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What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Tuthmosis - 11-11-2012

I'm curious. Have you always been brand-loyal to this make? What do you think of this brand? Etc.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Nineteen84 - 11-11-2012

Lenovo/IBM: I have no brand loyalty but its a pretty solid machine.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Architekt - 11-11-2012

Right now I've just got a cheap Compaq laptop. It does what I need it to pretty well at the moment, but I'd like to get something more powerful in the future. When I have the cash for a dedicating computing machine, I'm going to build it myself, with the parts that I want. Shit's overpriced here already, no point paying any more for the brand sticker and get less out of the machine.

The PC tower that is sitting next to me at the moment is a Dell according to the button. I'm not entirely certain, but if my memory serves me correctly, it was actually just built out of parts I had laying around when my old PC stopped working, which I believe was an IBM machine. No clue what I had before that.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Julio - 11-11-2012

Acer: I bought a laptop a few years ago and I had to send it back at least 5 times in less than a year due to hardware problems. Each time it came back it had the same damn issue. Well I sent an email to the VP of Acer Europe and surprisingly he offered me to pay me back which was quite nice.
Since then I go with Apple and it's more expensive but so far no problem.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Pacesetter20 - 11-11-2012

Current set-up:
- Dell Tower (about 11 years old, hardly used)
- Dell Laptop (over 5 years old is my mainstay)

Previously a pretty hardcore Dell supporter, but for the laptops I am looking for (portablility and performance) am moving on to a Samsung 9 or something equivalent in March/April timeframe. Considered a Macbook w/Retnia is tempting, but can't really justifiy it at almost 2x the Samsung 9, unless I were to get heavily into photography, which is doubtful.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Basil Ransom - 11-11-2012

Acer: Previous laptop. It started self-destructing right around the year mark. It sounded like there were pieces of plastic loose and the fan was blowing them around, pretty hellish sounding. Then, around year 2, the case came unglued right around the power socket, making it impossible to charge unless you propped up the laptop in a weird way. Thankfully, I had a SquareTrade warranty, and got a complete refund. I got the warranty on sale for $40, good for three years from purchase date. If you like getting a new laptop for free every couple years, this might be the way to go. Just make sure not to send in your laptop until it has several problems, so that SquareTrade will just send you a check instead of repairing it.

Dell: Current laptop. Build quality seems good, but I had to send it in once already. Just the other day, an issue arose, and the Indian Race Trolls in tech support were either incompetent or total fucking liars. In short, there's a button on the keyboard that turns off wi-fi, but it doesn't look like a button at all. If you turn off the wi-fi, there's no way to turn it back on through windows, you must push the (hidden) button. Dell's IRTs tried to charge me $80 for 'Technical Software Support,' for a solution that consisted of pressing a button, claiming it was not a 'hardware' issue. Funny thing is, I previously sent in my laptop on their dime to fix the wireless. It may have been the same exact problem, and they were too dumb to diagnose it correctly, a costly mistake. Here is a thread on it by someone who experienced the exact same problem - . I will not buy a Dell again.

If I had to choose again, I'd try a Samsung/Lenovo/Asus.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - HeyPete - 11-11-2012

Toshiba. About 4 years old.

Got it at Costco. No brand loyalty at all.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - iknowexactly - 11-11-2012

Macbook pro; built out of METAL and very good. I'm one of those insufferable Mac snobs, I do filmmaking, If you're in to accounting or focused on financial stuff PC might be better. Also a good way to identify "softer" more arty chicks who have a bit more money. Got an Android phone though, apple is evil with the iphone the way you can't upgrade the oS in jailbroken phones, they're acting the way microsoft used to.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Teekay - 11-11-2012

Lenovo/IBM. Took me a while to get there; the "design" seems to be ugly by choice. However the build quality is superb - the thing is a tank. I don't handle my gear with gloves and travel all the time, so durability is paramount.

Used to have Compaq, Toshiba, Sony at various times. No match for Lenovo.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-11-2012

Acer. Very cheap and great value, I'd buy again. I've been using the one I'm typing this from for both personal stuff and work continuously for almost 4 years, and it's seen several countries.

I've only had problems with cooling when running demanding games and programs for extensive periods of time. This is not due to the fan being clogged up, it happens even when, say, playing Starcraft II on medium details with a just-cleaned fan and the aid of a laptop stand/cooler. It might be a weak spot for all laptops, but I've heard that it's not from some other laptop owners (mainly Asus and Dell).

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Kitsune - 11-11-2012

My work horse computers are custom build.

I have an HP laptop for carrying around. A customised Dell from when I used to play video games.
They pretty much all work. The ability to take them to pieces and install new parts pays dividends though.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Roosh - 11-11-2012

Had a Gateway for 4 years... no problems with it.

Bought an Acer after that. The keyboard wasn't good (things got trapped in it easily) and it would overheat easily. I was not satisfied.

I'm using an Asus. No problems after two months, but it's still early.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Hencredible Casanova - 11-11-2012

Had a Macbook Pro that I LOVED; it got stolen in Chile while I was asleep at some stranger's house near the beach. Epic story but that's for another day.

Had another Macbook after that but I ended up giving it away to someone as a college graduation gift. Switched to a Lenovo afterwards because I no longer needed a laptop for much other than internet.

Ended up selling that and got a Samsung. Very happy with that but it's less than a month old. I'm going to install Ubuntu on it and just run on that.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Menace - 11-11-2012

Laptop: White MacBook (4 years old)
Desktop: PC system that I built myself (Win 7 and Win 8 in a VM).

I prefer this combination of computers, you get the best of both worlds.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - michelin - 11-11-2012

Main laptop is a Compaq. I use it for work

For most internet stuff and travel I use a decade old Dell (upgraded Ram to 1GB) with freshly installed Linux. Works fine. The thing is indestructible and travels everywhere I go.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - ManAbout - 11-11-2012

Acer ultralight, very thin and weighs barely 3 pounds. Ideal for travelling. I have had it for almost 10 months, so far no problems. Bought it from Costco with a 2 year warranty, so will see how it goes.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - CMan0928 - 11-11-2012

Quote: (11-11-2012 05:02 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

Right now I've just got a cheap Compaq laptop. It does what I need it to pretty well at the moment, but I'd like to get something more powerful in the future. When I have the cash for a dedicating computing machine, I'm going to build it myself, with the parts that I want. Shit's overpriced here already, no point paying any more for the brand sticker and get less out of the machine.

The PC tower that is sitting next to me at the moment is a Dell according to the button. I'm not entirely certain, but if my memory serves me correctly, it was actually just built out of parts I had laying around when my old PC stopped working, which I believe was an IBM machine. No clue what I had before that.

Same here. I picked up a Compaq CQ60 for like $350 at Best Buy. For what I need it to do, it works just fine. I will be upgrading when it starts to breakdown.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Teddykgb - 11-11-2012

I dont know why but I have always bought HP. I have one HP desktop and two HP laptops. I'm currently using an HP DV6t Quad Edition for the past 1.5 years. I could probably use a new one but I'm going to milk this sucker out until after my travel since it will probably get banged up along the way.

Before I bought this I did a bunch of laptop coupon hacking online and got the price down from around $1,050 to $825 on this thing.

I will never buy a laptop again without searching around online for coupon codes!

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Avarence - 11-11-2012


EDIT: 11 Apple votes? No wonder people claim the forum is "left-leaning" [Image: icon_razz.gif]

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - tenderman100 - 11-11-2012

Have had Lenovo's for the past five years. Have a T420 now (no longer made).

6 gigs of RAM, 750 gig hard drive.

I do consulting, and Lenovo's are the favorite laptops of the consulting firms. Powerful, great keyboards, great screens.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Samseau - 11-11-2012

Built my own computer, no laptop

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - dragnet - 11-11-2012

Apple MacBook Pro and, yeah, I am fairly loyal to the brand.

When quality SSD become affordable (ie, less than $1 per gig) I will build my own computer instead but for now it's Apple.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - rudebwoy - 11-11-2012

Sony Vaio - waiting for it to die. I use Lenovo for work and they are probably the best for durability.

Apple Ipad - stored in my wardrobe somewhere.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - Aliblahba - 11-11-2012

Had an Asus EEEpc 901 and it was amazing. Carried it through two warzones and all over Europe. Ran it through the paces and it wouldn't die. Used it so much the battery lost memory and keyboard went out cause I would get drunk and beat on the chicklet keyboard. [Image: blush.gif] I replaced with a Tab 10.1. I believe Asus has great products.

Currently I'm using a low end Toshiba. It was $450 at the PX in the Middle East, but I needed an intermediate laptop, but it has held up well, even after dropping it 4-5 times.

For my next, which will be higher end and slim, I'll look first into Samsung and Asus. The latter used to offer a pretty solid global warranty, which is big for those of us that travel constantly.

What Brand is Your Primary Computer/Laptop? - el mechanico - 11-11-2012

Quote: (11-11-2012 12:22 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Built my own computer, no laptop
I don't know why but I lol'd when i read this.

I have a Lenovo laptop on my bar
A compaq laying around as a spare an Emachine that I bought off a crackhead new in the box in my office and a dell on my second desk at work.

I'm posting here for one reason. I fucking hate Sony. Every shit Sony thing I've ever bought has broken going back to tape decks for my car in 1985 and it was always a hassle to try and fix.

My kids uncle is a sony freak to the point where he can't move in his place because he buys old amps and sales brochures on ebay all night long. His house and car is full of that crap like something straight out of hoarders