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"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Printable Version

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"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - SpiderKing - 02-22-2013


Q. Nasty Surprise: When my wife and I met in college, the attraction was immediate, and we quickly became inseparable. We had a number of things in common , [...] We married soon after graduation, moved back closer to our families, and had three children by the time we were 30. We were both born to lesbians, she to a couple, and me to a single woman. [...] even though our parents had used different sperm banks, it appears so did our father, as he is the same person. [...] I can't help but think "This is my sister" every time I look at her now. I haven't said anything to her yet, and I don't know if I should or not. Where do I go from here? I am tempted to burn everything I got from the sperm bank and just try to forget it all, but I'm not sure if I can. Please help me figure out where to go from here.

[Image: nnmdd0jpg.gif]

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - JoyStick - 02-22-2013

wow dude that fucking sucks

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - MikeinMKE - 02-22-2013

That's terrible

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Jules D. McMillan - 02-22-2013

Are all of the children healthy? No inbreds?

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Cincinnatus - 02-22-2013

Anyone else thinking Dear Prudence got [Image: troll.gif] ?

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - username - 02-22-2013

Here is the link:

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - FretDancer - 02-22-2013

Just when you think you've seen it all.

If this is actually true, what are the real odds of this happening?

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Vacancier Permanent - 02-22-2013

There you go dear feminists and empowered women. This is only the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if cases like this were to spread like more reason to leave Murka and and all the Anglosphere/Western cuntries....

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - gamepadawan - 02-22-2013

My old anthropology teacher said there are many recorded cases of this happening.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - bodmon - 02-22-2013

3 kids before 30? 'mirin their fecundity. too bad the kids are all inbred.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - germanico - 02-22-2013

Im sure these "Dear Prudence" stories are all fabricated.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - BortimusPrime - 02-22-2013

Back when slate had a real forum instead of inline comments I used to follow it, and there was actually a sport of trying to get the most insane letters possible published.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - JohnKreese - 02-22-2013

Pointing to two people: "Meet my wife, my sister, my son, and my nephew"

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - kosko - 02-22-2013

No way that's real. As one (if not all) of the three kids would be disabled guaranteed. The fact that they were not both messed up them selves was an accomplishment. I've seen to many messed up kids coming from the test-tubes of labs for Lesbian couples in my day. This story is a trolling, no way 5 kids, in two lines of genetic succession come out of a lab 100% healthy. No fuking way.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-22-2013

I'm not 100% certain about this, but while inbreeding does drastically increase the chance of various defects and mutations, it's still a relatively small chance (say, 5% vs. 1%). Just because the odds are higher doesn't mean they're automatically going to be screwed.

That said, what an awful situation.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - guerrilla - 02-22-2013

im betting he's enjoying fucking her more now that she many be his illegitimate sister. he sounds like a twisted fuck.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - GenJx - 02-22-2013

dear prudence, show us your tits BISH

[Image: PRUDIE_STANDING_MEDIUM.jpg.CROP.rectangl...msmall.jpg]


"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Timoteo - 02-22-2013

Do you all remember THIS case from Germany?

Granted, they knew they were siblings, but still "fell in love" and started having kids together. Two of their four children have disabilities.

Here's a case in South Africa:

An engaged couple who dated for five years have been left in turmoil after their families met and they discovered they were brother and sister. The woman, who is due to give birth next month, is devastated by the discovery that the father of her child is her brother. The couple, who met at university, had decided they wanted to introduce their single parent families to each other before they got married. But at the meeting it emerged they were brother and sister who had been separated as small children. The unnamed South African couple are still in shock after making the discovery last Saturday.

The country's Sowetan newspaper reported that the siblings had been raised separately after their mother and father went through an acrimonious divorce. It reported: 'Their parents separated when the woman was eight months old and the man was two years old.

'The man's father said he dumped his wife in 1983 because she was cheating on him. The girl was raised by her mother, while her brother was raised by his father. 'Neither of them knew they had a sibling.'

Here's yet another case out of Ireland:

A young couple have revealed how they fell in love after meeting at a nightclub, moved in together, had a child – and then discovered they were, in fact, half-brother and sister.

The extraordinary discovery was confirmed by DNA testing just last month. It has left the couple stunned and shaken – but they are nonetheless vowing to stay together and have more children.

They both blame the legal system which prevented the young man from being told his true identity. He only discovered who he really was long after he and his half-sister had got together and had the child.

So you see, don't be so quick to think this story is nonsense. There are a lot of different circumstances that lead to this happening...

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Randolph O. Coote - 02-23-2013

Pretty much this scenario was dealt with in the 1721 novel "Moll Flanders"

( - see the second paragraph)

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - Rah - 02-23-2013

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - ColSpanker - 02-23-2013

Right. And all the old letters to Penthouse were true.

"Dear Prudence, my wife and I came from the same sperm donor." - teh_skeeze - 02-23-2013

Quote: (02-23-2013 06:58 PM)ColSpanker Wrote:  

Right. And all the old letters to Penthouse were true.

Wait you mean the story "'Tang in the 'Stang" that I read in Penthouse Forums was probably made up? How can I get my money back?