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Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - presidentcarter - 01-22-2013

Oh man...

"Storm and Zeno reveal why they took on this particular challenge, explaining that giving birth is the worst pain there is. However, since men can't feel labor pains, the two men used electro-stimulations to simulate contractions so they could experience the distress for themselves."

"Propped on a bed with electrodes attached to their abdomens, Storm and Zeno last through two hours of the simulated contractions. Though they try to laugh through the strain, the men appear to be in complete misery as they double over and clutch pillows tightly."

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Walderschmidt - 01-22-2013

Quote: (01-22-2013 03:13 PM)presidentcarter Wrote: birth is the worst pain there is...

I disagree.

[Image: 27vXw.jpg]


Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - soup - 01-22-2013

Women actually have a higher tolerance for physical pain then men. It probably has something to do with birth.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - scorpion - 01-22-2013

Quote: (01-22-2013 03:34 PM)soup Wrote:  

Women actually have a higher tolerance for physical pain then men. It probably has something to do with birth.

I've heard this thrown around before, but can you link the actual studies on this?

I wouldn't be surprised if this fact is true based on the average man and woman - sort of like how the average woman is smarter than the average man, with men tending toward the extremes - but I would expect that men on the high end have much higher pain tolerances than women. Since the most fit men evolved for a life of running around, hunting, fighting, etc.... day after day, while the average woman just gives birth a few times and has no real physical hardship otherwise, nothing else would really make sense. This would also explain the large volume of absolute pussy, chode men who inhabit the bottom of the spectrum and allow themselves to be dominated by their women, to say nothing of other men.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - ghostdog - 01-22-2013

childbirth can't be THAT painful. I imagine it's more painful for fat women. some women say it ain't shit.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Belgrano - 01-22-2013

I had kidney stones once. The head nurse told me it´s more painful than giving birth.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - bojangles - 01-22-2013

kidney stones is worse, so is a kick in the nuts.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - soup - 01-22-2013

Here is a study on gender differences with regards to pain.

What's interesting to me about pain is that a lot of it comes from how the experiencer is interrupting the stimulus.

There are people can train themselves to ignore agony, and this brings up a larger question:

What is pain?

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - magellan - 01-22-2013

Quote:soup Wrote:

There are people can train themselves to ignore agony, and this brings up a larger question:

What is pain?

Exactly. I've always thought it'd be badass to show up at a Buddhist (?) temple somewhere and come out an absolute machine and master of my domain.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Roosh - 01-22-2013

Coming up next:

Men undergo simulated vaginal sex for one hour with large dildos thrusted in their anus.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Matt3B - 01-22-2013

Definitely gives the term mangina a new meaning.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Menace - 01-22-2013

Can someone do a simulation of a woman paying 18 years child support for a child that's not hers? Alternatively, please simulate women having their children taken away from them despite a demonstrated ability and desire to take care of them? I think IBM has the simulation power.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Vicious - 01-22-2013

I respect women who go through with childbirth the natural way, women are more susceptible to pain than men so it's no doubt an incredible strain.

Still, these guys collectively won The Lapdog Award for 2013, in January! I won't be surprised if we next find out that they've set up funds for their sex change surgery.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Volk - 01-22-2013

Bunch of pussies, I give them this :


On the morning of 29 April 1961, Rogozov experienced general weakness, nausea, and moderate fever, and later pain in the lower right portion of the abdomen. All possible conservative treatment measures did not help. By 30 April signs of localised peritonitis became apparent, and his condition worsened considerably by the evening. Mirny, the nearest Soviet research station, was more than 1,600 km (1,000 mi) from Novolazarevskaya. Antarctic research stations of other countries did not have an aircraft. Severe blizzard conditions prevented aircraft landing in any case. Rogozov had no option but to perform the operation on himself.
The operation started at about 22:00 on 30 April with the help of a driver and meteorologist, who were providing instruments and holding a mirror to observe areas not directly visible, while Rogozov was in a semi-reclining position, half-turned to his left side. A solution of 0.5% novocaine was used for local anaesthesia of the abdominal wall. Rogozov made a 10–12 cm incision and proceeded to expose the appendix. General weakness and nausea developed about 30–40 minutes after the start of the operation, so that short pauses for rest were repeatedly needed after that. According to his report the appendix was found to have a 2x2 cm perforation at its base. Antibiotics were administered directly into the peritoneal cavity. By about midnight the operation was complete.
After a brief period of postoperative weakness, the signs of peritonitis disappeared. Rogozov's temperature returned to normal after five days, and the stitches were removed seven days after the operation. He resumed his regular duties in about two weeks.[1] The self-surgery captured the imagination of the Soviet public at the time. In 1961 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Screwston - 01-23-2013

Quote: (01-22-2013 03:34 PM)soup Wrote:  

Women actually have a higher tolerance for physical pain then men. It probably has something to do with birth.
Maybe. I think most guys just have bigger hearts (would rather die on their feet than live on their knees). They're not going to give up or tap out as quick as most females when it comes to being in pain. Where's the study showing girls getting a stimulation of being circumsized?

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - mental - 01-23-2013

Quote: (01-22-2013 03:34 PM)soup Wrote:  

Women actually have a higher tolerance for physical pain then men. It probably has something to do with birth.

Actually, whenever I searched for pain tolerance, I found that men on average feel less pain and have a higher pain threshold and that they tolerate pain better. Here's one research:

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Hannibal - 01-23-2013

Actually, no. Men have a much higher pain tolerance.

Women just get jacked up on endorphins and shit when they give birth. It wouldn't make sense for nature not to give women some kind of chemical reward for giving birth, or at least a chemical that numbs the pain somewhat.

edit: Hell, I'd do it and try to last like 10 hours just to shut up those dumb ass feminists.

My dad got all his teeth pulled without a painkiller (for dentures), I'm pretty sure childbirth doesn't have shit on that.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Handsome Creepy Eel - 01-23-2013

It's irrelevant who experiences more pain and who has more pain tolerance. This article is just a shameful PC piece of propaganda saying "woooomeeen goooood, meeeeen baaaaadddd" as usual. You know, they experience such great pain, they struggle against everything, they're discriminated against, and yet they're still so great! Yay for women!

For example, would we have ever thought it interesting or tasteful to publish an article titled "Women experience the pain of a man blown up by a grenade during war, find out they're not the stronger sex"?

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

My comment saying the same got downvoted to oblivion instantly, of course.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Faust - 01-23-2013

That's some bullshit, right there.
I was reading a few days ago about a woman who had a nerve disorder. Her son found her smacking her head against the wall repeatedly, because that dulled the pain.

Supposedly it's so bad that most of the people who get it commit suicide. I have no idea what the hell it is, but I hope it never happens to me or anyone I know.

This is just another example of facts being twisted to support feminism. Same thing as the pay gap. Women are the superior sex, so naturally anything they do has to be number one, no matter what it is. Since women give birth, giving birth must be the most painful thing in the world.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Vicious - 01-23-2013

Wait wait... Have all of you guys actually read the article? This was done for a TV show, if there's a feminist slant its added by HuffPost but the original work has nothing to do with supporting feminisn.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - IRTdenialist - 01-23-2013

I personally think that the whole 'women are stronger than men' is bullshit. I think that this 'strength' only occurs during labour and birth. Maybe it's evolutionary, because even a woman who has given birth to a child will still cry over the pain of a broken nail. On the whole women are pussies, I don't hate them for it at all as it is what God and nature intended.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Roosh - 01-23-2013


Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Pappy - 01-23-2013

I have an experiement for american women. To simulate being a man married for 25 years to an ungrateful, slutty entitled woman, she has to undergo 25 years of being clubbed in the face, shat on by monkeys, eaten by ants and at the end leaving her house and 75% of her money to science. See if she still complains about giving birth.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - ballsyamog - 05-03-2013

The testicles are covered with many nociceptors making them extremely sensitive. The testicles are connected to many nerves in the stomach and as well as the vagus nerves which is directly connected to the brains vomit center so when it the pain spreads through the entire body. The fact that testicles have minimal protection also strengthens the accompanied symptoms of nausea, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and sweating. While women may not be be facing a direct blow to any organs, the mechanical distension of the uterine area also triggers nociceptors and causes the same kind of visceral pain. Both obviously hurt and send signals to the pain centers of the brain. Pain is not simply a physical response, it is a subjective experience (there is no such thing as the del system). Pain is not a stimulus it is an experience that is different for everyone. Suffice to say both instances of childbirth and getting hit in the balls hurts alot.

Men undergo simulated labor contractions for two hours - Fitzgerald - 05-04-2013

How many times on average does a guy get racked in the nuts in his lifetime vs how many times does a woman give birth?
Plus, I highly doubt that women have a higher physical pain threshold than men. It's probably fem-centric studies that hamsterize the results. How many women deliberately put themselves at real risk for physical pain or injury?