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Thoughts on gay marriage - durangotang - 12-07-2012

Why are people so concerned about gay marriage? My age and younger (I am 32) particularly have made this some sort of generational "civil rights" issue. The history of cultural marxism describes how we arrived at this point, but more specifically I am thinking about the psychology. What effects have cultural marxism had psychologically upon our youth to make this happen?

I posit that the promotion, reinforcement, and reward of manly behavior in women (aggressiveness, dominance, etc.), and the feminization of men (sensitivity, submissiveness, etc.), have imprinted upon the subconscious the perverse behavioral characteristics of homosexuals. Though these subconscious archetypes are the opposite of natural - testosterone promotes aggressive behavior and estrogen sensitivity - for most they are not strong enough to override the instinct to reproduce and raise children through marriage, which is instinctually and culturally more profound. Marriage therefore endures, for now. Only the "old" archetype of marriage has to go, as a marriage between a masculine woman and a feminized man itself represents a form of gay marriage, due to the fact that each person has had the subconscious archetype of the opposite gender, the very essence of homosexuality, reinforced upon them. The consequential manifestation is a subconscious desire to support gay marriage as natural, as the only possible way for marriage to survive, for "modern" aggressive women and emasculated men are themselves operating subconsciously as homosexual archetypes to one degree or another.

Thoughts? The cultural marxist endgame is no moral constraint on sexual behavior, no family, and androgyny.

Thoughts on gay marriage - Screwston - 12-07-2012

Because of shit like this all around us...

Thoughts on gay marriage - durangotang - 12-07-2012

Quote: (12-07-2012 11:00 PM)houston Wrote:  

Because of shit like this all around us...

Exactly Houston, everything you seen and hear is absorbed into the subconscious mind 24/7. Homosexual archetypes included. Why do you think ads are so effective?

Children raised in this environment must be affected by ads like these on some level. In fact everyone must, though not to the same degree as children.

Thoughts on gay marriage - ghostdog - 12-07-2012

the left and right both need to fuck off with making this the issue of the century

Thoughts on gay marriage - LibertarianfoeReal - 12-08-2012

I am socially liberal and don't mind gay people, even flamers ; but the whole gay marriage request is absolutely preposterous ! They can get civil unions for tax purposes and the only reason they keep pushing the issue is to infringe on the very institution of marriage. I am not some right wing nut who believes marriage is something holy , on the contrary ... but the bigger issue is that they wont stop.

The problem with the extreme left is that they don't want anything in particular. All they want is play the victim card as long as they can. Say gay marriage is legalized nationwide ... they will start campaigning for 20 % homosexuals in the workforce and claim homophobia at any company which refuses this "right". They will try to eliminate the words "boy" or "girl" since they embede " archaic representations of gender".

It is not about gay marriage.Most homosexuals couldn't care less. What it's really about is women ! This whole culture of " feelings". Feelings are more important than logic now. And this is what scares me about where the country is heading. We are not allowed to make hard decisions anymore because God forbid it might hurt someones feelings.

Some fags getting married doesn't affect me.... in fact let 'em if they just stop bitching and pushing for more laws which infringe upon me as a straight man and my hopefully straight future children .
But they won't !

Thoughts on gay marriage - durangotang - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 12:08 AM)LibertarianfoeReal Wrote:  

I am socially liberal and don't mind gay people, even flamers ; but the whole gay marriage request is absolutely preposterous ! They can get civil unions for tax purposes and the only reason they keep pushing the issue is to infringe on the very institution of marriage. I am not some right wing nut who believes marriage is something holy , on the contrary ... but the bigger issue is that they wont stop.

The problem with the extreme left is that they don't want anything in particular. All they want is play the victim card as long as they can. Say gay marriage is legalized nationwide ... they will start campaigning for 20 % homosexuals in the workforce and claim homophobia at any company which refuses this "right". They will try to eliminate the words "boy" or "girl" since they embede " archaic representations of gender".

It is not about gay marriage.Most homosexuals couldn't care less. What it's really about is women ! This whole culture of " feelings". Feelings are more important than logic now. And this is what scares me about where the country is heading. We are not allowed to make hard decisions anymore because God forbid it might hurt someones feelings.

Some fags getting married doesn't affect me.... in fact let 'em if they just stop bitching and pushing for more laws which infringe upon me as a straight man and my hopefully straight future children .
But they won't !

Well said.

Thoughts on gay marriage - le prince perdu - 12-08-2012

To me the only reason gay marriage is being pushed in the American society is again just to reduce the amount of manliness in America.

Think about it: emasculated men all over the country, soybean products found in everything even though it's know to decrease testos, men power getting smaller every year, homosexuality being forced into people with ads, reality tv, shows, men sexual desire being shamed and punished ( getting into trouble for being a player).

The ones with the power in this country have seen that with the creation of the internet, a mass amount of the population is getting access to information and the people is finding out that the one in power is fucking them in the ass.

We all know that when the people is fed up they riot, they have a revolution.
But in order to have a real revolution the people need men, strong healthy and full of testosterone angry young men ready to fight.

So basically by reducing the amount of viril young men in a country, the chances of a full all out revolution diminishes. The more beta/gay american men get, the less the ones in power have to worry about.

Thoughts on gay marriage - savilerow - 12-08-2012

It's not going to magically turn straight men into queers. It's also not going to make straight men more feminine. There are lots of masculine gay men, and feminine straight men (although there is a level of feminine it's hard to believe a guy is straight). Gays have been around since the beginning of time, giving them civil recognition doesn't change anything.

Thoughts on gay marriage - speakeasy - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 12:54 AM)savilerow Wrote:  

There are lots of masculine gay men

[Image: notsuren.jpg]

Masculine and gay are oxymorons. The second some guy's balls are slapping against your ass you ain't masculine, sorry!

Thoughts on gay marriage - Celtic - 12-08-2012

"To me the only reason gay marriage is being pushed in the American society is again just to reduce the amount of manliness in America."

No it's being pushed because people don't want to arbitrarily deny people rights that we give other people. If someone wants to marry someone their own sex they can, and I think you can educate your son to be manly and he won't be gay/feminine because some other men.

If your goal is to prevent any kid from seeing unmanly behavior, you don't need to ban gay marriage, you need to ban beta marriage- the henpecked husband who lives in fear of his wife is a far more dangerous example.

Also- something not being what I like = BAN IT- that's feminist/hamster logic. Men can be logical enough that even if they don't find something appealing they don't need to have the government discriminate.

Thoughts on gay marriage - Nonpareil - 12-08-2012

The institution of marriage is already a joke as it is, why not let them get married? What shits do I give if Bruce and Lance want the law to recognize their desire to grow old, fat and resentful together?

Thoughts on gay marriage - Blackhawk - 12-08-2012

The ones pushing for it the loudest and the strongest have repeatedly turned out to be wards of the state on disability benefits or state employee pensioners --both categories of people sucking on the state coffers. This excess of free time allows them to spend all their time lobbying and they get to be over represented compared to the rest of the public that has to work daily to support themselves.

What's the long term effects? Pretty much more scamming of the state to wring out more cash. Things like bankrupting overly generous state employee health care plans by using the spouse clause to circumnavigate pre-existing condition limitations and get post-menopausal women with incurable diseases requiring extremely expensive treatment plans added to health pools that were previously solvent. There's also tax scams like making transfer of grandfathered special property tax rates under California's infamous Prop 13 easier. But it all boils down to exploiting state and employee programs that were intended to help young heterosexual families facing the additional expense of raising children while in their 20s and 30s, and opening it up to way over-the-hill and past child raising age elders so they can consume those resources instead.

Robin Tyler and Diane Olson forced locals to endure annual wackadoodle weddings outside city hall to show how they needed to get married. After a couple years of their constant, ceaseless yammering, San Francisco city hall acquiesced. They achieved their dream and got gay-married in June 2008. They've already filed for divorce. Tyler filed for divorce on January 25 2012 after years of never cohabiting with Olson or even knowing where she lives.

How can you get married and never cohabitate together? Isn't that one of the first red flags used in determining a green card marriage is a sham?

[Image: nc_gay_divorce_120208.vembedlarge456.jpg]

Thoughts on gay marriage - savilerow - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 01:19 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

[quote='savilerow' pid='322828' dateline='1354946061']
There are lots of masculine gay men

I should rephrase...there are men who pass off as "society considered masculine" who are in fact, queers.

Usually under the umbrella of bi, who prefer men. I don't think the actual legalization of gay marriage means much though.

I'm not against it, or for it. Just plain irrelevant in my opinion.

Thoughts on gay marriage - Excelsior - 12-08-2012

Glee has already been mentioned in here for its clear agenda, but there is an even more blatant example of such promotion now airing on NBC:

[Image: tumblr_ma8g7h4fiY1rnlsqh.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mecfdmAU361r3k60go1_1280.jpg]

The show is about an affluent gay couple who are having a child via surrogate. It is called "the new normal", with slogans like "abnormal is the new normal" being used in promotions of the show.

Can't really get much more blatant than this. The show doesn't even attempt to hide the cultural agenda its producers are supporting-they just come right out and say it.

Thoughts on gay marriage - savilerow - 12-08-2012

There is some partial shock value going on there too. No matter how hard the queer agenda is pushed - no biologically straight male is going to want to be gay, given his circumstances growing up are normal.

Thoughts on gay marriage - HiFlo - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 04:03 AM)savilerow Wrote:  

There is some partial shock value going on there too. No matter how hard the queer agenda is pushed - no biologically straight male is going to want to be gay, given his circumstances growing up are normal.

for real, at least the average gay knows what he wants as a bottom or top. the average beta male is way more confused and has no idea how to go about getting it.

Thoughts on gay marriage - blackglasses - 12-08-2012

I dont see the point if gays cannot have kids. It always seemed like there is no reason to be married if you are not having kids.

Thoughts on gay marriage - savilerow - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 04:34 AM)blackglasses Wrote:  

I dont see the point if gays cannot have kids. It always seemed like there is no reason to be married if you are not having kids.

That is a good point...yet, they have persisted since the beginning of time, even without being able to reproduce themselves.

Thoughts on gay marriage - Private Man - 12-08-2012

I actually support gay marriage. Why? Because gay divorce will actually start the reformation of family courts... white knight/feminist judge thinking to him/herself: "Shit, I can't fuck over a straight man with my ruling "for the children".

And for any socon hating on gays having sex, here's a joke: "How do you stop gay sex?" "Let 'em get married". Thanks, I'll be here 'until Thursday, be sure to tip your servers.

Thoughts on gay marriage - le prince perdu - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 04:01 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Glee has already been mentioned in here for its clear agenda, but there is an even more blatant example of such promotion now airing on NBC:

[Image: tumblr_ma8g7h4fiY1rnlsqh.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mecfdmAU361r3k60go1_1280.jpg]

The show is about an affluent g ay couple who are having a child via surrogate. It is called "the new normal", with slogans like "abnormal is the new normal" being used in promotions of the show.

Can't really get much more blatant than this. The show doesn't even attempt to hide the cultural agenda its producers are supporting-they just come right out and say it.


Common guys, when you see a show like this called " the new normal" you really expect me to believe it has been created just because somebody wants to make money?

There is nothing normal about this, this show is literally trying to make something that is not natural like men getting pregnant as if there is nothing wrong with it.

This is not meant to be, the male body is not designed to bear a child and there is no way these children are coming to this planet without some type of issue. I am also sure that if a man does such a procedure his body will suffer from something, hell this is how new diseases get created.

Males are also not designed to take cum up their ass

There is also no way these kind of shows have no impact on a child sexuality,

A 7 year old who grows up watching glee, the new normal and such will believe it is the norm for two men to be involved sexually. If that young man cannot get a girlfriend he will start thinking that maybe girls are not for him and instead of working hard to get laid with females he will just turn to males because there is nothing wrong with it

I grew up watching DBZ, Ken, Nicky larson and a bunch of manly stuff.
Those show wired my mind to believe that a man should be strong, fearless and chase beautiful women with big tits and long legs.
If I was watching shows like the ones above, I probably would have had a different approach on sexuality.

The amount of gays is at an all time high, the ones who say it's natural are delusional.

I really don't mind if two guys want to marry each other, they do whatever they want.
That doesn't mean I am on their side.

To me this is like people doing drugs like meth/cocaine, I don't mind if you do it but don't try to make me believe it is normal and force me to accept it through TV and such.

Thoughts on gay marriage - Nonpareil - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 04:01 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Glee has already been mentioned in here for its clear agenda, but there is an even more blatant example of such promotion now airing on NBC:

[Image: tumblr_ma8g7h4fiY1rnlsqh.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mecfdmAU361r3k60go1_1280.jpg]

The show is about an affluent gay couple who are having a child via surrogate. It is called "the new normal", with slogans like "abnormal is the new normal" being used in promotions of the show.

Can't really get much more blatant than this. The show doesn't even attempt to hide the cultural agenda its producers are supporting-they just come right out and say it.

Same creator as Glee...and it's on NBC, so no one will watch it.

Thoughts on gay marriage - ManAbout - 12-08-2012

Watching gay stuff on TV will not make you gay. Get a grip, seriously. And if it does, you weren't all that straight to begin with.

Thoughts on gay marriage - Alpha Hunter Zero - 12-08-2012

Watching gay shit on tv doesnt make you gay but it gets you used to the idea of homosexuality around you. This is what the producers of every gay show aim to accomplish. You basically become desensitized to it. Eventually you become so used to it you actually start to think it's okay and wonder why there arent more fags out there. If you're really messed up in the head you eventually unconsciously begin to support it until it actually manifests into your conscious. This is why so many men and women in America/Canada today are such queer supporters. Yet when asked to explain why they are such ardent supporters they cant give a straight answer.

Thoughts on gay marriage - ManAbout - 12-08-2012

Quote: (12-08-2012 12:22 PM)Alpha Hunter Zero Wrote:  

Watching gay shit on tv doesnt make you gay but it gets you used to the idea of homosexuality around you. This is what the producers of every gay show aim to accomplish. You basically become desensitized to it.

The same way that watching violent movies and playing violent video games desensitizes you to blood and gore, right?

Thoughts on gay marriage - rudebwoy - 12-08-2012

Gay Marriage is being pushed and allowed for one reason only, to make this acceptable behaviour and to stop the masses from reproducing. Population control my friend, just like Feminism which has kept women in the workplace and reduced the birth rate dramatically.
They are now teaching this in the class room because they want little johnny to adapt the behaviour, as we know kids are impressionable at a young age.