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What Women Resent - alphaspiraton - 10-07-2012

This was slightly inspired by some recent threads I've been seeing on this forum, and on the news in general. Women want you to do things, and when you do them, they resent you for it. It drives less experienced men crazy and throws them in the friend zone (my past self is a victim).

Pretty much fits into the truths that we know about women, which other men in society probably don't. There is a lesson in all of this to the male population outside of the forum: GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS AND THINK FOR YOURSELF.

I'll post a few, feel free to share your own:

They want you to put a ring on it, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to bring them mcdonalds at 3am, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want to change you, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to treat them like a princess, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to watch Glee with them, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to help around the house, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to wear pink heels and feel their rape pain, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to stop when they say no, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to provide a shoulder to cry on, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

They want you to be more like the men in their romance movies, and when you do, they'll resent you for it.

What Women Resent - rationalize_this - 10-07-2012

They want you to fuck them, and when you do, they'll resent you for it. [Image: womanhamster.gif]

What Women Resent - Veloce - 10-07-2012

I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. Women are illogical, irrational, and entirely emotional beings. Everyone on the boards should know this. We can break down their inherent flaws for days on end and after all of it we'll all probably resent THEM more.

Behind all of the resentments, I'd say there is one trait that women resent the most. I've said it before on the boards, what a man's greatest asset is. Incidentally, a man's greatest asset is also what women resent most about men: freedom.

In patriarchal societies, men have more freedom. I'd say the main goal of feminism is to give women more freedom, which has now been driven to the point of special privileges. Despite all of the political and social freedoms women were granted, there was still one that women weren't able to tackle: that a man has the freedom to choose his partner. Women have always and always WILL resent the fact that they have to make themselves presentable as a suitable mate. They see us as these freewheeling boys who get to drive fast cars and smoke cigars that don't have to put any effort into being a desirable mate. Of course, this is false. 5 minutes on the RVF boards will reveal we're actually quite a self-absorbed lot, all of us highly invested in making ourselves the best men possible. You'd think women would encourage this behavior.

But women don't see this. They see us as Peter Pan. They resent us for becoming Great Men. They cultivated this illusion that men have been granted special privileges that they should be entitled to as well, which resulted in a major drop-off in how women present themselves. Enter the skrillex haircut and flipflops. And as we all know, the real assholes to blame here are ourselves. Somewhere out there is a hardcore beta who will not choose the skrillex haircut, flipflop wearing feminist cunt, he will allow himself to be chosen BY HER to be part of her polyamorous circle and not only subject himself to her mistreatment, but VALIDATE her actions and set in motion an ugly chain reaction of undesirable female behavior.

In the midst of this power struggle, not only did women accomplish in attaining more freedom, they accomplished in manipulating our social setting to REMOVE freedom from men. Women will always despise our freedom and use whatever manipulative means they have to further limit the Western man's freedom and take away his greatest asset.

Without our freedom we're nothing. Your money, belongings, your job, relationships, these things are all subject to outside influences and aren't truly "yours". If someone fucks with your freedom, you're well on your way to slavery.

I know I kinda went off here, but hey, one thing led to another. [Image: banana.gif]

What Women Resent - Tuthmosis - 10-07-2012

^[Image: potd.gif]

What Women Resent - SpiderKing - 10-07-2012

Quote: (10-07-2012 10:23 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

I know I kinda went off here, but hey, one thing led to another. [Image: banana.gif]


Spot on break down.

What Women Resent - iknowexactly - 10-08-2012

I can't remember who said this, might have been a woman, "Women hate men who try to seduce them, and have contempt for men that don't try to seduce them." Pick one, haha.

What Women Resent - storm - 10-08-2012

Quote: (10-07-2012 10:23 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

In the midst of this power struggle, not only did women accomplish in attaining more freedom, they accomplished in manipulating our social setting to REMOVE freedom from men. Women will always despise our freedom and use whatever manipulative means they have to further limit the Western man's freedom and take away his greatest asset.

Women have done nothing by force. Men voted for their suffrage, a male congress passed modern marriage laws, a male SCOTUS set precedents for ugly divorce.

Every measure attributed to modern feminism is, at its roots, supported by many more men than women.

This idea that women are out to get men is ridiculous. The truth about the free man... everyone else is out to get him. People will always want others to adopt the lifestyle they have: they've invested in it, it's their idea of a functioning society and disagreeing with this attacks their ego explicitly. Krauser advertises his lifestyle, Roosh his, the married-game movement people theirs, beta males theirs, etc.

You think men are opposed to what feminists are doing? You don't know shit about men. When men are opposed to something they will get murdered before they let it happen - and it's not hard to get a man into that state of mind. We are proud far past the point of failure. You think feminists are the ones pushing for special privilege? Think again. It's the men. It's always the men. Pretty lies and ego investment.

A much deadlier foe.

What Women Resent - KorbenDallas - 10-10-2012

Women resent weakness.

What Women Resent - Samseau - 10-22-2012

Deep down inside, women resent freedom.

What Women Resent - tenderman100 - 10-24-2012

I actually feel sympathy for women. Seriously. Think about it.

They are blown-to-and-fro by emotions they can't control, let alone understand. They are wired to imagine a dreamland of exciting monogamous passion, but the reality of a flawed man inevitably crushes that dream. They know deep down that looks matter, and that looks will fade. The hot ones think that the only reason you want them is because of their looks, and the ugly ones are horrified that the only men who will want them are losers. They want the physical pleasure of sex, but are appalled at the thought that sex can be independent of emotional connection. They feel good when they get together with their girlfriends to talk about stupid shit -- and then realize that they have wasted a lot of time talking about stupid shit with their girlfriends (the smart ones do, anyway).

And add to all this, the crazy feminist imperatives they think they have to follow to be a truly modern, liberated woman.

Is it any wonder women in the end are resentful creatures? It's the inevitable by product of being a woman. It's all quite pitiable.

This is why everytime I fuck a woman, I say to myself -- "Sweetheart, you are my world right now. I am going to give you the fucking ride of you life. At this moment, you are going to feel the thrilling combination of devotion, power, and giving that you deserve. You are going to be totally alive as a woman."

And that's why the come back for more. It's not about the sex only. It's about what the sex means.