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Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Printable Version

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Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Teedub - 01-14-2013

The betas and white-knights are fast into battle though (virtually, of course)...

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Emancipator - 01-14-2013

That guy is walking into a minefield in r/askwomen.

Just look at that battle of hamster logic vs. Real Logic in the comments following his post.

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Teedub - 01-14-2013

Oh, believe me I've been reading the comments! That's why I posted it here, as it displays all the factors that exhibit a classic beta/white-knight defence of female behaviour. Just pathetic defending, I don't know why they do it? I think it must have its roots in deep insecurity and a HOPE that girls will fancy them one day, acting as they do. They won't change until they swallow the red pill!

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - NYJ - 01-14-2013

I love how with clear evidence that the blue pill reality is a lie, you still have the beta orbiters defending and agreeing with what the women are saying in there.

Like the character Morpheus said, "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Teedub - 01-14-2013

Quote: (01-14-2013 05:18 PM)NYJ Wrote:  

Like the character Morpheus said, "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."


Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - RandalGraves - 01-14-2013

It's a deletion graveyard in there. Fucking mods can't handle a worldview that differs from theirs to exist. What did they say?

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - bojangles - 01-17-2013

wht was said, it's fucking all gone

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - TheKantian - 01-17-2013

When the shit it the fan it's always different.

For instance, women love the idea of being a breadwinner. Except when it comes to actually being the breadwinner they do not like the responsibility this entails.

"WHAT!? You mean I can't quit my job and start my art career!?"

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Timoteo - 01-17-2013

Quote: (01-17-2013 11:47 AM)TheKantian Wrote:  

When the shit it the fan it's always different.

For instance, women love the idea of being a breadwinner. Except when it comes to actually being the breadwinner they do not like the responsibility this entails.

"WHAT!? You mean I can't quit my job and start my art career!?"

Bingo. They simply can't handle, and resent the responsibility that comes with carrying the financial weight for the family.

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Teedub - 01-17-2013

Quote: (01-17-2013 11:47 AM)TheKantian Wrote:  

When the shit it the fan it's always different.

For instance, women love the idea of being a breadwinner. Except when it comes to actually being the breadwinner they do not like the responsibility this entails.

"WHAT!? You mean I can't quit my job and start my art career!?"

[Image: potd.gif]

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Teedub - 01-17-2013

I can't remember exactly what was said, but if I remember correctly some of it was basically about stopping being the nice guy. As you can see from the comments, his thinking was deemed "dangerous" and confrontational "Whoa bro. That line of thinking is very PUAish."


Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - esperar - 01-17-2013

I've had good success with telling hot girls we are going out and they need to get ready. For the first dates too. I'll text them something like, "we're going out tonight, be ready by 8, don't be late."

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - TheKantian - 01-18-2013

Quote: (01-17-2013 12:36 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

I can't remember exactly what was said, but if I remember correctly some of it was basically about stopping being the nice guy. As you can see from the comments, his thinking was deemed "dangerous" and confrontational "Whoa bro. That line of thinking is very PUAish."

It seems that women have more of a dispositional attitude to hyper-sensitivity. Even men that are on their side do not seem as hyper-sensitive. It reminds me of a forum that was controlled by women that I use to frequent and it was insane for the brief time I was there. At first I didn't notice, but after a while it was like walking on egg shells. Make a comment like, "Most A is B" and they screech, "NOT ALL A IS B!!!!". Then it becomes a no shit moment, hence the use of most. Then they ban you. lol.

It often makes me wonder that if women controlled even more of the political reality if free speech would even be around anymore and if it was greatly reduced would offenders have to go through sensitivity training?

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - Frost - 01-18-2013

He removed his post but I think we can still get the gist of what he wrote, i.e. Chicks Dig Jerks. Here's the top-rated reply:

"This sounds all sorts of wrong. When I was younger I put up with all sorts of bullshit from a guy I dated for years and years...

...I'm in my thirties now and have started seeing a guy who treats me respectfully, considerately and like an equal. It's been completely freaking me out, and I've had to talk to my friends a lot and have them reassure me that this is all normal. I am happy as a clam with this guy, and feeling ridiculously lucky to have met him. I'm half expecting to wake up and find out that it's all a dream. Being treated like an equal instead of a second class citizen or toddler is wonderful compared to the misery of my past relationship."

Translation: "Game may work on hot young girls, but it's useless if you want to get with a REAL woman, i.e. a banged-out thirty-something who will bitch about you to her sewing circle every week."

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - esperar - 01-18-2013

Quote: (01-18-2013 03:25 PM)Frost Wrote:  

He removed his post but I think we can still get the gist of what he wrote, i.e. Chicks Dig Jerks. Here's the top-rated reply:

"This sounds all sorts of wrong. When I was younger I put up with all sorts of bullshit from a guy I dated for years and years...

...I'm in my thirties now and have started seeing a guy who treats me respectfully, considerately and like an equal. It's been completely freaking me out, and I've had to talk to my friends a lot and have them reassure me that this is all normal. I am happy as a clam with this guy, and feeling ridiculously lucky to have met him. I'm half expecting to wake up and find out that it's all a dream. Being treated like an equal instead of a second class citizen or toddler is wonderful compared to the misery of my past relationship."

Translation: "Game may work on hot young girls, but it's useless if you want to get with a REAL woman, i.e. a banged-out thirty-something who will bitch about you to her sewing circle every week."

I read that, and that was my instant response to it. She essentially says being a jerk works.

Man finally swallows Red-Pill... Gets instant results. - TheMan - 01-19-2013

It's all deleted. Any cache or screen shots?