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Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Printable Version

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Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Teedub - 01-03-2013

So, was reading the comments under the surprisingly successful recent Date Lab that Roosh posted earlier. Anyway, as a guy who is fairly bald at the relatively young age of 26 I took notice of this particular exchange:

11/18/2012 12:38 AM GMT
He's going to be bald in a couple years.
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11/18/2012 4:01 AM GMT
Good. Those guys have more testosterone.
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11/18/2012 10:30 AM GMT
you never saw the T-shirt "it's not a bald spot, it's a solar panel for a sex machine"
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11/18/2012 5:11 PM GMT
I'm bald and get plenty, no impediment there. Women don't care.
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11/18/2012 9:00 PM GMT
Nope, we don't! long as y'all don't care if we aren't a size 2!
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11/19/2012 1:57 AM GMT
we don't
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On top of the appeasing little white knight comment at the end, the text in bold sums up what irritates me. I don't care about being bald, but what I do care about is fatties thinking that we're on equal terms despite the fact I take care of myself by eating correctly and working out etc, whereas she just sits on her arse all day eating crap. Its not the same. One is genetic, whereas the other one is about the feminist society encouraging lack of personal responsibility, entitlement etc Plus, its fairly obvious that a girl who was say, a size 6, wouldn't post that. Its obviously from someone who is, lets say, a slightly larger 'build'!

I guess it comes down to the feminist/fatty argument of "you don't accept a racist society, so why do you allow fat-shaming". [Image: angry.gif]

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - sixsix - 01-03-2013

Why do you care about what strangers on the internet think? Especially if they're fat feminists?

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Teedub - 01-03-2013

Quote: (01-03-2013 02:01 PM)sixsix Wrote:  

Why do you care about what strangers on the internet think? Especially if they're fat feminists?

Because it is indicative of the feminist mindset that has permeated into mainstream attitudes that girls have.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - DarkTriad - 01-03-2013

Quote: (01-03-2013 02:01 PM)sixsix Wrote:  

Why do you care about what strangers on the internet think? Especially if they're fat feminists?

Probably because it represents common viewpoints he runs into when he's gaming.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - cardguy - 01-03-2013

Women don't like short men. Genetic.

Women don't like bald men. Genetic.

Explaining to them that there is nothing guys can do about this is not going to affect them in the slightest. It would be silly to imagine it would.

If a fat girl could show you her medical records and prove she had fucked up hormones. Would you suddenly find her attractive?

You just have to deal with it and frame your outlook, so that it is less of an issue - to you.

I see hot girls with bald guys who have the rest of their shit together. So it can be done. Seems they tend to look best when they go ahead and shave the rest of it off.

But yeah I agree with you. Trying to get women to see the difference between something genetic and soemthing that is lifestyle choice is difficult. They tend to emote instead of use logic.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Teedub - 01-03-2013

I wasn't complaining about being bald or anything like that, I was just angry at the female's logic, as you mentioned at the end.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - sixsix - 01-03-2013

I meant there's no reason to be emotionally affected (e.g. angry) by some stranger. That's giving them power of you. Avoid such classes of people and definitely don't try to game them.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - cardguy - 01-03-2013

Yeah - I am not bald. And neither is anyone else in my family. So I guess I dodged that bullet.

But guys have all sorts of problems. Like struglling to lose weight, put on weight, put on muscle etc. Or maybe having an ugly face. So - we each have our own battles to fight.

Anyway - I am not sure if this is any good. But I saw this product on YouTube the other day. It looks pretty impressive:

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Teedub - 01-03-2013

I'd rather just embrace baldness and get my body and look at its optimum, then you can at least be confident when you approach. Going bald DOES 'suck' (sorry, but its an American phrase and I cringe when I use it,) but it IS natural and there is fuck all you can do to stop it in all honesty. You can apply various formulas and so on, or go and get a transplant if you can afford it but in terms of 'caveman' game, it is natural. Embrace it, shave it off, and go to the gym. You only have to be in shape to offset it, you don't have to be a huge guy.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Lucario - 03-07-2014

Jason Statham is a bald man dating a Victoria secret model... as someone who is also going bald, I try to think, " If Statham can do it, so can I".

I know he is famous, but he has an aura associated with alphas. I just cannot be insecure about something like that. If this is what I have with my genetics, best to just accept it.

I'm just grateful I'm not something more worst like being 5'5. If you are that short, you have to date down tremendously, like landwhale level, haha. Those are the guys I truly pity.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - NY Digital - 03-07-2014

Yup. It sucks.

Even kids label you in a negative way. Best solution, is if its bad, then you should get some hair transplants. Go to India or Asia and you can get them done fairly cheap.

There are some minoxidil treatments on Amazon and shampoos that encourage hair growth and prevent further hair loss.

It blows, but you can deal with it.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Screwston - 03-08-2014

Quote: (03-07-2014 11:32 PM)Lucario Wrote:  

I'm just grateful I'm not something more worst like being 5'5. If you are that short, you have to date down tremendously, like landwhale level, haha. Those are the guys I truly pity.
[Image: troll.gif]

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Virtus - 03-08-2014

Ha. Suuuure. How about lookin at the guy himself says he looks like a potatoe and hes not lying. Hes pulling hotter tail than anyone here save several.. Anyways. Fuck your crutches

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Teedub - 03-08-2014

This is a thread I made over a year ago, not sure why it's been dug up.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Patriarch - 03-08-2014

I'm 23 and have been losing my hair since I was 18. It bothered me tremendously for about a week a few months ago when I finally realized it. I used rogaine for a few months and just said fuck it. Most men look good with a shaved head anyway. Rather spend that money on protein or condoms or Roosh's upcoming Bang North Korea.

Bald Men & Fat Women [Date-Lab comments] - Krauser - 03-08-2014

Quote: (03-07-2014 11:32 PM)Lucario Wrote:  

" If Statham can do it, so can I".

Words to tattoo on your heart