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Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Printable Version

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Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Roosh - 04-24-2012

After putting a lot of blood and sweat here, I think I want to go somewhere a little easier where I don't need to re-learn a new game from scratch. I have the month of June to play around. I prefer to stay in Europe.

Possible options:

Romania/Moldova: Somewhat similar game to Industrial Shithole. Not going to be easy but I think my learning curve will be short.

Finland/Sweden/Norway: Slutty girls but masculine. It will be expensive but I think I can complete my Scandinavian flag sweep in the month.

France (Paris): Something new and different. I still need my French flag.

Berlin: International city with women from different countries.

I think my main goal is to rack up some flags and focus on fun. After a month of traveling to one of the above places, I want to hit a Southern European beach.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - WanderingSoul - 04-24-2012

I vote for Paris. Not really a place on my radar but so many people love the girls in Montreal that I am curious to know how the girls of Paris compare.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Spike - 04-24-2012

I voted for Paris. Don't wanna get into a race thread here but i would like to see how a Persian/Arabian looking guy does in a country with lots of immigrants of similar descent but without speaking the language.

Lots of Europeans dislike the French because the French in France treat everyone bad who doesn't speak the French language. Even French speaking Canadians hate the place.

I think it will be a good challenge to pick up here.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - billy - 04-24-2012

I would head to Croatia, chill on the coast and I am sure you can game chicks form all over now that the weather is getting better and summer hollidays will start soon. If not that then head to Paris for a short while but come the summer the city will empty of Parisiens as they head south for hollidays.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - The Fantasist - 04-24-2012


Romania is an awesome country with a beautiful race of women who love to bang and party,I know you'd kill it down there. If I was not such a Russophile I'd make it my regular gaming destination. It also has the Black Sea resort of Constantia which is banging in the summer by all accounts so you could spend a month doing the interior, swooping hot brunettes and then in July hit the coast to get your flags with the girls who head down there for cheap beach holidays from places like Belarus,Balkans etc. I've been to Romania three or four times and had a great time on each trip. Trust me if you head to Romania you'd have a great time without half as much effort as you need to put in in the Ukraine.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - The Fantasist - 04-24-2012

Quote: (04-24-2012 11:06 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Lots of Europeans dislike the French because the French in France treat everyone bad who doesn't speak the French language. Even French speaking Canadians hate the place.

I was in France yesterday and I'll just say that it's not just non French speaking people that Parisians dislike,they dislike their own countrymen just as much.

Fine looking women though especially in this spring weather.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Amsterdao! - 04-24-2012

Romania and if possible not only Bucharest, but also Timisoara and other smaller cities. Curious about the quality over there...

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - el mechanico - 04-24-2012

Greece and Turkey. Hop from island to island every few days. Game girls on the ferry boats and drift. You'll be able to collect more flags there than anyplace else in Europe.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - durangotang - 04-24-2012

My vote is for Paris given the options you listed, but I like the idea of hitting an island in Greece like Kamaki listed in a prior thread and using your Polish, Ukrainian and Russian skills to kick back and have a good time.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - el mechanico - 04-24-2012

Quote: (04-24-2012 12:08 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

My vote is for Paris given the options you listed, but I like the idea of hitting an island in Greece like Kamaki listed in a prior thread and using your Polish, Ukrainian and Russian skills to kick back and have a good time.
Roosh will kill it there + good food and scenery

Think about it. Girls from all over go there to fuck and party in the summer it's a no brainer. Avoid Mykonos

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Blunt - 04-24-2012

Never been to any of these, but I think Romania is a good choice. Romanian is a romance language so with your Spanish skills you should be able to pick up a little. I've heard they have lots of beaches, and slavic girls in the summer. After I go home and save some dough it will be one of the first countries I hit.

Also, I think Romanian girls would be more accustomed to your look (bearded, swarthy). A lot of girls I've met in Russia say they aren't into beards (as if girls know what they are attracted to), so I don't know if that's been affecting your success rate in I.S. Though, I think they say that mainly because beards are strongly associated with Caucasians, of whom there is a general dislike of.

Paris would be cool just to see how an American player goes down out there these days.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - cibo - 04-24-2012

Voted Paris

I've heard mixed things about Paris. And while I had only a weekend to really hang out around there, it seemed like there was some decent talent and interesting people.

I would like to see Roosh's thoughts about the place.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Menace - 04-24-2012

Paris because:

a) known for beautiful women but you don't hear much about people gaming there or what it takes,
b) after ugly industrial shit hole, go to some place that is truly beautiful; feed your eyes as well as your dick
c) enjoy some of the finer things in life (food, wine)
d) it's a short trip to Biarritz (Southern European beach town) after you're done with the big city.

Vive la France!

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Vacancier Permanent - 04-24-2012

I would also vote for Romania for the reasons mentioned above by others. Another great option would be Lisbon in Portugual. It's known to be Europe's most cosmopolitan city, it's a major city with great weather, awesome food, great wines, good beaches, good social and night life and to top it of, it's among the cheapest major European cities and you're still within driving and easy distance to great places in Spain and France and the rest of the continent is a short flight away. Plus Brasil is only a 7 hour flight too...Thoughts? [Image: smile.gif]

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Roosh - 04-24-2012

A few of you are giving good replies for July. For June i want to stay in cities until summer really gets going in Europe.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - OGNorCal707 - 04-24-2012

I vote Scandinavia, because I want to see if all the hype around Finland is true.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Sirob - 04-24-2012


I would dig to see Roosh's clinical insight of Nordic game.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - finton_the_toole - 04-24-2012

Paris might be interesting. The women are hot. On the downside, Parisians can be very closed and extremely snooty. You need to show you're worthy of them. Parisians are susceptible to displays of status. In Paris that means connections, where you went to school and, of course, money.

On the other hand, Paris is also full of foreigners and students; these sorts of people, don't play by Parisian rules. Paris is also eye-wateringly expensive.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - slubu - 04-24-2012

In my limited experience I can say the following:

Scandanavia Girls there watch simpsons so the ability to game with wit exists. I spent one night in Helsinki and when I told girls I was from California they started orgasming orally and calling over all their friends. It was pretty sweet. From what I saw girls were pretty hot there, but again I'm talking one night's experience.

Met some girls from Norway, also very hot and sensual. Ironically now that I think about it they also would take on Western game because I remember acting aloof around one and she kept saying why don't you pay attention to me like the other guys. Again, limited experience though.

Lisbon Maybe it was just me, but I hated that town. Grafitti everywhere, the clubs were the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, people dancing in unison like zombies. I had 0 game back then so no idea how that would play out.

Paris To me this seems more like something you would do with a wife/gf. But the food is absolutely awesome and it could be interesting trying to game girls there. My view which could be dead wrong is that they are very snobby and social circlish there given the shopping.

Best of luck.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Vice - 04-24-2012

I voted Other. Why not go to Asia instead? I suggest Japan.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - SamBellamy - 04-24-2012

- I would love to see Roosh tackle the Balkans next (He has done enough EE me thinks). All accounts seem to suggest that the women are beautiful there. Maybe Roosh can start off in Croatia with the summer around the corner. Bonus: A lot of Europeans vacation there and so maybe he can pick up some other flags with girls of all nationalities slutting it up during their vacation time.

- Romania/Moldova also seems interesting.

- I don't know why people are recommending France, Germany and Scandanavia for. You know its not like we don't know the deal with masculine Western women already. Also mad expensive! I don't think Roosh wants a repeat of the Denmark experience.

- I would have suggested Roosh does Slovakia (read Mixxx's report) but with summer coming up, it's probably not the time to do it.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Vacancier Permanent - 04-24-2012

For France, I'd suggest spend 2-3 days max a week in Paris, then head out to the south west around Biarritz/Bayonne, Anglet, St Jean de Luz in July/August and you will have 90% of Northern Europeans plus French, Spanish, Portuguese tourists there. But be warned, it's not cheap but super mega fun, filled to the brims with mega hotties. I know too well as that's where I grew up.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-24-2012

I'd love Roosh to visit Croatia and no, it's no just so to get an autograph from him [Image: biggrin.gif] Croatian women (particularly Dalmatian, on the coast) are very beautiful, but also very Americanized. I think he'd be severely annoyed again.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - RobP - 04-24-2012

Roosh--Romania looks good for the next stop.
Longer-term, I would love to see you hit Beirut--really hot chicks, good nightlife and also day-game possibilities at the universities.

Where should I go after Industrial Shithole? - Roosh - 04-24-2012

I will be in the Balkans in July, not sure exactly where yet.