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RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Printable Version

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RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - The Fantasist - 11-09-2012

Vsem Privet,

I think we have all at times imagined moving to a shit hole in deepest Russia,somewhere way off the beaten track and spend a few months using our white god factor to the max to bang a stream of hot local women. Well,time is ticking and so that dream can either remain just that,a dream or it can be put into action and followed through on. Of course nothing is stopping any of us going solo and renting an apartment in some random town and seeing if pussy paradises still exist. However I think it would be a lot more fun to do it with a few like minded RVF members. These cities are not getting easier,they will become more difficult and with Russia hosting the World Cup in 2018 etc. the place is going to change. Let's get in whilst being foreign still means something.

So the plan would be simple: we choose a city somewhere in Russia,somewhere off the track,and rent a plush apartment in the centre of town and then spend a month or two or three in an alcohol and Viagra induced debauched daze where we work our way through the town's and nearby town's women. It would not be for lightweights,no guys looking for 'relationships',just constant conquest seeking adventures in random dodgy night clubs,suburban apartments and university dormitories.

The idea as I would envision it would be to have say three or four guys as the
main advance party who rent an apartment and are based in it for a month or two and then other members with less time can come out to visit for a weekend/week or so to experience the delights. I think that as a team we would be unstoppable and encourage each other to push the boundaries of what is possible as opposed to when you're alone and sometimes can't be assed going out. We would kill it out there,or maybe just get killed. Either way,adventure is guaranteed. This is once in a lifetime stuff,something to tell your Russian grandchildren about.

So no dates or location have been pencilled in,the house will be run entirely
democratically. At this point I'm in contact with another member who is interested in joining but I'd like to hear ( by pm if you prefer ) from anyone who would be interested in being part of this. We have a year to organize this so plenty of time to plan.

Let's make this happen and let the debauchery begin.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - chochemonger1 - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 09:47 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Vsem Privet,

I think we have all at times imagined moving to a shit hole in deepest Russia,somewhere way off the beaten track and spend a few months using our white god factor to the max to bang a stream of hot local women. Well,time is ticking and so that dream can either remain just that,a dream or it can be put into action and followed through on. Of course nothing is stopping any of us going solo and renting an apartment in some random town and seeing if pussy paradises still exist. However I think it would be a lot more fun to do it with a few like minded RVF members. These cities are not getting easier,they will become more difficult and with Russia hosting the World Cup in 2018 etc. the place is going to change. Let's get in whilst being foreign still means something.

So the plan would be simple: we choose a city somewhere in Russia,somewhere off the track,and rent a plush apartment in the centre of town and then spend a month or two or three in an alcohol and Viagra induced debauched daze where we work our way through the town's and nearby town's women. It would not be for lightweights,no guys looking for 'relationships',just constant conquest seeking adventures in random dodgy night clubs,suburban apartments and university dormitories.

The idea as I would envision it would be to have say three or four guys as the
main advance party who rent an apartment and are based in it for a month or two and then other members with less time can come out to visit for a weekend/week or so to experience the delights. I think that as a team we would be unstoppable and encourage each other to push the boundaries of what is possible as opposed to when you're alone and sometimes can't be assed going out. We would kill it out there,or maybe just get killed. Either way,adventure is guaranteed. This is once in a lifetime stuff,something to tell your Russian grandchildren about.

So no dates or location have been pencilled in,the house will be run entirely
democratically. At this point I'm in contact with another member who is interested in joining but I'd like to hear ( by pm if you prefer ) from anyone who would be interested in being part of this. We have a year to organize this so plenty of time to plan.

Let's make this happen and let the debauchery begin.

I would be in 100 percent Vorkuta, but im no white god.....instead just a mere Latin lover. I would have to put in an extrordinary amount of time to learn conversational Russian, to game and convince the girls I aint no Chechen rebel lol. Not sure if it would be worth it for me, but the idea still remains in my head.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - 20Nation - 11-09-2012

This is actually doable for me. I want to learn Russian and I should be free with the money by then. Chochemonger you should go. I think you are the person I want to meet most on this forum. I think you are a latin older version of myself.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Pacesetter20 - 11-09-2012

This sounds fun, PM sent.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Smitty - 11-09-2012

It sounds interesting, but at the risk of sounding like a pussy, would we not be setting ourselves up for a one-way trip to the Siberian wilderness by doing something like this? I think we would stick out in some small village deep in Russia and the local (presumably alcoholic) men would have fun cutting off our toes in between beating their wives and daughters for flirting with foreign men.

If not, then I'm game.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - chochemonger1 - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 10:48 AM)20Nation Wrote:  

This is actually doable for me. I want to learn Russian and I should be free with the money by then. Chochemonger you should go. I think you are the person I want to meet most on this forum. I think you are a latin older version of myself.

20, I will decide in January when I am in the Dominican Republic. That is when I will have plenty of time to begin studying Russian for 6 months. That is if I dont start boozing every day and chasing tail as much as Ali. [Image: banana.gif]
But the important lesson I have learned, everytime in Brazil, is not speaking the local language conversationally means a ton of banging opportunities lost. This will be even more prevalent in Russia.
So as a Latin man I better not be kidding myself and half assing it on learning Russian. Banging 2 or 3 girls a month and seeing tons of quality girls doesnt cut it for I would have to be conversational in Russian by June.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - presidentcarter - 11-09-2012

So I really like this idea. I'm not 100% sure what my plan will be next year, but I'm there if I can swing it. I get that I look Russian a lot, so I could probably blend in pretty well. Would prefer not to be beaten, extorted, raped, or tortured for going after a town's finest women though so let's pick an appropriate spot.

I'm going to do the Spanish thing until I get down to Colombia in Feb. then switch to Russian so hopefully should be decent by then.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - The Fantasist - 11-09-2012

Thanks for the feedback guys,good to know there is some interest,in principle,to the idea.

Regarding learning Russian: I thought a good idea would be to hire a local teacher ( young student type ) to come to the apartment and give us a couple hours of lessons each morning before we head out for the day to use it in our pursuit of women. So even if you speak zero Russian before you arrive,by the time we move on we should all have a solid base of understanding to build on in future should we want.

Regarding getting raped and set on fire: Well whilst I can't guarantee that some shit won't go down I think we are all well travelled and wise enough to know how to avoid antagonizing the locals. However should it ever kick off it will be good to know there are a few of us to back each other up should some local nutter start a fight.

I think the larger the group that goes out there the larger the town needs to be. Six random foreigners in a small town will stand out like a sore thumb but in a larger place like Krasnoyarsk say,will blend in nicely.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - ManAbout - 11-09-2012

Sounds interesting, I might be up for this. Keep me posted.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Menace - 11-09-2012

I'm up for this potentially. I speak Russian. Are you literally planning this for some place in Siberia or Western Russia also possible (I don't care, just curious)?

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - chochemonger1 - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 01:16 PM)Menace Wrote:  

I'm up for this potentially. I speak Russian. Are you literally planning this for some place in Siberia or Western Russia also possible (I don't care, just curious)?

If there is a big enough group of guys going, a good place would be Novosibirsk....which is the capital of Siberia in Asian Rusia. It has 1.5 million people ,so it has the proper amount of women available for us not to compete against each other. Im sure there are very western men, so we would also have the exotic factor on our side.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Fujiwara - 11-09-2012

Novosibirsk is the city that is home to the World's Strongest Vagina.

You guys should have a good time there.

I'll be there for a couple days in June, myself.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - presidentcarter - 11-09-2012

I vote Novosibirsk too.

3rd largest city, middle of Siberia.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - iknowexactly - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 09:47 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Vsem Privet,
..... It would not be for lightweights,no guys looking for 'relationships',just constant conquest seeking adventures in random dodgy night clubs,suburban apartments and university dormitories.
Let's make this happen and let the debauchery begin.

I like the idea but think it's OK to have LTR guys in on it and here's why:

Players will benefit from having Betas like me around, because then the womens' fantasy of LTR will help make them more willing to ONS.

Betas will will benefit because women, despite the Alpha Propaganda, will tire of trying to maintain their "one night a week at best status" and switch to us. ;-)

Also, we Betas think you're the lightweights, you can only stand her bitching for one night before you throw her out!

However, I am as bad as a Mormon when it comes to smoking, I can't be anywhere where anyone smokes at all, so if anyone is a smoker that screens me out.

Also, has anyone gotten a visa under the new rules?

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - 20Nation - 11-09-2012

I also vote Novosibirsk. We should get there at least by late summer, cause I don't like the cold too much and I went to spend at least a few months there. Siberian cold isn't like other cold so there is no way I will be there any time close to winter

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - The Fantasist - 11-09-2012

As I said it will be totally democratic so I think we need to wait a few days to give anyone who is genuinely interested a chance to say so and then between us think of a city.

Novosibirsk seems a good choice but will our foreignness mean anything there? I think Wolverine has been so we need his opinion on the place. If we could choose a town West of the Urals it would make it cheaper and easier to get to.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - worldwidetraveler - 11-09-2012

When you thinking Vorkuta?

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - The Fantasist - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:04 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

When you thinking Vorkuta?

Autumn works best for me,got my daughter in the Sunmer so anytime after that really. I'm flexible once Summer is over.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Partizan - 11-09-2012

IMO the best time to go is early September when the universities are back. The weather at that time of the year is still pleasant. It only turns around mid October so you have a full month to sample the delights.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - presidentcarter - 11-09-2012

How big of an issue will language be given that it's not Moscow or St. Pete? I know we'll be learning it but still...and especially since it's Russian.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - sportbilly - 11-09-2012

I am pretty decent already in I could be in on this one, providing the married ladies husband I banged in Kaliningrad 2 weeks ago does not catch up with me first!

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Johnny Football - 11-09-2012

Hmm, I'm interested in this because I'm going to take either first or second semester of my second year of university off for travel. I'm probably younger than most of the guys headed on this trip however. Really just depends on how the next semester of UNI goes and then ill be able to know more. Would like to keep updated on this.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Spike - 11-09-2012

Awesome idea! It would be up for it my finances allow it around that time. I love Russia!

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - worldwidetraveler - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:22 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2012 02:04 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

When you thinking Vorkuta?

Autumn works best for me,got my daughter in the Sunmer so anytime after that really. I'm flexible once Summer is over.

Sounds like autumn may be a great time in Siberia. I may be up for it. I am trying to decide whether I leave the US for good. You guys really got me wanting to leave and travel endlessly. heh I been stuck in the US for the past 3 to 4 years so itching to get back out there.

RVF Siberian Meet Up: Autumn 2013 - Belgrano - 11-09-2012

Quote: (11-09-2012 03:43 PM)sportbilly Wrote:  

providing the married ladies husband I banged in Kaliningrad 2 weeks ago does not catch up with me first!

[Image: 5nogte.gif]