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Avoid the Marriage Zone - Printable Version

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Avoid the Marriage Zone - Wreckingball - 12-10-2012

Got this email from a friend (whom I introduced to Roosh writings)

The Marriage Zone

Most men – average men – can only begin enjoying life at age 29 the way women do at age 19 because it takes them that long to gain the resources women find attractive. The point in life where men’s and women’s access intersect is the marriage zone. She has to get him to commit in that zone before he realizes that his life is really just starting. My recommendation: she’s enjoyed her “wild and free” days, so avoid marriage and go enjoy yours. Travel. Sex up a variety of women. Explore your hobby now that you have both the time and resources to do so. In short, live life with the access of a carefree 19 year old party girl.

[Image: sb0Dh.png]

The Chart

Ages 15 to 19: The chart starts at age 15. Here women are at an access level of 8, which means they can pretty much do whatever they want whenever they want. By the time she’s 19 and has a fake ID, she soars up to a 10 which means the world is her oyster. Your average man in this same category is lucky if he gets a blowjob from the ugly chick in 2nd period, and feels truly fortunate if he can keep a steady girlfriend and get laid on a semi regular basis.

Ages 20 to 25: Women are at their peak during most of this time, and even though their access starts to decline, it declines only because they themselves are being more elective
while staging for marriage. Men during this time are steadily learning how to deal with women and are increasing their earning potential, so things are getting slowly better. Still, they aven’t reached the level of access that their female counterparts have enjoyed since age 15.

Age 26 to 28: This is the start of the marriage zone. Women’s clocks are ticking, and men have finally turned a job into a career. Though women’s access is still at a very high 8, she notices the men around her have more choices. They’ve reached an access level of 7 and are steadily rising. Though she gets roughly the same amount of attention from men that she used to, she notices the men are far less likely to catch oneitis in her presence. Men are etting smarter and they have more options because of their increased access. She has to get him to commit as soon as possible before he realizes just how numerous his options really are.

Age 29 to 30: This is a superb time for men to be alive. The tables have now turned. She’s finally learned that while finding dick takes very little effort, finding *committed* dick isn’t as easy as she was told it would be. Even though she screwed up in the marriage zone and wasn’t able to secure a partner, she’s going to stay on the prowl and be “in it to win it”.

Age 31 and up: As her sexual and marriage market value slowly decreases, so does her
access to committed dick. Meanwhile, the men who were smart enough to avoid her in the marriage zone have a long and happy life ahead of them. Even at age 40 – if they are successful and have stayed in shape – these men can find a 28 year old woman to bear their children if they want. The men have nothing to lose. The women continue to slowly decline until they settle for a beta or convince themselves that being a career woman in Cougarville was really what they wanted all along. After men avoid the marriage zone, their access soars. They can enjoy a series of fulfilling monogamous relationships with women who are on their best behavior since they’re desperately trying to get married, and fill in the time in between these relationships by banging easy targets such as single mothers, divorcees, and rabid feminists who are second guessing
their decisions.

So gentlemen, stay in shape. Focus on your career, build a stable financial portfolio, and keep your access soaring. If you absolutely must have a child, do it in your late 30’s or early 40’s with a hot little number in her 20’s. It can happen. If you’re like me and children aren’t in your future, the possibilities are endless.

Avoid the marriage zone!

(I used the search function and did not find anything, so I hope it's not duplicate, )

Avoid the Marriage Zone - thebassist - 12-10-2012

A classic post from Solomon II I believe.

The dude had some great perspective, search his name on the forum and you can download the PDF form of his blog which has since been shut down.

Avoid the Marriage Zone - Tuthmosis - 12-10-2012

Quote: (12-10-2012 09:38 AM)Wreckingball Wrote:  

(I used the search function and did not find anything, so I hope it's not duplicate, )

This classic chart has been posted in various places throughout the forum, but without the full-text write-up you've included here, I believe. It's an old Solomon blog post, indeed.

Avoid the Marriage Zone - Brosemite - 12-10-2012

Such an excellent write up. At 28, the scene in my area has fluctuated and things have gone worse as women around this age have suddenly refused to "live for the moment" while holding out for "long-term companionship." They're also at this phase where a lot of their vacation time has been used on weddings of other female friends, peers, etc thinking they are entitled or due to be the center of attention in one of their own. What they don't realize is that quite a bit of the ceremonies they've attended during that span are going to end in divorce, single parenthood, and other nasty settlements in a few years give or take so that marriage zone takes a nose dive early 30s. Couldn't be anymore accurate.

I might also have to add that a lot of dudes pro-actively seek to settle down during that marriage zone phase, but it ain't my prob bc that means we have less competition.

Last few years, it was a bit easier to meet the younger chicks or even the cooler mid-30s to mid-40s cougars who just wanted to have fun, perhaps even pump & dump me, and merely "live for the moment." But, I'm optimistic as I will going through a career change and will spend the next year or so living abroad to find better opportunities.

Avoid the Marriage Zone - caligula89 - 12-10-2012

This is the best part about being a guy.

I'm 23 right now. For at least the next 15 years, these things are only going to get better...

- My confidence
- My body
- My game
- My "status" in society

My body might begin to stagnate in my late 30's due to aging, but everything else is only going to improve. That means I'm going to get more and more attractive as time goes on.

So logically speaking, I shouldn't get married until I'm close to my sexual peak.

Obviously I'm open to the possibility of meeting a really special women, but right now that seems to be the right path.

Avoid the Marriage Zone - Wreckingball - 12-12-2012

Logically you shouldn't get married! It's a men-trap