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Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - Printable Version

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Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - durangotang - 12-04-2012

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil.

Well that does it for me. I now no longer dream of relaxing on the beach in Brazil as a possible escape from American political correctness.

I wonder, are they trying to set a record for embracing the worst parts of political correctness in the fastest time possible?

From the article:

"In an amateur online video, Afonso Henrique Alves Lobato describes how he and fellow members of his Evangelical church snuck into a spiritual center of Umbanda, an Afro-Brazilian faith that venerates deities originating from Africa in services led by a religious figure called a pai de santo.

'I saw a pai de santo, gay, of course, because every pai de santo is homosexual,' the young Mr. Lobato said. 'As everyone knows, a [Umbanda] spiritual center is a place where the devil is called upon.'

Brazilian authorities had no tolerance for his remarks. Lobato and his pastor, Tupirani da Hora Lores, who reportedly posted disparaging remarks about other religions online, were swiftly jailed and charged with a crime: religious intolerance..."


Out of curiosity I Googled around a bit and found an article written by a Brazilian, Julio Severo, describing this African witchcraft, Umbanda in English:

"I grew up seeing in the Brazilian crossroads of my neighborhood offerings to the African spirits. These offerings comprised fruits, food, alcohol beverages, cigarettes and sacrificed animals such as goats. Interestingly, the English version of Wikipedia has also no mention of animal sacrifices in its entry on Umbanda. Its Portuguese version makes a mere passing mention, saying that these sacrifices are practiced only by some Umbanda ramifications.

By reading this AP report and the English Wikipedia, you see no sacrifices. But when you live in Brazil in a place where there is a lot of “hidden” Umbanda, you see a lot of these weekly, very visible offerings to the African spirits in the crossroads. A lot of sacrificed animals.


Sodomy, which has been extoled and afforded the status of a special human right in the UN, is largely practiced by Afro-Brazilian religions, where their gods and spirits entice and lead their adherents, especially their priests, into prostitution, including homosexuality."

here is the link

As usual it seems that anything traditional or Christian is thrown to the wolves with political correctness. If I met a bunch of animal sacrificing homosexual witchdoctors, I expect to be able to express my opinion of them (condemnation) without it being labeled "hate speech." Well, apparently not only can you not condemn them, you can't even say the truth without being arrested - as cited in the article, Afonso Henrique Alves Lobato, merely referred to them as homosexuals and that umbanda is a place where the devil is called upon.

Don't criticize the pai de santo, or umbanda - that's "hate speech":

[Image: adCvK.jpg]

[Image: AOlMQ.jpg]

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - Alpha Hunter Zero - 12-04-2012

[Image: wtf.jpg] This is ridiculous. What's next, no nore topless beaches? Fat acceptance? [Image: shudder.gif] Mark my words guys, Brazil can only keep going downhill from here and you sure as hell can blame recent feminism as the underlying cause. Time to start looking for another poosy paradise.

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - Timoteo - 12-04-2012

France does the same thing - they come down hard on public comments that attack any racial and/or religious group. I don't expect other countries to treat speech the way we do here. I don't see how this affects our ability to go to Brazil and enjoy ourselves.

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - Roosh - 12-04-2012

There's always Colombia.

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - durangotang - 12-04-2012

Good old Columbia

[Image: VvqZY.jpg]

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - Expert Commander - 12-04-2012

This is not an instance of "American political correctness." As Timoteo alluded to, no other country in the world protects free speech like America. America has no hate speech laws. Every effort to establish one has been struck down by the Supreme Court.

In Roosh's beloved Poland a heavy metal band is facing jail time over tearing up a bible on stage:

In Indonesia a man is facing jail for saying on his facebook page that there is no god:

These are just two small examples. Hate speech laws are sweeping the globe.

For sure there is political correctness in America. And I am with you that you should be free to condemn homosexual African witch doctors (although I really couldn't care less about them). But while in America you will just get some feminists and hippies calling you intolerant at least you will never be criminally sanctioned. This is one part of the American way of life that should be exported around the world.

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - Pete - 12-04-2012

Quote: (12-04-2012 10:36 PM)Expert Commander Wrote:  

But while in America you will just get some feminists and hippies calling you intolerant at least you will never be criminally sanctioned. This is one part of the American way of life that should be exported around the world.

I agree 100% with that statement!

Watch your tongue: Prejudiced comments illegal in Brazil. - Brazilianguy - 12-05-2012

These hate speech laws are being imposed from the top down by PT, the political party that is in power (and to which president Dilma belongs).
PT is a communist/marxist pary and is only putting in practice the cultural marxist agenda, which is pro-gay, anti-Christian and anti-traditional values, segregationist (pro racial quotas).

The majority of the Brazilian population is Christian and conservative, yet there is no conservative party and the media have been indoctrinating the people with cultural marxist values for decades.

What you are seeing nowadays is the result of decades of cultural subversion. In my opinion, it will only get worse from now on.