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Women who work less are happier - Printable Version

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Women who work less are happier - Arsene - 02-17-2013

News to no one, I'm sure.

But I think it's interesting to consider. A place where divorce rates are lower, and women happier (not sure about the men). Feminine women aren't satisfied by career pursuits. My last few girlfriends have been in that rocky early twenties where they want to know "what to do with their lives". And I have tried to dissuade them from finding a career, or going to school. It's fine to do stuff outside of the house, but it's shocking to me how many women don't recognize that their needs and happiness are best served by serving a man.

Some key quotes:


Dutch women's refusal to seek longer hours has long bewildered economists.
[Image: tard.gif]


(American women) give up time with our families for our careers, and after work we give up other interests for time spent with our children and spouses—because there are only so many hours in a day. Because of part-time work, Dutch women are able to develop themselves and their relationships in ways many of us simply don't have the time for.

I venture that this makes them a whole lot more useful to their men in terms of being cheerful and useful around the house.

The author also cites a book called Dutch Women Don't Get Depressed. Anybody read it?

Women who work less are happier - bacon - 02-17-2013

as a guy we all know the score and since no one will take care of us financially that we will have to work until we are old and die/retire. that reality isnt exactly ideal.

so when women faced with that reality( not the idealized career girl dream job) they start to realize wait... i had options. i could have been a stay at home mom. that working in a career is not really rewarding and that no one seems to give a shit about my acomplishments in X field.

Women who work less are happier - Goldin Boy - 02-17-2013

Yup no surprise to to red pill men. Everytime I go shopping and have a female cashier she has a bad attitude or is bored out of her mind. Women are inherently lazy.

Feminism was invented/promoted by high-t butch lesbians/women with daddy issues who feel more comfortable in masculine pursuits. They create an ideology to help them get the jobs they want but they have to say it's for all women. Most men establish careers in the 20's-30's; this is bad for women for that time corresponds with her prime fertility window. A dysfunctional minority of women ruined a good thing for the majority.

1950's: Women used to stay home do 2-3 hrs of chores and chill until the man came home and gave them money to spend. They have dinner, maybe sex and repeat the next day.

2000's: Women assume thousands of $$ in loan debt, slave in mid-management career(EEO) pushing papers and in their 30's rush to find of husband before the last of her eggs dry up.

Women who work less are happier - Gator - 02-17-2013

If you ask women whether its possible to manage career and family they will almost universally say yes. It would make much more sense than to have a family first, at a young age, and then begin a career in your mid to late 30's rather than the other way around.

But that is far too logical.