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Is game not for me? - Cyrus - 04-14-2012

I don't mean game PRINCIPLES, like all of the knowledge the red pill entails and how to behave properly around women,

I mean game as seduction.

I have a decent amount of pussy thrown at me with hardly any work, at university. Enough(Quantity and attractiveness) to make alot of guys satisfied. After I stop seeing one girl its usually a 5-15 days before I find a new one. It's maybe due to good looks?? But I used to date hotter girls in the end of senior year-post-high-school and freshman year era, so my stantdards are high. and the hottest girls at Uni are too few and too entitled.

They really only offer a chance to guys from a small few elite frats, and they expect guys to be taller than me, and I don't get the opportunity of facetime in lecture, even though I always close girls from lecture!!!

My experience with learning game comes alot from off campus, generally at clubs and concerts, I've noticed that, pre-approach, the girl either wants me or doesn't want me. I'm very absolutist in my beliefs right now.

Game doesn't matter. When the girl wants me, I don't really need to neg, just kino, a cold sexual stare, and light friendly convo wins her over. I usually need to be careful on my negs, any more than 1 and the girl may start feeling hurt, and ive messed up alot in overnegging.

When the girl DOESN'T want me, solid openers don't matter. A sly, confident smile at approach doesn't help. I'm ousted from the start. My success rate with approaches from the IOIs is extremely fucking high. I'm a sniper.

But being a sniper is boring because I want a rotation of girls. And I have issues with gaming girls at places like the gym where everyone is already hating on me squating so much. They'd love to see me blow out with a girl. Sometimes a girl will open me in public, then I can get things going but I don't really like the day time approach. Sorry. So I'm encouraged myself to approach more at nightlife/party events.

I don't get much opportunity to get off campus because of school but I ran a little experiment, hot and cold. I would go to a 21+ club (I recently turned 22 yo) that plays good music. I picked this club because good music generally puts me in a really good mood, which is great for my state. It's kind of a new thing, but every other week at their larger-scaled parties I either approach hot (after receiving IOIs) or cold (a girl not giving me any cues, but standing approachable).

So far I've done 1 cold approach night and 1 hot approach night 1. In the cold approach night I approached 7 times before I got tired, all 7 girls were all polite; one even gave me a drink, another came back to dance but I walked away. During the hot night I didn't get any IOIs at all from girls I was interested in talking to. It was terrible. There was one really hot girl who was grinding sexually on the DJ booth so everyone could see her, but I'm pretty sure she was the DJ's girl seeking attention as she turned down others' approaches.

I'm trying to better myself with game but game never even works for me. I have a good notch count for my age but nothing but inner-game has accounted for successes. When I do succeed, I literally talk about RANDOM SHIT that's extremely irrelevant to game, and I am rarely able to use game tactics. It seems like just asking simple questions about the girl gets them wet, after they've given the IOI. I'm getting really frustrated and pissed at this.

Does game maybe not apply to some people?

Is game not for me? - Saladin - 04-14-2012

You did 1 cold approach night bro.
Do 50 more nights and then come back.

You're not gonna see changes until at least 50 cold approaches, and real solid changes will start happening after you have a few hundred approaches under your belt.

Is game not for me? - DareP - 04-14-2012

lol ... You've done 7 cold approaches and you've decided game doesn't work for you?

Have you heard the saying that "you can have anything you want in life, as long as you're willing to pay the price upfront?"

Well, the price of getting good at game is THOUSANDS of rejections. It's the emotional rollercoaster, the ego bashing, the many hours of soul-searching that come with approaching and getting rejected.

The question I think you need to ask yourself is whether or not the lifestyle you say you want is what you actually want. Do you want it badly enough to pay the price? If not, then be happy with the amount of pussy you get right now. If it IS worth the price, then you've got a long road ahead of you.

Saying "game" doesn't apply to some people is ridiculous. "Game" is simply the act of increasing your likelyhood of getting laid by meeting a lot of women while simultaneously developing your core confidence. Saying that "doesn't work" is like saying practicing how to ride a bike won't make you a better rider. It's simply not true. Game works, but you're probably just underestimating the price. 7 approaches is nothing. That's a warmup, not a night out.

Is game not for me? - Cyrus - 04-14-2012

no its a "night" actually going out. doesn't count the approaches or conversations I spark up with girls on campus that might evolve into something....

Is game not for me? - Deluge - 04-14-2012

Quote: (04-14-2012 10:01 PM)Cyrus Wrote:  

no its a "night" actually going out. doesn't count the approaches or conversations I spark up with girls on campus that might evolve into something....

Go do 50 daygame cold approaches over the next few weeks. Then come back and tell us how you've improved.

Is game not for me? - Capitán Peligroso - 04-14-2012

"But being a sniper is boring because I want a rotation of girls."

For our purposes, there are three types of women. 1) those who won't give you the time of day no matter what you do 2) those who are a slam dunk no matter what you do and 3) the ones who could go either way, depending on what you do. All of the quality-of-life enhancing aspects of game really take place in your interactions with group 3. Dealing with group 1 is safe because you are always going to get blown out, so there isn't any true risk there and dealing with group 3 is safe because a slam dunk is a slam dunk. But you're not going to pull the quality you desire, because really they're choosing you, you're not choosing them. Putting most of your efforts into group 3 has the most possibility for pushing you to be better in many aspects of your life. And if you really want a rotation of girls of quality level worth having, you have to game group 3. If you limit yourself to group 2, like it sounds like you have to some degree, you will never pull the the quantity OR the quality you want.

Is game not for me? - Roosh - 04-14-2012


I'm a sniper.

No you're not. You're a lazy guy who waits for girls to make it obvious that they like you.

Moving this to the newbie forum where it belongs.

Is game not for me? - MrWombat - 04-15-2012

Quote: (04-14-2012 08:37 PM)Cyrus Wrote:  

But being a sniper is boring because I want a rotation of girls.
AFAIK, to get a rotation going, to not just snipe 'em but keep 'em, you need to be good in bed.

Just sayin.

Is game not for me? - Tuthmosis - 04-15-2012

Quote: (04-14-2012 10:35 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


I'm a sniper.

No you're not. You're a lazy guy who waits for girls to make it obvious that they like you.

Moving this to the newbie forum where it belongs.

Agreed. One of the dumber posts in recent weeks.

Is game not for me? - soup - 04-15-2012

Ha- the title of this thread is like asking "is science not for me?"