or get too sexual with the other girl unless you think you can pull a 3-some. Had I stayed focused on the girl I was gaming things might have turned out very differently. But this happens a lot within a group of girls we can get distracted or get into a group fun mood. Best to just play it safe and focus on the girl you are after instead of trying to be the life of the party.