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Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - speakeasy - 05-09-2012

I'm not taking any pro/con position on his statement. I have my nuanced views gays and gay marriage, but that's not the point here.

When politicians make statements like this above, everything is carefully calculated and scripted. I wonder if he is doing this to shore up his flaccid core liberal support base going into the election? You might think that going into a tight race, he would avoid the gay marriage issue as it's extremely polarizing. I'm guessing his strategists figured that the support he would garner would out-weigh those he'd alienate. It may also mean that he feels so confident going into this election against Romney that he isn't worried about it. Thoughts?

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Roosh - 05-09-2012

Locking up that spinster vote..

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Tuthmosis - 05-09-2012

Less cynically, I'd say he's slowly letting his real beliefs come out as he approaches a second term. This is the new American tradition: spend most of your first term locking down re-election, get more ideological in your second.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - oldnemesis - 05-09-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 02:32 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

When politicians make statements like this above, everything is carefully calculated and scripted. I wonder if he is doing this to shore up his flaccid core liberal support base going into the election? You might think that going into a tight race, he would avoid the gay marriage issue as it's extremely polarizing.

I think it is a winning move on his behalf. Gay communities are very active nowadays, and they make a lot of noise. Their approval will score him some points.

And it doesn't have even to be calculated. How many of the anti-gay crowd would vote for Obama anyway?

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Capitán Peligroso - 05-09-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 02:32 PM)speakeasy Wrote:

I'm not taking any pro/con position on his statement. I have my nuanced views gays and gay marriage, but that's not the point here.

When politicians make statements like this above, everything is carefully calculated and scripted. I wonder if he is doing this to shore up his flaccid core liberal support base going into the election? You might think that going into a tight race, he would avoid the gay marriage issue as it's extremely polarizing. I'm guessing his strategists figured that the support he would garner would out-weigh those he'd alienate. It may also mean that he feels so confident going into this election against Romney that he isn't worried about it. Thoughts?

He's not doing it because he feels so confident that he'll beat Romney anyway. The man is nothing if not politically cautious. This is the result of cold, pragmatic political calculation. Are there risks to it? Sure, but apparently his people convinced him that the pros outweighed the cons.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Caligula - 05-09-2012

Note how they've been floating the issue cautiously (eg. via the VP) in the last week to feel out the response.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - speakeasy - 05-09-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 02:57 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

And it doesn't have even to be calculated. How many of the anti-gay crowd would vote for Obama anyway?

Right, but some people are moderates who aren't anti-gay per se but yet aren't all ideologically wrapped up in the gay movement either. A lot of the more moderate people in the bible belt have this position.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - porcupine - 05-09-2012

Surely not a thinly-veiled attempt to rally the one-track-minded morons who voted for him in 2008.

Actually, make that two-track-minded, they care about abortion, too, omg

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - kerouac - 05-09-2012

Slightly off topic, but would you guys abort your child if you found out in the prenatal testing stages that the baby was going to have Down Syndrome? I would.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Brian - 05-09-2012

Obama is a whore who is going to do any and everything to get a second term. He's just a political whore.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - YoungGunner - 05-09-2012

I knew this thread was missing some brian!

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Caligula - 05-09-2012

We need a Needs more Brian emoticon

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Mr.GM - 05-09-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:22 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

We need a Needs more Brian emoticon

This ^^

This thread needs more Brian !

[Image: attachment.jpg6146]   

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - urbannomad - 05-09-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:39 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:22 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

We need a Needs more Brian emoticon

This ^^

This thread needs more Brian !
Obama coming out for gay marriage will help his re-election cuz it will make republicans defend bigotry which will energize democrats base.[Image: idea.gif]

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Brian - 05-09-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:39 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:22 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

We need a Needs more Brian emoticon

This ^^

This thread needs more Brian !

I'm really honored!

Here's the thing - I'm really not a hardcore Conservative. Those are the Santorum types you find in middle America. I haven't been to church in a very long time and am pro abortion. I just think you shouldnt keep spending more then you make. It never works out in the end. Unfortunately we're headed down that path and its not going to end well. It is what it is.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Tengen - 05-09-2012

Let them have their gay marriage. They can also have the gay divorce, gay child custody, gay alimony payments that comes along with it. Then they'll wish they never got married.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Brian - 05-09-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:50 PM)Tengen Wrote:  

Let them have their gay marriage. They can also have the gay divorce, gay child custody, gay alimony payments that comes along with it. Then they'll wish they never got married.

I've said the exact same thing many times! If gays want to get married I really dont care either way, but I think they are making a huge mistake - they have the perfect setup now in that they cant get married and dont have to deal with all the bullshit that marriage entails. Be careful what you ask for...

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Basil Ransom - 05-10-2012

Obama formerly opposed gay marriage. And now he supports it. Every article I've seen describes it as Obama's evolution. Technically, evolution can mean a good or bad change. But in common parlance, it's almost always taken to mean that something has become better. The media is unequivocally saying that Obama's endorsement of gay marriage is an improvement. It's subtle, but this is just one example of how the media tells people how to think, what is and isn't an acceptable position.

Another implication is that those who do not endorse homosexual marriage are less 'evolved,' i.e. primitive, backwards, archaic, narrow-minded.

If the media were neutral, they would use neutral language, like "Obama changes mind, endorses gay marriage."

Quote: (05-09-2012 03:01 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

Note how they've been floating the issue cautiously (eg. via the VP) in the last week to feel out the response.

Nice catch. Seems obvious now that you mention it, but I didn't connect the two.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - gringochileno - 05-10-2012

I'm pretty sure this has been his real position all along. You've got to remember that until recently, supporting gay marriage was a death sentence in national politics (it was unpopular enough in 2004 for Bush to make it a major part of his re-election campaign, whereas now most polls show the public evenly split on the issue). The fact that Obama left the door open even when he only supported civil unions by saying his views were "evolving" (which is why people are using that term in reference to this particular shift--it's the wording Obama originally used) was a dead giveaway that he'd give gay marriage his public support when it was no longer too politically damaging.

I wasn't expecting it to happen this soon, though. It'll be interesting to see how the political consequences play out in this election cycle and beyond. I'm happy to see him endorse gay marriage, but I'm not so sure that on balance it will benefit him politically, at least in the short term.

And yeah, the Biden thing was obviously a trial balloon. If it had been poorly received they probably would have had him walk it back instead of Obama announcing his support.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Deluge - 05-10-2012

We all knew this was his stance deep down. Right now though, most polls show a plurality of support for gay marriage by the people. Obama knows that most people who would swing to Romney over same-sex marriage were already going to vote Republican anyway. Obama is using same-sex marriage as a call to get currently uninspired young people and liberals to rally around him and turn up to vote in force in November. I think it will work.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Alpha - 05-10-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 02:57 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2012 02:32 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

When politicians make statements like this above, everything is carefully calculated and scripted. I wonder if he is doing this to shore up his flaccid core liberal support base going into the election? You might think that going into a tight race, he would avoid the gay marriage issue as it's extremely polarizing.

I think it is a winning move on his behalf. Gay communities are very active nowadays, and they make a lot of noise. Their approval will score him some points.

And it doesn't have even to be calculated. How many of the anti-gay crowd would vote for Obama anyway?

Unfortunately they are grossly in the minority.

My honest opinion: If I were Obama, I wouldn't want to get re-elected. The whole system is going to come crashing down under the next administration, and whoever is in office is going to get the blame.

Coming out as pro-gay marriage is honestly a losing move as a majority of this country's voters do not believe in gay marriage (as proven recently in north carolina).

But what do I know, I never went to college.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Keyser Söze - 05-10-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 02:32 PM)speakeasy Wrote:

I'm not taking any pro/con position on his statement. I have my nuanced views gays and gay marriage, but that's not the point here.

When politicians make statements like this above, everything is carefully calculated and scripted. I wonder if he is doing this to shore up his flaccid core liberal support base going into the election? You might think that going into a tight race, he would avoid the gay marriage issue as it's extremely polarizing. I'm guessing his strategists figured that the support he would garner would out-weigh those he'd alienate. It may also mean that he feels so confident going into this election against Romney that he isn't worried about it. Thoughts?

Just what exactly is that supposed to mean?

This is not a gray issue. It's black and white. Stay the fuck out of other people's business and worry about your own life.

If you think the power of the state should be used to create a special class of rights for one particular group of citizens and then to deny equal protection under the law to another, you are a bad person.

If you oppose gay marriage on religious grounds, you are both a bad person and rather ignorant, see the video below.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Keyser Söze - 05-10-2012

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:46 PM)Brian Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:39 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2012 10:22 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

We need a Needs more Brian emoticon

This ^^

This thread needs more Brian !

I'm really honored!

Here's the thing - I'm really not a hardcore Conservative. Those are the Santorum types you find in middle America. I haven't been to church in a very long time and am pro abortion. I just think you shouldnt keep spending more then you make. It never works out in the end. Unfortunately we're headed down that path and its not going to end well. It is what it is.

I think you are trolling, but in case not, I'll take the time to try and open your eyes.
The national budget is not the same as a personal/household budget.
All debt is not bad debt. For the clearest proof of this, I suggest you look at the borrowing costs of the USA and Japan on the open market. Both the USA and Japan are heavily indebted, yet they enjoy the lowest borrowing costs in the world.

For the best explanation I have ever seen on the subject, check out this 1790 piece by Alexander Hamilton:

Alexander Hamilton, Report on Public Credit

9 Jan. 1790Papers 6:67--72
In the opinion of the Secretary, the wisdom of the House, in giving their explicit sanction to the proposition which has been stated, ["That an adequate provision for the support of the Public Credit, is a matter of high importance to the honor and prosperity of the United States."] cannot but be applauded by all, who will seriously consider, and trace through their obvious consequences, these plain and undeniable truths.

That exigencies are to be expected to occur, in the affairs of nations, in which there will be a necessity for borrowing.

That loans in times of public danger, especially from foreign war, are found an indispensable resource, even to the wealthiest of them.

And that in a country, which, like this, is possessed of little active wealth, or in other words, little monied capital, the necessity for that resource, must, in such emergencies, be proportionably urgent.

And as on the one hand, the necessity for borrowing in particular emergencies cannot be doubted, so on the other, it is equally evident, that to be able to borrow upon good terms, it is essential that the credit of a nation should be well established.

For when the credit of a country is in any degree questionable, it never fails to give an extravagant premium, in one shape or another, upon all the loans it has occasion to make. Nor does the evil end here; the same disadvantage must be sustained upon whatever is to be bought on terms of future payment.

From this constant necessity of borrowing and buying dear, it is easy to conceive how immensely the expences of a nation, in a course of time, will be augmented by an unsound state of the public credit.

To attempt to enumerate the complicated variety of mischiefs in the whole system of the social oeconomy, which proceed from a neglect of the maxims that uphold public credit, and justify the solicitude manifested by the House on this point, would be an improper intrusion on their time and patience.

In so strong a light nevertheless do they appear to the Secretary, that on their due observance at the present critical juncture, materially depends, in his judgment, the individual and aggregate prosperity of the citizens of the United States; their relief from the embarrassments they now experience; their character as a People; the cause of good government.

If the maintenance of public credit, then, be truly so important, the next enquiry which suggests itself is, by what means it is to be effected? The ready answer to which question is, by good faith, by a punctual performance of contracts. States, like individuals, who observe their engagements, are respected and trusted: while the reverse is the fate of those, who pursue an opposite conduct.

Every breach of the public engagements, whether from choice or necessity, is in different degrees hurtful to public credit. When such a necessity does truly exist, the evils of it are only to be palliated by a scrupulous attention, on the part of the government, to carry the violation no farther than the necessity absolutely requires, and to manifest, if the nature of the case admits of it, a sincere disposition to make reparation, whenever circumstances shall permit. But with every possible mitigation, credit must suffer, and numerous mischiefs ensue. It is therefore highly important, when an appearance of necessity seems to press upon the public councils, that they should examine well its reality, and be perfectly assured, that there is no method of escaping from it, before they yield to its suggestions. For though it cannot safely be affirmed, that occasions have never existed, or may not exist, in which violations of the public faith, in this respect, are inevitable; yet there is great reason to believe, that they exist far less frequently than precedents indicate; and are oftenest either pretended through levity, or want of firmness, or supposed through want of knowledge. Expedients might often have been devised to effect, consistently with good faith, what has been done in contravention of it. Those who are most commonly creditors of a nation, are, generally speaking, enlightened men; and there are signal examples to warrant a conclusion, that when a candid and fair appeal is made to them, they will understand their true interest too well to refuse their concurrence in such modifications of their claims, as any real necessity may demand.

While the observance of that good faith, which is the basis of public credit, is recommended by the strongest inducements of political expediency, it is enforced by considerations of still greater authority. There are arguments for it, which rest on the immutable principles of moral obligation. And in proportion as the mind is disposed to contemplate, in the order of Providence, an intimate connection between public virtue and public happiness, will be its repugnancy to a violation of those principles.

This reflection derives additional strength from the nature of the debt of the United States. It was the price of liberty. The faith of America has been repeatedly pledged for it, and with solemnities, that give peculiar force to the obligation. There is indeed reason to regret that it has not hitherto been kept; that the necessities of the war, conspiring with inexperience in the subjects of finance, produced direct infractions; and that the subsequent period has been a continued scene of negative violation, or non-compliance. But a diminution of this regret arises from the reflection, that the last seven years have exhibited an earnest and uniform effort, on the part of the government of the union, to retrieve the national credit, by doing justice to the creditors of the nation; and that the embarrassments of a defective constitution, which defeated this laudable effort, have ceased.

From this evidence of a favorable disposition, given by the former government, the institution of a new one, cloathed with powers competent to calling forth the resources of the community, has excited correspondent expectations. A general belief, accordingly, prevails, that the credit of the United States will quickly be established on the firm foundation of an effectual provision for the existing debt. The influence, which this has had at home, is witnessed by the rapid increase, that has taken place in the market value of the public securities. From January to November, they rose thirty-three and a third per cent, and from that period to this time, they have risen fifty per cent more. And the intelligence from abroad announces effects proportionably favourable to our national credit and consequence.

It cannot but merit particular attention, that among ourselves the most enlightened friends of good government are those, whose expectations are the highest.

To justify and preserve their confidence; to promote the encreasing respectability of the American name; to answer the calls of justice; to restore landed property to its due value; to furnish new resources both to agriculture and commerce; to cement more closely the union of the states; to add to their security against foreign attack; to establish public order on the basis of an upright and liberal policy. These are the great and invaluable ends to be secured, by a proper and adequate provision, at the present period, for the support of public credit.

To this provision we are invited, not only by the general considerations, which have been noticed, but by others of a more particular nature. It will procure to every class of the community some important advantages, and remove some no less important disadvantages.

The advantage to the public creditors from the increased value of that part of their property which constitutes the public debt, needs no explanation.

But there is a consequence of this, less obvious, though not less true, in which every other citizen is interested. It is a well known fact, that in countries in which the national debt is properly funded, and an object of established confidence, it answers most of the purposes of money. Transfers of stock or public debt are there equivalent to payments in specie; or in other words, stock, in the principal transactions of business, passes current as specie. The same thing would, in all probability happen here, under the like circumstances.

The benefits of this are various and obvious.

First. Trade is extended by it; because there is a larger capital to carry it on, and the merchant can at the same time, afford to trade for smaller profits; as his stock, which, when unemployed, brings him in an interest from the government, serves him also as money, when he has a call for it in his commercial operations.

Secondly. Agriculture and manufactures are also promoted by it: For the like reason, that more capital can be commanded to be employed in both; and because the merchant, whose enterprize in foreign trade, gives to them activity and extension, has greater means for enterprize.

Thirdly. The interest of money will be lowered by it; for this is always in a ratio, to the quantity of money, and to the quickness of circulation. This circumstance will enable both the public and individuals to borrow on easier and cheaper terms.

And from the combination of these effects, additional aids will be furnished to labour, to industry, and to arts of every kind.

But these good effects of a public debt are only to be looked for, when, by being well funded, it has acquired an adequate and stable value. Till then, it has rather a contrary tendency. The fluctuation and insecurity incident to it in an unfunded state, render it a mere commodity, and a precarious one. As such, being only an object of occasional and particular speculation, all the money applied to it is so much diverted from the more useful channels of circulation, for which the thing itself affords no substitute: So that, in fact, one serious inconvenience of an unfunded debt is, that it contributes to the scarcity of money.

This distinction which has been little if at all attended to, is of the greatest moment. It involves a question immediately interesting to every part of the community; which is no other than this--Whether the public debt, by a provision for it on true principles, shall be rendered a substitute for money; or whether, by being left as it is, or by being provided for in such a manner as will wound those principles, and destroy confidence, it shall be suffered to continue, as it is, a pernicious drain of our cash from the channels of productive industry.

The effect, which the funding of the public debt, on right principles, would have upon landed property, is one of the circumstances attending such an arrangement, which has been least adverted to, though it deserves the most particular attention. The present depreciated state of that species of property is a serious calamity. The value of cultivated lands, in most of the states, has fallen since the revolution from 25 to 50 per cent. In those farthest south, the decrease is still more considerable. Indeed, if the representations, continually received from that quarter, may be credited, lands there will command no price, which may not be deemed an almost total sacrifice.

This decrease, in the value of lands, ought, in a great measure, to be attributed to the scarcity of money. Consequently whatever produces an augmentation of the monied capital of the country, must have a proportional effect in raising that value. The beneficial tendency of a funded debt, in this respect, has been manifested by the most decisive experience in Great-Britain.

The proprietors of lands would not only feel the benefit of this increase in the value of their property, and of a more prompt and better sale, when they had occasion to sell; but the necessity of selling would be, itself, greatly diminished. As the same cause would contribute to the facility of loans, there is reason to believe, that such of them as are indebted, would be able through that resource, to satisfy their more urgent creditors.

It ought not however to be expected, that the advantages, described as likely to result from funding the public debt, would be instantaneous. It might require some time to bring the value of stock to its natural level, and to attach to it that fixed confidence, which is necessary to its quality as money. Yet the late rapid rise of the public securities encourages an expectation, that the progress of stock to the desireable point, will be much more expeditious than could have been foreseen. And as in the mean time it will be increasing in value, there is room to conclude, that it will, from the outset, answer many of the purposes in contemplation. Particularly it seems to be probable, that from creditors, who are not themselves necessitous, it will early meet with a ready reception in payment of debts, at its current price.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - Samseau - 05-10-2012

Hamilton was a retard; the country was saved by his execution.

Obama is whoring himself out to the gays; a new low for Obama.

American politics are pathetic; issues like gay buttsex make national headlines.

Obama finally comes out as pro gay marriage - ElJefe - 05-10-2012

Keyser Soze, you're a total moron and you're the one trolling by clogging this thread with a massive post. Link to the original text if you must, include the essentials in your quote.

Now I have to skip your stupid post, and I like to read the essentials.

What makes your first post really dumb is that you in seriousness link to a Hollywood show as if Hollywood ever was an authorative source on anything, especially with a man with the opinions of Martin Sheen.

As for precluding certain groups from certain rights. What argument is there that everyone should have exactly the same rights on all matters?

Most of the time, people in here complain that we have become a society of people demanding rights. Rights to entitlements, to what is not theirs. Privileges they have not earned.

I cannot see why gays feel the need to get married. Why do they care? So they can have a party and wear white stuff? What is that seperates marriage from cohabitation that makes them feel so inadequate? I smell major inferiority complexes.

Unless it's to destroy the institution of marriage. Marriage is a contractual relationship designed to beget children, with duties and responsibilities and a solemn vow to forever remain true. Marriage as an institution is on the way out anyways, but gays are not interested in saving marriage by insisting on the important of duty and responsibility, unconditional love and loyalty that a wife's main job should be to take care of her children and keep her fat ass hot and fuck the shit out of her husband when he brings home the bacon. Instead they are bitching about rights.

In 1995, civil unions (secular marriage) were legalized in DK. The government has now made it legal to marry gays in Churches. Priests who refuse may do so (many will carry it out though... Danish christianity is a joke). For now. I do not doubt for a second the next step will be requirement that a priest who wants to keep his job may not refuse to wed a gay couple, seeing how these people will stop at nothing.

Gay movement activists are of the same brand as feminists and only care about destroying the nuclear family and traditional Western society. Fair enough. But if you're like 90 percent of the other guys on here, you can't bitch about the demise of the West and at the same time think supporting this stuff is a good idea.