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Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Printable Version

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Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Roosh - 03-03-2013

Do you have any habits that you can't rationalize as not being "out there"?

1. When I stir sugar in my coffee drink, I mentally count to 30 seconds to ensure a proper stir. I find that under that and I still get sugar flakes in the foam that haven't dissolved. I desire complete homogenization.

2. I sometimes take a Ukrainian doll with me to the coffee shop as a good luck writer's charm. I place her on my laptop to watch me work. When I need to do a lot of work, I bust out a second one.

[Image: attachment.jpg10268]   

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - rdvirus - 03-03-2013

The last person to cut my fingernails was my mother when I was about 5 years old haha... Sadly been biting my nails for 15+ years

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Veloce - 03-03-2013

1. I do a lot of "counting" in my head. I have numbers set up for lots of different things, mostly in the kitchen and related to cooking.

2. When I'm doing ordering in the walkin cooler, I sing like a madman. Sometimes awful renditions of opera. The doors are mostly soundproof but sometimes I wonder if my cooks can hear me. It would be an insane contrast to the usual cool, stoic person that they see.

3. I pace fervently when I brush my teeth. I cannot stand in one place when I brush my teeth. Sometimes I go out to my front porch, out in the open, facing the street, while brushing my teeth. Get some weird looks from the neighbors. I keep my mouth closed tight so nothing comes out.

4. Despite everything I've learned, I still go out and hit on American females.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - WestCoast - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 01:59 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

1. I do a lot of "counting" in my head. I have numbers set up for lots of different things, mostly in the kitchen and related to cooking.

2. When I'm doing ordering in the walkin cooler, I sing like a madman. Sometimes awful renditions of opera. The doors are mostly soundproof but sometimes I wonder if my cooks can hear me. It would be an insane contrast to the usual cool, stoic person that they see.

3. I pace fervently when I brush my teeth. I cannot stand in one place when I brush my teeth. Sometimes I go out to my front porch, out in the open, facing the street, while brushing my teeth. Get some weird looks from the neighbors. I keep my mouth closed tight so nothing comes out.

4. Despite everything I've learned, I still go out and hit on American females.

hahaha at number 4.

Have a similar one by constantly going to some high end places where I literally shoot 1/1000 approaches, wasting my own time instead of going to normal spots.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Kickb - 03-03-2013

I have a bad habit of throwing lit cigarettes into public trash cans.

I have an unexplainable problem with ordering sandwiches at subway. It's the most awkward thing in the world for me.

I like to workout at midnight. I'll use my blender at 2 in the morning and take long showers afterwards.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Wool Suit - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 01:59 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

4. Despite everything I've learned, I still go out and hit on American females.

Good one.

I habitually add digits together whenever I see an integer posted anywhere until I'm at a single digit. 104 = 5, 8474 = 23 = 5. That sort of thing.

Weird, I know.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Veloce - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 02:09 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

I have a bad habit of throwing lit cigarettes into public trash cans.

I have an unexplainable problem with ordering sandwiches at subway. It's the most awkward thing in the world for me.

I like to workout at midnight.

Hahaha this. I hate ordering food when they start asking you a million questions. There's a burger place in L.A. and this is the script every time I go (I have it memorized since I go so often):

"Hi what can I get you?"
"I'll take a lounge burger"
"Do you want that with American or Cheddar?"
"Do you want fresh or grilled onions?"
"Lettuce, tomato, housemade thousand island all okay with you?"
"Cooked to a medium temperature okay?"
"I'll take it medium rare"
"Any salads, sides or fries?"
"No, just a water."
"With a slice of lemon?"
"No, and no ice either."

This is word for word. I've been here probably over 100 times, they recognize me, I always get the same thing, yet they insist on this lengthy and tedious process.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Roosh - 03-03-2013


4. Despite everything I've learned, I still go out and hit on American females.

Commit this man!

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-03-2013

When I am in a train, airplane, bus or tram, I can't stop myself from mentally calculating how much money is its cargo (passengers x tickets) worth, how much it costs to run that particular route, and whether it will turn a profit.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - ryanf - 03-03-2013

When I was younger, I had a weird thing with symmetry. For example: if my left arm had an itch, I would scratch it and then scratch the exact same place on my right arm. Or I always tried to chew food equally in both sides of my mouth. I never could explain why.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Teedub - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 03:13 PM)ryanf Wrote:  

When I was younger, I had a weird thing with symmetry. For example: if my left arm had an itch, I would scratch it and then scratch the exact same place on my right arm. Or I always tried to chew food equally in both sides of my mouth. I never could explain why.

HAHA! I used to do this too.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - thebassist - 03-03-2013

Any time I'm watching TV (rare these days), I have to keep the volume on multiples of 5. Otherwise it just feels wrong.

Otherwise, symmetry or patterns in numbers give me a weird boost of happiness. Like checking the time on my phone seeing that it's 21:12, or 12:34.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - clever alias - 03-03-2013

relentlessly make anagrams (spelling?) with street names
if i see an old clock with a second hand i try to blink at exactly 15 second marks

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Gunner - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 04:13 PM)thebassist Wrote:  

Any time I'm watching TV (rare these days), I have to keep the volume on multiples of 5. Otherwise it just feels wrong.

Otherwise, symmetry or patterns in numbers give me a weird boost of happiness. Like checking the time on my phone seeing that it's 21:12, or 12:34.

Wow, I do the same with the volume.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Jeimuzu - 03-03-2013

Every night before I go to bed i'll push the front door 3 times and then put the safety chain on.

When preparing food I have specific places on the plate for each piece. Chicken on the left, carbs on the right and veg on the top.

Before I take a dump i'll always whipe the toilet seat before putting my arse down, even if I was the last person to use it.

After my first morning cigarette I always flick the end into my neighbours front garden even though I get along with them.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Nonpareil - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 06:45 PM)clever alias Wrote:  

relentlessly make anagrams (spelling?) with street names
if i see an old clock with a second hand i try to blink at exactly 15 second marks

I do this with license palates when I'm driving.

Also, I talk to myself sometimes in public, normally I'm good but sometimes people look at me like 'WTF?'.

If someone stares at me, I stare back at them.

If I have a plate of food with different things on it (like a burger with fries and a salad), I eat one thing at a time and then rotate the plate.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - RawGod - 03-03-2013

Sometimes when I have a shower, I go into a meditative state and just stand there, occasionally uttering nonsense words such as "coonchiwakker."

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Mr.Barbarian - 03-03-2013

When I'm working out I sometimes imagine (during dead lifts, for example) that my energy is raising something mythical and archaic from the depths of the earth. This varies depending on the movement and the context, but I habitually picture out-there things like that.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Ovid - 03-03-2013

If I have a conversation longer than a minute or so on the phone, I get up and pace relentlessly. Sometimes I'll force myself to sit down, but I'm up again almost immediately. By the time the conversation is over, you can see a path in the carpet where I've walked from room to room over and over again.

I sometimes get words or phrases stuck in my head. Like, I'll be sitting at work and suddenly find myself writing "drink beer" or "Livorno, Italy" or something in a to-do list or memo I'm composing, even though they obviously have nothing to do with anything.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Hannibal - 03-03-2013

I almost never use a person's name. I'll look in their direction and start talking.

I've never said "I love you" to anyone. I'm not sure why, I really do not like how it sounds.

Most of the time, I'll have at least twenty internet tabs open. Sometimes I'll have the same tab for months at a time. Whenever someone asks, I'll usually tell them I'm deforesting the internet.

I have a really, really hard time falling asleep if my head isn't on my arm.

I used to feel like half a man if I didn't carry a knife on me.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - GBG - 03-03-2013

I hate showing up to appointments (or anything tbh) early. I either arrive on the hour or I'm late.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - liberman - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 10:46 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

I almost never use a person's name. I'll look in their direction and start talking.

Yeah i can completely relate to this: whenever i hear someones name it goes in one ear and out the other. I have to really concentrate when a girl i approached tells me her name otherwise i completely forget it.

Last year i was in a large house flatting with 10 other people. One of the girls living there told me her name at the start of the year i forgot it and never called her name again despite having many conversations with her.[Image: cool.gif]

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - xsplat - 03-03-2013

A lot of these sound like mild OCD symptoms. I used to have such symptoms as a pre-pubescent and also during puberty. The symmetry thing sounds familiar. I would compusilvely tap out symetrical patterns on my fingertips. If I bumped into an object with my leg I'd want to bump it again but with less pressure, and again with even less pressure, and so on.

Infatuation lights up the same areas of the brain as does bouts of OCD thoughts, and I've been prone to infatuation too.

I've noticed similarities between OCD and religious fervour. I see people approaching religious rituals with textbook definition OCD attitude.

Most of those compulsions faded away long ago, but sometimes I'll go on a daydream rant, thinking non-stop about some puzzle in my head, such as how to build a bamboo boat, or how to take over the world with a robot army.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - xsplat - 03-03-2013

Quote: (03-03-2013 11:06 PM)liberman Wrote:  

Last year i was in a large house flatting with 10 other people. One of the girls living there told me her name at the start of the year i forgot it and never called her name again despite having many conversations with her.[Image: cool.gif]

Same way. In high school at the end of the school year I'd know only a handful of my classmates names. I often gave many of my friends the same nickname. I even use the same nickname for girls i fuck. Eliminates mistakes.

Also I would recognize only a handful of faces in the school yearbook.

I can have a thirty minute conversation with someone, repeat their name 20 times, and then 15 minutes later not recognize them or remember their name when they remind me of the conversation. I once spend an entire day sitting beside and talking to a pretty girl and the next day did not recognize her. But yet sometimes I'll store them in memory right away, if I feel an emotional connection to them.

When I tell people of my cognitive deficits, people often don't believe it, because I appear highly functional.

Habits or behaviors you have which are unarguably crazy - Cincinnatus - 03-03-2013

I usually drink four beers in the evening to wind down before bed, and I've got my cigarette schedule for that last hour or so down pat:

Before 1st beer - smoke a cigarette.

After 2nd beer - smoke a cigarette.

After 3rd beer - smoke a cigarette.

After 4th beer - Two more cigarettes, then bed.