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"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - RandalGraves - 12-13-2012

Would you date a fat girl?

The top comment:


I'm sorry - I realise this is not going to be popular.
I'm just not attracted to fat women. In fact, I like mine slim. HOWEVER, my tastes are by no means universal. Many women do not find me attractive - but I've learned to appreciate that many women DO. Same for big girls. Some guys will not be attracted to you. Accept that and find a guy who is attracted to you and your life will be much better for it.

[Image: boogiepika.gif]

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - storm - 12-13-2012

Top comment answers her as if she were some soul seeker looking for an answer to a deep question. Delicately and clearly, with all the tact of a well experienced shrink. The tragedy is that she was probably just fishing for a compliment, and will definitely learn nothing from his comment.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - reino341 - 12-14-2012

I guess that's the closest you're ever going to get to fat shaming on Reddit.

The "I'm sorry blah blah" might've made the difference of the comment being top comment or downvoted to oblivion. The commenter realizes he's treading on thin ice.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - ImmoralPsychology - 12-14-2012

The question is wrong. There are lots - way too many - guy that WOULD date a fat girl. But it's a very small -VERY small - percentage that *wants* to. Fat girls don't seem to really get this part. Yes, there are so many fat women in North America now, and there are enough guys that are just taking what they can get, that these women are still in reasonable demand - but there will come a day where the guy is going to have the option, even if it's just for a fling, to bang something reasonable - and he will. I could pass up a fling with a horny 8 for a 6.5 girlfriend I really appreciate but I couldn't pass up a 6 if I was dating a 4. What would make it even worse for me if I ever move back to Canada is that the 5s (the average girls) over there are 35lbs overweight and nearly unfuckable to me. Fat is the single worst turnoff for me - but worse than a busted face. I find anything more than about 15lbs over the ideal physically revolting. More than 5-7lbs over the ideal is not quite revolting but is a big minus.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - Hades - 12-14-2012

Yeah I think I never would.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - RandalGraves - 12-14-2012

And a post from a female who seems to have a grasp of game and the gender SMV differences:


I don't know about guys, but for girls social status in their mate is really the whole package, looks, physical strength, brains, success, whether or not other woman want them, and other things. That's why you get woman saying that they "don't care about the looks", when they actually do care to an extent (he has to be "above the line"), but the other things matter too.

Whereas my impression of men is that they don't care at all about a woman's place in society. She could be working at burger king, because that is completely irrelevant to her attractiveness. In general her attractiveness is based on physical, whether or not she treats him well, and intelligance.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - bacon - 12-14-2012

obviously fat is relative but in the US as 15 lbs overweight is now average and fat is really anyone 40lbs overweight or more

its one thing to get drunk as shit and hook up with a fat girl, never call or see her again.

its another to be seen in public or to even worse make love to a fat girl sober. theres a serious level of low self esteem, patheticness(poverty?) one has to have to do that.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - Stitch - 12-15-2012


Whereas my impression of men is that they don't care at all about a woman's place in society. She could be working at burger king, because that is completely irrelevant to her attractiveness. In general her attractiveness is based on physical, whether or not she treats him well, and intelligance.

Had this conversation with a girl recently when she jokingly put a romance novel hero on her wish list. I found a list of the top 10 romance novel heros, and sure enough all were not just attractive and wealthy but "the richest man in England" or "billionaire CEO of a multinational corporation". Then found a list of the top 10 love interests in typically male-oriented action movies: waitress, bar owner, lounge singer, etc. Not even stunningly beautiful, just attractive, treated the man nicely, and were fairly intelligent.

Really made the case for me that women are fantasizing themselves into a life of continual disappointment, and men honestly have much healthier expectations. That we can't even find those mild expectations in many of today's women is just really sad.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - Scott - 12-15-2012


Top comment answers her as if she were some soul seeker looking for an answer to a deep question.

Yup. But we should still smile because this is the closest the hypersensitive Reddit groupthink is going to get to growing some balls.


obviously fat is relative but in the US as 15 lbs overweight is now average and fat is really anyone 40lbs overweight or more

I agree. The reason why the top comment managed to get so far up is because a lot of the girls won't think themselves to be 'fat', just er... 'full-figured'. This isn't just because of the higher-than-normal weight average in the US, but also in my own experience I don't really come across a lot of fatties who think that they are actually fat. They employ all sorts of ego defence to avoid admitting that fact, probably including upvoting a comment such as the one quoted thinking, 'hurr hurr I'm glad I'm not a fat chick!'.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - ImmoralPsychology - 12-15-2012

bacon, I think the average girl is more like 25-30 lbs overweight. 15 pounds is not that bad. It's not nice, but it's at least still human.

Like I said though, fat girls will continue to be fat cuz guys are all too happy to be fucking them.

Even on this site, there's a thread called "would you bang her" or something like that where tons of the dudes here with high reps and four or five stars (I assumed this indicated guys with best game on the site) say they would bang a lot of these girls. On that entire thread, there's no more than a handful that I would actually say yes to and none that I would actually 'want' to bang. (A difference between "would bang" and "want to bang". LOL)

I like that thread though because it gives some sort of indication whether someone is full of shit or not. A dude that brags about banging 7's 8's and 9s all the time that then goes on that thread and says he'd bang the lard asses there is not truthful about the 7's 8's and 9's. If he were getting enough of those, he wouldn't even dream of banging some chick that's 40lbs overweight.

"Reddit, would you date a fat girl?" ...surprising response - beta_plus - 12-15-2012

Fuck a fat girl - if I'm drunk, sure and I have done so. But date - no thanks. Without the alcohol the revulsion in my face and mannerisms just becomes to obvious and I can't keep my state.