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The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Safado - 07-31-2012

A lot of dudes on this forum have their eyes on Brazil and are studying Portuguese. What better way to study Portuguese than by reading about a topic you already read about in English?

I've stumbled upon a few blogs in the Brazilian Manosphere and I want to share them here for the benefit of all. If you have others please share them here as well.

Canal do Bufalo - This site caught my eye because it was the first time I had read about the rationalization hamster in Portuguese.

here is a facebook page titled "Female Logic" that shares rationalization hamster memes in Portuguese

Manual da Cafajeste Cafajeste means player. This site is run by a dude who gives red pill advice to women.

Reflexões Masculinas - This site shut down a few months ago after 4 months but the archives are still up. They used to write quality articles and were one of the big players in the Brasilian manosphere.

Central Buffalo - I just stumbled upon this one. Looks like they have an active forum that talks about manosphere stuff.

This one is more of an introductory game blog

Nessahan Alita has written several books about women and game for those brave souls who want to read something longer.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to add any more links if you have them.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - speakeasy - 07-31-2012

This is disturbing. 3 years ago when I was hanging down there with El Guapo(ex-RVF member) he was explaining how you don't need game down there. If game is now needed in Brasil, that means you guys must be rapidly Westernizing.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - mistermister - 07-31-2012

is the party over ? i'm planning a trip down there in october for two weeks.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - YoungGunner - 07-31-2012

My portuguese is still rusty, but are they as in-depth as their american counterparts?

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Luvianka - 08-11-2012

No, not you, Brazil... Not those beautiful mulattoe teenagers...

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Ramon Zarate - 08-12-2012

Quote: (07-31-2012 07:08 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

This is disturbing. 3 years ago when I was hanging down there with El Guapo(ex-RVF member) he was explaining how you don't need game down there. If game is now needed in Brasil, that means you guys must be rapidly Westernizing.

It's a worry when a country has a manosphere - it means something's not right over there. We've known for a while that feminism is making inroads into Brazilian culture so this makes sense.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Samseau - 08-12-2012

I'm going to quote some of these blogs in its entirety because these sites go down all the time. A year from now it might not be here.

From here:


There's nothing more depressing to know that a person will work for 40 to 50 years of his life. Nothing more horrible to know that the things you enjoy doing and you buy have been removed.

And this is the daily life of middle-class married man. Most individuals suffering groups is therefore free from all less. This is the picture that I will make here (and you know it's true) and you must decide if this is shitty life you want for you:

- Have the wedding party man is the accomplice. What shines less and spend more. It is dedicated to the bride in marriage and man has learned that a mere piece of decoration in this new life. Are 30,000 to 150,000 actual spending at the party. The poor guy thinks middle class and drowns in his head how many video games, women, beer and trips to the red street in Amsterdam could do.

- After marrying the poor man can enjoy as much as the amount of sex you get. But there are many things to furnish. It's kitchen, bedroom, bed, closet, provision of the property. Our hero barely realize that all this spending will go to swamp divorce. All your money, all the fight and effort you made to train and fight in the study and employment in a stroke of the pen of his wife going down the tubes. 250,000 are real expense provision and furniture that will disappear along. All to please your princess.

- But when you give it 3-5 years of marriage and children come to our friend realizes what it got. Sex vanishes. The nights of no sleep. The pressure not to lose your job and earn more increases. Spending suffer an earthquake as a child costs from 1000 to 2500 rupees more per month in the household budget. The child gets sick and vomits. It leaves more money to come out in cool places or buy video games, appliances.

[Image: attachment.jpg7178]   


- His wife begins to get increasingly ugly. She no longer has the sparkle in her eyes, beautiful skin, hair tidy. Pop up cellulite, hairy crotches are, constant bad mood, charges, regret that you did not earn more and be like that friend's husband who gives all good for her. Sex, joy and the main driving force of the man disappears. You do not believe that the woman you kept thinking all day looking like a jerk became this monster. You're stuck.

- Every day our friend does the same script: Wake up, take children to school with that confusion and annoyance to fix them. His son screams and enxe bag. Labor. In it you will suffer all day and shit in your pants to lose it because it will mean the end of his marriage and the loss of brats. Upon arriving home tired and sad after 12 hours of work, you find his wife with that annoying jumble of children. "Husband, Louie made a note in school, he's in trouble," says his wife expecting their attitude. Screams and cries. His children fight among themselves. Still have to talk to them and do homework. Speaking and endure the boring speeches and accounts of his unattractive wife who speaks only in the children boring. You sit on the couch and watch national newspaper. You eat an unhealthy food.

In fact as long as you do not knit? His hair began to fall, you're going gray. Her belly grows, your muscles wither. That force of male pride and joy and cheerfulness leave room for a sack of potatoes whose mission is to support children boring and ungrateful.

No spare cash for you. Everything is to support the house. Difficult to make plans. Traveling? The trip is hell because 70% of the time is taken care of the children of hell not to fall into the water from the beach / pool, holding the screaming and boring at lunch, concerns, there is no room for romance or make programs that involve you man likes (adventure, bars). It's all boring program focused on family spending wife / children.

[Image: attachment.jpg7179]   


Pass over 10 years. You already have 35/40 years. You do not have no money saved. You pinned it where you live and your car. His children continue giving work. His wife no longer has the beauty and sexual vigor before it disappeared. As long as you do not remember what it feels like hunting or drinking kisses a woman and fun? How long you do not buy something fancy for you? How many trips, women, adventure, freedom, purchases you did not do to sustain these ingrates?

You are a workhorse. You spent 600,000 between actual apartment, car, children and marriage. And this money was zero with you. You're just a family uninteresting, boring, stuck to live another 30 years of his life until he retired not enjoying anything, just living a ridiculous routine, with one trip per year.

Think about the life you want to lead. You want to be a married middle-class piece of shit stuck forever or a millionaire youthful, athletic realizing all his dreams as a child?

You were not born to be another one. You were born to be rich and free.

Best regards!

Another post:


Father's Day is a special day for many families. The father is largely responsible for the provision of financial resources for the overwhelming majority of families in the world, sweating and suffering in hell every day of the studies and work to give money to their children bastards, while there is nothing left for him.

Observing the family of most poories you can see the sadness of the children fans pauper way of life because they were not born in the cradle a more privileged. It is distressing to know that his father is not rich playboys unlike the lucky ones who get along day to day with beautiful women and has no concern in life while you're on a tightrope every day.

The truth is that our parents and ancestors were incompetent to be smart to gather money. This is not love and like the father, things that poories love very much. It is to understand the roots of why exactly your genetic line and ancestors is so fucked up enough to not create wealth for the descendants.

To explain this it suffices to consider his family. When analyzing the cause of my because I am a poor piece of shit is because my father and grandfather were stupid to have a very high number of children and are always in shitty jobs that are always the worst labor market well clear not to join money, not having an entrepreneurial spirit and not invest.

With many children left little money to invest in new business or thinking. Now our parents lived in a golden phase of Brazil, with ease to open businesses, plentiful jobs in public service, everything was a hooker investment overnight. But they were idiots, and destroyed our chances of living a playboy lifestyle.

To make matters worse we live in one of our generation phase in which the women do what men want and choose only rich style Eike unlike their day job and that you could be cool. We need a lot of money to get women and get married, they were ugly and poor but always had someone to get married while we are ruined and doomed to loneliness and poverty.

Poories We have a responsibility that if we want to have children does not make them spend what we spend. If our parents were idiots and useless to create wealth we have to put a stop to this and provide our children with a company, a good network or enough money so they can pick up many women and have a patrimony to take good family bloodline.

Unfortunately the days of parents, despite the love we feel for the father figure is like that we could have a quiet life if they had had more vision, instead of being poor middle-class men stuck in a routine pathetic life forever .

Well, what fault they have never been taught different. Nor do they teach about money with us.

As parents every day here at home, let's put crumbs of money to give a gift to my dad, eat a ridiculous sanduba paid to him for us and let us observe the sad look of knowing that my father has 4 children that he is not useless is to leverage our life beyond the subsistence level and perhaps higher education, we try to pierce the bubble ourselves poverty class C, things that nossoa ancestors never did.

Text cynical and ungrateful? I do not know. I love my father. But I know the humiliation of seeing him everyday and my poverty and our ancestors through stupid mistakes.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Roosh - 08-12-2012

Brazilian government is basically using the United States for their model of society. So the cultural effects like feminism and it's countermovement like the manosphere should naturally occur.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Icarus - 08-12-2012

Quote: (08-12-2012 08:58 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Brazilian government is basically using the United States for their model of society.

Unfortunately, Brazil is using the U.S. of 2012 as its model, instead of the U.S. of 1912, which will lead to decadence and eventual implosion.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Safado - 08-14-2012

Here is the facebook page for the Brazilian Slut Walk

Check out the video

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Safado - 08-14-2012

Take a look at this post on that fan page I posted:

They posted a picture of a naked man-woman and are bitching because facebook took it down. The comment underneath it is hilarious:

“Eu acho os meus seios bonitos, eles combinam comigo. O que me incomoda é ter de cobri-los sempre. Na piscina tenho que usar sutiã. Estou na rua, tenho que botar blusa. No palco, tenho que botar uma coisa que cubra. Eu queria, já que são bonitos, que pudessem ficar soltos, livres. Assim fica parecendo uma nódoa que tenho sempre que ficar escondendo”

"I think my breasts are pretty, they look good on me. What bothers me is that I always have to cover them up. In the pool I have to use a bra. In the street I have to put on a blouse. On stage I have to put on something that covers them. Because they are so beautiful, I wanted them to be set loose, to be free. Now I feel tainted like I always have to be hiding."

The hamster is strong with this one.

The Brazilian Manosphere - List of Blogs - Mrs. Chocolate - 08-15-2012

There were always game here. Cafajeste is not a slang like player.