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Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-10-2012


Another man was thrown in jail recently by a vindictive ex and a sympathetic judge seeking outrageous and unrealistic financial settlements. I won’t give you your full dose of outrage; there is plenty of outrage porn available on and other men’s rights blogs. The stories are endless.

Many people naturally respect authority. It’s been argued that this predisposition to respect and obey social norms and authority is heritable and genetic.

For such people it is especially galling when the norms of society and the legal authorities are unjust.

For those with a strong innate predisposition for social cohesion, living outside of the laws that others would impose upon them would require a criminal mindset that would shatter their self image.

But I advocate forever and always living outside of social rules. Living as a permanent outcast. Not just in theory, but in practice and in the small details. Keep your name and finances and as much of your business accounts as possible anonymous. Structure it such that you are invisible and untraceable.

Your business card should have your pseudonym, and that photocopy of your passport that you leave lying around should be shopped. Your live-in girlfriend should not know your name, nor should your employees, nor should your banks, nor should your neighbours. But your name is only the beginning of it. Anonymity is about freedom of choice, and ultimately freedom of mobility. You need income streams safe from “the system”. That portable income stream that is outside the system may just be your ability to wait tables, or you may have put in more effort and it may be that you can earn money playing a wicked sax wherever you go, or you may be earning book writing royalties to an offshore trust fund, or you might have several angel investments depositing your earnings in the form of gold into numbered accounts, or you may earn your income online and use esoteric financial knowledge to keep that money outside of the reach of any government jurisdiction. Your portable income stream might be your English teaching diploma and a passport. Whatever your plan, hone it, and work it. This is a leg that you need to walk on.

Women will, sooner or later, try to pin you down and snatch your money under threat of jail. I’ve been in a police car under the threat of years in prison unless I capitulated to some girls ownership claims. I’ve faced extortion, suicide threats and threats to my body by women demanding commitment and fidelity. It is not some remote possibility that women will try to burn you. Women are a proximate threat, and men who refuse to play by their rules must protect themselves.

You can’t live within social rules AND be a bachelor.

And you can’t live within social rules AND be protected from unjust and punitive divorce laws.

Make your own rules. Structure your life such that you create that justice for yourself. Never delegate that responsibility. If you do, you will get what you deserve. You wil get conned like a gullible patsy, playing your role dutifully as a drone for someone else’s cause.

I can feel sympathy when people are surprised that the machine that they are a cog for has no care for them, and that their allegiance and duty was misplaced. But for how long can you maintain sympathy after people are already aware of the matrix?

You can’t be outside of the matrix and at the same time complain about how the matrix works. Those rules of the matrix no longer apply to us. If we get caught up by those rules, WE are to blame. Not the matrix.

We already know not to put our arm in the wood-chipper. We already know the safety procedures to follow when operating a wood-chipper.

You can not date or marry without being financially anonymous, or at the least internationally mobile.

“Ooops, I’m up to my shoulder in the wood chipper.” Ya, that’s what happens when you play by the rules.

I have video cameras set to permanent record all throughout my apartment. I have some contacts who have relatives who are police. I can leave the gym all sweaty and have on my person everything I need to set myself up in another city, with no interruption in income.

When you can just walk away, free and clear, at any time, women have less power to extort “proper” behaviour from you. Eleven. Eleven pregnancies so far. Many times the girls were adamant that they were going to keep it. But because I am outside the system, when they realized I wasn’t bluffing about just leaving them if they chose to keep it, they took their herbs or visited the clinic.

We hear the girls talk they would “never” abort because of ethical reasons, or out of love for the unborn child. But when you see their actions it’s clear that it was always about support. The baby is the cage and you are the golden goose. The truth is not pretty, so many prefer not to see it.

I’ve faced off against three fat bull dyke sisters of my now dead ex-mate. They were refusing to hand over the bank cards of hers that held my money. They had the power to cause a big ruckus for me, but I was able to hold my ground, because I knew that I could simply abandon my apartment and everything in it and walk away a free man to setup some place else. Women know how to cause trouble, and they will, but they also can assess how vulnerable you are.

Almost two years ago a girl I was living with had a psychotic break brought on by me refusing to stop seeing my 2nd girlfriend, and then her manipulation tactics such as suicide threats or threats against me failing. I wound up moving to a hotel for a bit, and claiming I was out of town. She was prepared to see me rot in jail, and was close to filing a false police statement. What gave me confidence to stand up to her was my portable income and all the preparations I’ve made to remain anonymous. She didn’t even know my real name, after four months of living together.

A lot of people are all about this idea that we carry around on our naked bodies all the preparation we will ever need, and it’s called “confidence”. I call bullshit. Preparation is about a hell of a lot more than that. And confidence comes from a hell of a lot more than spontaneous wit. It comes from knowing that all your files are available to you in an encrypted file that you have uploaded to an anonymous email account. It comes from access to several stores of cash, and allies to deliver it.

They say a good suit is like a suit of armor. It gives the man confidence because it protects him. Real protection also gives a man confidence. If the girl can’t get leverage over you if she gets pissed off, then you are a free man.

Otherwise, you are likely to wind up her sacrificial pawn in her game of life.

I’m not writing about the dangers of smoking. Women aren’t like cancer, that only ever happens to someone else. Sooner or later some woman is going to try to burn you, and if you date a lot that will happen a lot. Acting as if such a thing is bad luck or an accident is living life to fail.

To deal with women advantageously is to be protected from all the traps they and their society lay down for you.

So what do you think? Can a man live inside the system and still be protected?

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - Thomas the Rhymer - 07-10-2012

Any chance of a 'live outside the system' datasheet?

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-10-2012

Quote: (07-10-2012 11:29 AM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Any chance of a 'live outside the system' datasheet?

That's kind of like asking for a datasheet on how to be an entrepreneur. Anyone with specific advice to give will be wary to let his hard won esoteric knowledge become mainstream, lest it then become overused and lose value.

The general principles can be discussed, but the nitty gritty details are going to be different depending on the persons situation and some of the arrangements may have to be learned by personal research.

But I'd be happy to help someone think out loud about how to apply principles of anonymity to their personal situation.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - Kitsune - 07-10-2012

Solid post and something I've been thinking about for a long while.
Now I'm starting to earn some money worth stealing, I'll have to act on it.

So that is my question I guess; I know you don't want to go into specifics, but what advice would you give a reasonably young, unattached guy with a reasonable income (self employed, mobile) who wants to plan for most contingencies in the future?

I think that'd help a lot of guys here.

BTW, do you use the PM function, xsplat? I've got a few other questions to ask that aren't related to this topic.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-10-2012

"but what advice would you give a reasonably young, unattached guy with a reasonable income (self employed, mobile) who wants to plan for most contingencies in the future?"

Depends what sticking points the person is having.

1) Not knowing what to do for anonymous portable income
2) Not knowing what place or places to live
3) Needing info on travel documents and other id
4) Need info on private communications and package delivery
5) Need info on running business invisibly
6) Need help with receiving payments
7) Help with storing money in banks
8) Help with nameless investments you hold control over

and so forth.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - mistermister - 07-10-2012

xsplat...this is a great post.

is there something to be said about being pre-emptive never living with a woman. protecting your self from false rape etc. ?

my business interests are commercial real estate/ business bank accounts / etc. you can't build those without using your real name and providing identification documentation, credit checks, etc.

i'm in my late 20s. unattached. looking for information on storing money in banks abroad and controlling investments with anonymity ? any specifics ?

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - defguy - 07-10-2012

I agree with Mistermister. In this day and age part of making a lot of money has to do with personal branding. Whether your years experience in your field or through an online business. People are the brands. It gets easier to be anonymous and use fake names when you are 100% self employed however most people have an employer.

Part of being able to uproot is not being tied down with too many posessions. A car, house/mortgage, apartment lease come to mind. Things most people will not give up. Bank accounts and credit cards, I use my cc to pay for everything and dont believe in carrying cash, my wallet is big enough as it is without having to carry several hundred dollars.

Part of your brand identity can HELP you get girls, especially professions like doctor, lawyer, executive.

I do idenitify with you Xplat as your views are much like mine, its a hard challenge to deny the consumerism lifestyle and things that tie you down to debt and just one place. I keep telling myself "I need to do X, Y, and Z before I can fund my own business and give up my consumerism lifestyle." Maybe Im already caught in the machine and dont realize it...

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - Menace - 07-10-2012

Does anyone have a criminal defense attorney on retainer? I know this is not what you were thinking xsplat, but not everyone is able (or willing) to have the lifestyle you have. See one thing all of the girls that xsplat mentioned have is the element of surprise, but in many cases their initial attack sounds like its inch deep. Sure they can file a police report, but are they prepared and do they have the resources to fight a legal death match? I appreciate that you're not in the U.S., and so the "law" is even more flexible than it is here. However, powerful people in the U.S. get away with all kinds of shit, and part of the reason is that they have experienced (and expensive) attorneys that know just what to do.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-10-2012

Quote: (07-10-2012 03:04 PM)mistermister Wrote:  

xsplat...this is a great post.

is there something to be said about being pre-emptive never living with a woman. protecting your self from false rape etc. ?

my business interests are commercial real estate/ business bank accounts / etc. you can't build those without using your real name and providing identification documentation, credit checks, etc.

i'm in my late 20s. unattached. looking for information on storing money in banks abroad and controlling investments with anonymity ? any specifics ?

For storing money in offshore banks, the laws change often, so you have to keep up to date on what jurisdictions are still highly anonymous. But before looking into that question, you need to know what it is your trying to do, in a broader sense. Are you trying to store value anonymously? Or do you require banking and related services such as a brokerage account?

If it is just stored value that is your need, you can consider caches of gold. A gps co-ordinate can be as good as a bank vault code.

Stored value can take the form of local investments, such as purchasing a motorcycle (in cash) and then leasing it to a local motorcycle rental agency (for cash or check to your offshore business account). Or purchasing an old car with cash and paying for it's restoration. Or buy a boat or airplane and rent or lease it, or export it for resale. Many assets can be handled, stored, improved upon, and resold for cash or business check.

Domain names can be a store of value, but that gets speculative and you'd want to partner with someone already successful in that business.

I'm reminded of a rumor I heard about a popular import store in Colorado. I was told that one of the owners is a silent partner, and that he set the whole thing up with drug money. He used the place to launder his income. There are many businesses that can take an infusion of cash in return for shares, where the full cash amount doesn't have to go onto the books. If you can't find them it's possible to start them. I suppose a pawn shop business would take a lot of start up capitol and work in cash and storable assets.

As real estate is your business, you might consider offshore real estate as your value store. Brazil farm land is a good deal right now. It is paid for in cash - or to be more precise in bags of soy beans. Land can be owned through your offshore corporation or trust, making it difficult for your government to discover it or put a lien on it.

For offshore banking, you can setup a personal or a business account. You can have a broker setup a corporation for you from $400 to $1200 or so, depending on the jurisdiction and their profit margin. This gives you more anonymity and allows you to accept checks, money orders, and international post office checks (not the domestic ones) in your business name, which can then be couriered to your offshore bank.

Beware that banks sometimes go bust or change their policies. I've seen a few well known high volume banks offering anonymous services lock their customers out from access to their accounts. Some offshore banks in the Caribbean offer absolutely terrible customer service, taking weeks or even months to send a wire transfer, and that requiring many faxes and phone calls to complete. Not to mention the lack of security for sending out a wire transfer on the authority of only a faxed signature. But it's not always easy even in this day and age to get information on a banks level of customer service. And as for reputation, even Ponzi schemes can have great reputations.

You'll have to balance out your privacy needs with the financial stability of the bank and reputation of the country for financial oversight. Switzerland or Panama might do you fine, or you might want the robust privacy of an account in the Seychelles. There are website forums dedicated to discussing offshore financial planning where current info on the strengths of jurisdictions and even particular banks can be had. A little google foo should get you there. There is always the possibility of global banking crisis, so no matter what bank you choose I'd not keep your full next egg in any one or any number of banks.

Numbered safety deposit boxes can still be had in Europe. With these the keyholder has access, and no documentation is used. Not sure if numbered bank accounts still exist.

Some people opt to create a trust, rather than open a corporation or bank account that is in their real name. This adds a layer of anonymity, but I never looked into it because from what I understand a trust requires trust that the holders won't take your money.

Any US$ money transfer is monitored by the US authorities, so if you are wiring in US funds at least do so from your offshore corporate account, and don't wire to yourself.

It's possible to have bank accounts in other peoples names, with their permission, but these are less useful to store cash than to receive and send payments. In some countries the locals aren't asked to pay taxes and their bank accounts are not closely monitored, so people are not wary of letting you deposit funds into accounts in their name, and can even welcome it as the record of income helps them to get travel visas.

There are money exchangers to help you anonymize your funds. You can transfer between wire transfers, bit-coin, liberty reserve, pecunix, or many other digital currencies. Bit-coin offers the highest anonymity that we know of as of now. You could for instance wire to an exchanger who will sell you bitcoin which you deposit to another exchanger who will wire you cash or mail you gold.

It's not safe to use digital currencies as a value store - they routinely go under, often within about 3 years. It's not known why - perhaps outside fraud and theft kills them, perhaps the US government (likely), or perhaps inside fraud where they deliberately siphon off deposits.

Occasionally you'll find anonymous debit or prepaid visa cards that can be used as small stores of value. Again, these are volatile. Anonymous banking or any loopholes that allow for what is functionally anonymous banking springs up from time to time because of demand, but gets shut down by the authorities. The enterprises that manage to offer services in such a restrictive climate can be a bit "edgy". Fraud in high places is common enough to be well known, and it's also well known that stored value banking card fraud that rips customers off is not prosecuted. I guess it's like trying to sue Paypal.

Oh, and then there is Paypal. It's possible to have anonymous accounts with them, but it's not wise to use them as a store of value. Better than anonymous accounts are accounts under real peoples names who give you permission, but still these do not make for safe places to keep money long term. Paypal should be looked at as one means to help transfer money, and as a store for small amounts of money. If you use them there is a detailed craft for how to not get your accounts frozen, and a much more esoteric craft for how to verify your accounts to raise the sending and receiving limits. The information is available in dark corners of the interweb.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-10-2012

Quote: (07-10-2012 04:13 PM)defguy Wrote:  

Part of being able to uproot is not being tied down with too many posessions. A car, house/mortgage, apartment lease come to mind. Things most people will not give up. Bank accounts and credit cards, I use my cc to pay for everything and dont believe in carrying cash, my wallet is big enough as it is without having to carry several hundred dollars.
You can have credit card and banking while being fully anonymous. That's a whole nuther esoteric art. I'm not ready to give details on anonymous and pseudonymous credit cards just now, but just knowing that it can be done should be enough for the motivated individual to start a fruitful search

As for an apartment lease, I pay per year, and that doesn't tie me down; I still get 2nd apartments month to month when I need them. Car and house? Well, are those a reason not to travel or an excuse? A house can be rented out, cars can be bought and sold. In SE Asia it's easier to get around on a motorcycle, so I just rent those, or buy if I'm in an area for awhile. But it's not difficult to quickly buy and sell cars at little more loss than your depreciation.

There is no reason to be any less materialistic while being anonymous. Or even necessarily to travel more, if travel isn't your thing. Anonymous property rental is still quite easy, and anonymous property ownership can also be structured through paying rent to your own offshore corporation or trust.


It gets easier to be anonymous and use fake names when you are 100% self employed however most people have an employer.
No arguments here. I haven't looked into how to be off the grid and be an on the books employee. Freelancers might have it easier, I'm not sure.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-10-2012

Quote: (07-10-2012 04:24 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Does anyone have a criminal defense attorney on retainer? I know this is not what you were thinking xsplat, but not everyone is able (or willing) to have the lifestyle you have. See one thing all of the girls that xsplat mentioned have is the element of surprise, but in many cases their initial attack sounds like its inch deep. Sure they can file a police report, but are they prepared and do they have the resources to fight a legal death match? I appreciate that you're not in the U.S., and so the "law" is even more flexible than it is here. However, powerful people in the U.S. get away with all kinds of shit, and part of the reason is that they have experienced (and expensive) attorneys that know just what to do.
An attorney is another good angle for protection.

But we've all heard stories of how that doesn't work out.

Even with bottomless money and the best attorney, the option to just go somewhere else is always useful.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - Goldin Boy - 07-10-2012

First, are the same xsplat from the Chateau? Just curious.

I'm working on some online businesses linked to a paypal account. I would request checks and cash them at a supermarket. The dollar's value is dipping, I was thinking of investing some $$ in gold and platinum, do you think that's a good idea?

Re: Living in the system while not getting fucked: Impossible. Men are to Western Society what gasoline is to a car engine; integral to keeping it moving but are consumed entirely in the process. Men have a shorter life span and work all the dangerous jobs(army infantry, police, construction, etc)

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-10-2012

Quote: (07-10-2012 09:40 PM)Goldin Boy Wrote:  

First, are the same xsplat from the Chateau? Just curious.

I'm working on some online businesses linked to a paypal account. I would request checks and cash them at a supermarket. The dollar's value is dipping, I was thinking of investing some $$ in gold and platinum, do you think that's a good idea?

Re: Living in the system while not getting fucked: Impossible. Men are to Western Society what gasoline is to a car engine; integral to keeping it moving but are consumed entirely in the process. Men have a shorter life span and work all the dangerous jobs(army infantry, police, construction, etc)

Yes, I do believe that gold remains a good value store. It's volatile and no one can assure you that it won't lose value against the dollar, but I keep almost half my liquid assets in it. I'm expecting it to climb, but that's not why I'm holding it. Currencies also fluctuate, and holding gold is similar to diversifying your currency holdings. I happen to trust it more than the dollar and I trust my gold caches more than banks. In the event of a personal, regional, or global crisis, it's something I can stick in my pocket and travel with.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - Thomas the Rhymer - 07-11-2012

Quote: (07-10-2012 04:13 PM)defguy Wrote:  

Part of your brand identity can HELP you get girls, especially professions like doctor, lawyer, executive.

I disagree. Having a 'high' status job can be counterproductive, although I suppose it helps if you're hitting on golddiggers. I always try avoid mentioning my job with chicks, because the moment I mention my job the interactions go sour - Contrary to popular belief, being a doctor does not make one a pussy magnet.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - WestCoast - 07-11-2012

I will respectfully disagree with this.

If you are getting less girls with a high status job you are likely not selling it correctly. There is a large difference between telling someone what you do and playfully delivering it. The number one complaint from girls is that high status job guys "brag about what they do" ie: insecure.

Instead why not deliver it like this(sure there are doctors who can give better lines but you'll get the idea)

"what do you do"
"I am candy giver every day I give babies a lollipop!"
"what why, you just give candy to babies?!"
"sure do every day"
"you're crazy no serious what do you do"
"I'm a doctor"

Now she relates Babies, candy and doctor all Ito one. Win.

Versus option 2

"what do you do"
"I'm a surgeon I save lives"
"oh okay, cool"

Yeah... That was a fun interaction.

Quote: (07-11-2012 12:03 AM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Quote: (07-10-2012 04:13 PM)defguy Wrote:  

Part of your brand identity can HELP you get girls, especially professions like doctor, lawyer, executive.

I disagree. Having a 'high' status job can be counterproductive, although I suppose it helps if you're hitting on golddiggers. I always try avoid mentioning my job with chicks, because the moment I mention my job the interactions go sour - Contrary to popular belief, being a doctor does not make one a pussy magnet.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - xsplat - 07-11-2012

"Now she relates Babies, candy and doctor all Ito one. Win."

You've understood the essence of poetry, which is the essence of NLP, which is the essence of seduction.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - WestCoast - 07-11-2012

Thanks brother, hope he gets laid now!

Quote: (07-11-2012 01:26 PM)xsplat Wrote:  

"Now she relates Babies, candy and doctor all Ito one. Win."

You've understood the essence of poetry, which is the essence of NLP, which is the essence of seduction.

Live outside the system, or the system will eat you alive. - dragnet - 07-11-2012

Quote: (07-11-2012 12:03 AM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Quote: (07-10-2012 04:13 PM)defguy Wrote:  

Part of your brand identity can HELP you get girls, especially professions like doctor, lawyer, executive.

I disagree. Having a 'high' status job can be counterproductive, although I suppose it helps if you're hitting on golddiggers. I always try avoid mentioning my job with chicks, because the moment I mention my job the interactions go sour - Contrary to popular belief, being a doctor does not make one a pussy magnet.

No, this just means your Game needs work. That's all.