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Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - TheSlayer - 02-06-2013

Another gem from Jezebel:[]

This article talks about how it is your duty to tip your server whether or not the service is good because you are supposed to think about her having a bad day (the writer makes it primarily a woman issue).

Here are some interesting intercepts from the article:


There are 10,000,000 restaurant workers in America, and 2/3 of those earning sub-minimum wage are women.


If it's not in your budget, stay home and cook or choose a different restaurant. I'm not trying to beat you up for being poor, but servers are often living hand-to-mouth, too. If you clog up one of their tables and then don't tip, you have impeded their ability to make rent, buy groceries, and are potentially endangering them. It's not right.


Just because she didn't tap dance for you enough — or, heaven forbid, didn't laugh at your jokes — you have no right to withhold her salary. Well, you technically have a right, but you're a terrible fucking person if you do.


The hard work of a largely female force would continue being undervalued. The only possible solution I can think of is to make people understand that not tipping is not an option; it is a requirement.

Being a waitress is yet another job where skills and talents supposedly associated with women are underappreciated and exploited.


She continues, "even outside the workplace, emotional labor doesn't stop. (Just ask any woman if she's ever been told to 'smile' by a strange man on the street.)"


Perhaps withholding tips for perceived bad service is the equivalent of being told, "Fuck you, you're ugly anyway!" when you don't smile back on the street? Maybe it's another way to keep women in positions of physically and emotionally draining service in return for earning 70 percent of their male counterparts.

Whatever the case, the moral of this story is: Tip! Tip as if your life depended on it, because even if it doesn't, some woman's probably does.

There you have it, guys. It is basically our fault because women make "70% of what men make" and because of that no matter what service we get, we should generously tip our female waitress. I am also enlightened to know that men are keeping women in position of physically and emotionally draining service.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Matt3B - 02-06-2013

"You have no right to withhold her salary". Fucking lol. Show me the contract I signed as a customer that said I would be contributing to her wages along with the employer.

That said, whenever we go out to eat we talk a lot with the waitresses (I even fucked one) and get some rapport going. We take the service charge off the bill and give it directly to the waitress.

I hate this whole argument that they rely on tips and we HAVE to give them tips. Employers are the ones in the wrong if anything, giving them shitty wages and getting away with it knowing full well that customers will make the rest up for them.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - BurnFirst - 02-06-2013

It's like an argument from a small child, there isn't even a response other than laughter.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Teedub - 02-06-2013

Of course it's our fault, always is in Jizzabel's eyes.

That said, the rules on tipping are very different in the UK compared to the States.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - JohnKreese - 02-06-2013

Ok, so if I own my own store and I never clean it, hire shitty workers that don't help the customers, and generally give off a "I don't care" vibe, I should still "require" that people buy stuff from me when they can go next door and buy it from someone who is going to be pleasant and accommodating? Not quite apples to apples, but this story is crap.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Asaxon - 02-06-2013

Women tend to get much larger tips than male servers, service being equal. I know some girls in their 20s who clear 300 bucks a night just by wearing tight clothes and giving old guys a little extra smile. Does Jezebel complain about that, too? Shouldn't we withhold the "sexy" part of their tips to give to the deserving male coworkers?

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - RedPillSchool - 02-06-2013


There are 10,000,000 restaurant workers in America, and 2/3 of those earning sub-minimum wage are women.

What? No. If the tips don't meet minimum wage, the employer is legally obligated to supplement their pay to at least match minimum wage.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Dulceácido - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-06-2013 03:40 PM)RedPillSchool Wrote:  


There are 10,000,000 restaurant workers in America, and 2/3 of those earning sub-minimum wage are women.

What? No. If the tips don't meet minimum wage, the employer is legally obligated to supplement their pay to at least match minimum wage.

Not in the US, Brutha... Not sure where you're from, but that's not the case en Los Estados Unidos. If you're a server and you don't get tipped, you're making $2.10/hour, sorry for your luck.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Aliblahba - 02-06-2013

From now on I'll write on the receipt:

"No tip for you, thank"

Get enough of those in circulation and the website will be filled with pissed off waitresses telling the feminazi's to shut the fuck up.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Jackhammer - 02-06-2013

Women are worse tippers than men...

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - LouieG - 02-06-2013

I'll agree with this much: Fuck you if you don't tip enough for good service. And there's nothing more pathetic than grown men pondering whether to leave 15 percent or 20 on a $25 bill. And Christ, those guys who pull out their smartphones and fire up the "tip calculator"... dude, just stay home and cook yourself some Kraft Mac n Cheese.

As for Jezebel, they've been conjuring female oppression out of thin air for years now. Waitresses can dramatically increase their take home pay just by smiling extra bright and remembering the order. Tips are the reason waiters working for the right restaurants can pull middle class wages. People occasionally withholding tips is part and parcel of that system.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - RedPillSchool - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-06-2013 03:51 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Not in the US, Brutha... Not sure where you're from, but that's not the case en Los Estados Unidos. If you're a server and you don't get tipped, you're making $2.10/hour, sorry for your luck.

That's not true:

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Dulceácido - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-06-2013 04:06 PM)RedPillSchool Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2013 03:51 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Not in the US, Brutha... Not sure where you're from, but that's not the case en Los Estados Unidos. If you're a server and you don't get tipped, you're making $2.10/hour, sorry for your luck.

That's not true:

Nice! I stand corrected! I haven't worked in the service industry for several years, but legally, that seems to be the case.

I will say, however, I had never heard of this provision and I certainly have never had an employer so much as attempt to compensate me to the degree required by law...

No matter. If you're a server and you get a tip for $100 on one table and then get stiffed on the next, you're still pissed you got stiffed.

It's a cruel world. Message for all servers: in the noble words of Steve Buschimi, "Learn to fucking type."

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - storm - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-06-2013 04:01 PM)LouieG Wrote:  

I'll agree with this much: Fuck you if you don't tip enough for good service. And there's nothing more pathetic than grown men pondering whether to leave 15 percent or 20 on a $25 bill. And Christ, those guys who pull out their smartphones and fire up the "tip calculator"... dude, just stay home and cook yourself some Kraft Mac n Cheese.

Get out of here with that entitlement complex.

Maybe instead of firing up their tip calculators for the 15 percent on $25 - which takes at most one minute - they should have simply not tipped you at all.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - FourToTheFloor - 02-06-2013

I don't understand why restaurants just can't pay minimum wage. They'd probably have t raise prices of the food %10, but that way we'd have so many less people bitching about it.

Slightly off topic, but what the fuck is up with tipping for drinks? I already pay 3x what the liquor is actually worth, do you really expect another dollar because you poured some whiskey over ice and splashed some sweet and sour mix on top?

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - RaulValdez739 - 02-06-2013

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - soup - 02-06-2013

For me not to tip, the server really has to go out of there way to try to ruin my experience.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Nudge - 02-06-2013

The tipping culture in the US is a bit retarded if you ask me. A tip should be a little extra reward for a job well done not just like a mandatory hidden cost on your bill, even if the service is shite.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - scorpion - 02-06-2013

Fat cunts with terrible attitudes try to waitress, get shitty tips then blame the patriarchy. Yawn.

Meanwhile, attractive, cheerful waitresses make bank off the MEN who tip them well.

And I can second what Jackhammer noted above, with the exception of women who themselves work in the service industry, most women I've known are notoriously shitty tippers.

There is definitely no "sisterhood" when it comes to tipping. Any woman able to support herself via waitressing is living almost entirely off the goodwill of her male customers, it's as simple as that.

And of course, that explains Jezebel's indignation: they hate the fact that deep down, they know that the female job of waitressing, like so many others, ultimately depends on men to take care of them. They hate the fact that they rely on the tips of men, so they try to make tipping essentially required.

Another example of how women have no respect for men who display kindness. You give them a tip and they resent you for it, and assert that it wasn't an act of goodwill, because they were entitled to it from the beginning.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Aliblahba - 02-06-2013

The service sucks in Europe due to them making so much. I tip heavy but will leave a goose egg when encountering attitude. In extreme cases I've went to management for a cunt not knowing her place. There are too many places to eat/drink, so when the service sucks, I:

1. Eat, don't complain, tip and give it one more chance.
2. If the trend continues I never go back.
3. If the service sucks, I torment the bitch until she wants to have a meltdown. And will go back to continue. Bartender trolling is my strong suit.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Dulceácido - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-06-2013 04:34 PM)FourToTheFloor Wrote:  

I don't understand why restaurants just can't pay minimum wage. They'd probably have t raise prices of the food %10, but that way we'd have so many less people bitching about it.

Slightly off topic, but what the fuck is up with tipping for drinks? I already pay 3x what the liquor is actually worth, do you really expect another dollar because you poured some whiskey over ice and splashed some sweet and sour mix on top?

Uuuuuffff! Preach it, Bro... I fucking HATE that shit...

Hey, here's what I do now, works like a fucking charm: so, you know you're going to be at a bar for the rest of the evening and are going to order several drinks over the next few hours, right? On your first drink, make sure you make eye contact with the bartender, tip him/her $10 and say, "Hey, thanks. Take care of me tonight." After that, just run a tab and don't tip anymore. The bartender loves it because you hooked them up right off the bat. He/she knows you're not a cheapskate and will probably give you a free drink (almost making your money back) and you will not have to wait for a drink the whole night. It works. Try it

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - soup - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-06-2013 04:39 PM)Nudge Wrote:  

The tipping culture in the US is a bit retarded if you ask me. A tip should be a little extra reward for a job well done not just like a mandatory hidden cost on your bill, even if the service is shite.

Yeah, but in America, there is a custom. In Europe, the tip is included. Maybe it's better if they just get rid of gratuities here and just raise the price of food in general while paying the servers a decent salary with benefits.

But, the whole point of being a server is to have job where you can potentially make a lot of money in tips while not having to be locked down.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - kenny_powers - 02-06-2013

Used to be tip 10%, up to 12%, 15% for great service and now it's up to 20% tip! Soon they will be demanding 25% tips as the norm.

It's insane, you go out eat a meal have a drink or 2 and its $100. You have to pay an additional 20% on top of that? Not to mention 10% fucking tax here in DC. $130 for $100 of shit. The restaurant owner has a $100k car and pays his employees shit because he can pass the cost on to us.

It's a fucked up system. Now that jizzabel is preaching about it's got me thinking.....

Is tipping beta?

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Nudge - 02-06-2013

Quote: (02-06-2013 04:43 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2013 04:39 PM)Nudge Wrote:  

The tipping culture in the US is a bit retarded if you ask me. A tip should be a little extra reward for a job well done not just like a mandatory hidden cost on your bill, even if the service is shite.

Yeah, but in America, there is a custom. In Europe, the tip is included. Maybe it's better if they just get rid of gratuities here and just raise the price of food in general while paying the servers a decent salary with benefits.

But, the whole point of being a server is to have job where you can potentially make a lot of money in tips while not having to be locked down.

Yeah fair enough. I think its also not ideal here in the UK or EU either. Barely anyone tips and the services suffers because staff dont give a shit. They get fuck all pay too.

I think in Oz there is the right balance. Servers are quite well paid so you wont ever feel guilty for not tipping shitty service, but if you do a good job most people will tip.

Fuck You if You Don’t Tip Your Server - Rah - 02-06-2013

Women have a natural advantage in gratuity based service: tits, ass, and beta males. If they fuck that up then what does that say about their work ethic.