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Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - JayMillz - 05-16-2013

I've seen some beauties on the train in MDE, but I never saw what I thought might be a hooker, lol

Prostitución en el metro de Medellín

A la vista de los usuarios que todos los días utilizan el Sistema Metro en Medellín, en diferentes estaciones y sin que nadie haga nada para contra restar la situación, un grupo de hombres y mujeres emplean este medio de transporte masivo para vender sus cuerpos a quienes están en el lugar.

Es la realidad que encontró un grupo de investigadores de la Corporación Centro Consultoría de Conflicto Urbano C3 de la capital antioqueña, desarrollada durante varios meses en diferentes estaciones del Metro.

En dicho estudio se pudo comprobar cómo quienes se dedican a esta actividad abordan a usuarios, especialmente turistas, para ofrecerles servicios sexuales o de compañía, “para hacerles más agradable sus visitas”.

“La situación se debe al aumento de turistas a Medellín y del llamado turismo sexual. La pobreza hace que muchos jóvenes vean en esta mal llamada oferta una única oportunidad”, explicó Luis Guillermo Pardo, sociólogo y presidente de C3.

Según Pardo, la prostitución se desarrolla a través de redes que utilizan el metro como escenario de su ilegal empresa, mediante diversas maneras de abordar a sus posibles clientes, las cuales van desde ubicar entre la multitud hombres solos o grupos de hombres que estén “en son de diversión”, o hasta ofrecer directamente los servicios sexuales.

Incluso, a un investigador de la corporación le fueron ofrecidos los servicios en la Estación Acevedo, y luego en una cabina del Metrocable de Santo Domingo, lugar en el cual una menor de edad le dijo: “Esto por acá es de mucho ambiente” y luego ofreció un acompañamiento “si quiere lo acompaño para que conozca” o “si quiere pasamos rico”, y le entregó una tarjeta de un hotel residencia de la zona.

La investigación permitió determinar las principales estaciones donde se presenta esta actividad:

1. Estación San Antonio: “Jovencitas deambulan por las plataformas en busca de clientes potenciales, se cambian de una a otra, camuflándose entre los viajeros que salen y entran del metro; allí contactan sobre todo a turistas”.

2. Estación Parque Berrío: “En la zona de acceso central, antes de ingresar al sistema, se han hecho tradicionales los grupos de hombres que tienen allí su punto de encuentro para ofrecerse a señores; se ubican exactamente a los lados del puesto de donuts, periferia de la plataforma de acceso y escaleras”.

3. Estación Prado: “En las escaleras de acceso sur, menores de edad se sitúan en dicho acceso y ofrecen sus servicios en el día, desde tempranas horas y en la noche”.

4. Estación Acevedo: “En la plataforma, allí son contactados los turistas por grupos de niñas. Algunas en semana aprovechan sus uniformes colegiales para captar más clientes, que son llevados a hoteles cercanos”.

5. Metrocable Santodomingo: “Se contacta el cliente en la misma cabina”.

Finalmente, el presidente de la Corporación Centro Consultoría de Conflicto Urbano, C3, Luís Guillermo Pardo, expresó su preocupación por la falta de atención al tema por parte de las autoridades y del personal operativo del Metro, especialmente los de las estaciones Berrío y Prado, quienes a pesar de conocer el problema no hacen nada para solucionarlo.

La investigación reveló también que las actividades de prostitución son desarrolladas por menores de edad, con un serio incremento en la Feria de las Flores y otros eventos de ciudad.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Timoteo - 05-16-2013

I dropped this into Google Translate, and the article states that girls and minors are using the metro system to recruit potential customers and steer them toward prostitution services, not actually turning tricks on the trains or in the stations.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Merenguero - 05-16-2013

Quote: (05-16-2013 08:30 PM)JayMillz Wrote:  

3. Estación Prado: “En las escaleras de acceso sur, menores de edad se sitúan en dicho acceso y ofrecen sus servicios en el día, desde tempranas horas y en la noche”.

Isn't Estacion Prado close that hostel where Roosh stayed with that Karl guy? I think that Medellin Diaries are my favorite Roosh V blog posts.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Volk - 05-16-2013

Prado? I'm sure they didn't. Right near Prado is an area called Barbacoas. The police doesn't patrol there, the army does with full body armor. And if Roosh did, it was surely on the other side...and let's say they didn't pull any women in that area. [Image: tongue.gif]

Timo, the article does mention prostitutes in the platforms. They also say they target tourist-looking people AKA gringos.

I don't get why people are shocked. This is not a pristine city full of angels, this is a pressure cooker where jails run at 700% over capacity and even so, the conviction rate for homicide is under 0.5%. In a place where prostitution is also fully legal, this is more than expected.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Kabal - 05-16-2013

Public transportation and prostitution offered together?

Horizontal integration, both economically and biblically.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Merenguero - 05-16-2013

Quote: (05-16-2013 09:15 PM)Volk Wrote:  

Prado? I'm sure they didn't. Right near Prado is an area called Barbacoas. The police doesn't patrol there, the army does with full body armor. And if Roosh did, it was surely on the other side...and let's say they didn't pull any women in that area. [Image: tongue.gif]

My understanding is that Roosh stayed at a hostel known as 61Prado. As you can see from this map,, the hostel appears to be just over three blocks from Estacion Prado. Maybe Roosh can chime in as to how incredibly dangerous it was there and how he was constantly dodging bullets every day.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Volk - 05-16-2013

That's at least 8 blocks from Barbacoas. That area is known as Prado Centro, and it was the former rich neighborhood before the war got huge in the countryside. That's why it's called 61 prado. Now, it's not top safe but not as rotten as proper downtown.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Merenguero - 05-16-2013

Quote: (05-16-2013 09:35 PM)Volk Wrote:  

That's at least 8 blocks from Barbacoas. That area is known as Prado Centro, and it was the former rich neighborhood before the war got huge in the countryside. That's why it's called 61 prado. Now, it's not top safe but not as rotten as proper downtown.

You said, "Right near Prado is an area called Barbacoas." In actuality, that hostel is considerably closer to Estacion Prado than Estacion Prado is to Barbacoas. In any event, you live in Medellin and since I only have limited experience there, you are much more familiar with it than I am, so I'll leave it at that.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - AlbertoDelMuerto - 05-16-2013

Damn! Are you at least allowed to carry concealed firearms in Medellin?

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Volk - 05-16-2013

Guns are illegal unless you have a permit. The permit is only given to people who belong to some kind of law enforcement or private security, and to people who pay bribes of course.

To Barbacoas make it 6 instead of 8, to be precise. 4 to the metro and then 2 into that street. Just stay away from there.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - scotian - 05-17-2013

That would be hilarious to be on one of the metro cables and get some head on the way up.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - JayMillz - 05-17-2013

Medellin prostitutes do business inside metro stations: Study

Men, women and children are working as prostitutes on Medellin’s metro, a local study revealed Tuesday.

Corporacion C3, a consultation group focusing on urban conflict said that every day prostitutes use the metro to drum up business, selling their bodies to passengers.

The study, which ran over several months, found that the prostitutes used the metro to find customers, especially tourists visiting the city.

The president of the study group, Luis Guillermo Pardo, said that the situation is due to the increase of tourists to Colombia’s second city and to the prevalence of sex-tourism.

According to Pardo, poverty makes many young people see prostitution as an opportunity to make good money.

The study said that the metro is used as a setting to find single men or groups of men and tourists to offer “services” to.

In the central San Antonio station, according to the study, “girls roam the platforms in search of potential customers … There the contact is mostly with tourists.” Other stations in the city have child-prostitutes on the platforms and the stairs, or girl-prostitutes who wear their school uniforms to attract more customers. The clients are then taken to the city’s many by-the-hour hotels.

Pardo said that the authorities expressed little concern about the issue and despite being aware of the problem, little has been done to tackle it.

A 2012 report from the U.S. State Department said Medellin was one of Colombia’s main destinations for sex tourists.

Prostitution On Train System in Medellin - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-17-2013

This is essentially outrage over escorts and brothels advertising their services, but it assumes that escorts and brothels are doing something harmful or evil per se, which they are not. I could see more of a case for banning advertising of cigarettes than of prostitutes.

Btw, I hate the phrase "selling their bodies". What happens to the old body then? Does the passenger take it with him in a suitcase?