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American public schools are beta male factories - Roosh - 10-09-2012

Every day back in America there is some outrage at what goes on here. The latest:

My 9 year old brother is best friends with the elementary school bully, a huge kid who is built like a bull. My brother gets protection and friendship from him in exchange for letting the bully play and borrow his video games. (It's kind of like my relationship with Virgle Kent. [Image: smile.gif] )

The bully started some beef with a kid in school during recess. Nothing physical, just verbal. The bully made fun of a kid in a funny way and my brother laughed alongside other classmembers. No big deal, right?

The vice-principal, some recent college grad, called both my dad and stepmom on separate days (there are so many single moms at the school that it's standard procedure). My brother's crime at being friends with the bully and laughing at his teases was unacceptable. I told my dad how absurd this is and he said, "They come down hard on bullying now. It's not like when you were in school."

If the story ended there I could live with it, but today my brother brought home a contract that the school specifically typed for him, stating that he is not allowed to engage in "pretend violence" or play and talk with his best friend (during recess). They will "review" the contract at the end of the marking period. At the end of the contract was my little brother's name written in typically horrible 9 year old handwriting.

I blew my shit. I told my dad they are trying to change him into a girl who only talks about feelings. "Boys need to play! They can't tell him who to be friends with!" I offered to talk to the vice principal, who my dad thinks is gay (no lie). "Next thing they are going to tell you to put him on ADD medication, just watch!"

I think public schools are going to make make my little brother a beta bitch, and there is nothing to stop that unless I adopt him and take him to Europe.

American public schools are beta male factories - Big Nilla - 10-09-2012

Get your dad to put him in sports, MMA, shooting a gun, etc. That will help, but ultimately it's your dad and his relationship with your brother that will determine if the schools get their way and mold your brother into the typical loser. Your dad needs to be vigilant, dedicated, and involved enough to power through kids' peer pressure and norms as well as teachers' authority. Also need to pay attention to what he eats since that alters personality and behaviors. Also need to limit things that dull his mind, like tv and video games.

My 5 year old son just started kindergarten 6 weeks ago and I've noticed changes in his behavior already. Good thing he's 1 and done with American schools. American schools basically equal child abuse these days.

American public schools are beta male factories - MikeCF - 10-09-2012


Whenever guys say, "I wish I were young again," I ask, "In this environment? Not a fucking chance."

Boys are shit on.

And what's to look forward to? A shitty economy? Fat, entitled women?

Kidnapping your brother and home schooling him is his only hope.

American public schools are beta male factories - Tex Pro - 10-09-2012

Quote: (10-09-2012 06:01 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I think public schools are going to make make my little brother a beta bitch, and there is nothing to stop that unless I adopt him and take him to Europe.

[Image: lol.gif]

Good idea.

Yeah, schools nowadays are beta-male factories. No wonder so many drop out.

American public schools are beta male factories - Vicious - 10-09-2012

Columbine and similar are to blame here. Schools are scared to death of some little bullied kid taking their dads MAc-10 to school and settling scores. What's likely happening in Roosh's brothers case is that the school are adopting a zero-tolerance policy until the overall culture has changed. I can understand both sides of the argument.

American public schools are beta male factories - Tuthmosis - 10-09-2012

This is obscene. You nailed it when you said they'll call him ADD, or something else like that, next. Just being a boy is now being treated as a pathology in the schools, as some lady said in one of the clips floating around the forum. If your dad wanted, he could get a lawyer or the media involved. It is not against the law to associate with another boy in the school, but imposing a "contract" that deliberately marginalizes this other boy--isolating him from his friends--probably is. Guilt by association is, at least not yet, not grounds for punishment.

It's no surprise so many kids talk with "gay voice" now, have sunken chests, don't know how to talk to girls, get scared when you talk about girls in remotely sexual ways around them, won't stand up for themselves, and resort to petty pleas to authority when they have a problem. They're pounded into the earth during their formative years--often by damaged woman and men, like these--while they're parents are too distracted or too incompetent to do something about it.

American public schools are beta male factories - ABDada - 10-09-2012

I've admitted many times that my reaction to *any* male school teacher is "Don't you think it's weird to have a gay man teaching young kids?"

The males I say this to aren't gay (probably), and the offense they respond with is pure hilarity.

I teacher shame all the time. Lately I've been saying "lesbian teacher" to the gals I meet who are school teachers.

It's just pure indoctination into Marxist utopia, but fuck it: I won't be sending my kids into those camps.

American public schools are beta male factories - Walderschmidt - 10-09-2012

When I have kids - there is no way I will let them go through the American educational system, as it stands today.

I would drop my U.S. citizenship if I had to.

American public schools are beta male factories - Caligula - 10-09-2012

Quote: (10-09-2012 06:36 PM)ABDada Wrote:  

I've admitted many times that my reaction to *any* male school teacher is "Don't you think it's weird to have a gay man teaching young kids?"

The males I say this to aren't gay (probably), and the offense they respond with is pure hilarity.

I teacher shame all the time. Lately I've been saying "lesbian teacher" to the gals I meet who are school teachers.

It's just pure indoctination into Marxist utopia, but fuck it: I won't be sending my kids into those camps.

It's a huge problem that those men who would be good role models for these kids don't want to be teachers. Especially in public schools. Who in their right mind would want to subject themselves to that system as a teacher?

It's badly paid, you have layers of incompetent bureaucracy to answer to and you're likely to get in trouble and lose your job for the most ridiculous infractions.

American public schools are beta male factories - cibo - 10-09-2012

School has been pussified for over 20 years.

Back in elementary school, one of my friends was getting beat up by a bully. I kicked the crap out of the bully. Afterwards, the principal (feminist woman) suspended me for 2 days and tried to get me expelled. My dad threaten to sue the school if they tried to expel me saying they couldn't protect the safety of their own students. He also told me that he was proud of what I did and that the principal was a cunt who didn't understand boys. I ended up going to a new school though since the principal had it out for me from then on.

In high school, i always felt out of place there. I wouldnt say I was a dick about authority but I wouldnt just blindly follow it either. I did see my peers were just bending over backwards to kiss the teachers ass in hopes that they can get the good grades to go a good college and then get the good job, then make a lot of money. . However, many guys just didnt give a shit either, and just smoked weed. I feel by the time people kids hit high school, they were already beta and high school just ingrained the bad habits.

And in college, they continue to build on the beta way. My college had "roommate contracts". My RA would get on my ass about not filling that shit out.

RA: You need to fill this out?
Me: why? it sounds gay.
RA: It's the rules
Me: So? My roommate is going to all the cleaning anyway since he's OCD.
RA: Yeah but is that REALLY how it is?
Me: uh, yeah

Later that day, my roommate and I had to go through the retarded process of getting a contract done. Basically he said he would do all the chores since he liked doing them while I fucked around with the inflatable pillow looking pretty smug.

This stands in complete opposition to what the universities are like in the UK where there is school sanctioned drinking and fucking around (look up fresher's week). Last day of classes I walked around campus with pints in my hand, went into the library to fuck with the students who still had tests, brought my beer into my friend's class, and professors' offices. The proffs were like "right on, let's get a pint later".

American public schools are beta male factories - Basil Ransom - 10-09-2012

If all else fails, send him a link to the forum when puberty strikes...

If your brother is friends with the bully only for his protection, maybe it's for the best - perhaps you could help him comport himself so that he can pick friends without regard to their utility as a bodyguard. If they actually like each other though, this is not relevant.


*Views homosexuality with suspicion, considering its promotion unhealthy at best
*Believes the sexes are not the same, nor should they be
*Holds American television in contempt, as a bane to society
*Treats feminists and large corporations with great disdain...

This puts him far to the right of even rank and file Republicans and 'conservatives.'

Roosh will declare himself a secular traditionalist, inside of a decade, if only because no other school of thought could house him... It may be several dozen more bangs, of sweet feminine European girls, but that's the trajectory he's on... Which is in lock step with the manosphere, anyhow.

Since Roosh is fond of reading, The Bostonians is a great start.

In California, the public schools celebrate Gay Day every year with the kids. No telling what that entails...

American public schools are beta male factories - BHirsch - 10-09-2012

I left the public school system 2 years ago going from middle school to high school. My little brother is now just entering middle school and I can even see a difference between kids in his grade and mine. They are more feminine, and complain a hell of a lot more instead of actually settling arguments. They're fans of passive aggressiveness.

My brother blames his teachers and peers for everything that goes wrong. Bad grades? Teacher isn't giving him enough attention. Just recently a kid who he doesn't like kept sitting next to him in class, poking him with a pencil all period. He decided to get my parents involved, having them write a note saying he just HAD to change seats.
It's not just the grades below me that are at fault though. I look at the guys in my grade (11) and I cant believe what I'm seeing. I see exactly what's going on, the way they speak, their posture, but if I try to tell them it's like I'm attempting to explain quantum physics.

American public schools are beta male factories - el mechanico - 10-09-2012

Reason #398 that I'm a townie. When you know all the teachers, janitors, lunch ladies and directors personally you just tell them what's up. If they argue just put more pressure from friends and family on them. My little one is only in VPK but i see my relatives exercising this shit daily.

Roosh, I think while you're here you should help handle some of this crap. I would ask him how far he wants that bullshit contract shoved up his ass and why would you give that nonsense to a little kid..

American public schools are beta male factories - Walderschmidt - 10-09-2012

On second thought, homeschooling wouldn't be a bad idea.

Roosh V home schooling anyone?

American public schools are beta male factories - Big Nilla - 10-09-2012

There's a 250ish pound 45 year old pig woman in an electric cart who is a teacher at my son's school. She's always riding around arguing with kids and parents telling them they can't do something. I've seen her 4 times out front by the busses while picking my son up and I could see her yelling and motioning at me 2 times that I can't park in a certain spot and can't drive here, blah blah blah. I didn't listen to her.

The other 2 times I saw her she was acting like a petty dictator telling other parents what to do... looked like they didn't listen to her too. She also tried telling me wife what to do when dropping off my son... unnecessary bossing around. These are the types of people who are teachers these days. Mad, bossy types who think they're doing the world a favor telling the rest of us what to do... then they get all mad when nobody listens to them. I feel sorry for the kids that are in her class.

Quote: (10-09-2012 07:22 PM)cibo Wrote:  

Back in elementary school, one of my friends was getting beat up by a bully. I kicked the crap out of the bully. Afterwards, the principal (feminist woman) suspended me for 2 days and tried to get me expelled.

Yeah, I tell my 5 year old son that if anyone picks on him, hit him. We practice punching a few times a week. I'd do it daily, but I need to balance out him beating other kids' asses and also not trying that stuff out on my 3 year old son. I don't care if he gets kicked out of school for a fight. I wanted him home-schooled anyway. But I'll be out of the USA before he hits first grade. He can already do 11 pullups. He's beastly athletic, just need to work on his shyness.

American public schools are beta male factories - Basil Ransom - 10-09-2012

Quote: (10-09-2012 07:56 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

On second thought, homeschooling wouldn't be a bad idea.

Roosh V home schooling anyone?

I've always thought that if I have kids, I'll have them home-schooled by my (common-law?) wife. The benefits are huge:

*Diminished need for a second car
*No need to live in expensive areas or distant suburbs with 'good schools'
*Your kids don't get brainwashed, and can learn at a much quicker, personalized pace
*No illiterate nannies raising your kids
*Hell, your wife could teach herself in the process and become more interesting.
*When the child is playing or otherwise occupied, the wife is free to make the home welcoming and beautiful.

What are the downsides? That she doesn't get to figuratively suck another man's dick eight hours a day, aka be a career woman? That said, good luck finding an American woman who finds this an appealing prospect.

American public schools are beta male factories - Merenguero - 10-09-2012

I have what I believe is a good example of how American schools have drastically changed for the worse and become beta male factories. One day, when I was a senior in high school at the Jersey Shore, I was walking from one class to the school gym. There was a hallway which connected the school gym to the main school building. I saw two guys who were sophomores exiting the school gym. One of these guys was about the size I am now, maybe a little stronger than I am now, but probably not nearly as trained as I am. The other guy was well over 200 pounds, not an athlete, but probably one of the top three strongest guys in the school. For some reason, nobody else was around besides these two guys and me. For some reason, these two guys just started fighting each other. I knew right away that the smaller guy was in big trouble. This fight lasted all of a minute and a half. The bigger guy started repeatedly pounding on him until he basically got bored. He could have killed him. I mean that literally. A pool of blood, an ambulance, time in the hospital, stitches, the whole nine yards. Now, did the guy who administered the beat down get arrested or charged with anything? No way. This was 1995. Did he get expelled? Not a chance. He received a very short suspension and that was pretty much it. Can you imagine what would happen to him if he did that in an American school today? In my opinion, he would be arrested, charged not only with a misdemeanor, but also a felony (in my jurisdiction, intent to cause serious bodily harm constitutes a felony), he would be expelled of course, and would most likely end up in a juvenile detention center. I have dealt with the school system in recent years in the county in which I believe that Roosh's brother attends school and they will expel students for the most petty offenses. What a difference seventeen years can make.

American public schools are beta male factories - Timoteo - 10-09-2012

I think you teach kids not to start trouble, but if it finds you, end shit quickly. Don't let any kid bully you. If it means taking a suspension, fine. I'd rather have him home for a couple of days than for him to be one of those kids that becomes too afraid to go to school.

American public schools are beta male factories - Big Nilla - 10-09-2012

Quote: (10-09-2012 08:05 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2012 07:56 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

On second thought, homeschooling wouldn't be a bad idea.

Roosh V home schooling anyone?

I've always thought that if I have kids, I'll have them home-schooled by my (common-law?) wife. The benefits are huge:

*Diminished need for a second car
*No need to live in expensive areas or distant suburbs with 'good schools'
*Your kids don't get brainwashed, and can learn at a much quicker, personalized pace
*No illiterate nannies raising your kids
*Hell, your wife could teach herself in the process and become more interesting.
*When the child is playing or otherwise occupied, the wife is free to make the home welcoming and beautiful.

What are the downsides? That she doesn't get to figuratively suck another man's dick eight hours a day, aka be a career woman? That said, good luck finding an American woman who finds this an appealing prospect.

Yeah, good luck with that. You'll have to look a long time to find a good looking woman who will do that, even a non-American. I had my Colombian wife home-school my son up until he started kindergarten. We had him tested to skip kindergarten and he placed higher than 90% of 1st graders in reading and higher than 50% of 1st graders in math and they still didn't move him up to 1st grade (I only mention that to tell you that we primarily used for teaching him math and reading for 8 months before kindergarten... worth every penny... remember that for your future kids).

Wife wouldn't go along with more home-schooling. So put him in kindergarten this year hoping it won't do too much damage to him. Then we'll get out of the USA before the next school year and he'll either use or get a private tutor (or both). This will cut his school time to no more than 3 hours a day with the flexibility of when he is studying and learning. Frees him (and my other son when he's old enough) up all day for me to train them in baseball, mma, and weightlifting.

American public schools are beta male factories - WesternCancer - 10-09-2012

I like your idea of a shorter school day. When I was in school I was in as many honours/AP classes as I could. If I was ever in a 'normal' class teachers would have to move me around or just get mad at me for being so disruptive. If I was able to drop useless electives and do schoolwork at my own pace I would have been out of highschool by 15 or 16. That would have left me so much free time to actually do stuff, but I had to sit there all day being bored, killing my motivation to go to school or do anything else.

American public schools are beta male factories - Walderschmidt - 10-09-2012

Quote: (10-09-2012 08:24 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2012 08:05 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2012 07:56 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

On second thought, homeschooling wouldn't be a bad idea.

Roosh V home schooling anyone?

I've always thought that if I have kids, I'll have them home-schooled by my (common-law?) wife. The benefits are huge:

*Diminished need for a second car
*No need to live in expensive areas or distant suburbs with 'good schools'
*Your kids don't get brainwashed, and can learn at a much quicker, personalized pace
*No illiterate nannies raising your kids
*Hell, your wife could teach herself in the process and become more interesting.
*When the child is playing or otherwise occupied, the wife is free to make the home welcoming and beautiful.

What are the downsides? That she doesn't get to figuratively suck another man's dick eight hours a day, aka be a career woman? That said, good luck finding an American woman who finds this an appealing prospect.

Yeah, good luck with that. You'll have to look a long time to find a good looking woman who will do that, even a non-American. I had my Colombian wife home-school my son up until he started kindergarten. We had him tested to skip kindergarten and he placed higher than 90% of 1st graders in reading and higher than 50% of 1st graders in math and they still didn't move him up to 1st grade (I only mention that to tell you that we primarily used for teaching him math and reading for 8 months before kindergarten... worth every penny... remember that for your future kids).

Wife wouldn't go along with more home-schooling. So put him in kindergarten this year hoping it won't do too much damage to him. Then we'll get out of the USA before the next school year and he'll either use or get a private tutor (or both). This will cut his school time to no more than 3 hours a day with the flexibility of when he is studying and learning. Frees him (and my other son when he's old enough) up all day for me to train them in baseball, mma, and weightlifting.

There was a thread about setting up a game university.

Why not set up a game homeschool instead?

American public schools are beta male factories - Basil Ransom - 10-09-2012

Quote: (10-09-2012 08:24 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2012 08:05 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2012 07:56 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

On second thought, homeschooling wouldn't be a bad idea.

Roosh V home schooling anyone?

I've always thought that if I have kids, I'll have them home-schooled by my (common-law?) wife. The benefits are huge:

*Diminished need for a second car
*No need to live in expensive areas or distant suburbs with 'good schools'
*Your kids don't get brainwashed, and can learn at a much quicker, personalized pace
*No illiterate nannies raising your kids
*Hell, your wife could teach herself in the process and become more interesting.
*When the child is playing or otherwise occupied, the wife is free to make the home welcoming and beautiful.

What are the downsides? That she doesn't get to figuratively suck another man's dick eight hours a day, aka be a career woman? That said, good luck finding an American woman who finds this an appealing prospect.

Yeah, good luck with that. You'll have to look a long time to find a good looking woman who will do that, even a non-American. I had my Colombian wife home-school my son up until he started kindergarten. We had him tested to skip kindergarten and he placed higher than 90% of 1st graders in reading and higher than 50% of 1st graders in math and they still didn't move him up to 1st grade (I only mention that to tell you that we primarily used for teaching him math and reading for 8 months before kindergarten... worth every penny... remember that for your future kids).

Wife wouldn't go along with more home-schooling. So put him in kindergarten this year hoping it won't do too much damage to him. Then we'll get out of the USA before the next school year and he'll either use or get a private tutor (or both). This will cut his school time to no more than 3 hours a day with the flexibility of when he is studying and learning. Frees him (and my other son when he's old enough) up all day for me to train them in baseball, mma, and weightlifting.

It's funny, it reminds me of something I've noticed about American women - you can pay them shitty wages and they'll still do almost anything. And that's commendable, in a sense. But tell her to do it in the context of a relationship, and she'll scream, "What do you think I am, your slave?" The only exception to this is dirty sexual favors. They'll be more bothered making you an egg than licking your asshole.

Get a student to tutor your kid for $15 an hour? Not really a problem. Have your wife do the same thing? "Who the fuck do you think I am?" It could even be the same woman! Same goes for cleaning, cooking and any other domestic duty.

I once worked with this guy. Told me that he married the woman who cut his hair. And that she hadn't given him a haircut since the day they got married.

I recall there was an explanation of Roosh's experiences in Latvia, of how the women there had shifted sex from the 'gift economy' to the 'market' economy. Here's a good blog post on it:


it’s very inefficient to price everything, and to continually think of pricing. It’s better for individuals and the economy as a whole if people trust each other and create value for each other without (always) charging for it.

And that sounds a lot like the explanation as to why marriages where the chores are shared are more prone to divorce.

American public schools are beta male factories - TheBulldozer - 10-09-2012

I've got a lot to say about this.

I just wonder if I should post it in a public forum.

It's quite simple, a child in a public school is a product of the educators in the building. The overwhelming majority of educators come from a "everybody wins" background, it's often times endemic to the profession.

I wish there were more competent educators who could push forward alpha traits to children. This is in no way, shape, or form to be misconstrued with giving direct pointers to minors on how to hit on girls, etc.

This is an issue I'm very passionate about and I take forward everyday into my lesson planning, teaching and interacting with my students. However, in the pussified paranoia of America I'd rather not delve beyond that publicly, for even the slightest fear of putting a job that I truly love, am passionate about, and provides me an opportunity to travel extensively every summer, in danger.

American public schools are beta male factories - scotian - 10-09-2012

I hope they don't put him on ADD medication, I'm probably not the only guy on this forum who was in elementary/junior high in the early to mid 90's when teachers and principals acted like psychiatrists and pressured parents to put their kids on that shit.

American public schools are beta male factories - Walderschmidt - 10-09-2012

Quote: (10-09-2012 08:57 PM)MaleDefined Wrote:  

I've got a lot to say about this.

I just wonder if I should post it in a public forum.

It's quite simple, a child in a public school is a product of the educators in the building. The overwhelming majority of educators come from a "everybody wins" background, it's often times endemic to the profession.

I wish there were more competent educators who could push forward alpha traits to children. This is in no way, shape, or form to be misconstrued with giving direct pointers to minors on how to hit on girls, etc.

This is an issue I'm very passionate about and I take forward everyday into my lesson planning, teaching and interacting with my students. However, in the pussified paranoia of America I'd rather not delve beyond that publicly, for even the slightest fear of putting a job that I truly love, am passionate about, and provides me an opportunity to travel extensively every summer, in danger.

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts in PM if you don't want to take an unnecessary risk and post it here.